The Cosmology Data Repository curates publicly available datasets useful for cosmology analyses and co-locates them at NERSC along side the computing resources necessary to analyze them. This enables cross project data analyses that would not be possible if each dataset were only available via web portals at multiple locations.
At NERSC, files are available under /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data
, on the web, or via Globus Online from NERSC.
Current datasets include:
For a full listing, browse to The data/ directory.
The flagship analysis using these data is the image processing and target selection for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), which draws upon datasets from DES, DECaLS, MzLS, BASS, WISE, SDSS, with R&D and validation datasets from DEEP2, CFHTLS, and 2MASS. Co-locating these datasets is critical for their successful joint analysis to perform target selection for DESI, a key Stage-IV cosmology survey funded by the DOE cosmic frontier program. It also serves as testing grounds for cosmology data management at NERSC, preparing for future projects such as LSST and DESI.
Last modified: 2022-06-22