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In This Package:

PropertyList Member List

This is the complete list of members for PropertyList, including all inherited members.

addProperty(const std::string &name, Property &p)PropertyList
addProperty(Property &p)PropertyList
assign(const Property &p)PropertyList [virtual]
assign(const std::string &name, const Property &p)PropertyList
clone() const =0Property [pure virtual]
declareReadHandler(PropertyCallbackFunctor *pf)Property [virtual]
declareReadHandler(void(HT::*MF)(Property &), HT *instance)Property [inline]
declareUpdateHandler(PropertyCallbackFunctor *pf)Property [virtual]
declareUpdateHandler(void(HT::*MF)(Property &), HT *instance)Property [inline]
documentation() const Property [inline]
fillStream(std::ostream &) const Property [virtual]
fromString(const std::string &value)=0Property [pure virtual]
getProperties() const PropertyList
getProperty(const std::string &name) const PropertyList
isRef() const PropertyList [inline]
load(Property &p) const PropertyList [virtual]
load(const std::string &name, Property &p) const PropertyList
m_propertyListPropertyList [private]
m_readCallBackProperty [mutable, protected]
m_updateCallBackProperty [protected]
name() const Property [inline]
operator=(const Property &right)Property [protected]
Property(const std::type_info &type, const std::string &name="")Property [protected]
Property(const std::string &name, const std::type_info &type)Property [protected]
Property(const Property &right)Property [protected]
PropertyList(const std::string &name)PropertyList
readCallBack() const Property
removeProperty(const std::string &name)PropertyList
removeProperty(Property &p)PropertyList
setDocumentation(const std::string &documentation)Property [inline]
setName(const std::string &value)Property [inline]
toString() const =0Property [pure virtual]
type() const Property [inline]
type_info() const Property [inline]
updateCallBack() const Property
useReadHandler() const Property [virtual]
useUpdateHandler()Property [virtual]
~Property()Property [virtual]
~PropertyList()PropertyList [virtual]
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