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In This Package:

FloatingFeePedestalSvc.cc File Reference

#include "FloatingFeePedestalSvc.h"
#include "Event/ReadoutPmtCrate.h"
#include "Event/ReadoutPmtChannel.h"
#include "Event/Readout.h"
#include "Conventions/Electronics.h"
#include "Context/TimeStamp.h"

Include dependency graph for FloatingFeePedestalSvc.cc:

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 FloatingFeePedestalSvc::FloatingFeePedestalSvc (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *svc)
 FloatingFeePedestalSvc::~FloatingFeePedestalSvc ()
StatusCode FloatingFeePedestalSvc::initialize ()
StatusCode FloatingFeePedestalSvc::finalize ()
StatusCode FloatingFeePedestalSvc::queryInterface (const InterfaceID &riid, void **ppvInterface)
StatusCode FloatingFeePedestalSvc::cumulate (const DayaBay::ReadoutHeader *rh)
double FloatingFeePedestalSvc::pedestal (const DayaBay::FeeChannelId &channelId, int gain) const
double FloatingFeePedestalSvc::updatePedestal (list< unsigned int > &PreAdcs, unsigned int newPreAdc)
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Generated on Mon Apr 11 20:29:21 2011 for FloatingFeePedestalSvc by doxygen 1.4.7