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Performance variability

There are many potential sources of variability on an HPC system and NERSC has identified the following best practices to mitigate variability and improve application performance.


Use of hugepages can reduce the cost of accessing memory, especially in the case of many MPI_Alltoall operations.

  1. load the hugepages module (module load craype-hugepages2M)
  2. recompile your code
  3. add module load craype-hugepages2M to batch scripts


Consider adding module load craype-hugepages2M to ~/.bashrc.

For more details see the manual pages (man intro_hugepages) on Cori.

Location of executables

Compilation of executables should be done in $HOME or /tmp. Executables can be copied into the compute node memory at the start of a job with sbcast to greatly improve job startup times and reduce run-time variability in some cases.

For applications with dynamic executables and many libraries (especially python based applications) use shifter.


Cori has a Cray Aries network with a Dragonfly topology. Slurm has some options to control the placement of parallel jobs in the system. A "compact" placement can isolate a job from other traffic on the network.

Slurm's topology awareness can enabled by adding --switches=N to your job script, where N is the number of switches for your job. Each "switch" corresponds to approximately 384 compute nodes. This is most effective for jobs using less than ~300 nodes and 2 or fewer switches. Note: requesting fewer switches may increase the time it takes for your job to start.

#SBATCH -N 256
#SBATCH --switches=2

Network Congestion

Sometimes, due to other communication-intensive workloads running at the same time as your workload, there may be variation in the amount of time spent on communication. There are Cray MPI environment variables that can be set to change the strategy used by the system to route messages in your job. The Network page provides more details on these environment variables.


Running with correct affinity and binding options can greatly affect variability.

  • use at least 8 ranks per node (1 rank per node cannot utilize the full network bandwidth)
  • read man intro_mpi for additional options
  • check job script generator to get correct binding
  • use check-mpi..cori and check-hybrid..cori to check affinity settings
user@nid01041:~> srun -n 8 -c 4 --cpu-bind=cores|sort -nk 4
Hello from rank 0, on nid07208. (core affinity = 0,68,136,204)
Hello from rank 1, on nid07208. (core affinity = 1,69,137,205)
Hello from rank 2, on nid07208. (core affinity = 2,70,138,206)
Hello from rank 3, on nid07208. (core affinity = 3,71,139,207)
Hello from rank 4, on nid07208. (core affinity = 4,72,140,208)
Hello from rank 5, on nid07208. (core affinity = 5,73,141,209)
Hello from rank 6, on nid07208. (core affinity = 6,74,142,210)
Hello from rank 7, on nid07208. (core affinity = 7,75,143,211)

Core specialization

Using core-specialization (#SBATCH -S n) moves OS functions to cores not in use by user applications, where n is the number of cores to dedicate to the OS. The example shows 4 cores per node on KNL for the OS and the other 64 for the application.

srun -n 128 -c 4 --cpu-bind=cores /tmp/my_program.x

Combined example

This example is for Cori KNL.

#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --constraint=knl,quad,cache
#SBATCH --qos=regular
#SBATCH --time=60
#SBATCH --core-spec=4
#SBATCH --switches=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=64
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4

module load craype-hugepages2M

sbcast -f  --compress ./my_program.x /tmp/my_program.x
srun --cpu-bind=cores /tmp/my_program.x