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In This Package:


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 #
00003 # Generate a figure directory based on the contents of a root file
00004 #
00005 # Usage:
00006 #   % figures.py -o /output/path -r /rootfile/directory histograms.root
00009 class FigureGenerator:
00010     """Figure Generator Class"""
00011     def __init__(self, filename, fileRoot, diskRoot):
00012         "Constructor"
00013         self.filename = filename
00014         self.fileRoot = fileRoot
00015         self.diskRoot = diskRoot
00016         self.file = None
00017         self.format = "png"
00018         return
00020     def process(self):
00021         """Generate directories and figures"""
00022         if not self.openFile():
00023             return
00024         self.processPath("")
00025         return
00027     def openFile(self):
00028         "Open root file"
00029         import ROOT
00030         gROOT = ROOT.gROOT
00031         gROOT.SetBatch(True)
00032         # Avoid verbose output
00033         ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = ROOT.kInfo
00034         gROOT.SetStyle("Plain")
00035         ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleFillColor(0)
00036         ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleBorderSize(0)
00037         ROOT.gStyle.SetPalette(1)
00038         # I don't like ROOT.  I have to set China timezone here
00039         # to get proper time axis in figure generation
00040         ROOT.gSystem.Setenv("TZ","PRC")
00041         rootFile = ROOT.TFile(self.filename)
00042         if not rootFile:
00043             print "Failed to open root file:",filename
00044             return False
00045         self.file = rootFile
00046         self.canvas = ROOT.TCanvas()
00047         return True
00049     def processPath(self, itemPath):
00050         """Process a path in the current root file"""
00051         #print "Processing:",itemPath
00052         filePath = self.fileRoot
00053         diskPath = self.diskRoot
00054         if len(itemPath)>0:
00055             filePath += "/"+itemPath
00056             diskPath += "/"+itemPath
00057         content = self.file.Get(filePath)
00058         if not content and itemPath=="":
00059             print "FIXME: Sim data has no run number"
00060             self.fileRoot = self.fileRoot[:-7] + "0000000"
00061             filePath = self.fileRoot
00062             content = self.file.Get(filePath)
00063         if not content:
00064             print "Failed to get item at: ", filePath
00065             return
00066         if content.IsA().InheritsFrom("TH1"):
00067             # Found a histogram.  Draw it.
00068             if content.IsA().InheritsFrom("TH2F"):
00069                 # Draw 2-D histograms with colz option
00070                 content.Draw("colz");
00071             elif content.IsA().InheritsFrom("TH1F"):
00072                 # Draw 1-D histograms with log scale
00073                 self.canvas.SetLogy(1)
00074                 content.Draw();
00075             else:
00076                 content.Draw();
00077             self.canvas.SaveAs(diskPath+"."+self.format)
00078             self.canvas.SetLogy(0)
00079         elif content.IsA().InheritsFrom("TGraph"):
00080             # Found a graph.  Draw it.
00081             content.Draw("APL");
00082             self.canvas.SaveAs(diskPath+"."+self.format)
00083         elif content.IsA().InheritsFrom("TDirectory"):
00084             self.makeDirectory(diskPath)
00085             keylist = content.GetListOfKeys()
00086             for key in keylist:
00087                 dirItem = key.ReadObj()
00088                 dirItemPath = None
00089                 if len(itemPath)>0:
00090                     dirItemPath = itemPath+"/"+dirItem.GetName()
00091                 else:
00092                     dirItemPath = dirItem.GetName()
00093                 self.processPath(dirItemPath)
00094         else:
00095             # Won't handle this object
00096             print "Not handing %s of type %s" % (filepath,content.ClassName())
00097         return
00099     def makeDirectory(self, diskPath):
00100         """Make sure the output directory exists"""
00101         import os
00102         os.system("mkdir -p "+diskPath)
00103         return
00105 if __name__ == "__main__":
00107     fileRoot = "stats"
00108     diskRoot = "."
00109     filename = None
00110     import sys, getopt
00111     opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"o:r:")
00112     for opt, arg in opts:
00113         if opt == "-o":
00114             diskRoot = arg
00115         elif opt == "-r":
00116             fileRoot = arg
00117     print args
00118     filename = args[0]
00119     print "Filename:  ",filename
00120     print "File Root: ",fileRoot
00121     print "Disk Root: ",diskRoot
00122     figGen = FigureGenerator(filename, fileRoot, diskRoot)
00123     figGen.process()
00124     print "Done with figure generation"
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