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JGI Resources

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NERSC offers various resources for the DOE Joint Genome Institute.

JGI users have access to the main computational system at NERSC, Cori. This access includes a JGI-exclusive partition named Genepool QOS and a purpose-built large RAM node partition named ExVivo.

File Systems

JGI users also have access to a variety of file systems at NERSC, some of which are shared and some of which are exclusive to JGI use.


NERSC provides general purpose and broad utility software via modules. For specialized software we encourage users to build and install their own as needed. This process can be streamlined by using one of the software management systems available at NERSC.

Training and Tutorials

This is a summary page for the training and tutorial sessions that have been given at the JGI. Downloads of training materials are available.

Databases and Web Services

NERSC provides web services and database hosting; this page provides information about various requirements and how to get started.