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In This Package:


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00003 class Comment:
00004     def __init__(self,comment=""):
00005         self.comment = comment
00007     def xml(self,fo,pre):
00008         lines = self.comment.split('\n')
00009         if 1 == len(lines) and len(lines[0]) <= 70:
00010             fo.write("%s<!-- %s -->\n"%(pre,lines[0]))
00011             return
00012         fo.write("%s<!--\n"%pre)
00013         for line in self.comment.split('\n'):
00014             fo.write(pre+'    '+line+'\n')
00015         fo.write("%s-->\n"%pre)
00016         return
00017 class ExternalEntity:
00018     def __init__(self,entity=""):
00019         self.entity = entity
00021     def set_path(self,base):
00022         pass
00023     def xml(self,fo,pre):
00024         fo.write("%s&%s;\n"%(pre,self.entity))
00025         return
00028 class XmlFile:
00029     def __init__(self,dtd=None,objects=[],external_entities=[]):
00030         "XmlFile. external entities are (name,file) tuples"
00031         self.dtd = dtd
00032         self.objects = objects
00033         self.external_entities = external_entities
00034         #print "Starting XML file with %d objects and %d ee"%(len(objects),len(external_entities))
00035         return
00037     def xml(self,fo,pre=''):
00038         fo.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n')
00039         Comment("Warning: this is a generated file.  Any modifications may be lost.").xml(fo,pre)
00040         if self.dtd:
00041             fo.write('<!DOCTYPE DDDB SYSTEM "%s"'%self.dtd)
00042             if self.external_entities:
00043                 fo.write(' [\n')
00044                 for ee in self.external_entities:
00045                     fo.write('  <!ENTITY %s SYSTEM "%s">\n'%(ee[0],ee[1]))
00046                 fo.write(' ]>\n')
00047             else:
00048                 fo.write(' >\n')
00049             fo.write('<DDDB>\n')
00050         for obj in self.objects:
00051             obj.xml(fo,pre)
00052         if self.dtd:
00053             fo.write('</DDDB>\n')                
00054         return
00056     def write(self,filename):
00057         import os
00058         try:
00059             os.remove(filename)
00060         except OSError:
00061             pass
00062         file = open(filename,"w")
00063         self.xml(file,'')
00064         file.close()
00065         os.chmod(filename,0444)
00066         print 'Wrote "%s"'%filename
00067         return
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Generated on Mon Apr 11 20:13:45 2011 for MiniDryRunXmlDetDesc by doxygen 1.4.7