powered by IPM
command: ./mini_dft+ipm -in MDFT_07.in -ntg 6 -ndiag 169
region: Benchmark_Time
state: unknown
username: baustin
host: nid05348 (x86_64_Linux)
mpi_tasks: 192 on 8 hosts
wallclock: 2.55498e+02 sec
#exits: 192/192
%comm: 25.1101276681593
gflop/sec: 0


Event Count Pop


% of MPI Time
HPM Counter Statistics
Event Ntasks Avg Min(rank) Max(rank)
Communication Event Statistics (0.00% detail, 1.2317e+04 error)
  Buffer Size Ncalls Total Time Min Time Max Time %MPI %Wall
MPI_Barrier 0 693435 2930.007 8.822e-06 3.342e+00 23.79 5.97
MPI_Alltoallv 81920 87936 1383.734 4.233e-03 8.715e-02 11.23 2.82
MPI_Alltoallv 40960 87936 1377.711 4.324e-03 8.714e-02 11.19 2.81
MPI_Alltoallv 327680 175872 924.964 1.407e-03 1.087e-01 7.51 1.89
MPI_Bcast 3072 231374 165.105 9.537e-07 1.801e-02 1.34 0.34
MPI_Bcast 1536 17030 76.248 0.000e+00 2.358e-01 0.62 0.16
MPI_Recv 3072 658124 61.469 0.000e+00 1.552e-02 0.50 0.13
MPI_Bcast 655360 16991 44.958 3.869e-04 2.380e-02 0.37 0.09
MPI_Recv 4 2028 9.281 0.000e+00 1.808e-02 0.08 0.02
MPI_Reduce 655360 36959 38.120 2.279e-04 1.964e-02 0.31 0.08
MPI_Allreduce 786432 7104 19.872 2.287e-03 8.972e-03 0.16 0.04
MPI_Recv 655360 6757 22.731 7.486e-05 1.990e-02 0.18 0.05
MPI_Sendrecv_replace 655360 13182 15.633 1.121e-04 9.138e-03 0.13 0.03
MPI_Alltoallv 4096 397 11.819 2.329e-02 4.069e-02 0.10 0.02
MPI_Alltoallv 8192 384 11.320 2.340e-02 3.603e-02 0.09 0.02
MPI_Reduce 98304 5915 11.287 2.098e-05 1.932e-01 0.09 0.02
MPI_Recv 49152 49476 8.836 4.053e-06 1.438e-02 0.07 0.02
MPI_Bcast 98304 5915 10.998 1.621e-05 6.375e-02 0.09 0.02
MPI_Bcast 1024 147456 9.511 9.537e-07 3.126e-03 0.08 0.02
MPI_Alltoall 4 192 11.004 1.621e-03 1.336e-01 0.09 0.02
MPI_Bcast 4 291817 5.951 0.000e+00 1.294e-02 0.05 0.01
MPI_Alltoallv 5120 176 7.086 3.746e-02 4.078e-02 0.06 0.01
Load balance by task: HPM counters
by MPI rank, by MPI time
Load balance by task: memory, flops, timings
by MPI rank, by MPI time
Communication balance by task (sorted by MPI time)
by MPI rank , time detail by MPI time , time detail by rank , call list
Message Buffer Size Distributions: time
cumulative values, values
Message Buffer Size Distributions: Ncalls
cumulative values, values
Communication Topology : point to point data flow
data sent , data recv , time spent , map_data file map_adjacency file