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In This Package:


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 #
00003 # Usage: nuwa.py -A -n 0 -m "CalibParam.Reprocess -i calibStats.root -o calibStatsReprocessed.root"
00004 #
00005 # Refits the TDC and ADC histograms for each PMT channel, and
00006 # regenerates summary histograms.
00007 #
00009 def configure(argv = []):
00010     "Reload the calibration statistics file, and re-calibrate"
00012     import sys,getopt
00013     inFile = "calibStats.root"
00014     outFile = "calibStatsReprocessed.root"
00015     opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"i:o:")
00016     print "opts = ",opts
00017     for opt, arg in opts:
00018         if opt == "-i":
00019             inFile = arg
00020         if opt == "-o":
00021             outFile = arg
00022     print "inFile: ",inFile
00023     print "outFile: ",outFile
00025     import CalibParam
00026     CalibParam.Configure()
00028     from StatisticsSvc.StatisticsSvcConf import StatisticsSvc
00029     statssvc = StatisticsSvc()
00030     statssvc.Input ={"file0":inFile}
00031     statssvc.Output ={"file0":outFile}
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Generated on Mon Apr 11 20:29:39 2011 for CalibParam by doxygen 1.4.7