General information about FITS formatted files are in Sec 4.36.1 of the SNANA manual: The training sample was generated with 40 cores, and thus there are 40 HEAD FITS files and 40 PHOT FITS files per model. Here is more specific format information for the ELASTICC training set: HEAD files: SNANA-FITS name alert name description # ------------------------------------------------------ * SNID diaObjectId integer ID * RA,DEC ra,decl sky coordinates (degrees) * NOBS nobs number of obs (all bands) * PTROBS_MIN --- points to 1st light curve obs in PHOT file * PTROBS_MAX --- points to last light curve obs * MWEBV[_ERR] mwebv[_err] E(B-V) for Milky way * REDSHIFT_HELIO[_ERR] z_final[_err] best heliocentric redshift zSpec if available; else zPhot; else -9 * REDSHIFT_FINAL[_ERR] --- CMB redshift * VPEC --- 0 +_ 300 km/sec (no correction) * HOSTGAL_NMATCH --- number of host matches with DDLR < 4 * HOSTGAL_NMATCH2 --- number of host matches with DDLR < 7 * HOSTGAL_RA hostgal_ra R.A. (deg) for center of host * HOSTGAL_DEC hostgal_dec declination (deg) for center of host * HOSTGAL_SNSEP hostgal_snsep transient-host separation, arcsec * HOSTGAL_SPECZ hostgal_zspec zSpec of host if (-9 -> not available) * HOSTGAL_SPECZ_ERR hostgal_zspec_err uncertainty on zSpec * HOSTGAL_PHOTOZ hostgal_zphot zphot (mean of PDF); -9 -> not available * HOSTGAL_PHOTOZ_ERR hostgal_zphot_err uncertainty on zphot (rms of zPDF) * HOSTGAL_ZPHOT_Q[PPP] hostgal_zphot_q[ppp] redshift containing PPP% of zPDF prob * HOSTGAL_MAG_[band] hostgal_mag_[band] host mags for band=u,g,r,i,z,Y * HOSTGAL_MAGERR_[band] hostgal_magerr_[band] uncertainty on above mags [Each hostgal_xxx has hostgal2_xxx for 2nd host-match; -999 indicates no 2nd host; else values are filled. First listed host has smallest DDLR and may not be the true host] * SIM_TYPE_INDEX --- true integer transient type (e.g., 1 for SNIa) * SIM_[SSS] --- true sim property SSS PHOT files: * MJD midPointTai modified Julian date (-777 -> end of light curve) * BAND filterName u,g,r,i,z, or Y * PHOTFLAG --- bit-mask of information += 4096 for detection (roughly SNR>5) += 2048 trigger (1st detection) -> PHOTFLAG=6144 += 1024 saturation (>100,000 pe in central pixel) * FLUXCAL psFlux calibrated flux : mag(SNANA sim) = 27.5 - 2.5*log10(FLUXCAL) mag(LSST-alert) = 31.4 - 2.5*log10(psFlux) * FLUXCALERR psFluxErr Poisson uncertainty on FLUXCAL; sky+galaxy+source * SIM_MAGOBS --- true model mag image properties * PSF_SIG1 --- PSF Gauss sigma, pixels * SKY_SIG --- sky noise (ADU/pixel) * ZEROPT --- image zero point * GAIN --- N_photoelectron/ADU = 1.0