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 * @mainpage ALICE PWGLF Forward Multiplcity Analysis 
 * This is the analysis code for analysis of the Forward data. 
 * @par Sections 
 * - @subpage train_setup_doc
 * - @subpage mult_doc
 * - @subpage density_doc
 * - @subpage dist_doc
 * - @subpage flow_doc
 * - <a href="modules.html"><b>Modules</b></a>
 * @par External Information 
 * - <a href="">Analysis Note</a>
 * @par Observations on implementing tasks 
 * - Any object propagated to the output must be allocated on the heap
 *   and not deleted by the task.  The reason is, that PROOF cleans-up
 *   tasks _before_ the output is flushed to disk