powered by IPM
command: ./mini_dft+ipm -in MDFT_08.in -ntg 7 -ndiag 289
region: Benchmark_Time
state: unknown
username: baustin
host: nid05188 (x86_64_Linux)
mpi_tasks: 315 on 14 hosts
wallclock: 5.68557e+02 sec
#exits: 315/315
%comm: 32.626709139817
gflop/sec: 0


Event Count Pop


% of MPI Time
HPM Counter Statistics
Event Ntasks Avg Min(rank) Max(rank)
Communication Event Statistics (0.00% detail, 5.8430e+04 error)
  Buffer Size Ncalls Total Time Min Time Max Time %MPI %Wall
MPI_Barrier 0 1596342 16405.797 1.097e-05 4.987e+00 28.08 9.16
MPI_Alltoallv 40960 311752 6648.311 4.834e-03 1.307e-01 11.38 3.71
MPI_Alltoallv 327680 369180 2878.685 1.262e-03 9.162e-02 4.93 1.61
MPI_Alltoallv 81920 49224 1052.918 4.910e-03 1.285e-01 1.80 0.59
MPI_Bcast 3584 585123 361.021 9.537e-07 2.583e-02 0.62 0.20
MPI_Alltoallv 57344 8204 172.981 4.938e-03 1.241e-01 0.30 0.10
MPI_Bcast 1792 31858 184.844 0.000e+00 2.833e-01 0.32 0.10
MPI_Reduce 786432 96390 103.790 2.430e-04 1.883e-02 0.18 0.06
MPI_Bcast 786432 42840 94.780 6.649e-04 1.581e-02 0.16 0.05
MPI_Allreduce 786432 26145 97.359 2.618e-03 1.273e-02 0.17 0.05
MPI_Reduce 114688 114478 144.273 2.599e-05 3.002e-01 0.25 0.08
MPI_Recv 4 4624 30.076 0.000e+00 2.500e-02 0.05 0.02
MPI_Recv 3584 1692632 138.800 0.000e+00 2.395e-02 0.24 0.08
MPI_Bcast 114688 60928 84.273 1.693e-05 1.352e-01 0.14 0.05
MPI_Bcast 917504 4624 71.263 6.080e-04 3.700e-02 0.12 0.04
MPI_Recv 917504 15633 69.417 8.488e-05 3.053e-02 0.12 0.04
MPI_Alltoall 4 315 105.040 1.958e-03 5.247e+00 0.18 0.06
MPI_Sendrecv_replace 917504 29478 46.812 1.509e-04 1.221e-02 0.08 0.03
MPI_Alltoallv 3584 1090 25.874 9.390e-03 7.967e-02 0.04 0.01
MPI_Recv 57344 141942 40.658 5.007e-06 2.249e-02 0.07 0.02
MPI_Reduce 917504 4624 25.965 2.420e-04 3.144e-02 0.04 0.01
MPI_Send 57344 141712 21.825 5.960e-06 1.130e-02 0.04 0.01
Load balance by task: HPM counters
by MPI rank, by MPI time
Load balance by task: memory, flops, timings
by MPI rank, by MPI time
Communication balance by task (sorted by MPI time)
by MPI rank , time detail by MPI time , time detail by rank , call list
Message Buffer Size Distributions: time
cumulative values, values
Message Buffer Size Distributions: Ncalls
cumulative values, values
Communication Topology : point to point data flow
data sent , data recv , time spent , map_data file map_adjacency file