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// $Id$

/// \class AliMUONSegment
/// A basic line segment, to be used in contour making algorithms. 
/// In particular, this class defines what a left or right edge is.
/// Also, please note that, due to the way Root collections are sorted (relying
/// on TObject::Compare method), the way the AliMUONSegment::Compare method
/// is implemented below is really important when it comes to understand
/// contour making algorithm. Keep that in mind. 
/// \author Laurent Aphecetche, Subatech

#include "AliMUONSegment.h"

#include "TMath.h"
#include "Riostream.h"
#include "AliMpConstants.h"

using std::cout;
using std::endl;
/// \cond CLASSIMP
/// \endcond

const Double_t AliMUONSegment::fgkPrecision(AliMpConstants::LengthTolerance());
AliMUONSegment::AliMUONSegment() : 
fStartX(), fStartY(), fEndX(), fEndY(), fSmallerY(), fIsHorizontal(), fIsVertical(),
fIsLeftEdge(), fIsRightEdge(), fIsAPoint(kTRUE)
  /// Ctor

AliMUONSegment::AliMUONSegment(Double_t xstart, Double_t ystart, Double_t xend, Double_t yend)
: TObject(),
fStartX(xstart), fStartY(ystart), fEndX(xend), fEndY(yend), fSmallerY(), fIsHorizontal(), fIsVertical(),
fIsLeftEdge(), fIsRightEdge(), fIsAPoint(kTRUE)
  /// Ctor

AliMUONSegment::AreEqual(double a, double b)
  /// Whether the two floats are equal within the given precision
  return (TMath::Abs(b-a) < fgkPrecision);

AliMUONSegment::Compare(const TObject* obj) const
  /// Compare method, which sort segments in ascending x order
  /// if same x, insure that left edges are before right edges
  /// within same x, order by increasing bottommost y
  /// Mind your steps ! This method is critical to the contour merging algorithm !
  const AliMUONSegment* rhs = static_cast<const AliMUONSegment*>(obj);
  if ( AreEqual(StartX(),rhs->StartX()) )
    if ( IsLeftEdge() && rhs->IsRightEdge() ) return -1;
    if ( IsRightEdge() && rhs->IsLeftEdge() ) return 1;
    if ( SmallerY() < rhs->SmallerY() ) return -1;
    if ( SmallerY() > rhs->SmallerY() ) return 1;
    return 0;
  else if ( StartX() < rhs->StartX() )
    return -1;
  else //if ( StartX() > rhs->StartX() ) 
    return 1;

double AliMUONSegment::Top() const 
  /// Max Y of the segment
  return TMath::Max(fStartY,fEndY); 

double AliMUONSegment::Distance() const 
  /// Length of the segment
  return TMath::Sqrt((fStartX-fEndX)*(fStartX-fEndX) +

void AliMUONSegment::Print(Option_t*) const
  /// Printout
  cout << AsString() << endl;

const char* AliMUONSegment::AsString() const 
  /// Return a string representation of this object
  return Form("[ (%10.5f,%10.5f) -> (%10.5f,%10.5f) %s ] (d=%e)",fStartX,fStartY,fEndX,fEndY,
              IsLeftEdge() ? "L" : ( IsRightEdge() ? "R" : ( IsHorizontal() ? "H" : "" )),
              Distance() ); 

AliMUONSegment::Set(Double_t xstart, Double_t ystart, Double_t xend, Double_t yend)
  /// Set start and end point, and (re)compute internal values
  fStartX = xstart;
  fEndX = xend;
  fStartY = ystart;
  fEndY = yend;
  fSmallerY = TMath::Min(fStartY,fEndY); 
  fIsHorizontal = AreEqual(fStartY,fEndY); 
  fIsVertical = AreEqual(fStartX,fEndX); 
  fIsLeftEdge = fIsVertical && ( fStartY > fEndY );
  fIsRightEdge = fIsVertical && ( fStartY < fEndY );
  fIsAPoint = ( Distance() < fgkPrecision );
