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/* $Id: $ */

// Objects of this class contain info on time-dependent corrections

#include <fstream>
#include <TString.h>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TTree.h>

#include "AliEMCALCalibTimeDepCorrection.h"

using namespace std;


AliEMCALCalibTimeDepCorrection::AliEMCALCalibTimeDepCorrection(const int nSM) : 
  //Default constructor.
  for (int i=0; i<fNSuperModule; i++) {
    fSuperModuleData.Add(new AliEMCALSuperModuleCalibTimeDepCorrection(i));
  fSuperModuleData.Compress(); // compress the TObjArray

void AliEMCALCalibTimeDepCorrection::InitCorrection(Int_t nSM, Int_t nBins, Float_t val)
  // This methods assumes that you are using SuperModules 0..nSM-1
  fNSuperModule = nSM;

  Int_t iSM = 0; // SuperModule index
  Int_t iCol = 0;
  Int_t iRow = 0;
  Int_t nCorr = nBins;
  Float_t correction = val;

  Int_t nAPDPerSM = AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols * AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows;

  for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNSuperModule; i++) {
    AliEMCALSuperModuleCalibTimeDepCorrection * t = (AliEMCALSuperModuleCalibTimeDepCorrection*) fSuperModuleData[i];
    iSM = i;
    t->SetSuperModuleNum(iSM); // assume SMs are coming in order

    for (Int_t j=0; j<nAPDPerSM; j++) {
      iCol = j / AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows;
      iRow = j % AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows;

      // set size of TArray
      for (Int_t k=0; k<nCorr; k++) {
	// add to TArray
	t->GetCorrection(iCol,iRow)->AddAt(correction, k); // AddAt = SetAt..

  } // i, SuperModule


void AliEMCALCalibTimeDepCorrection::SetCorrection(Int_t supModIndex, Int_t iCol, Int_t iRow, Int_t iBin, Float_t val)
{ // if you call for non-existing data, there may be a crash..
  ((AliEMCALSuperModuleCalibTimeDepCorrection*)fSuperModuleData[supModIndex])->GetCorrection(iCol,iRow)->AddAt(val, iBin); // AddAt = SetAt..

Float_t AliEMCALCalibTimeDepCorrection::GetCorrection(Int_t supModIndex, Int_t iCol, Int_t iRow, Int_t iBin) const
{ // if you call for non-existing data, there may be a crash..
  return ((AliEMCALSuperModuleCalibTimeDepCorrection*)fSuperModuleData[supModIndex])->GetCorrection(iCol,iRow)->At(iBin);

void AliEMCALCalibTimeDepCorrection::ReadTextInfo(Int_t nSM, const TString &txtFileName,
						  Bool_t swapSides)
  //Read data from txt file. ; coordinates given on SuperModule basis

  std::ifstream inputFile(txtFileName.Data());
  if (!inputFile) {
    printf("AliEMCALCalibTimeDepCorrection::ReadTextInfo - Cannot open the APD info file %s\n", txtFileName.Data());

  fNSuperModule = nSM;

  Int_t iSM = 0; // SuperModule index
  Int_t iCol = 0;
  Int_t iRow = 0;
  Int_t nCorr = 0;
  Float_t correction = 0;

  Int_t nAPDPerSM = AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols * AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows;

  // read header info 
  inputFile >> fStartTime >> fNTimeBins >> fTimeBinSize;

  for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNSuperModule; i++) {
    AliEMCALSuperModuleCalibTimeDepCorrection * t = (AliEMCALSuperModuleCalibTimeDepCorrection*) fSuperModuleData[i];

    if (!inputFile) {
      printf("AliEMCALCalibTimeDepCorrection::ReadTextInfo - Error while reading input file; likely EOF..\n");
    inputFile >> iSM;

    for (Int_t j=0; j<nAPDPerSM; j++) {
      inputFile >> iCol >> iRow >> nCorr;

      // check that input values are not out bounds
      if (iCol<0 || iCol>(AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols-1) ||
	  iRow<0 || iRow>(AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows-1) || 
	  nCorr<0 ) {
	printf("AliEMCALCalibTimeDepCorrection::ReadTextInfo - Error while reading input file; j %d iCol %d iRow %d nCorr %d\n", j, iCol, iRow, nCorr);

      // assume that this info is already swapped and done for this basis?
      if (swapSides) {
	// C side, oriented differently than A side: swap is requested
	iCol = AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols-1 - iCol;
	iRow = AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows-1 - iRow;

      // set size of TArray
      for (Int_t k=0; k<nCorr; k++) {
	inputFile >> correction;
	// add to TArray
	t->GetCorrection(iCol,iRow)->AddAt(correction, k);

  } // i, SuperModule



void AliEMCALCalibTimeDepCorrection::WriteTextInfo(const TString &txtFileName,
						   Bool_t swapSides)
  // write data to txt file. ; coordinates given on SuperModule basis

  std::ofstream outputFile(txtFileName.Data());
  if (!outputFile) {
    printf("AliEMCALCalibTimeDepCorrection::WriteTextInfo - Cannot open the APD output file %s\n", txtFileName.Data());

  Int_t iCol = 0;
  Int_t iRow = 0;
  Int_t nCorr = 0;

  Int_t nAPDPerSM = AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols * AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows;

  // write header info 
  outputFile << fStartTime << " " << fNTimeBins << " " << fTimeBinSize << endl;

  for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNSuperModule; i++) {
    AliEMCALSuperModuleCalibTimeDepCorrection * t = (AliEMCALSuperModuleCalibTimeDepCorrection*) fSuperModuleData[i];
    outputFile << t->GetSuperModuleNum() << endl;

    for (Int_t j=0; j<nAPDPerSM; j++) {
      iCol = j / AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows;
      iRow = j % AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows;

      nCorr = t->GetCorrection(iCol,iRow)->GetSize();

      if (swapSides) {
	// C side, oriented differently than A side: swap is requested
	iCol = AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols-1 - iCol;
	iRow = AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows-1 - iRow;

      outputFile << iCol << " " << iRow << " " << nCorr << endl;
      for (Int_t k=0; k<nCorr; k++) {
	outputFile << t->GetCorrection(iCol,iRow)->At(k) << " ";
      outputFile << endl;


  } // i, SuperModule



void AliEMCALCalibTimeDepCorrection::ReadRootInfo(const TString &rootFileName,
						  Bool_t swapSides)
  //Read data from root file. ; coordinates given on SuperModule basis
  TFile inputFile(rootFileName, "read");  

  TTree *treeGlob = (TTree*) inputFile.Get("treeGlob");
  TTree *treeCorr = (TTree*) inputFile.Get("treeCorr");

  ReadTreeInfo(treeGlob, treeCorr, swapSides);



void AliEMCALCalibTimeDepCorrection::ReadTreeInfo(TTree *treeGlob, TTree *treeCorr,
						  Bool_t swapSides)
 // how many SuperModule's worth of entries / APDs do we have?
  Int_t nAPDPerSM = AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols * AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows;
  fNSuperModule = treeCorr->GetEntries() / nAPDPerSM;

  // global variables : only one entry
  treeGlob->SetBranchAddress("fStartTime", &fStartTime);
  treeGlob->SetBranchAddress("fNTimeBins", &fNTimeBins);
  treeGlob->SetBranchAddress("fTimeBinSize", &fTimeBinSize);

  Int_t iSM = 0; // SuperModule index
  Int_t iCol = 0;
  Int_t iRow = 0;
  // list of values to be read
  Int_t nCorr = 0;
  Float_t correction[fgkMaxTimeBins] = {0};
  // make sure it's really initialized correctly
  memset(correction, 0, sizeof(correction)); // better safe than sorry
  // end - all values

  // declare the branches
  treeCorr->SetBranchAddress("iSM", &iSM);
  treeCorr->SetBranchAddress("iCol", &iCol);
  treeCorr->SetBranchAddress("iRow", &iRow);
  treeCorr->SetBranchAddress("nCorr", &nCorr);
  treeCorr->SetBranchAddress("correction", correction);

  for (int ient=0; ient<treeCorr->GetEntries(); ient++) {

    // assume the index SuperModules come in order: i=iSM
    AliEMCALSuperModuleCalibTimeDepCorrection * t = (AliEMCALSuperModuleCalibTimeDepCorrection*) fSuperModuleData[iSM];

    // assume that this info is already swapped and done for this basis?
    if (swapSides) {
      // C side, oriented differently than A side: swap is requested
      iCol = AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols-1 - iCol;
      iRow = AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows-1 - iRow;

    // set size of TArray
    for (Int_t k=0; k<nCorr; k++) {
      // add to TArray
      t->GetCorrection(iCol,iRow)->AddAt(correction[k], k);

  } // entry


void AliEMCALCalibTimeDepCorrection::WriteRootInfo(const TString &rootFileName,
						   Bool_t swapSides)
  // write data to root file. ; coordinates given on SuperModule basis
  TFile destFile(rootFileName, "recreate");  
  if (destFile.IsZombie()) {

  TTree *treeGlob = new TTree("treeGlob","");
  TTree *treeCorr = new TTree("treeCorr","");

  // global part only has one entry
  treeGlob->Branch("fStartTime", &fStartTime, "fStartTime/i"); // unsigned int..
  treeGlob->Branch("fNTimeBins", &fNTimeBins, "fNTimeBins/I");
  treeGlob->Branch("fTimeBinSize", &fTimeBinSize, "fTimeBinSize/I");

  // variables for filling the TTree
  Int_t iSM = 0; // SuperModule index
  Int_t iCol = 0;
  Int_t iRow = 0;
  Int_t nCorr = 0;
  Float_t correction[fgkMaxTimeBins] = {0};
  // make sure it's really initialized correctly
  memset(correction, 0, sizeof(correction)); // better safe than sorry

  // declare the branches
  treeCorr->Branch("iSM", &iSM, "iSM/I");
  treeCorr->Branch("iCol", &iCol, "iCol/I");
  treeCorr->Branch("iRow", &iRow, "iRow/I");
  treeCorr->Branch("nCorr", &nCorr, "nCorr/I");
  treeCorr->Branch("correction", &correction, "correction[nCorr]/F");

  Int_t nAPDPerSM = AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols * AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows;

  for (iSM = 0; iSM < fNSuperModule; iSM++) {
    AliEMCALSuperModuleCalibTimeDepCorrection * t = (AliEMCALSuperModuleCalibTimeDepCorrection*) fSuperModuleData[iSM];

    for (Int_t j=0; j<nAPDPerSM; j++) {
      iCol = j / AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows;
      iRow = j % AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows;

      nCorr = t->GetCorrection(iCol,iRow)->GetSize();
      if (nCorr > fgkMaxTimeBins) {
	printf("AliEMCALCalibTimeDepCorrection::WriteRootInfo - too many correction/timebins %d kept\n", nCorr);

      if (swapSides) {
	// C side, oriented differently than A side: swap is requested
	iCol = AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols-1 - iCol;
	iRow = AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows-1 - iRow;

      for (Int_t k=0; k<nCorr; k++) {
	correction[k] = t->GetCorrection(iCol,iRow)->At(k);


  } // i, SuperModule




AliEMCALSuperModuleCalibTimeDepCorrection * AliEMCALCalibTimeDepCorrection::GetSuperModuleCalibTimeDepCorrectionNum(Int_t supModIndex)const
{ // getter via index
  for (int i=0; i<fNSuperModule; i++) {
    AliEMCALSuperModuleCalibTimeDepCorrection * t = (AliEMCALSuperModuleCalibTimeDepCorrection*) fSuperModuleData[i];
    if (t->GetSuperModuleNum() == supModIndex) {
      return t;

  // if we arrived here, then nothing was found.. just return a NULL pointer 
  return NULL;
