Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * STRUMPACK -- STRUctured Matrices PACKage, Copyright (c) 2014, The
3 * Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley
4 * National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals
5 * from the U.S. Dept. of Energy). All rights reserved.
6 *
7 * If you have questions about your rights to use or distribute this
8 * software, please contact Berkeley Lab's Technology Transfer
9 * Department at TTD@lbl.gov.
10 *
11 * NOTICE. This software is owned by the U.S. Department of Energy. As
12 * such, the U.S. Government has been granted for itself and others
13 * acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
14 * worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, prepare derivative
15 * works, and perform publicly and display publicly. Beginning five
16 * (5) years after the date permission to assert copyright is obtained
17 * from the U.S. Department of Energy, and subject to any subsequent
18 * five (5) year renewals, the U.S. Government is granted for itself
19 * and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive,
20 * irrevocable, worldwide license in the Software to reproduce,
21 * prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, perform
22 * publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
23 *
24 * Developers: Pieter Ghysels, Francois-Henry Rouet, Xiaoye S. Li.
25 * (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Computational Research
26 * Division).
27 *
28 */
35#include "HODLRMatrix.hpp"
37namespace strumpack {
43 namespace HODLR {
62 template<typename scalar_t> class ButterflyMatrix
63 : public structured::StructuredMatrix<scalar_t> {
69 using VecVec_t = std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>>;
70 using F2Cptr = void*;
72 public:
73 using mult_t = typename std::function
74 <void(Trans,scalar_t,const DenseM_t&,scalar_t,DenseM_t&)>;
75 using delem_blocks_t = typename HODLRMatrix<scalar_t>::delem_blocks_t;
76 using elem_blocks_t = typename HODLRMatrix<scalar_t>::elem_blocks_t;
80 ButterflyMatrix(const MPIComm& comm,
81 const structured::ClusterTree& row_tree,
82 const structured::ClusterTree& col_tree,
83 const opts_t& opts);
90 const HODLRMatrix<scalar_t>& B);
93 const HODLRMatrix<scalar_t>& B,
94 DenseMatrix<int>& neighbors_rows,
95 DenseMatrix<int>& neighbors_cols,
96 const opts_t& opts);
99 ButterflyMatrix(ButterflyMatrix<scalar_t>&& h) { *this = std::move(h); }
100 virtual ~ButterflyMatrix();
101 ButterflyMatrix<scalar_t>& operator=(const ButterflyMatrix<scalar_t>& h) = delete;
104 std::size_t rows() const override { return rows_; }
105 std::size_t cols() const override { return cols_; }
106 std::size_t lrows() const { return lrows_; }
107 std::size_t local_rows() const override { return lrows_; }
108 std::size_t lcols() const { return lcols_; }
109 std::size_t begin_row() const override { return rdist_[c_->rank()]; }
110 std::size_t end_row() const override { return rdist_[c_->rank()+1]; }
111 const std::vector<int>& rdist() const override { return rdist_; }
112 std::size_t begin_col() const { return cdist_[c_->rank()]; }
113 std::size_t end_col() const { return cdist_[c_->rank()+1]; }
114 const std::vector<int>& cdist() const override { return cdist_; }
115 const MPIComm& Comm() const { return *c_; }
117 std::size_t memory() const override { return get_stat("Mem_Fill") * 1e6; }
118 std::size_t nonzeros() const override { return memory() / sizeof(scalar_t); }
119 std::size_t rank() const override { return get_stat("Rank_max"); }
121 void compress(const mult_t& Amult);
122 void compress(const mult_t& Amult, int rank_guess);
123 void compress(const delem_blocks_t& Aelem);
124 void compress(const elem_blocks_t& Aelem);
126 void mult(Trans op, const DenseM_t& X, DenseM_t& Y) const override;
141 void mult(Trans op, const DistM_t& X, DistM_t& Y) const override;
143 void extract_add_elements(const VecVec_t& I, const VecVec_t& J,
144 std::vector<DenseMW_t>& B);
145 void extract_add_elements(ExtractionMeta& e, std::vector<DistMW_t>& B);
146 void extract_add_elements(ExtractionMeta& e, std::vector<DenseMW_t>& B);
148 double get_stat(const std::string& name) const;
150 void print_stats();
152 void set_sampling_parameter(double sample_param);
153 void set_BACA_block(int bsize);
155 DistM_t dense(const BLACSGrid* g) const;
157 DenseM_t redistribute_2D_to_1D(const DistM_t& R2D,
158 const std::vector<int>& dist) const;
159 void redistribute_2D_to_1D(scalar_t a, const DistM_t& R2D,
160 scalar_t b, DenseM_t& R1D,
161 const std::vector<int>& dist) const;
162 void redistribute_1D_to_2D(const DenseM_t& S1D, DistM_t& S2D,
163 const std::vector<int>& dist) const;
165 private:
166 F2Cptr lr_bf_ = nullptr; // Butterfly handle returned by Fortran code
167 F2Cptr options_ = nullptr; // options structure returned by Fortran code
168 F2Cptr stats_ = nullptr; // statistics structure returned by Fortran code
169 F2Cptr msh_ = nullptr; // mesh structure returned by Fortran code
170 F2Cptr kerquant_ = nullptr; // kernel quantities structure returned by Fortran code
171 F2Cptr ptree_ = nullptr; // process tree returned by Fortran code
172 MPI_Fint Fcomm_; // the fortran MPI communicator
173 const MPIComm* c_;
174 int rows_ = 0, cols_ = 0, lrows_ = 0, lcols_ = 0;
175 std::vector<int> rdist_, cdist_; // begin rows/cols of each rank
177 void set_dist();
179 void options_init(const opts_t& opts);
181 void set_extraction_meta_1grid(const VecVec_t& I, const VecVec_t& J,
183 int Nalldat_loc, int* pmaps) const;
184 };
186 template<typename integer_t> DenseMatrix<int>
187 get_odiag_neighbors(int knn, const CSRGraph<integer_t>& gAB,
188 const CSRGraph<integer_t>& gA,
189 const CSRGraph<integer_t>& gB);
191 } // end namespace HODLR
192} // end namespace strumpack
Class wrapping around Yang Liu's HODLR code.
This is a small wrapper class around a BLACS grid and a BLACS context.
Definition: BLACSGrid.hpp:66
Definition: CompressedSparseMatrix.hpp:49
Like DenseMatrix, this class represents a matrix, stored in column major format, to allow direct use ...
Definition: DenseMatrix.hpp:1015
This class represents a matrix, stored in column major format, to allow direct use of BLAS/LAPACK rou...
Definition: DenseMatrix.hpp:138
Definition: DistributedMatrix.hpp:733
2D block cyclicly distributed matrix, as used by ScaLAPACK.
Definition: DistributedMatrix.hpp:84
Butterfly matrix representation, this includes low-rank matrix representation as a special case.
Definition: ButterflyMatrix.hpp:63
std::size_t rows() const override
Definition: ButterflyMatrix.hpp:104
std::size_t end_row() const override
Definition: ButterflyMatrix.hpp:110
std::size_t local_rows() const override
Definition: ButterflyMatrix.hpp:107
void mult(Trans op, const DenseM_t &X, DenseM_t &Y) const override
std::size_t memory() const override
Definition: ButterflyMatrix.hpp:117
std::size_t nonzeros() const override
Definition: ButterflyMatrix.hpp:118
const std::vector< int > & cdist() const override
Definition: ButterflyMatrix.hpp:114
std::size_t cols() const override
Definition: ButterflyMatrix.hpp:105
void mult(Trans op, const DistM_t &X, DistM_t &Y) const override
ButterflyMatrix(const HODLRMatrix< scalar_t > &A, const HODLRMatrix< scalar_t > &B)
std::size_t begin_row() const override
Definition: ButterflyMatrix.hpp:109
std::size_t rank() const override
Definition: ButterflyMatrix.hpp:119
const std::vector< int > & rdist() const override
Definition: ButterflyMatrix.hpp:111
Hierarchically low-rank matrix representation.
Definition: HODLRMatrix.hpp:79
Class containing several options for the HODLR code and data-structures.
Definition: HODLROptions.hpp:117
Wrapper class around an MPI_Comm object.
Definition: MPIWrapper.hpp:194
int rank() const
Definition: MPIWrapper.hpp:271
The cluster tree, or partition tree that represents the partitioning of the rows or columns of a hier...
Definition: ClusterTree.hpp:67
Class to represent a structured matrix. This is the abstract base class for several types of structur...
Definition: StructuredMatrix.hpp:209
virtual const std::vector< int > & dist() const
Definition: StructuredMatrix.hpp:299
Definition: StrumpackOptions.hpp:43
Definition: DenseMatrix.hpp:51
Definition: HODLRMatrix.hpp:54