Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * STRUMPACK -- STRUctured Matrices PACKage, Copyright (c) 2014, The
3 * Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley
4 * National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals
5 * from the U.S. Dept. of Energy). All rights reserved.
6 *
7 * If you have questions about your rights to use or distribute this
8 * software, please contact Berkeley Lab's Technology Transfer
9 * Department at
10 *
11 * NOTICE. This software is owned by the U.S. Department of Energy. As
12 * such, the U.S. Government has been granted for itself and others
13 * acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
14 * worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, prepare derivative
15 * works, and perform publicly and display publicly. Beginning five
16 * (5) years after the date permission to assert copyright is obtained
17 * from the U.S. Department of Energy, and subject to any subsequent
18 * five (5) year renewals, the U.S. Government is granted for itself
19 * and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive,
20 * irrevocable, worldwide license in the Software to reproduce,
21 * prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, perform
22 * publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
23 *
24 * Developers: Pieter Ghysels, Francois-Henry Rouet, Xiaoye S. Li.
25 * (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Computational Research
26 * Division).
27 */
32#ifndef BLACS_GRID_HPP
33#define BLACS_GRID_HPP
35#include "ScaLAPACKWrapper.hpp"
36#include "misc/MPIWrapper.hpp"
38namespace strumpack {
66 class BLACSGrid {
67 public:
82 BLACSGrid(const MPIComm& comm) : BLACSGrid(comm, comm.size()) { }
92 BLACSGrid(MPIComm&& comm) : BLACSGrid(std::move(comm), comm.size()) { }
106 BLACSGrid(const MPIComm& comm, int P) : comm_(comm), P_(P) { setup(); }
121 BLACSGrid(MPIComm&& comm, int P) : comm_(std::move(comm)), P_(P) { setup(); }
128 if (ctxt_ != -1) scalapack::Cblacs_gridexit(ctxt_);
129 if (ctxt_all_ != -1) scalapack::Cblacs_gridexit(ctxt_all_);
130 if (ctxt_T_ != -1) scalapack::Cblacs_gridexit(ctxt_T_);
131 }
143 BLACSGrid(const BLACSGrid& grid) { *this = grid; }
148 BLACSGrid(BLACSGrid&& grid) { *this = std::move(grid); }
162 //std::cout << "WARNING copying a BLACS grid is expensive!!" << std::endl;
163 comm_ = grid.Comm();
164 P_ = grid.P();
165 setup();
166 return *this;
167 }
176 comm_ = std::move(grid.comm_);
177 P_ = grid.P_;
178 ctxt_ = grid.ctxt_;
179 ctxt_all_ = grid.ctxt_all_;
180 ctxt_T_ = grid.ctxt_T_;
181 nprows_ = grid.nprows_;
182 npcols_ = grid.npcols_;
183 prow_ = grid.prow_;
184 pcol_ = grid.pcol_;
185 // make sure that grid's context is not destroyed in its
186 // destructor
187 grid.ctxt_ = -1;
188 grid.ctxt_all_ = -1;
189 grid.ctxt_T_ = -1;
190 return *this;
191 }
196 const MPIComm& Comm() const { return comm_; }
201 MPIComm& Comm() { return comm_; }
209 int ctxt() const { return ctxt_; }
220 int ctxt_all() const { return ctxt_all_; }
226 int nprows() const { return nprows_; }
232 int npcols() const { return npcols_; }
238 int prow() const { return prow_; }
244 int pcol() const { return pcol_; }
251 int P() const { return P_; }
257 int npactives() const { return nprows() * npcols(); }
264 bool active() const { return prow_ != -1; }
278 static void layout(int procs, int& proc_rows, int& proc_cols) {
279 // why floor, why not nearest??
280 proc_cols = std::floor(std::sqrt((float)procs));
281 proc_rows = procs / proc_cols;
282 }
293 BLACSGrid g(*this);
294 g.transpose_inplace();
295 return g;
296 }
298 const MPIComm& Comm_active() const {
299 if (active_comm_) return *active_comm_;
300 else return Comm();
301 }
303 private:
304 MPIComm comm_;
305 int P_ = -1;
306 int ctxt_ = -1;
307 int ctxt_all_ = -1;
308 int ctxt_T_ = -1;
309 int nprows_ = -1;
310 int npcols_ = -1;
311 int prow_ = -1;
312 int pcol_ = -1;
313 std::unique_ptr<MPIComm> active_comm_;
315 void setup() {
316 layout(P_, nprows_, npcols_);
317 if (comm_.is_null()) {
318 ctxt_ = ctxt_all_ = ctxt_T_ = -1;
319 prow_ = pcol_ = -1;
320 } else {
321 int active_procs = nprows_ * npcols_;
322 if (active_procs < P_) {
323 active_comm_.reset(new MPIComm(comm_.sub(0, active_procs)));
324 if (comm_.rank() < active_procs) {
325 ctxt_ = scalapack::Csys2blacs_handle(active_comm_->comm());
326 scalapack::Cblacs_gridinit(&ctxt_, "C", nprows_, npcols_);
327 ctxt_T_ = scalapack::Csys2blacs_handle(active_comm_->comm());
328 scalapack::Cblacs_gridinit(&ctxt_T_, "R", npcols_, nprows_);
329 } else ctxt_ = ctxt_T_ = -1;
330 } else {
331 ctxt_ = scalapack::Csys2blacs_handle(comm_.comm());
332 scalapack::Cblacs_gridinit(&ctxt_, "C", nprows_, npcols_);
333 ctxt_T_ = scalapack::Csys2blacs_handle(comm_.comm());
334 scalapack::Cblacs_gridinit(&ctxt_T_, "R", npcols_, nprows_);
335 }
336 ctxt_all_ = scalapack::Csys2blacs_handle(comm_.comm());
337 scalapack::Cblacs_gridinit(&ctxt_all_, "R", 1, P_);
338 int dummy1, dummy2;
339 scalapack::Cblacs_gridinfo(ctxt_, &dummy1, &dummy2, &prow_, &pcol_);
340 }
341 }
343 void transpose_inplace() {
344 std::swap(ctxt_, ctxt_T_);
345 std::swap(nprows_, npcols_);
346 std::swap(prow_, pcol_);
347 }
349 friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const BLACSGrid* g);
350 };
357 inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const BLACSGrid* g) {
358 if (!g) os << "null";
359 else
360 os << " ctxt[" << g->ctxt()
361 << "](" << g->nprows() << "x" << g->npcols() << " +"
362 << (g->P()-g->npactives()) << ")ctxtT[" << g->ctxt_T_ << "]";
363 return os;
364 }
366} // end namespace strumpack
368#endif // BLACS_GRID_HPP
Contains some simple C++ MPI wrapper utilities.
This is a small wrapper class around a BLACS grid and a BLACS context.
Definition: BLACSGrid.hpp:66
bool active() const
Definition: BLACSGrid.hpp:264
Definition: BLACSGrid.hpp:127
BLACSGrid(const MPIComm &comm)
Definition: BLACSGrid.hpp:82
Definition: BLACSGrid.hpp:72
const MPIComm & Comm() const
Definition: BLACSGrid.hpp:196
BLACSGrid transpose() const
Definition: BLACSGrid.hpp:292
BLACSGrid & operator=(BLACSGrid &&grid)
Definition: BLACSGrid.hpp:175
BLACSGrid(const MPIComm &comm, int P)
Definition: BLACSGrid.hpp:106
static void layout(int procs, int &proc_rows, int &proc_cols)
Definition: BLACSGrid.hpp:278
int npcols() const
Definition: BLACSGrid.hpp:232
MPIComm & Comm()
Definition: BLACSGrid.hpp:201
int ctxt_all() const
Definition: BLACSGrid.hpp:220
int npactives() const
Definition: BLACSGrid.hpp:257
int P() const
Definition: BLACSGrid.hpp:251
int pcol() const
Definition: BLACSGrid.hpp:244
BLACSGrid & operator=(const BLACSGrid &grid)
Definition: BLACSGrid.hpp:161
BLACSGrid(MPIComm &&comm)
Definition: BLACSGrid.hpp:92
BLACSGrid(MPIComm &&comm, int P)
Definition: BLACSGrid.hpp:121
BLACSGrid(const BLACSGrid &grid)
Definition: BLACSGrid.hpp:143
int nprows() const
Definition: BLACSGrid.hpp:226
BLACSGrid(BLACSGrid &&grid)
Definition: BLACSGrid.hpp:148
int ctxt() const
Definition: BLACSGrid.hpp:209
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const BLACSGrid *g)
Definition: BLACSGrid.hpp:357
int prow() const
Definition: BLACSGrid.hpp:238
Wrapper class around an MPI_Comm object.
Definition: MPIWrapper.hpp:194
Definition: StrumpackOptions.hpp:43