Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * STRUMPACK -- STRUctured Matrices PACKage, Copyright (c) 2014, The
3  * Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley
4  * National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals
5  * from the U.S. Dept. of Energy). All rights reserved.
6  *
7  * If you have questions about your rights to use or distribute this
8  * software, please contact Berkeley Lab's Technology Transfer
9  * Department at TTD@lbl.gov.
10  *
11  * NOTICE. This software is owned by the U.S. Department of Energy. As
12  * such, the U.S. Government has been granted for itself and others
13  * acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
14  * worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, prepare derivative
15  * works, and perform publicly and display publicly. Beginning five
16  * (5) years after the date permission to assert copyright is obtained
17  * from the U.S. Department of Energy, and subject to any subsequent
18  * five (5) year renewals, the U.S. Government is granted for itself
19  * and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive,
20  * irrevocable, worldwide license in the Software to reproduce,
21  * prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, perform
22  * publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
23  *
24  * Developers: Pieter Ghysels, Francois-Henry Rouet, Xiaoye S. Li.
25  * (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Computational Research
26  * Division).
27  *
28  */
36 #include <cassert>
37 #include <functional>
39 #include "kernel/Kernel.hpp"
40 #include "dense/DistributedMatrix.hpp"
41 #include "HODLROptions.hpp"
42 #include "sparse/CSRGraph.hpp"
45 namespace strumpack {
52  namespace HODLR {
54  struct ExtractionMeta {
55  std::unique_ptr<int[]> iwork;
56  int Ninter, Nallrows, Nallcols, Nalldat_loc,
57  *allrows, *allcols, *rowids, *colids, *pgids, Npmap, *pmaps;
58  };
78  template<typename scalar_t> class HODLRMatrix
79  : public structured::StructuredMatrix<scalar_t> {
85  using Vec_t = std::vector<std::size_t>;
86  using VecVec_t = std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>>;
87  using F2Cptr = void*;
89  public:
90  using real_t = typename RealType<scalar_t>::value_type;
91  using mult_t = typename std::function
92  <void(Trans, const DenseM_t&, DenseM_t&)>;
93  using delem_blocks_t = typename std::function
94  <void(VecVec_t& I, VecVec_t& J, std::vector<DistMW_t>& B,
95  ExtractionMeta&)>;
96  using elem_blocks_t = typename std::function
97  <void(VecVec_t& I, VecVec_t& J, std::vector<DenseMW_t>& B,
98  ExtractionMeta&)>;
117  const opts_t& opts);
137  const std::function<scalar_t(int i, int j)>& Aelem,
138  const opts_t& opts);
162  const elem_blocks_t& Aelem, const opts_t& opts);
183  const std::function<
184  void(Trans op, const DenseM_t& R, DenseM_t& S)>& Amult,
185  const opts_t& opts);
200  const opts_t& opts);
215  template<typename integer_t>
217  const CSRGraph<integer_t>& graph, const opts_t& opts);
222  HODLRMatrix(const HODLRMatrix<scalar_t>& h) = delete;
228  HODLRMatrix(HODLRMatrix<scalar_t>&& h) { *this = std::move(h); }
233  virtual ~HODLRMatrix();
250  std::size_t rows() const override { return rows_; }
255  std::size_t cols() const override { return cols_; }
260  std::size_t lrows() const { return lrows_; }
265  std::size_t local_rows() const override { return lrows(); }
270  std::size_t begin_row() const override { return dist_[c_->rank()]; }
275  std::size_t end_row() const override { return dist_[c_->rank()+1]; }
282  const std::vector<int>& dist() const override { return dist_; }
287  const MPIComm& Comm() const { return *c_; }
293  std::size_t memory() const override {
294  return get_stat("Mem_Fill") * 1024 * 1024;
295  }
297  std::size_t nonzeros() const override {
298  return memory() / sizeof(scalar_t);
299  }
305  std::size_t total_memory() const {
306  return c_->all_reduce(memory(), MPI_SUM);
307  }
315  std::size_t factor_memory() const {
316  return get_stat("Mem_Factor") * 1.e6;
317  }
326  std::size_t total_factor_memory() const {
327  return c_->all_reduce(factor_memory(), MPI_SUM);
328  }
333  std::size_t rank() const override { return get_stat("Rank_max"); }
340  std::size_t max_rank() const {
341  return c_->all_reduce(rank(), MPI_MAX);
342  }
353  double get_stat(const std::string& name) const;
355  void print_stats();
368  void compress(const std::function
369  <void(Trans op, const DenseM_t& R,
370  DenseM_t& S)>& Amult);
384  void compress(const std::function
385  <void(Trans op, const DenseM_t& R,
386  DenseM_t& S)>& Amult,
387  int rank_guess);
396  void compress(const delem_blocks_t& Aelem);
405  void compress(const elem_blocks_t& Aelem);
421  void mult(Trans op, const DenseM_t& X, DenseM_t& Y) const override;
435  void mult(Trans op, const DistM_t& X, DistM_t& Y) const override;
443  void factor() override;
457  long long int solve(const DenseM_t& B, DenseM_t& X) const;
471  void solve(DenseM_t& B) const override;
486  long long int solve(const DistM_t& B, DistM_t& X) const;
500  void solve(DistM_t& B) const override;
514  long long int inv_mult(Trans op, const DenseM_t& B, DenseM_t& X) const;
516  void extract_elements(const VecVec_t& I, const VecVec_t& J,
517  std::vector<DistM_t>& B);
518  void extract_elements(const VecVec_t& I, const VecVec_t& J,
519  std::vector<DenseM_t>& B);
533  void extract_elements(const Vec_t& I, const Vec_t& J, DenseM_t& B);
543  DistM_t dense(const BLACSGrid* g) const;
545  void set_sampling_parameter(double sample_param);
546  void set_BACA_block(int bsize);
548  DenseM_t redistribute_2D_to_1D(const DistM_t& R) const;
549  void redistribute_2D_to_1D(const DistM_t& R2D, DenseM_t& R1D) const;
550  void redistribute_1D_to_2D(const DenseM_t& S1D, DistM_t& S2D) const;
552  DenseM_t gather_from_1D(const DenseM_t& A) const;
553  DenseM_t all_gather_from_1D(const DenseM_t& A) const;
554  DenseM_t scatter_to_1D(const DenseM_t& A) const;
560  const std::vector<int>& perm() const { return perm_; }
565  const std::vector<int>& iperm() const { return iperm_; }
567  private:
568  F2Cptr ho_bf_ = nullptr; // HODLR handle returned by Fortran code
569  F2Cptr options_ = nullptr; // options structure returned by Fortran code
570  F2Cptr stats_ = nullptr; // statistics structure returned by Fortran code
571  F2Cptr msh_ = nullptr; // mesh structure returned by Fortran code
572  F2Cptr kerquant_ = nullptr; // kernel quantities structure returned by Fortran code
573  F2Cptr ptree_ = nullptr; // process tree returned by Fortran code
574  MPI_Fint Fcomm_; // the fortran MPI communicator
575  const MPIComm* c_;
576  int rows_ = 0, cols_ = 0, lrows_ = 0, lvls_ = 0;
577  std::vector<int> perm_, iperm_; // permutation used by the HODLR code
578  std::vector<int> dist_; // begin rows of each rank
579  std::vector<int> leafs_; // leaf sizes of the tree
581  void options_init(const opts_t& opts);
582  void perm_init();
583  void dist_init();
585  template<typename S> friend class ButterflyMatrix;
586  };
589  template<typename scalar_t> struct AelemCommPtrs {
590  const typename HODLRMatrix<scalar_t>::delem_blocks_t* Aelem;
591  const MPIComm* c;
592  const BLACSGrid* gl;
593  const BLACSGrid* g0;
594  };
596  template<typename scalar_t> void HODLR_block_evaluation
597  (int* Ninter, int* Nallrows, int* Nallcols, int* Nalldat_loc,
598  int* allrows, int* allcols, scalar_t* alldat_loc,
599  int* rowids, int* colids, int* pgids, int* Npmap, int* pmaps,
600  void* AC);
602  template<typename scalar_t> void HODLR_block_evaluation_seq
603  (int* Ninter, int* Nallrows, int* Nallcols, int* Nalldat_loc,
604  int* allrows, int* allcols, scalar_t* alldat_loc,
605  int* rowids, int* colids, int* pgids, int* Npmap, int* pmaps,
606  void* f);
608  } // end namespace HODLR
609 } // end namespace strumpack
Contains the class holding HODLR matrix options.
Definitions of several kernel functions, and helper routines. Also provides driver routines for kerne...
Contains the structured matrix interfaces.
This is a small wrapper class around a BLACS grid and a BLACS context.
Definition: BLACSGrid.hpp:66
Definition: CompressedSparseMatrix.hpp:56
Like DenseMatrix, this class represents a matrix, stored in column major format, to allow direct use ...
Definition: DenseMatrix.hpp:1015
This class represents a matrix, stored in column major format, to allow direct use of BLAS/LAPACK rou...
Definition: DenseMatrix.hpp:138
Definition: DistributedMatrix.hpp:289
Definition: DistributedMatrix.hpp:52
Butterfly matrix representation, this includes low-rank matrix representation as a special case.
Definition: ButterflyMatrix.hpp:63
Hierarchically low-rank matrix representation.
Definition: HODLRMatrix.hpp:79
long long int solve(const DistM_t &B, DistM_t &X) const
void extract_elements(const Vec_t &I, const Vec_t &J, DenseM_t &B)
HODLRMatrix(const MPIComm &c, const structured::ClusterTree &tree, const opts_t &opts)
void compress(const std::function< void(Trans op, const DenseM_t &R, DenseM_t &S)> &Amult)
DistM_t dense(const BLACSGrid *g) const
void mult(Trans op, const DistM_t &X, DistM_t &Y) const override
std::size_t total_memory() const
Definition: HODLRMatrix.hpp:305
long long int inv_mult(Trans op, const DenseM_t &B, DenseM_t &X) const
const std::vector< int > & dist() const override
Definition: HODLRMatrix.hpp:282
void compress(const std::function< void(Trans op, const DenseM_t &R, DenseM_t &S)> &Amult, int rank_guess)
std::size_t end_row() const override
Definition: HODLRMatrix.hpp:275
long long int solve(const DenseM_t &B, DenseM_t &X) const
const MPIComm & Comm() const
Definition: HODLRMatrix.hpp:287
double get_stat(const std::string &name) const
HODLRMatrix(HODLRMatrix< scalar_t > &&h)
Definition: HODLRMatrix.hpp:228
std::size_t rows() const override
Definition: HODLRMatrix.hpp:250
void solve(DistM_t &B) const override
const std::vector< int > & perm() const
Definition: HODLRMatrix.hpp:560
Definition: HODLRMatrix.hpp:103
HODLRMatrix< scalar_t > & operator=(const HODLRMatrix< scalar_t > &h)=delete
HODLRMatrix(const MPIComm &c, const structured::ClusterTree &tree, const std::function< scalar_t(int i, int j)> &Aelem, const opts_t &opts)
std::size_t begin_row() const override
Definition: HODLRMatrix.hpp:270
std::size_t lrows() const
Definition: HODLRMatrix.hpp:260
HODLRMatrix(const MPIComm &c, const structured::ClusterTree &tree, const CSRGraph< integer_t > &graph, const opts_t &opts)
std::size_t factor_memory() const
Definition: HODLRMatrix.hpp:315
HODLRMatrix(const HODLRMatrix< scalar_t > &h)=delete
HODLRMatrix(const MPIComm &c, const structured::ClusterTree &tree, const std::function< void(Trans op, const DenseM_t &R, DenseM_t &S)> &Amult, const opts_t &opts)
HODLRMatrix< scalar_t > & operator=(HODLRMatrix< scalar_t > &&h)
HODLRMatrix(const MPIComm &c, kernel::Kernel< real_t > &K, const opts_t &opts)
std::size_t cols() const override
Definition: HODLRMatrix.hpp:255
std::size_t total_factor_memory() const
Definition: HODLRMatrix.hpp:326
void mult(Trans op, const DenseM_t &X, DenseM_t &Y) const override
std::size_t local_rows() const override
Definition: HODLRMatrix.hpp:265
HODLRMatrix(const MPIComm &c, const structured::ClusterTree &tree, const elem_blocks_t &Aelem, const opts_t &opts)
std::size_t rank() const override
Definition: HODLRMatrix.hpp:333
void compress(const delem_blocks_t &Aelem)
std::size_t max_rank() const
Definition: HODLRMatrix.hpp:340
void compress(const elem_blocks_t &Aelem)
std::size_t memory() const override
Definition: HODLRMatrix.hpp:293
void solve(DenseM_t &B) const override
const std::vector< int > & iperm() const
Definition: HODLRMatrix.hpp:565
std::size_t nonzeros() const override
Definition: HODLRMatrix.hpp:297
Class containing several options for the HODLR code and data-structures.
Definition: HODLROptions.hpp:117
Wrapper class around an MPI_Comm object.
Definition: MPIWrapper.hpp:190
T all_reduce(T t, MPI_Op op) const
Definition: MPIWrapper.hpp:606
int rank() const
Definition: MPIWrapper.hpp:267
Representation of a kernel matrix.
Definition: Kernel.hpp:73
The cluster tree, or partition tree that represents the partitioning of the rows or columns of a hier...
Definition: ClusterTree.hpp:62
Class to represent a structured matrix. This is the abstract base class for several types of structur...
Definition: StructuredMatrix.hpp:209
Definition: StrumpackOptions.hpp:42
Definition: DenseMatrix.hpp:51
Definition: HODLRMatrix.hpp:589
Definition: HODLRMatrix.hpp:54