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namespace AliDielectronHelper

Function Members (Methods)

Double_tGetITSTPCMatchEff(const AliVEvent* ev = 0x0)
voidGetMaxPtAndPhi(const AliVEvent* ev, Double_t& ptMax, Double_t& phiOfptMax)
Int_tGetNacc(const AliVEvent* ev = 0x0)
Int_tGetNaccTrcklts(const AliVEvent* ev = 0x0, Double_t etaRange = 1.6)
Double_tGetNaccTrckltsCorrected(const AliVEvent* event, Double_t uncorrectedNacc, Double_t vtxZ, Int_t type)
Int_tGetNch(const AliMCEvent* ev = 0x0, Double_t eta = 0.9)
Int_tGetNMothers(const AliMCEvent* ev = 0x0, Double_t etaRange = 0.9, Int_t pdgMother = -999, Int_t pdgDaughter = -999, Int_t prim = -1)
TVectorD*MakeArbitraryBinning(const char* bins)
TVectorD*MakeLinBinning(Int_t nbinsX, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax)
TVectorD*MakeLogBinning(Int_t nbinsX, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax)
voidRotateKFParticle(AliKFParticle* kfParticle, Double_t angle, const AliVEvent *const ev = 0x0)

Class Charts

Function documentation

TVectorD* MakeLogBinning(Int_t nbinsX, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax)
 Make logarithmic binning
 the user has to delete the array afterwards!!!

TVectorD* MakeLinBinning(Int_t nbinsX, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax)
 Make linear binning
 the user has to delete the array afterwards!!!

TVectorD* MakeArbitraryBinning(const char* bins)
 Make arbitrary binning, bins separated by a ','

void GetMaxPtAndPhi(const AliVEvent* ev, Double_t& ptMax, Double_t& phiOfptMax)
 find the highest pt and its phi in the event

Int_t GetNch(const AliMCEvent* ev = 0x0, Double_t eta = 0.9)
 determination of Nch
Int_t GetNaccTrcklts(const AliVEvent* ev = 0x0, Double_t etaRange = 1.6)
 Compute the collision multiplicity based on AOD or ESD tracklets
 Code taken from: AliAnalysisTaskMuonCollisionMultiplicity::ComputeMultiplicity()
Double_t GetNaccTrckltsCorrected(const AliVEvent* event, Double_t uncorrectedNacc, Double_t vtxZ, Int_t type)
 Correct the number of accepted tracklets based on the period and event vertex

Int_t GetNacc(const AliVEvent* ev = 0x0)
 put a robust Nacc definition here
Double_t GetITSTPCMatchEff(const AliVEvent* ev = 0x0)
 recalulate the its-tpc matching efficiecy
void RotateKFParticle(AliKFParticle* kfParticle, Double_t angle, const AliVEvent *const ev = 0x0)
 Before rotate needs to be moved to position 0,0,0, ; move back after rotation
Int_t GetNMothers(const AliMCEvent* ev = 0x0, Double_t etaRange = 0.9, Int_t pdgMother = -999, Int_t pdgDaughter = -999, Int_t prim = -1)
 TODO: add AODs
 counting number of mother particles generated in given eta range and 2 particle decay