Started working on galaxy PGC749147_GROUP at Wed Jun 17 19:06:31 2020 Read 2 galaxy(ies) from /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/083/PGC749147_GROUP/PGC749147_GROUP-largegalaxy-sample.fits Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/083/PGC749147_GROUP/PGC749147_GROUP-largegalaxy-tractor.fits Read 254 sources from /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/083/PGC749147_GROUP/PGC749147_GROUP-largegalaxy-tractor.fits Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/083/PGC749147_GROUP/PGC749147_GROUP-largegalaxy-maskbits.fits.fz Sort by flux! [ 903.6218 21.64801] Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/083/PGC749147_GROUP/PGC749147_GROUP-largegalaxy-image-g.fits.fz Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/083/PGC749147_GROUP/PGC749147_GROUP-largegalaxy-model-g.fits.fz Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/083/PGC749147_GROUP/PGC749147_GROUP-largegalaxy-invvar-g.fits.fz Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/083/PGC749147_GROUP/PGC749147_GROUP-largegalaxy-image-r.fits.fz Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/083/PGC749147_GROUP/PGC749147_GROUP-largegalaxy-model-r.fits.fz Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/083/PGC749147_GROUP/PGC749147_GROUP-largegalaxy-invvar-r.fits.fz Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/083/PGC749147_GROUP/PGC749147_GROUP-largegalaxy-image-z.fits.fz Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/083/PGC749147_GROUP/PGC749147_GROUP-largegalaxy-model-z.fits.fz Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/083/PGC749147_GROUP/PGC749147_GROUP-largegalaxy-invvar-z.fits.fz Reading /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/083/PGC749147_GROUP/PGC749147_GROUP-largegalaxy-psf-r.fits.fz Building masked image for central 1/2. Central position has been masked, possibly by a star (or saturated core). Pixels used: 17481 Peak Img[j, k]: 331 327 Mean (j, k): 329.50 326.21 Theta (deg): 133.7 Astro PA (deg): 136.3 Eps: 0.252 Major axis (pix): 92.2 Iteratively unmasking pixels: r=92.25 pixels r=92.25 pixels r=110.69 pixels r=124.18 pixels r=127.97 pixels 328.410966005 331.632 325.982712865 326.352 Building masked image for central 2/2. The previous central has masked the current central with shrink factor 1.00 The previous central has masked the current central with shrink factor 0.95 The previous central has masked the current central with shrink factor 0.90 The previous central has masked the current central with shrink factor 0.85 The previous central has masked the current central with shrink factor 0.80 The previous central has masked the current central with shrink factor 0.75 Pixels used: 910 Peak Img[j, k]: 229 292 Mean (j, k): 249.41 311.54 Theta (deg): 158.4 Astro PA (deg): 111.6 Eps: 0.491 Major axis (pix): 37.7 249.410326951 262.79 311.537298332 279.176 Peak position has moved by more than 10 pixels---falling back on Tractor geometry! r=162.51 pixels Starting ellipse-fitting for galaxy 1389369 Fitting g-band took......31.102 sec Fitting r-band took......33.058 sec Fitting z-band took......29.289 sec Time for all images = 93.449 sec Performing elliptical aperture photometry. WARNING: The fit may be unsuccessful; check fit_info['message'] for more information. [astropy.modeling.fitting] g CoG modeling succeeded with a chi^2 minimum of 4500.83 WARNING: The fit may be unsuccessful; check fit_info['message'] for more information. [astropy.modeling.fitting] r CoG modeling succeeded with a chi^2 minimum of 7299.11 WARNING: The fit may be unsuccessful; check fit_info['message'] for more information. [astropy.modeling.fitting] z CoG modeling succeeded with a chi^2 minimum of 3269.90 Time = 0.140 min WARNING: The unit 'mgy / arcsec2' could not be saved in native FITS format and cannot be recovered in reading. If pyyaml is installed, it can roundtrip within astropy by using QTable both to write and read back, though one has to enable the unit before reading. [] Writing /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/083/PGC749147_GROUP/PGC749147_GROUP-largegalaxy-1389369-ellipse.fits Starting ellipse-fitting for galaxy 964735 Fitting g-band took......88.221 sec Fitting r-band took......88.737 sec Fitting z-band took......89.170 sec Time for all images = 266.127 sec Performing elliptical aperture photometry. WARNING: The fit may be unsuccessful; check fit_info['message'] for more information. [astropy.modeling.fitting] g CoG modeling succeeded with a chi^2 minimum of 320.91 r CoG modeling succeeded with a chi^2 minimum of 49.52 z CoG modeling succeeded with a chi^2 minimum of 287.27 Time = 0.053 min WARNING: The unit 'mgy / arcsec2' could not be saved in native FITS format and cannot be recovered in reading. If pyyaml is installed, it can roundtrip within astropy by using QTable both to write and read back, though one has to enable the unit before reading. [] Writing /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/083/PGC749147_GROUP/PGC749147_GROUP-largegalaxy-964735-ellipse.fits Finished galaxy PGC749147_GROUP in 7.463 minutes.