SDSS-II SN Catalog Data Release

Catalogs, Photometry and Spectra

This page contains links to the complete set SDSS-II SN detections, photometry and spectra as described in the SDSS SN data release paper (Sako et al. 2014, submitted to ApJS).

Table of Candidates

The table of candidates contains candidate identication information, light curve fits, host galaxy identification and properties and other miscellaneous parameters.

Last updated January 31, 2014. See here for list of updates.

Table of Candidates (fixed format)

The fixed format table is identical to the catalog published as electronic version of Table 1 in the journal article.

Table of Candidates (free format)

The free format file is space delimited with the string "\N" marking fields where the data is not relevant or not available.


Light curve data is released in the format described in Holtzman et al. (2008).

A compressed tar file of scene modeling photometry for all the candidates: SMP tar file.

A directory of scene modeling photometry for individual SN: Individual SN SMP directory.


List of Spectra

The spectroscopy table contains typing and redshift evaluations of the spectra and is identical to the electronic version of Table 10 published in the journal article.

A compressed tar file for all the spectra in fits format: Spectra tar file.

A directory of the individual spectra in fits format: Individual Spectra Directory.

SNANA Files (data and analysis)

Start with README* files in SDSS_dataRelease-snana.tar.gz.

A directory of SNANA files.