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Spin Cheat Sheet (Rancher 1)

The Rancher CLI must be used from a NERSC system, such as Cori. NERSC provides a modified version of the Rancher CLI which is optimized for the NERSC environment, and some subcommands have been removed. For detailed documentation about using the Rancher CLI at NERSC, see the Spin Reference Guide.

Rancher official CLI documentation can be found at, and a detailed list of CLI commands can be found at

Global Commands

Command Description
module load spin Load the module to access the Spin CLI tools, such as rancher
export RANCHER_ENVIRONMENT=dev-cattle Specify the Rancher environment to be used
rancher environment Print all environments that your account has access too Generate your API keys to connect to Spin. Usually only done once.
rancher config Configure the Rancher CLI. Usually only done once.
rancher help Show a list of commands
rancher help [command] Show help for one command
rancher [command] --help Show help for one command
rancher [command] --config .../cli.json Specify an alternate CLI client configuration file before running command.

Stack Operations

Command Description
rancher start|stop|restart [stack name] Start, Stop or Restart an entire stack
rancher stack ls List all active & inactive stacks belonging to you
rancher rm [stack name] --type stack Remove an entire stack. USE WITH CAUTION
Creating and Upgrading Stacks
- rancher up has many options. The default behavior is described in footnote 1.
rancher up Create & start the stack. Requires docker-compose.yml.
rancher up -d Create & start the stack. Send logs to the background.
rancher up --file .../ Create & start the stack, specifying an alternate Docker Compose file
rancher up --name [stack name] Create & start the stack, specifying an alternative project name
rancher up --upgrade Upgrade the stack if a service in docker-compose.yml has changed
rancher up --force-upgrade Force the stack regardless if a service has changed
rancher up --upgrade --confirm-upgrade Confirm that the upgrade was success and delete old containers
rancher up --upgrade --rollback Rollback to the previous version of the containers
rancher up --render Read your docker-compose.yml file & print output if successful.
Useful for syntax checking and for variable interpolation.
rancher export [stack name] Export the stack's Docker & Rancher Compose files to a subdirectory named [stack name]
rancher export [stack name] --file file.tar Export the stack's Docker & Rancher Compose files to a tar file
Rancher Secrets
rancher secret ls List all secrets owned by you
rancher secret create [secret name] file-with-secret Create a secret named [secret name] using the value read from the file file-with-secret
echo MyPassword | rancher secret create [secret name] - Create a secret named [secret name], read from standard input
rancher secret create [secret name] - <<< MyPassword Create a secret named [secret name], read from standard input
rancher rm --type secret [secret name] Remove the secret [secret name] if owned by you
Rancher Volumes
rancher volume ls List all active volumes owned by you
rancher volume ls --all List all volumes owned by you, regardless of their state. Volumes are inactive until a Stack actually uses it.
rancher volume create --driver rancher-nfs [service name].[stack name] Create a volume on the Rancher NFS server named [service name].[stack name]
rancher volume rm [service name].[stack name] Remove a volume owned by you

Service and Container Operations

Command Description
rancher start|stop|restart [stack name]/[service name] Start, Stop or Restart one service in your stack
rancher ps List active services in all of your stacks
rancher ps --all List all active & inactive services in all of your stacks
rancher ps --containers List active containers in your stacks
rancher ps --containers --all List all active & inactive containers in your stacks
rancher ps | grep [stack name] List active services in one stack, using grep to show just one stack
rancher ps --format '{{.Service.Id}} {{.Service.Name}}/{{.Service.Name}}' Format the output of rancher ps to only print the ID and name of the services
rancher logs [stack name]/[service name] View logs for a service, including all container instances of that service.
rancher logs [stack name]-[service name]-[instance #] View logs for a single container instance of service.
The instance # can be seen using rancher ps --containers
rancher logs --since 1h --timestamps --follow [stack name]/[service name] View logs for a service & follow the output,
similar to tail --follow, and print timestamps.
rancher exec -it [stack name]/[service name] /bin/bash Obtain a shell on a container.
If the service has more than one container instance, Rancher will ask which instance.
rancher exec -it [stack name]-[service name]-[instance #] /bin/bash Obtain a shell on a specific container instance of a service.
rancher inspect [stack name]/[service name] | jq Print the configuration for a service in JSON, and use jq to convert the output to human-friendly format
rancher inspect [stack name]/[service name] | jq '.' | grep 'value' Print the configuration for a service in JSON, use jq to apply the filter '.',
and search for a value using grep. The filter is required when passing to standard out.
rancher scale [stack name]/[service name]=2 Set number of containers to run for a service. In this case, the service is scaled to two containers.


  1. rancher up has several default behaviors. See the chart above to override these behaviors.

    • docker-compose.yml is required.
    • rancher-compose.yml is optional, and rarely used.
    • rancher up reads the stack configuration from docker-compose.yml in the current working directory.
    • Rancher will name the stack after the current working directory.
    • Application logs are sent to the foreground. When logs are in the foreground, type Control C to send the logs to the background. The stack will continue running in the background.