powered by IPM
command: ./main3d.Linux.Intel.Intel.MPI.IPM.ex
codename: unknown
state: unknown
username: vince
host: nid02122 (x86_64_Linux)
mpi_tasks: 110592 on 4608 hosts
start: 03/12/14/19:57:26
wallclock: 5.19904e+01 sec
stop: 03/12/14/19:58:18
%comm: 3.45873531759839
total memory: 41423.5086109987 gbytes
total gflop/sec: 11.8560460192648
switch(send): 0 gbytes
switch(recv): 0 gbytes


Event Count Pop
PAPI_FP_OPS 31797709348269 *
PAPI_L1_DCA 11938313901784373 *
PAPI_L1_DCM 6564859339578 *
PAPI_TOT_INS 21366645504505806 *


% of MPI Time
HPM Counter Statistics
Event Ntasks Avg Min(rank) Max(rank)
PAPI_FP_OPS * 287522690.14 247582688 (84407) 289596670 (110591)
PAPI_L1_DCA * 107949163608.44 99174538809 (0) 109349648871 (252)
PAPI_L1_DCM * 59361068.97 51458988 (12) 95327650 (30976)
PAPI_TOT_INS * 193202451393.46 179388566314 (0) 196175885235 (88940)
Communication Event Statistics (100.00% detail, 4.4741e-03 error)
  Buffer Size Ncalls Total Time Min Time Max Time %MPI %Wall
MPI_Waitsome 0 20175605 94760.553 0.000e+00 3.552e-01 47.65 1.65
MPI_Allreduce 8 995328 44957.673 1.900e-04 6.344e-01 22.61 0.78
MPI_Send 8192 5971968 15981.778 5.960e-06 2.354e-01 8.04 0.28
MPI_Allreduce 16 331776 13300.398 2.990e-04 2.646e-01 6.69 0.23
MPI_Send 32768 7962624 13092.616 1.693e-05 2.577e-01 6.58 0.23
MPI_Barrier 0 110592 12674.434 8.535e-02 1.520e-01 6.37 0.22
MPI_Allgather 8 110592 2794.427 1.805e-02 5.700e-02 1.41 0.05
Load balance by task: HPM counters
by MPI rank, by MPI time
Load balance by task: memory, flops, timings
by MPI rank, by MPI time
Communication balance by task (sorted by MPI time)
by MPI rank , time detail by MPI time , time detail by rank , call list
Message Buffer Size Distributions: time
cumulative values, values
Message Buffer Size Distributions: Ncalls
cumulative values, values
Communication Topology : point to point data flow
data sent , data recv , time spent , map_data file map_adjacency file
Switch Traffic (volume by node)
Memory usage by node