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In This Package:


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 def configure( argv=[] ):
00002     """ Example of processing raw data """
00003     from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup, IndentedHelpFormatter
00004     parser = OptionParser(usage="-m \"DaqBenchmark [-eEfFrR]\"",
00005                           version="%prog 1.0")
00006     parser.add_option('-e',
00007                       '--daq-event',
00008                       dest='USE_DAQ_EVENT',
00009                       action='store_true',
00010                       help='Use the DaqEvent products when benchmarking',
00011                       default = False)
00012     parser.add_option('-E',
00013                       '--no-daq-event',
00014                       dest='USE_DAQ_EVENT',
00015                       action='store_false',
00016                       help='Do not use the DaqEvent products when benchmarking',
00017                       default = False)
00018     parser.add_option('-f',
00019                       '--daq-format',
00020                       dest='USE_DAQ_FORMAT',
00021                       action='store_true',
00022                       help='Use the DaqFormat products when benchmarking',
00023                       default = False)
00024     parser.add_option('-F',
00025                       '--no-daq-format',
00026                       dest='USE_DAQ_FORMAT',
00027                       action='store_false',
00028                       help='Do not use the DaqFormat products when benchmarking',
00029                       default = False)
00030     parser.add_option('-r',
00031                       '--readout-event',
00032                       dest='USE_READOUT_EVENT',
00033                       action='store_true',
00034                       help='Use the ReadoutEvent products when benchmarking',
00035                       default = False)
00036     parser.add_option('-R',
00037                       '--no-readout-event',
00038                       dest='USE_READOUT_EVENT',
00039                       action='store_false',
00040                       help='Do not Use the ReadoutEvent products when benchmarking',
00041                       default = False)
00042     (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv)
00044     from StatisticsSvc.StatisticsSvcConf import StatisticsSvc
00045     statsSvc = StatisticsSvc()
00046     statsSvc.Output ={"file0":"DybBenchmarkResults.root"}
00048     from Gaudi.Configuration import ApplicationMgr
00049     from DaqFormatModules.DaqFormatModulesConf import DaqBenchmark
00050     benchmark = DaqBenchmark("Bench 1")
00051     app = ApplicationMgr()
00052     app.TopAlg.append(benchmark)
00053     benchmark.UseDaqFormat=options.USE_DAQ_FORMAT
00054     benchmark.UseDaqEvent=options.USE_DAQ_EVENT
00055     benchmark.UseReadoutEvent=options.USE_READOUT_EVENT
00058 def run(app):
00059     '''
00060     Configure and add the algorithm to job
00061     '''
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Generated on Mon Apr 11 20:46:28 2011 for DaqFormatModules by doxygen 1.4.7