Started working on galaxy NGC0772_GROUP at Fri Jun 19 09:37:47 2020 Read 3 galaxy(ies) from /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-sample.fits Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-tractor.fits Read 5622 sources from /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-tractor.fits Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-maskbits.fits.fz Sort by flux! [ 97414.82 5605.153 378.21762] Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-image-g.fits.fz Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-model-g.fits.fz Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-invvar-g.fits.fz Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-image-r.fits.fz Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-model-r.fits.fz Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-invvar-r.fits.fz Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-image-z.fits.fz Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-model-z.fits.fz Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-invvar-z.fits.fz Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-psf-r.fits.fz Building masked image for central 1/3. Central position has been masked, possibly by a star (or saturated core). Pixels used: 780545 Peak Img[j, k]: 2016 1757 Mean (j, k): 2036.26 1750.20 Theta (deg): 147.1 Astro PA (deg): 122.9 Eps: 0.345 Major axis (pix): 758.1 Iteratively unmasking pixels: r=758.12 pixels r=758.12 pixels r=911.03 pixels 2036.72974504 2017.92 1749.15998107 1754.19 Peak position has moved by more than 10 pixels---falling back on Tractor geometry! r=603.86 pixels Building masked image for central 2/3. Pixels used: 25119 Peak Img[j, k]: 1288 2077 Mean (j, k): 1287.61 2076.70 Theta (deg): 79.9 Astro PA (deg): 10.1 Eps: 0.308 Major axis (pix): 116.5 1287.61112308 1288.16 2076.69903886 2076.54 Building masked image for central 3/3. Pixels used: 6718 Peak Img[j, k]: 1364 2424 Mean (j, k): 1363.26 2424.78 Theta (deg): 6.4 Astro PA (deg): 83.6 Eps: 0.419 Major axis (pix): 66.3 1363.25971462 1363.6 2424.78360308 2424.59 Starting ellipse-fitting for galaxy 92229 Started working on galaxy NGC0772_GROUP at Sun Jun 21 02:44:56 2020 Read 3 galaxy(ies) from /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-sample.fits Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-tractor.fits Read 5622 sources from /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-tractor.fits Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-maskbits.fits.fz Sort by flux! [ 97414.82 5605.153 378.21762] Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-image-g.fits.fz Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-model-g.fits.fz Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-invvar-g.fits.fz Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-image-r.fits.fz Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-model-r.fits.fz Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-invvar-r.fits.fz Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-image-z.fits.fz Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-model-z.fits.fz Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-invvar-z.fits.fz Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-psf-r.fits.fz Building masked image for central 1/3. Central position has been masked, possibly by a star (or saturated core). Pixels used: 780545 Peak Img[j, k]: 2016 1757 Mean (j, k): 2036.26 1750.20 Theta (deg): 147.1 Astro PA (deg): 122.9 Eps: 0.345 Major axis (pix): 758.1 Iteratively unmasking pixels: r=758.12 pixels r=758.12 pixels r=911.03 pixels 2036.72974504 2017.92 1749.15998107 1754.19 Peak position has moved by more than 10 pixels---falling back on Tractor geometry! r=603.86 pixels Building masked image for central 2/3. Pixels used: 25119 Peak Img[j, k]: 1288 2077 Mean (j, k): 1287.61 2076.70 Theta (deg): 79.9 Astro PA (deg): 10.1 Eps: 0.308 Major axis (pix): 116.5 1287.61112308 1288.16 2076.69903886 2076.54 Building masked image for central 3/3. Pixels used: 6718 Peak Img[j, k]: 1364 2424 Mean (j, k): 1363.26 2424.78 Theta (deg): 6.4 Astro PA (deg): 83.6 Eps: 0.419 Major axis (pix): 66.3 1363.25971462 1363.6 2424.78360308 2424.59 Starting ellipse-fitting for galaxy 92229 Starting ellipsefit_multiband with 32 cores. Fitting g-band took......981.782 sec Fitting r-band took......974.695 sec Fitting z-band took......986.010 sec Time for all images = 2942.487 sec Performing elliptical aperture photometry. WARNING: The fit may be unsuccessful; check fit_info['message'] for more information. [astropy.modeling.fitting] g CoG modeling succeeded with a chi^2 minimum of 876200.85 r CoG modeling failed. WARNING: The fit may be unsuccessful; check fit_info['message'] for more information. [astropy.modeling.fitting] r CoG modeling succeeded with a chi^2 minimum of 1175585.23 z CoG modeling succeeded with a chi^2 minimum of 587104.66 Time = 5.429 min WARNING: The unit 'mgy / arcsec2' could not be saved in native FITS format and cannot be recovered in reading. If pyyaml is installed, it can roundtrip within astropy by using QTable both to write and read back, though one has to enable the unit before reading. [] Writing /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-92229-ellipse.fits Starting ellipse-fitting for galaxy 1433240 Starting ellipsefit_multiband with 32 cores. Fitting g-band took... Central pixel is masked; resorting to extreme measures! ...0.001 sec Fitting r-band took... Central pixel is masked; resorting to extreme measures! ...0.000 sec Fitting z-band took... Central pixel is masked; resorting to extreme measures! ...0.000 sec Time for all images = 0.002 sec Performing elliptical aperture photometry. Insufficient profile to measure the radius at 22.0 mag/arcsec2! Insufficient profile to measure the radius at 22.5 mag/arcsec2! Insufficient profile to measure the radius at 23.0 mag/arcsec2! Insufficient profile to measure the radius at 23.5 mag/arcsec2! Insufficient profile to measure the radius at 24.0 mag/arcsec2! Insufficient profile to measure the radius at 24.5 mag/arcsec2! Insufficient profile to measure the radius at 25.0 mag/arcsec2! Insufficient profile to measure the radius at 25.5 mag/arcsec2! Insufficient profile to measure the radius at 26.0 mag/arcsec2! Warning: Too few g-band pixels to fit the curve of growth; skipping. Warning: Too few r-band pixels to fit the curve of growth; skipping. Warning: Too few z-band pixels to fit the curve of growth; skipping. Time = 0.000 min WARNING: The unit 'mgy / arcsec2' could not be saved in native FITS format and cannot be recovered in reading. If pyyaml is installed, it can roundtrip within astropy by using QTable both to write and read back, though one has to enable the unit before reading. [] Writing /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-1433240-ellipse.fits Starting ellipse-fitting for galaxy 1254043 Starting ellipsefit_multiband with 32 cores. Fitting g-band took......15.714 sec Fitting r-band took......14.686 sec Fitting z-band took......14.838 sec Time for all images = 45.238 sec Performing elliptical aperture photometry. g CoG modeling succeeded with a chi^2 minimum of 36.90 r CoG modeling succeeded with a chi^2 minimum of 66.30 WARNING: The fit may be unsuccessful; check fit_info['message'] for more information. [astropy.modeling.fitting] z CoG modeling succeeded with a chi^2 minimum of 115.07 Time = 1.155 min WARNING: The unit 'mgy / arcsec2' could not be saved in native FITS format and cannot be recovered in reading. If pyyaml is installed, it can roundtrip within astropy by using QTable both to write and read back, though one has to enable the unit before reading. [] Writing /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/029/NGC0772_GROUP/NGC0772_GROUP-largegalaxy-1254043-ellipse.fits Finished galaxy NGC0772_GROUP in 61.853 minutes.