| Classes | Job Modules | Data Objects | Services | Algorithms | Tools | Packages | Directories | Tracs |

In This Package:


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 #ifndef HEPMC_GEN_EVENT_H
00003 #define HEPMC_GEN_EVENT_H
00006 // Matt.Dobbs@Cern.CH, September 1999, refer to:
00007 // M. Dobbs and J.B. Hansen, "The HepMC C++ Monte Carlo Event Record for
00008 // High Energy Physics", Computer Physics Communications (to be published).
00009 //
00010 // Event record for MC generators (for use at any stage of generation)
00012 //
00013 // This class is intended as both a "container class" ( to store a MC
00014 //  event for interface between MC generators and detector simulation )
00015 //  and also as a "work in progress class" ( that could be used inside
00016 //  a generator and modified as the event is built ).
00017 //
00018 // Iterators are provided which allow the user to easily obtain a
00019 //  list of particles or vertices in an event --- this list can be filled
00020 //  subject to some sort of selection criteria. Examples are given below
00021 //  ( see HepMC::copy_if and std::copy )
00027 namespace HepMC {
00029     // To create a list from an iterator, use: (i.e. for a list of particles);
00030     // #include <algorithm>
00031     //     list<GenParticle*> thelist;
00032     //     copy( evt->particles_begin(), evt->particles_end(), 
00033     //           back_inserter(thelist) );
00034     // to create a list subject to a condition (predicate) use:
00035     //     list<GenParticle*> thelist;
00036     //     HepMC::copy_if( evt->particles_begin(), evt->particles_end(), 
00037     //                     back_inserter(thelist), is_photon() );
00038     // where is_photon() is a predicate like:
00039     //     class is_photon {
00040     //       public:
00041     //         bool operator() ( GenParticle const * p ) {
00042     //             if ( p && p->pdg_id() == 22 ) return 1;
00043     //             return 0;
00044     //         }
00045     //     };
00046     // which the user defines herself.
00049     template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class Predicate>
00050     void copy_if( InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out,
00051                   Predicate pred ) {
00052         for ( ; first != last; ++first ) { if ( pred(*first) ) out = *first; }
00053     }
00054 } // HepMC
00056 // Since a container of all vertices in the event is maintained, the time
00057 //  required to loop over all vertices (or particles) is very fast -- and 
00058 //  the user does not gain much by first making his own list.
00059 //  (this is not true for the GenVertex:: versions of these iterators, which
00060 //   allow you to specify the vertex starting point and range)
00062 // Data Members:
00063 // signal_process_id()   The integer ID that uniquely specifies this signal
00064 //                       process, i.e. MSUB in Pythia. It is necessary to
00065 //                       package this with each event rather than with the run
00066 //                       because many processes may be generated within one
00067 //                       run.
00068 // event_number()        Strictly speaking we cannot think of any reason that
00069 //                       an event would need to know its own event number, it
00070 //                       is more likely something that would be assigned by
00071 //                       a database. It is included anyway (tradition?) since
00072 //                       we expect it may be useful for debugging. It can
00073 //                       be reset later by a database.
00074 // mpi()                 The number of multi parton interactions in the event.
00075 //                       This is NOT beam pileup.  Set to -1 by default.
00076 // beam_particles()      A pair of pointers to the incoming beam particles.
00077 // signal_process_vertex() pointer to the vertex containing the signal process
00078 // weights()             Vector of doubles which specify th weight of the evnt,
00079 //                       the first entry will be the "event weight" used for
00080 //                       hit and miss etc., but a general vector is used to
00081 //                       allow for reweighting etc. We envision a list of
00082 //                       WeightTags to be included with a run class which
00083 //                       would specify the meaning of the Weights .
00084 // random_states()       Vector of integers which specify the random number 
00085 //                       generator's state for this event. It is left to the
00086 //                       generator to make use of this. We envision a vector of
00087 //                       RndmStatesTags to be included with a run class which
00088 //                       would specify the meaning of the random_states.
00089 //
00091 // Memory allocation //
00093 // -When a vertex (particle) is added to a event (vertex), it is "adopted" 
00094 //  and becomes the responsibility of the event (vertex) to delete that 
00095 //  particle. 
00096 // -objects responsible for deleting memory:
00097 //    -events delete included vertices
00098 //    -each vertex deletes its outgoing particles which do not have decay
00099 //     vertices
00100 //    -each vertex deletes its incoming particles which do not
00101 //     have creation vertices 
00102 //
00104 // About the Barcodes //
00106 // - each vertex or particle has a barcode, which is just an integer which
00107 //   uniquely identifies it inside the event (i.e. there is a one to one
00108 //   mapping between particle memory addresses and particle barcodes... and 
00109 //   the same applied for vertices)
00110 // - The value of a barcode has NO MEANING and NO ORDER!
00111 //   For the user's convenience, when an event is read in via an IO_method
00112 //   from an indexed list (like the HEPEVT common block), then the index will
00113 //   become the barcode for that particle.
00114 // - particle barcodes are always positive integers
00115 //   vertex barcodes are always negative integers
00116 //   The barcodes are chosen and set automatically when a vertex or particle
00117 //   comes under the ownership of an event (i.e. it is contained in an event).
00118 // - You can tell when a particle or vertex is owned, because its 
00119 //   parent_event() return value will return a pointer to the event which owns
00120 //   it (or null if its an orphan).
00121 // 
00123 #include "HepMC/GenVertex.h"
00124 #include "HepMC/GenParticle.h"
00125 #include "HepMC/WeightContainer.h"
00126 #include "HepMC/HeavyIon.h"
00127 #include "HepMC/PdfInfo.h"
00128 #include <map>
00129 #include <vector>
00130 #include <algorithm>
00131 #include <iostream>
00133 namespace HepMC {
00142     class GenEvent {
00143         friend class GenParticle;
00144         friend class GenVertex;  
00145     public:
00147         GenEvent( int signal_process_id = 0, int event_number = 0,
00148                   GenVertex* signal_vertex = 0,
00149                   const WeightContainer& weights = std::vector<double>(),
00150                   const std::vector<long>& randomstates = std::vector<long>() );
00152         GenEvent( int signal_process_id, int event_number,
00153                   GenVertex* signal_vertex, const WeightContainer& weights,
00154                   const std::vector<long>& randomstates,
00155                   const HeavyIon& ion, const PdfInfo& pdf );
00156         GenEvent( const GenEvent& inevent );          
00157         GenEvent& operator=( const GenEvent& inevent ); 
00158         virtual ~GenEvent(); 
00160         void swap( GenEvent & other );  
00162         void print( std::ostream& ostr = std::cout ) const; 
00163         void print_version( std::ostream& ostr = std::cout ) const; 
00166         GenParticle* barcode_to_particle( int barCode ) const;
00168         GenVertex*   barcode_to_vertex(   int barCode ) const;
00171         // access methods //
00174         int signal_process_id() const; 
00175         int event_number() const; 
00176         int mpi() const;          
00177         double event_scale() const; 
00178         double alphaQCD() const; 
00179         double alphaQED() const; 
00181         GenVertex* signal_process_vertex() const;
00183         bool valid_beam_particles() const;
00185         std::pair<HepMC::GenParticle*,HepMC::GenParticle*> beam_particles() const;
00192         WeightContainer&        weights(); 
00193         const WeightContainer&  weights() const; 
00196         HeavyIon const *          heavy_ion() const;
00197         HeavyIon*                heavy_ion();
00199         PdfInfo const *           pdf_info() const;
00200         PdfInfo*                 pdf_info();
00203         std::vector<long> random_states() const;
00205         void set_signal_process_id( int id ); 
00206         void set_event_number( int eventno ); 
00207         void set_mpi( int  ); 
00208         void set_event_scale( double scale ); 
00209         void set_alphaQCD( double a ); 
00210         void set_alphaQED( double a ); 
00213         void set_signal_process_vertex( GenVertex* );
00215         bool set_beam_particles(GenParticle*, GenParticle*);
00217         bool set_beam_particles(std::pair<HepMC::GenParticle*,HepMC::GenParticle*> const &);
00219         void set_random_states( const std::vector<long>& randomstates );
00222         void set_heavy_ion( const HeavyIon& ion );
00224         void set_pdf_info( const PdfInfo& p );
00227         int     particles_size() const;
00229         bool    particles_empty() const;
00231         int     vertices_size() const;
00233         bool    vertices_empty() const;
00236         // mutator methods //
00239         bool    add_vertex( GenVertex* vtx );    
00240         bool    remove_vertex( GenVertex* vtx ); 
00241         void    clear();                         
00243     public:
00245         // vertex_iterators          //
00247         // Note:  the XXX_iterator is "resolvable" as XXX_const_iterator, but 
00248         //  not the reverse, which is consistent with STL, 
00249         //  see Musser, Derge, Saini 2ndEd. p. 69,70.
00256         class vertex_const_iterator :
00257           public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag,HepMC::GenVertex*,ptrdiff_t>{
00258             // Iterates over all vertices in this event
00259         public:
00261             vertex_const_iterator(
00262                 const 
00263                 std::map<int,HepMC::GenVertex*,std::greater<int> >::const_iterator& i)
00264                 : m_map_iterator(i) {}
00265             vertex_const_iterator() {}
00267             vertex_const_iterator( const vertex_const_iterator& i )
00268                 { *this = i; }
00269             virtual ~vertex_const_iterator() {}
00271             vertex_const_iterator&  operator=( const vertex_const_iterator& i )
00272                 { m_map_iterator = i.m_map_iterator; return *this; }
00274             GenVertex* operator*(void) const { return m_map_iterator->second; }
00276             vertex_const_iterator&  operator++(void)  //Pre-fix increment 
00277                 { ++m_map_iterator; return *this; }
00279             vertex_const_iterator   operator++(int)   //Post-fix increment
00280                 { vertex_const_iterator out(*this); ++(*this); return out; }
00282             bool  operator==( const vertex_const_iterator& a ) const
00283                 { return m_map_iterator == a.m_map_iterator; }
00285             bool  operator!=( const vertex_const_iterator& a ) const
00286                 { return !(m_map_iterator == a.m_map_iterator); }
00287         protected:
00289             std::map<int,HepMC::GenVertex*,std::greater<int> >::const_iterator 
00290                                                                 m_map_iterator;
00291         };
00292         friend class vertex_const_iterator;
00294         vertex_const_iterator      vertices_begin() const
00295             { return GenEvent::vertex_const_iterator( 
00296                 m_vertex_barcodes.begin() ); }
00298         vertex_const_iterator      vertices_end() const
00299             { return GenEvent::vertex_const_iterator(
00300                 m_vertex_barcodes.end() ); }
00308         class vertex_iterator :
00309           public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag,HepMC::GenVertex*,ptrdiff_t>{
00310             // Iterates over all vertices in this event
00311         public:
00313             vertex_iterator( 
00314                 const 
00315                 std::map<int,HepMC::GenVertex*,std::greater<int> >::iterator& i )
00316                 : m_map_iterator( i ) {}
00317             vertex_iterator() {}
00319             vertex_iterator( const vertex_iterator& i ) { *this = i; }
00320             virtual ~vertex_iterator() {}
00322             vertex_iterator&  operator=( const vertex_iterator& i ) {
00323                 m_map_iterator = i.m_map_iterator;
00324                 return *this;
00325             }
00327             operator vertex_const_iterator() const
00328                 { return vertex_const_iterator(m_map_iterator); }
00330             GenVertex*        operator*(void) const
00331                 { return m_map_iterator->second; }
00333             vertex_iterator&  operator++(void)  //Pre-fix increment 
00334                 { ++m_map_iterator;     return *this; }
00336             vertex_iterator   operator++(int)   //Post-fix increment
00337                 { vertex_iterator out(*this); ++(*this); return out; }
00339             bool              operator==( const vertex_iterator& a ) const
00340                 { return m_map_iterator == a.m_map_iterator; }
00342             bool              operator!=( const vertex_iterator& a ) const
00343                 { return !(m_map_iterator == a.m_map_iterator); }
00344         protected:
00346             std::map<int,HepMC::GenVertex*,std::greater<int> >::iterator 
00347                                                                m_map_iterator;
00348         };
00349         friend class vertex_iterator;
00351         vertex_iterator            vertices_begin() 
00352             { return GenEvent::vertex_iterator( 
00353                 m_vertex_barcodes.begin() ); }
00355         vertex_iterator            vertices_end()
00356             { return GenEvent::vertex_iterator(
00357                 m_vertex_barcodes.end() ); }
00359     public:
00361         // particle_iterator         //
00363         // Example of iterating over all particles in the event:
00364         //      for ( GenEvent::particle_const_iterator p = particles_begin();
00365         //            p != particles_end(); ++p ) {
00366         //         (*p)->print();
00367         //      }
00368         //
00375         class particle_const_iterator :
00376           public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag,HepMC::GenParticle*,ptrdiff_t>{
00377             // Iterates over all vertices in this event
00378         public:
00380             particle_const_iterator(
00381                 const std::map<int,HepMC::GenParticle*>::const_iterator& i )
00382                 : m_map_iterator(i) {}
00383             particle_const_iterator() {}
00385             particle_const_iterator( const particle_const_iterator& i )
00386                 { *this = i; }
00387             virtual ~particle_const_iterator() {}
00389             particle_const_iterator& operator=(
00390                 const particle_const_iterator& i )
00391                 { m_map_iterator = i.m_map_iterator; return *this; }
00393             GenParticle*        operator*(void) const
00394                 { return m_map_iterator->second; }
00396             particle_const_iterator&  operator++(void)  //Pre-fix increment 
00397                 { ++m_map_iterator; return *this; }
00399             particle_const_iterator   operator++(int)   //Post-fix increment
00400                 { particle_const_iterator out(*this); ++(*this); return out; }
00402             bool  operator==( const particle_const_iterator& a ) const
00403                 { return m_map_iterator == a.m_map_iterator; }
00405             bool  operator!=( const particle_const_iterator& a ) const
00406                 { return !(m_map_iterator == a.m_map_iterator); }
00407         protected:
00409             std::map<int,HepMC::GenParticle*>::const_iterator m_map_iterator;
00410         };      
00411         friend class particle_const_iterator;
00413         particle_const_iterator      particles_begin() const
00414             { return GenEvent::particle_const_iterator( 
00415                 m_particle_barcodes.begin() ); }
00417         particle_const_iterator      particles_end() const
00418             { return GenEvent::particle_const_iterator(
00419                 m_particle_barcodes.end() ); }
00426         class particle_iterator :
00427           public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag,HepMC::GenParticle*,ptrdiff_t>{
00428             // Iterates over all vertices in this event
00429         public:
00431             particle_iterator( const std::map<int,HepMC::GenParticle*>::iterator& i )
00432                 : m_map_iterator( i ) {}
00433             particle_iterator() {}
00435             particle_iterator( const particle_iterator& i ) { *this = i; }
00436             virtual ~particle_iterator() {}
00438             particle_iterator&  operator=( const particle_iterator& i ) {
00439                 m_map_iterator = i.m_map_iterator;
00440                 return *this;
00441             }
00443             operator particle_const_iterator() const
00444                 { return particle_const_iterator(m_map_iterator); }
00446             GenParticle*        operator*(void) const
00447                 { return m_map_iterator->second; }
00449             particle_iterator&  operator++(void) 
00450                 { ++m_map_iterator;     return *this; }
00452             particle_iterator   operator++(int)   
00453                 { particle_iterator out(*this); ++(*this); return out; }
00455             bool              operator==( const particle_iterator& a ) const
00456                 { return m_map_iterator == a.m_map_iterator; }
00458             bool              operator!=( const particle_iterator& a ) const
00459                 { return !(m_map_iterator == a.m_map_iterator); }
00460         protected:
00462             std::map<int,HepMC::GenParticle*>::iterator m_map_iterator;
00463         };
00464         friend class particle_iterator;
00466         particle_iterator particles_begin() 
00467             { return GenEvent::particle_iterator(
00468                 m_particle_barcodes.begin() ); }
00470         particle_iterator particles_end()
00471             { return GenEvent::particle_iterator(
00472                 m_particle_barcodes.end() ); }
00475     protected:
00476         //
00477         // Following methods intended for use by GenParticle/Vertex classes:
00478         // In general there is no reason they should be used elsewhere.
00480         bool         set_barcode( GenParticle* p, int suggested_barcode =0 );
00482         bool         set_barcode( GenVertex*   v, int suggested_barcode =0 );
00484         void         remove_barcode( GenParticle* p );
00486         void         remove_barcode( GenVertex*   v );
00488         //static unsigned int counter(); //!<num GenEvent objects in memory
00489         void delete_all_vertices(); 
00491     private: // data members
00492         int                   m_signal_process_id;
00493         int                   m_event_number;  
00494         int                   m_mpi;        // number of multi paricle interactions
00495         double                m_event_scale;// energy scale, see hep-ph/0109068
00496         double                m_alphaQCD;   // QCD coupling, see hep-ph/0109068
00497         double                m_alphaQED;   // QED coupling, see hep-ph/0109068
00498         GenVertex*            m_signal_process_vertex;
00499         GenParticle*          m_beam_particle_1;
00500         GenParticle*          m_beam_particle_2;
00501         WeightContainer       m_weights; // weights for this event first weight
00502                                          // is used by default for hit and miss
00503         std::vector<long> m_random_states; // container of rndm num 
00504                                                // generator states
00506         std::map< int,HepMC::GenVertex*,std::greater<int> >   m_vertex_barcodes;
00507         std::map< int,HepMC::GenParticle*,std::less<int> >    m_particle_barcodes;
00508         HeavyIon*        m_heavy_ion;         // undefined by default
00509         PdfInfo*         m_pdf_info;          // undefined by default
00511         //static unsigned int   s_counter;
00512     };
00515     // INLINE Access Methods //
00522     inline int GenEvent::signal_process_id() const 
00523     { return m_signal_process_id; }
00525     inline int GenEvent::event_number() const { return m_event_number; }
00529     inline int GenEvent::mpi() const { return m_mpi; }
00531     inline double GenEvent::event_scale() const { return m_event_scale; }
00533     inline double GenEvent::alphaQCD() const { return m_alphaQCD; }
00535     inline double GenEvent::alphaQED() const { return m_alphaQED; }
00537     inline GenVertex* GenEvent::signal_process_vertex() const {
00539         return m_signal_process_vertex;
00540     }  
00542     inline WeightContainer& GenEvent::weights() { return m_weights; }
00544     inline const WeightContainer& GenEvent::weights() const 
00545     { return m_weights; }
00547     inline HeavyIon const * GenEvent::heavy_ion() const 
00548     { return m_heavy_ion; }
00550     inline HeavyIon*  GenEvent::heavy_ion()  
00551     { return m_heavy_ion; }
00553     inline PdfInfo const * GenEvent::pdf_info() const 
00554     { return m_pdf_info; }
00556     inline PdfInfo*  GenEvent::pdf_info()  
00557     { return m_pdf_info; }
00564     inline std::vector<long> GenEvent::random_states() const 
00565     { return m_random_states; }
00567     inline void GenEvent::set_signal_process_id( int id )
00568     { m_signal_process_id = id; }
00570     inline void GenEvent::set_event_number( int eventno )
00571     { m_event_number = eventno; }
00574     inline void GenEvent::set_mpi( int nmpi )
00575     { m_mpi = nmpi; }
00578     inline void GenEvent::set_event_scale( double sc ) { m_event_scale = sc; }
00580     inline void GenEvent::set_alphaQCD( double a ) { m_alphaQCD = a; }
00582     inline void GenEvent::set_alphaQED( double a ) { m_alphaQED = a; }
00584     inline void GenEvent::set_signal_process_vertex( GenVertex* vtx ) {
00585         m_signal_process_vertex = vtx;
00586         if ( m_signal_process_vertex ) add_vertex( m_signal_process_vertex );
00587     }
00589     inline void GenEvent::set_heavy_ion( const HeavyIon& ion )
00590     { m_heavy_ion = new HeavyIon(ion); }
00592     inline void GenEvent::set_pdf_info( const PdfInfo& p )
00593     { m_pdf_info = new PdfInfo(p); }
00595     inline void GenEvent::set_random_states( const std::vector<long>&
00596                                              randomstates )
00597     { m_random_states = randomstates; }
00599     inline void GenEvent::remove_barcode( GenParticle* p )
00600     { m_particle_barcodes.erase( p->barcode() ); }
00602     inline void GenEvent::remove_barcode( GenVertex* v )
00603     { m_vertex_barcodes.erase( v->barcode() ); }
00618     inline GenParticle* GenEvent::barcode_to_particle( int barCode ) const
00619     { 
00620         std::map<int,HepMC::GenParticle*>::const_iterator i 
00621             = m_particle_barcodes.find(barCode);
00622         return ( i != m_particle_barcodes.end() ) ? (*i).second : 0;
00623     }
00638     inline GenVertex* GenEvent::barcode_to_vertex( int barCode ) const
00639     {
00640         std::map<int,GenVertex*,std::greater<int> >::const_iterator i 
00641             = m_vertex_barcodes.find(barCode);
00642         return ( i != m_vertex_barcodes.end() ) ? (*i).second : 0;
00643     }
00645     inline int GenEvent::particles_size() const {
00646         return (int)m_particle_barcodes.size();
00647     }
00648     inline bool GenEvent::particles_empty() const {
00649         return (bool)m_particle_barcodes.empty();
00650     }
00651     inline int GenEvent::vertices_size() const {
00652         return (int)m_vertex_barcodes.size();
00653     }
00654     inline bool GenEvent::vertices_empty() const {
00655         return (bool)m_vertex_barcodes.empty();
00656     }
00658     // beam particles
00659     inline std::pair<HepMC::GenParticle *,HepMC::GenParticle *> GenEvent::beam_particles() const {
00660         return std::pair<GenParticle *,GenParticle *> (m_beam_particle_1, m_beam_particle_2);
00661     }
00663 } // HepMC
00665 #endif  // HEPMC_GEN_EVENT_H
00667 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Classes | Job Modules | Data Objects | Services | Algorithms | Tools | Packages | Directories | Tracs |

Generated on Mon Apr 11 19:56:42 2011 for HepMC by doxygen 1.4.7