Started working on galaxy UGC03626 at Sun Jun 7 17:37:04 2020 Bands touching this brick, g r z python /global/homes/i/ioannis/repos/git/legacypipe/py/legacypipe/ --radec 105.67287449999999 70.97061109999999 --width 677 --height 677 --pixscale 0.262 --threads 4 --outdir /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626 --survey-dir /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/work/legacysurvey/dr9 --run north --write-stage tims --write-stage srcs --skip-calibs --checkpoint /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-checkpoint.p --pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-%%(stage)s.p --fit-on-coadds --saddle-fraction 0.2 --saddle-min 4.0 starting at 2020-06-07T17:37:05.390320 legacypipe git version: DR9.5.2 Command-line args: ['/global/homes/i/ioannis/repos/git/legacypipe/py/legacypipe/', '--radec', '105.67287449999999', '70.97061109999999', '--width', '677', '--height', '677', '--pixscale', '0.262', '--threads', '4', '--outdir', '/global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626', '--survey-dir', '/global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/work/legacysurvey/dr9', '--run', 'north', '--write-stage', 'tims', '--write-stage', 'srcs', '--skip-calibs', '--checkpoint', '/global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-checkpoint.p', '--pickle', '/global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-%%(stage)s.p', '--fit-on-coadds', '--saddle-fraction', '0.2', '--saddle-min', '4.0'] python /global/homes/i/ioannis/repos/git/legacypipe/py/legacypipe/ --radec 105.67287449999999 70.97061109999999 --width 677 --height 677 --pixscale 0.262 --threads 4 --outdir /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626 --survey-dir /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/work/legacysurvey/dr9 --run north --write-stage tims --write-stage srcs --skip-calibs --checkpoint /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-checkpoint.p --pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-%%(stage)s.p --fit-on-coadds --saddle-fraction 0.2 --saddle-min 4.0 Parsed RA,Dec 105.67287449999999 70.97061109999999 Starting process 28701 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 632 MB, VmSize: 632 MB, VmRSS: 56 MB, VmData: 127 MB, maxrss: 0.057304 MB Starting process 28703 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 632 MB, VmSize: 632 MB, VmRSS: 56 MB, VmData: 127 MB, maxrss: 0.057304 MB Starting process 28705 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 632 MB, VmSize: 632 MB, VmRSS: 56 MB, VmData: 127 MB, maxrss: 0.057304 MB Starting process 28708 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 632 MB, VmSize: 632 MB, VmRSS: 56 MB, VmData: 127 MB, maxrss: 0.057308 MB Runstage writecat Runstage wise_forced Runstage coadds Runstage fitblobs Runstage srcs Runstage fit_on_coadds Runstage halos Runstage outliers Runstage refs Runstage tims Running stage tims Running stage tims at 2020-06-07T17:37:05.939245 Keeping 14 CCDs: k4m_170308_041617_ooi_zd_ls9.fits.fz k4m_170308_041617_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD1 z exptime 91.103 propid 2016A-0453 seeing 0.93 MJD 57820.178 object MzLS_716474_z k4m_180128_055740_ooi_zd_ls9.fits.fz k4m_180128_055740_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD1 z exptime 147.103 propid 2016A-0453 seeing 1.17 MJD 58146.248 object MzLS_716474_z k4m_170413_031254_ooi_zd_ls9.fits.fz k4m_170413_031254_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD4 z exptime 140.102 propid 2016A-0453 seeing 1.10 MJD 57856.134 object MzLS_715649_z k4m_170413_031254_ooi_zd_ls9.fits.fz k4m_170413_031254_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD2 z exptime 140.102 propid 2016A-0453 seeing 1.11 MJD 57856.134 object MzLS_715649_z k4m_170210_050958_ooi_zd_ls9.fits.fz k4m_170210_050958_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD1 z exptime 171.104 propid 2016A-0453 seeing 0.85 MJD 57794.215 object MzLS_716063_z k4m_180129_044343_ooi_zd_ls9.fits.fz k4m_180129_044343_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD1 z exptime 192.103 propid 2016A-0453 seeing 1.53 MJD 58147.197 object MzLS_716063_z k4m_171125_064728_ooi_zd_ls9.fits.fz k4m_171125_064728_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD2 z exptime 108.105 propid 2016A-0453 seeing 0.77 MJD 58082.283 object MzLS_715231_z k4m_170308_040113_ooi_zd_ls9.fits.fz k4m_170308_040113_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD4 z exptime 105.105 propid 2016A-0453 seeing 0.89 MJD 57820.168 object MzLS_715230_z ksb_190208_073007_ooi_r_ls9.fits.fz ksb_190208_073007_ooi_r_ls9-CCD4 r exptime 93.288 propid NOTBASS seeing 1.44 MJD 58522.313 object ksb_190211_070024_ooi_r_ls9.fits.fz ksb_190211_070024_ooi_r_ls9-CCD1 r exptime 92.928 propid NOTBASS seeing 1.72 MJD 58525.292 object ksb_190128_052812_ooi_g_ls9.fits.fz ksb_190128_052812_ooi_g_ls9-CCD1 g exptime 84.566 propid NOTBASS seeing 1.35 MJD 58511.228 object ksb_190103_103332_ooi_g_ls9.fits.fz ksb_190103_103332_ooi_g_ls9-CCD4 g exptime 150.4 propid NOTBASS seeing 1.75 MJD 58486.440 object ksb_190211_071235_ooi_r_ls9.fits.fz ksb_190211_071235_ooi_r_ls9-CCD4 r exptime 102.22 propid NOTBASS seeing 1.29 MJD 58525.300 object ksb_190211_064922_ooi_r_ls9.fits.fz ksb_190211_064922_ooi_r_ls9-CCD2 r exptime 179.175 propid NOTBASS seeing 1.52 MJD 58525.284 object mosaic get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 4.49 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 0 372 and amp range 0 2005 and image y 765 1472 and amp range 0 2039 Range in image: x 0 373 , y 0 708 (with image size 373 x 708) dzp 0.009508088 -> scaling image by 1.0087957299815176 mosaic get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 3.59 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 0 341 and amp range 0 2005 and image y 766 1471 and amp range 0 2039 Range in image: x 0 342 , y 0 706 (with image size 342 x 706) dzp 0.007397243 -> scaling image by 1.006836374469654 mosaic get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 4.25 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 799 1480 and amp range 0 2047 and image y 0 199 and amp range 0 2021 Range in image: x 0 682 , y 0 200 (with image size 682 x 200) dzp -0.018417627 -> scaling image by 0.9831798050134541 mosaic get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 4.29 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 792 1472 and amp range 0 2047 and image y 3833 4072 and amp range 2040 4078 Range in image: x 0 681 , y 0 240 (with image size 681 x 240) dzp 0.015739892 -> scaling image by 1.0146025667655956 mosaic get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 3.29 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 2368 3054 and amp range 2006 4053 and image y 2664 3353 and amp range 2040 4078 Range in image: x 0 687 , y 0 690 (with image size 687 x 690) dzp 0.012593497 -> scaling image by 1.0116665687010755 mosaic get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 5.89 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 2386 3073 and amp range 2006 4053 and image y 2636 3325 and amp range 2040 4078 Range in image: x 0 688 , y 0 690 (with image size 688 x 690) dzp 0.0036595785 -> scaling image by 1.003376283213225 Faked up EXPNUM 85220174 Faked up EXPNUM 85220174 Faked up EXPNUM 85220174 90prime get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 3.17 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 15 384 and amp range 0 2015 and image y 1059 1453 and amp range 0 2047 Range in image: x 0 370 , y 0 395 (with image size 370 x 395) dzp 0.013109513 -> scaling image by 1.0121474960606016 mosaic get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 3.41 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 3529 4088 and amp range 2048 4095 and image y 3279 3986 and amp range 2022 4060 Range in image: x 0 560 , y 0 708 (with image size 560 x 708) dzp -0.02499645 -> scaling image by 0.9772404160512723 mosaic get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 2.95 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 3583 4088 and amp range 2048 4095 and image y 7 501 and amp range 0 2039 Range in image: x 0 506 , y 0 495 (with image size 506 x 495) dzp -0.012875672 -> scaling image by 0.9882111074411305 Faked up EXPNUM 84860038 Faked up EXPNUM 84860038 Faked up EXPNUM 84860038 90prime get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 3.85 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 1930 2330 and amp range 0 2015 and image y 3021 3424 and amp range 2048 4095 Range in image: x 0 86 , y 0 404 (with image size 401 x 404) dzp 0.02403333 -> scaling image by 1.0223823235386527 Found overlap: image x 1930 2330 and amp range 2016 4031 and image y 3021 3424 and amp range 2048 4095 Range in image: x 86 401 , y 0 404 (with image size 401 x 404) dzp 0.008089546 -> scaling image by 1.0074785731993958 Faked up EXPNUM 85250147 Faked up EXPNUM 85250147 Faked up EXPNUM 85250147 90prime get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 2.85 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 1928 2327 and amp range 0 2015 and image y 3007 3409 and amp range 2048 4095 Range in image: x 0 88 , y 0 403 (with image size 400 x 403) dzp 0.030668205 -> scaling image by 1.028649174410522 Found overlap: image x 1928 2327 and amp range 2016 4031 and image y 3007 3409 and amp range 2048 4095 Range in image: x 88 400 , y 0 403 (with image size 400 x 403) dzp 0.026738029 -> scaling image by 1.0249323749670936 Faked up EXPNUM 85250142 Faked up EXPNUM 85250142 Faked up EXPNUM 85250142 90prime get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 3.79 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 2160 2552 and amp range 2016 4031 and image y 3563 3955 and amp range 2048 4095 Range in image: x 0 393 , y 0 393 (with image size 393 x 393) dzp 0.017774878 -> scaling image by 1.0165060112155746 Faked up EXPNUM 85110116 Faked up EXPNUM 85110116 Faked up EXPNUM 85110116 90prime get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 2.97 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 2162 2554 and amp range 2016 4031 and image y 3559 3950 and amp range 2048 4095 Range in image: x 0 393 , y 0 392 (with image size 393 x 392) dzp 0.016853841 -> scaling image by 1.0156440682362244 Stage tims : Wall: 9.02 s, CPU: 1.04 s, VmPeak: 942 MB, VmSize: 942 MB, VmRSS: 201 MB, VmData: 234 MB, maxrss: 0.566556 MB Stage tims finished: 2020-06-07T17:37:14.959010 Faked up EXPNUM 85250138 Faked up EXPNUM 85250138 Faked up EXPNUM 85250138 Resources for stage tims : 4.891 s worker CPU, 25.417 s worker Wall, Wall: 9.021 s, Cores in use: 0.66, Total efficiency (on 4 cores): 16.4 % Stage tims finished Saving pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-tims.p Saved /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-tims.p Running stage refs Running stage refs at 2020-06-07T17:37:15.023519 Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/work/gaia/chunks-gaia-dr2-astrom-2/chunk-00380.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/work/gaia/chunks-gaia-dr2-astrom-2/chunk-00277.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/work/gaia/chunks-gaia-dr2-astrom-2/chunk-00327.fits Matched 11 large galaxies to Gaia stars. Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/metrics/cus/reference-custom-105672p70970.fits Stage refs : Wall: 4.75 s, CPU: 3.52 s, VmPeak: 988 MB, VmSize: 982 MB, VmRSS: 241 MB, VmData: 274 MB, maxrss: 0.566556 MB Stage refs finished: 2020-06-07T17:37:19.776592 Resources for stage refs : 0.000 s worker CPU, 0.000 s worker Wall, Wall: 4.754 s, Cores in use: 0.74, Total efficiency (on 4 cores): 18.5 % Stage refs finished Running stage outliers Running stage outliers at 2020-06-07T17:37:19.778089 Failed to apply outlier mask: No such file: /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/metrics/cus/outlier-mask-custom-105672p70970.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/metrics/cus/outliers-pre-custom-105672p70970.jpg Image ksb_190128_052812_ooi_g_ls9-CCD1 g : masking 222 positive outlier pixels and 0 negative outlier pixels Image ksb_190103_103332_ooi_g_ls9-CCD4 g : masking 122 positive outlier pixels and 0 negative outlier pixels Image ksb_190208_073007_ooi_r_ls9-CCD4 r : masking 260 positive outlier pixels and 0 negative outlier pixels Image ksb_190211_071235_ooi_r_ls9-CCD4 r : masking 288 positive outlier pixels and 0 negative outlier pixels Image k4m_170413_031254_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD4 z : masking 0 positive outlier pixels and 324 negative outlier pixels Image k4m_170308_041617_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD1 z : masking 7282 positive outlier pixels and 1340 negative outlier pixels Image k4m_170413_031254_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD2 z : masking 17183 positive outlier pixels and 0 negative outlier pixels Image k4m_180128_055740_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD1 z : masking 2229 positive outlier pixels and 1585 negative outlier pixels Image k4m_171125_064728_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD2 z : masking 19331 positive outlier pixels and 755 negative outlier pixels Image k4m_180129_044343_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD1 z : masking 7890 positive outlier pixels and 1329 negative outlier pixels Image k4m_170210_050958_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD1 z : masking 5471 positive outlier pixels and 979 negative outlier pixels Image k4m_170308_040113_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD4 z : masking 13508 positive outlier pixels and 918 negative outlier pixels Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/metrics/cus/outlier-mask-custom-105672p70970.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/metrics/cus/outliers-post-custom-105672p70970.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/metrics/cus/outliers-masked-pos-custom-105672p70970.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/metrics/cus/outliers-masked-neg-custom-105672p70970.jpg Stage outliers : Wall: 5.41 s, CPU: 2.82 s, VmPeak: 1124 MB, VmSize: 1034 MB, VmRSS: 291 MB, VmData: 321 MB, maxrss: 0.566556 MB Stage outliers finished: 2020-06-07T17:37:25.190801 Resources for stage outliers : 10.007 s worker CPU, 10.553 s worker Wall, Wall: 5.415 s, Cores in use: 2.37, Total efficiency (on 4 cores): 59.3 % Stage outliers finished Running stage halos Running stage halos at 2020-06-07T17:37:25.193494 Stage halos : Wall: 0.56 s, CPU: 0.52 s, VmPeak: 1124 MB, VmSize: 970 MB, VmRSS: 275 MB, VmData: 305 MB, maxrss: 0.566556 MB Stage halos finished: 2020-06-07T17:37:25.750538 Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Resources for stage halos : 0.001 s worker CPU, 0.001 s worker Wall, Wall: 0.558 s, Cores in use: 0.94, Total efficiency (on 4 cores): 23.5 % Stage halos finished Running stage fit_on_coadds Running stage fit_on_coadds at 2020-06-07T17:37:25.752508 PSF sigmas in coadd pixels: ['2.19', '2.84'] Using average PSF sigma 2.5121737193014906 Gaussian PSF norm 0.11229111649663884 vs pixelized 0.08878096 average tim pixel scale / coadd scale: 1.7311334372711373 Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-copsf-g.fits.fz PSF sigmas in coadd pixels: ['2.34', '2.79', '2.10'] Using average PSF sigma 2.409070880943105 Gaussian PSF norm 0.11709692479593771 vs pixelized 0.100409664 average tim pixel scale / coadd scale: 1.7313670788230444 Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-copsf-r.fits.fz PSF sigmas in coadd pixels: ['1.51', '1.89', '1.79', '1.81', '1.39', '2.48', '1.24', '1.44'] Using average PSF sigma 1.6950762525705534 Gaussian PSF norm 0.16642011906313145 vs pixelized 0.13087526 average tim pixel scale / coadd scale: 0.9909052762690796 Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-copsf-z.fits.fz Stage fit_on_coadds : Wall: 1.36 s, CPU: 1.13 s, VmPeak: 1124 MB, VmSize: 1063 MB, VmRSS: 320 MB, VmData: 352 MB, maxrss: 0.566556 MB Stage fit_on_coadds finished: 2020-06-07T17:37:27.110775 Resources for stage fit_on_coadds : 2.427 s worker CPU, 2.746 s worker Wall, Wall: 1.360 s, Cores in use: 2.61, Total efficiency (on 4 cores): 65.4 % Stage fit_on_coadds finished Running stage srcs Running stage srcs at 2020-06-07T17:37:27.114720 SED-matched filters: [('z', array([0., 0., 1.])), ('r', array([0., 1., 0.])), ('g', array([1., 0., 0.])), ('Flat', [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]), ('Red', [2.5, 1.0, 0.4])] Found 183 potential peaks Of 183 potential peaks: 42 in veto map, 14 cut by saddle test, 0 cut by aper test, 127 kept SED z : 127 new peaks Found 136 potential peaks Of 136 potential peaks: 118 in veto map, 14 cut by saddle test, 0 cut by aper test, 4 kept SED r : 4 new peaks Found 105 potential peaks Of 105 potential peaks: 91 in veto map, 12 cut by saddle test, 0 cut by aper test, 2 kept SED g : 2 new peaks Found 189 potential peaks Of 189 potential peaks: 163 in veto map, 21 cut by saddle test, 0 cut by aper test, 5 kept SED Flat : 5 new peaks Found 202 potential peaks Of 202 potential peaks: 175 in veto map, 17 cut by saddle test, 0 cut by aper test, 10 kept SED Red : 10 new peaks Adding 148 new sources Median coadd sky for g : 3.7610796e-05 Median coadd sky for r : -2.0892014e-05 Median coadd sky for z : 6.82261e-05 Stage srcs : Wall: 2.08 s, CPU: 1.79 s, VmPeak: 1124 MB, VmSize: 1004 MB, VmRSS: 311 MB, VmData: 339 MB, maxrss: 0.566556 MB Stage srcs finished: 2020-06-07T17:37:29.195009 Resources for stage srcs : 0.873 s worker CPU, 0.873 s worker Wall, Wall: 2.081 s, Cores in use: 1.28, Total efficiency (on 4 cores): 32.0 % Stage srcs finished Saving pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-srcs.p Saved /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-srcs.p Running stage fitblobs Running stage fitblobs at 2020-06-07T17:37:29.233831 Blob 1 of 95, id: 26, sources: 21, size: 251x386, npix 40187, brick X: 235,486, Y: 126,512, one pixel: 268 126 Blob 2 of 95, id: 51, sources: 17, size: 193x156, npix 15704, brick X: 484,677, Y: 297,453, one pixel: 558 297 Blob 3 of 95, id: 76, sources: 4, size: 114x97, npix 5785, brick X: 552,666, Y: 530,627, one pixel: 622 530 Blob 4 of 95, id: 13, sources: 5, size: 97x92, npix 5086, brick X: 67,164, Y: 60,152, one pixel: 150 60 Blob 5 of 95, id: 1, sources: 5, size: 108x41, npix 2494, brick X: 96,204, Y: 0,41, one pixel: 102 0 Blob 4 finished, total: Wall: 2.35 s, CPU: 2.35 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 723 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 189 MB, maxrss: 0.153932 MB Blob 6 of 95, id: 58, sources: 3, size: 66x58, npix 2191, brick X: 5,71, Y: 384,442, one pixel: 45 384 Measuring 3 iterative sources Blob 3 finished, total: Wall: 4.95 s, CPU: 4.95 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 156 MB, VmData: 193 MB, maxrss: 0.159856 MB Blob 7 of 95, id: 66, sources: 2, size: 65x48, npix 1829, brick X: 269,334, Y: 470,518, one pixel: 286 470 Measuring 2 iterative sources Blob 6 finished, total: Wall: 2.39 s, CPU: 2.39 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 156 MB, VmData: 193 MB, maxrss: 0.159856 MB Blob 8 of 95, id: 67, sources: 4, size: 51x53, npix 1769, brick X: 0,51, Y: 475,528, one pixel: 9 475 Blob 5 finished, total: Wall: 5.20 s, CPU: 5.20 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 152 MB, VmData: 189 MB, maxrss: 0.155672 MB Blob 9 of 95, id: 28, sources: 2, size: 40x57, npix 1531, brick X: 193,233, Y: 136,193, one pixel: 210 136 Blob 7 finished, total: Wall: 1.78 s, CPU: 1.78 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 156 MB, VmData: 193 MB, maxrss: 0.160136 MB Blob 10 of 95, id: 29, sources: 2, size: 43x60, npix 1457, brick X: 634,677, Y: 136,196, one pixel: 663 136 Blob 8 finished, total: Wall: 2.01 s, CPU: 2.01 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 152 MB, VmData: 189 MB, maxrss: 0.155672 MB Blob 11 of 95, id: 33, sources: 1, size: 42x45, npix 1309, brick X: 30,72, Y: 164,209, one pixel: 43 164 Measuring 2 iterative sources Blob 9 finished, total: Wall: 1.47 s, CPU: 1.47 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 156 MB, VmData: 193 MB, maxrss: 0.160136 MB Blob 12 of 95, id: 36, sources: 3, size: 62x32, npix 1147, brick X: 401,463, Y: 201,233, one pixel: 429 201 Blob 2 finished, total: Wall: 10.92 s, CPU: 10.91 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 721 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.153304 MB Blob 13 of 95, id: 91, sources: 3, size: 50x39, npix 1126, brick X: 324,374, Y: 635,674, one pixel: 357 635 Blob 10 finished, total: Wall: 1.56 s, CPU: 1.56 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 152 MB, VmData: 189 MB, maxrss: 0.155672 MB Blob 14 of 95, id: 57, sources: 1, size: 39x39, npix 1076, brick X: 457,496, Y: 379,418, one pixel: 474 379 Measuring 1 iterative sources Blob 11 finished, total: Wall: 1.34 s, CPU: 1.34 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 156 MB, VmData: 193 MB, maxrss: 0.160136 MB Blob 15 of 95, id: 82, sources: 2, size: 39x44, npix 1012, brick X: 224,263, Y: 595,639, one pixel: 253 595 Blob 12 finished, total: Wall: 1.69 s, CPU: 1.68 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 721 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.153304 MB Blob 16 of 95, id: 70, sources: 1, size: 38x44, npix 992, brick X: 427,465, Y: 491,535, one pixel: 445 491 Blob 14 finished, total: Wall: 0.62 s, CPU: 0.62 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 156 MB, VmData: 193 MB, maxrss: 0.160136 MB Blob 17 of 95, id: 50, sources: 1, size: 38x38, npix 991, brick X: 20,58, Y: 295,333, one pixel: 37 295 Blob 13 finished, total: Wall: 1.56 s, CPU: 1.56 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 152 MB, VmData: 189 MB, maxrss: 0.155672 MB Blob 18 of 95, id: 54, sources: 2, size: 30x44, npix 957, brick X: 99,129, Y: 313,357, one pixel: 112 313 Blob 15 finished, total: Wall: 0.77 s, CPU: 0.77 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 721 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.153304 MB Blob 19 of 95, id: 17, sources: 2, size: 39x45, npix 956, brick X: 165,204, Y: 64,109, one pixel: 193 64 Blob 16 finished, total: Wall: 0.81 s, CPU: 0.81 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 156 MB, VmData: 193 MB, maxrss: 0.160136 MB Blob 20 of 95, id: 87, sources: 2, size: 35x48, npix 943, brick X: 465,500, Y: 614,662, one pixel: 485 614 Blob 17 finished, total: Wall: 1.18 s, CPU: 1.18 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 152 MB, VmData: 189 MB, maxrss: 0.155672 MB Blob 21 of 95, id: 60, sources: 1, size: 37x37, npix 935, brick X: 150,187, Y: 392,429, one pixel: 166 392 Blob 19 finished, total: Wall: 1.02 s, CPU: 1.02 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 156 MB, VmData: 193 MB, maxrss: 0.160136 MB Blob 22 of 95, id: 59, sources: 3, size: 42x40, npix 917, brick X: 73,115, Y: 386,426, one pixel: 82 386 Blob 20 finished, total: Wall: 1.17 s, CPU: 1.17 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 152 MB, VmData: 189 MB, maxrss: 0.155672 MB Blob 23 of 95, id: 12, sources: 2, size: 33x43, npix 819, brick X: 463,496, Y: 58,101, one pixel: 481 58 Blob 21 finished, total: Wall: 0.77 s, CPU: 0.77 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 156 MB, VmData: 193 MB, maxrss: 0.160136 MB Blob 24 of 95, id: 86, sources: 1, size: 34x34, npix 818, brick X: 176,210, Y: 614,648, one pixel: 193 614 Blob 18 finished, total: Wall: 2.05 s, CPU: 2.05 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 721 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.15358 MB Blob 25 of 95, id: 43, sources: 1, size: 34x33, npix 804, brick X: 454,488, Y: 254,287, one pixel: 463 254 Blob 23 finished, total: Wall: 0.80 s, CPU: 0.80 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 156 MB, VmData: 193 MB, maxrss: 0.160136 MB Blob 26 of 95, id: 21, sources: 1, size: 36x33, npix 801, brick X: 365,401, Y: 92,125, one pixel: 384 92 Blob 24 finished, total: Wall: 0.96 s, CPU: 0.96 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 721 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.15358 MB Blob 27 of 95, id: 79, sources: 2, size: 33x43, npix 775, brick X: 13,46, Y: 565,608, one pixel: 32 565 Blob 22 finished, total: Wall: 1.43 s, CPU: 1.43 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 152 MB, VmData: 189 MB, maxrss: 0.155936 MB Blob 28 of 95, id: 62, sources: 1, size: 35x32, npix 773, brick X: 177,212, Y: 438,470, one pixel: 192 438 Blob 27 finished, total: Wall: 1.14 s, CPU: 1.14 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 152 MB, VmData: 189 MB, maxrss: 0.155936 MB Blob 29 of 95, id: 61, sources: 1, size: 33x33, npix 712, brick X: 233,266, Y: 431,464, one pixel: 250 431 Blob 25 finished, total: Wall: 1.76 s, CPU: 1.76 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 156 MB, VmData: 193 MB, maxrss: 0.160136 MB Blob 30 of 95, id: 89, sources: 1, size: 38x46, npix 709, brick X: 382,420, Y: 620,666, one pixel: 408 620 Measuring 1 iterative sources Blob 29 finished, total: Wall: 0.53 s, CPU: 0.53 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 156 MB, VmData: 193 MB, maxrss: 0.160136 MB Blob 31 of 95, id: 39, sources: 2, size: 42x31, npix 708, brick X: 72,114, Y: 228,259, one pixel: 81 228 Blob 26 finished, total: Wall: 2.15 s, CPU: 2.14 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 721 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.15358 MB Blob 32 of 95, id: 9, sources: 1, size: 32x33, npix 663, brick X: 17,49, Y: 35,68, one pixel: 27 35 Blob 28 finished, total: Wall: 1.16 s, CPU: 1.16 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 152 MB, VmData: 189 MB, maxrss: 0.155936 MB Blob 33 of 95, id: 34, sources: 1, size: 30x33, npix 652, brick X: 492,522, Y: 185,218, one pixel: 509 185 Measuring 2 iterative sources Blob 31 finished, total: Wall: 1.00 s, CPU: 1.00 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 721 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.15358 MB Blob 34 of 95, id: 81, sources: 1, size: 26x38, npix 631, brick X: 201,227, Y: 577,615, one pixel: 216 577 Blob 30 finished, total: Wall: 1.25 s, CPU: 1.25 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 156 MB, VmData: 193 MB, maxrss: 0.160136 MB Blob 35 of 95, id: 8, sources: 1, size: 29x32, npix 619, brick X: 201,230, Y: 27,59, one pixel: 214 27 Blob 32 finished, total: Wall: 0.82 s, CPU: 0.82 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 152 MB, VmData: 189 MB, maxrss: 0.155936 MB Blob 36 of 95, id: 18, sources: 1, size: 29x30, npix 596, brick X: 0,29, Y: 73,103, one pixel: 11 73 Measuring 1 iterative sources Blob 34 finished, total: Wall: 0.53 s, CPU: 0.53 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 156 MB, VmData: 193 MB, maxrss: 0.160136 MB Blob 37 of 95, id: 47, sources: 1, size: 30x30, npix 587, brick X: 527,557, Y: 273,303, one pixel: 540 273 Blob 33 finished, total: Wall: 0.66 s, CPU: 0.66 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 721 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.15358 MB Blob 38 of 95, id: 78, sources: 1, size: 33x31, npix 576, brick X: 107,140, Y: 554,585, one pixel: 129 554 Blob 36 finished, total: Wall: 0.49 s, CPU: 0.49 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 156 MB, VmData: 193 MB, maxrss: 0.160136 MB Blob 39 of 95, id: 65, sources: 1, size: 28x33, npix 575, brick X: 516,544, Y: 465,498, one pixel: 528 465 Blob 35 finished, total: Wall: 1.12 s, CPU: 1.12 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 152 MB, VmData: 189 MB, maxrss: 0.155936 MB Blob 40 of 95, id: 11, sources: 1, size: 28x30, npix 557, brick X: 591,619, Y: 52,82, one pixel: 602 52 Blob 37 finished, total: Wall: 0.61 s, CPU: 0.61 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 722 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.153836 MB Blob 41 of 95, id: 45, sources: 1, size: 28x28, npix 529, brick X: 424,452, Y: 264,292, one pixel: 437 264 Measuring 1 iterative sources Blob 38 finished, total: Wall: 0.54 s, CPU: 0.54 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 156 MB, VmData: 193 MB, maxrss: 0.160136 MB Blob 42 of 95, id: 16, sources: 1, size: 29x28, npix 527, brick X: 503,532, Y: 62,90, one pixel: 516 62 Blob 40 finished, total: Wall: 0.58 s, CPU: 0.58 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 722 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.153836 MB Blob 43 of 95, id: 41, sources: 1, size: 28x28, npix 527, brick X: 548,576, Y: 242,270, one pixel: 560 242 Blob 41 finished, total: Wall: 0.48 s, CPU: 0.48 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 156 MB, VmData: 193 MB, maxrss: 0.160136 MB Blob 44 of 95, id: 71, sources: 1, size: 29x29, npix 527, brick X: 223,252, Y: 493,522, one pixel: 236 493 Blob 42 finished, total: Wall: 0.57 s, CPU: 0.57 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 722 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.153836 MB Blob 45 of 95, id: 74, sources: 1, size: 29x28, npix 518, brick X: 410,439, Y: 525,553, one pixel: 422 525 Blob 39 finished, total: Wall: 1.23 s, CPU: 1.23 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 153 MB, VmData: 190 MB, maxrss: 0.156192 MB Blob 46 of 95, id: 2, sources: 1, size: 28x26, npix 499, brick X: 381,409, Y: 0,26, one pixel: 390 0 Blob 43 finished, total: Wall: 0.52 s, CPU: 0.52 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 156 MB, VmData: 193 MB, maxrss: 0.160136 MB Blob 47 of 95, id: 5, sources: 1, size: 27x27, npix 483, brick X: 587,614, Y: 14,41, one pixel: 598 14 Blob 45 finished, total: Wall: 0.58 s, CPU: 0.58 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 153 MB, VmData: 190 MB, maxrss: 0.156192 MB Blob 48 of 95, id: 23, sources: 1, size: 29x27, npix 477, brick X: 199,228, Y: 103,130, one pixel: 210 103 Blob 46 finished, total: Wall: 0.63 s, CPU: 0.63 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 156 MB, VmData: 193 MB, maxrss: 0.160136 MB Blob 49 of 95, id: 46, sources: 1, size: 25x28, npix 474, brick X: 618,643, Y: 269,297, one pixel: 628 269 Blob 47 finished, total: Wall: 0.58 s, CPU: 0.58 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 153 MB, VmData: 190 MB, maxrss: 0.156192 MB Blob 50 of 95, id: 14, sources: 1, size: 27x30, npix 466, brick X: 224,251, Y: 62,92, one pixel: 235 62 Blob 44 finished, total: Wall: 1.73 s, CPU: 1.73 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 722 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.153836 MB Blob 51 of 95, id: 44, sources: 1, size: 27x27, npix 459, brick X: 186,213, Y: 263,290, one pixel: 197 263 Blob 49 finished, total: Wall: 0.56 s, CPU: 0.56 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 153 MB, VmData: 190 MB, maxrss: 0.156192 MB Blob 52 of 95, id: 31, sources: 1, size: 25x27, npix 453, brick X: 0,25, Y: 154,181, one pixel: 9 154 Blob 48 finished, total: Wall: 0.95 s, CPU: 0.95 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 156 MB, VmData: 193 MB, maxrss: 0.160136 MB Blob 53 of 95, id: 40, sources: 1, size: 25x28, npix 449, brick X: 652,677, Y: 233,261, one pixel: 665 233 Measuring 1 iterative sources Blob 50 finished, total: Wall: 0.52 s, CPU: 0.51 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 722 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.153836 MB Blob 54 of 95, id: 42, sources: 1, size: 26x26, npix 430, brick X: 41,67, Y: 250,276, one pixel: 52 250 Blob 52 finished, total: Wall: 0.46 s, CPU: 0.46 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 157 MB, VmData: 194 MB, maxrss: 0.160392 MB Blob 55 of 95, id: 64, sources: 1, size: 24x29, npix 428, brick X: 56,80, Y: 461,490, one pixel: 66 461 Blob 51 finished, total: Wall: 0.62 s, CPU: 0.62 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 153 MB, VmData: 190 MB, maxrss: 0.156192 MB Blob 56 of 95, id: 49, sources: 1, size: 26x26, npix 411, brick X: 594,620, Y: 280,306, one pixel: 605 280 Measuring 1 iterative sources Blob 55 finished, total: Wall: 0.33 s, CPU: 0.33 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 153 MB, VmData: 190 MB, maxrss: 0.156192 MB Blob 54 finished, total: Wall: 0.47 s, CPU: 0.47 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 157 MB, VmData: 194 MB, maxrss: 0.160392 MB Blob 57 of 95, id: 80, sources: 2, size: 21x37, npix 410, brick X: 365,386, Y: 568,605, one pixel: 374 568 Blob 58 of 95, id: 53, sources: 1, size: 21x28, npix 408, brick X: 656,677, Y: 302,330, one pixel: 668 302 Blob 53 finished, total: Wall: 0.55 s, CPU: 0.55 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 722 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.153836 MB Blob 59 of 95, id: 7, sources: 1, size: 26x25, npix 399, brick X: 402,428, Y: 26,51, one pixel: 413 26 Blob 56 finished, total: Wall: 0.48 s, CPU: 0.48 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 153 MB, VmData: 190 MB, maxrss: 0.156192 MB Blob 57 finished, total: Wall: 0.47 s, CPU: 0.47 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 157 MB, VmData: 194 MB, maxrss: 0.160392 MB Blob 60 of 95, id: 6, sources: 1, size: 26x25, npix 398, brick X: 262,288, Y: 21,46, one pixel: 271 21 Blob 61 of 95, id: 24, sources: 1, size: 25x25, npix 380, brick X: 7,32, Y: 106,131, one pixel: 18 106 Blob 58 finished, total: Wall: 0.60 s, CPU: 0.60 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 722 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.153836 MB Blob 62 of 95, id: 3, sources: 1, size: 25x23, npix 362, brick X: 491,516, Y: 3,26, one pixel: 500 3 Blob 59 finished, total: Wall: 0.49 s, CPU: 0.49 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 153 MB, VmData: 190 MB, maxrss: 0.156192 MB Blob 63 of 95, id: 32, sources: 1, size: 24x24, npix 362, brick X: 532,556, Y: 161,185, one pixel: 541 161 Blob 61 finished, total: Wall: 0.46 s, CPU: 0.46 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 722 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.153836 MB Blob 64 of 95, id: 27, sources: 1, size: 25x23, npix 351, brick X: 452,477, Y: 132,155, one pixel: 464 132 Blob 62 finished, total: Wall: 0.21 s, CPU: 0.21 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 153 MB, VmData: 190 MB, maxrss: 0.156192 MB Blob 65 of 95, id: 84, sources: 1, size: 24x23, npix 329, brick X: 314,338, Y: 605,628, one pixel: 325 605 Blob 60 finished, total: Wall: 1.00 s, CPU: 1.00 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 157 MB, VmData: 194 MB, maxrss: 0.160392 MB Blob 66 of 95, id: 52, sources: 1, size: 23x22, npix 313, brick X: 85,108, Y: 300,322, one pixel: 94 300 Blob 67 of 95, id: 68, sources: 1, size: 22x22, npix 313, brick X: 582,604, Y: 475,497, one pixel: 591 475 Blob 63 finished, total: Wall: 0.45 s, CPU: 0.45 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 722 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.153836 MB Blob 68 of 95, id: 77, sources: 1, size: 23x22, npix 304, brick X: 236,259, Y: 531,553, one pixel: 245 531 Blob 64 finished, total: Wall: 0.57 s, CPU: 0.57 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 153 MB, VmData: 190 MB, maxrss: 0.156192 MB Blob 69 of 95, id: 25, sources: 1, size: 23x21, npix 300, brick X: 427,450, Y: 113,134, one pixel: 436 113 Blob 65 finished, total: Wall: 0.55 s, CPU: 0.55 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 157 MB, VmData: 194 MB, maxrss: 0.160392 MB Blob 70 of 95, id: 63, sources: 1, size: 23x22, npix 293, brick X: 470,493, Y: 439,461, one pixel: 480 439 Blob 66 finished, total: Wall: 0.67 s, CPU: 0.67 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 722 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.153836 MB Blob 71 of 95, id: 94, sources: 1, size: 24x18, npix 284, brick X: 231,255, Y: 659,677, one pixel: 241 659 Blob 67 finished, total: Wall: 0.65 s, CPU: 0.65 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 153 MB, VmData: 190 MB, maxrss: 0.156192 MB Blob 72 of 95, id: 73, sources: 1, size: 22x21, npix 280, brick X: 248,270, Y: 507,528, one pixel: 258 507 Blob 69 finished, total: Wall: 0.23 s, CPU: 0.23 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 722 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.153836 MB Blob 73 of 95, id: 15, sources: 1, size: 21x21, npix 279, brick X: 249,270, Y: 62,83, one pixel: 257 62 Blob 68 finished, total: Wall: 0.47 s, CPU: 0.47 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 157 MB, VmData: 194 MB, maxrss: 0.160392 MB Blob 74 of 95, id: 35, sources: 1, size: 21x22, npix 279, brick X: 149,170, Y: 188,210, one pixel: 159 188 Blob 70 finished, total: Wall: 0.26 s, CPU: 0.26 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 153 MB, VmData: 190 MB, maxrss: 0.156192 MB Blob 75 of 95, id: 38, sources: 1, size: 24x21, npix 274, brick X: 639,663, Y: 223,244, one pixel: 649 223 Blob 73 finished, total: Wall: 0.25 s, CPU: 0.25 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 153 MB, VmData: 190 MB, maxrss: 0.156192 MB Blob 76 of 95, id: 56, sources: 1, size: 21x20, npix 249, brick X: 169,190, Y: 374,394, one pixel: 177 374 Blob 71 finished, total: Wall: 0.51 s, CPU: 0.51 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 722 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.153836 MB Blob 77 of 95, id: 10, sources: 1, size: 20x21, npix 248, brick X: 520,540, Y: 45,66, one pixel: 529 45 Blob 72 finished, total: Wall: 0.51 s, CPU: 0.51 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 157 MB, VmData: 194 MB, maxrss: 0.160392 MB Blob 78 of 95, id: 72, sources: 1, size: 19x21, npix 243, brick X: 658,677, Y: 494,515, one pixel: 667 494 Blob 75 finished, total: Wall: 0.29 s, CPU: 0.29 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 722 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.153836 MB Blob 79 of 95, id: 0, sources: 1, size: 22x16, npix 242, brick X: 42,64, Y: 0,16, one pixel: 46 0 Blob 77 finished, total: Wall: 0.18 s, CPU: 0.18 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 722 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.153836 MB Blob 80 of 95, id: 83, sources: 1, size: 18x21, npix 225, brick X: 339,357, Y: 596,617, one pixel: 347 596 Blob 76 finished, total: Wall: 0.53 s, CPU: 0.53 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 157 MB, VmData: 194 MB, maxrss: 0.160392 MB Blob 81 of 95, id: 4, sources: 1, size: 20x19, npix 218, brick X: 471,491, Y: 13,32, one pixel: 480 13 Blob 74 finished, total: Wall: 0.62 s, CPU: 0.62 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 153 MB, VmData: 190 MB, maxrss: 0.156192 MB Blob 82 of 95, id: 69, sources: 1, size: 19x19, npix 208, brick X: 630,649, Y: 479,498, one pixel: 639 479 Blob 80 finished, total: Wall: 0.06 s, CPU: 0.06 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 153 MB, VmData: 190 MB, maxrss: 0.156192 MB Blob 83 of 95, id: 88, sources: 1, size: 18x19, npix 198, brick X: 529,547, Y: 619,638, one pixel: 537 619 Blob 78 finished, total: Wall: 0.22 s, CPU: 0.22 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 722 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.153836 MB Blob 84 of 95, id: 93, sources: 1, size: 18x19, npix 198, brick X: 607,625, Y: 656,675, one pixel: 615 656 Blob 81 finished, total: Wall: 0.24 s, CPU: 0.24 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 153 MB, VmData: 190 MB, maxrss: 0.156192 MB Blob 85 of 95, id: 19, sources: 1, size: 19x18, npix 189, brick X: 297,316, Y: 85,103, one pixel: 305 85 Blob 82 finished, total: Wall: 0.25 s, CPU: 0.25 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 722 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.153836 MB Blob 86 of 95, id: 55, sources: 1, size: 18x19, npix 189, brick X: 68,86, Y: 345,364, one pixel: 76 345 Blob 79 finished, total: Wall: 0.48 s, CPU: 0.48 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 157 MB, VmData: 194 MB, maxrss: 0.160392 MB Blob 87 of 95, id: 85, sources: 1, size: 19x19, npix 181, brick X: 76,95, Y: 613,632, one pixel: 85 613 Blob 83 finished, total: Wall: 0.29 s, CPU: 0.29 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 153 MB, VmData: 190 MB, maxrss: 0.156192 MB Blob 88 of 95, id: 75, sources: 1, size: 18x18, npix 180, brick X: 46,64, Y: 526,544, one pixel: 54 526 Blob 84 finished, total: Wall: 0.27 s, CPU: 0.27 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 722 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.153836 MB Blob 89 of 95, id: 92, sources: 1, size: 18x18, npix 180, brick X: 649,667, Y: 637,655, one pixel: 657 637 Blob 86 finished, total: Wall: 0.06 s, CPU: 0.06 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 153 MB, VmData: 190 MB, maxrss: 0.156192 MB Blob 90 of 95, id: 22, sources: 1, size: 15x19, npix 174, brick X: 662,677, Y: 93,112, one pixel: 671 93 Blob 85 finished, total: Wall: 0.26 s, CPU: 0.26 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 157 MB, VmData: 194 MB, maxrss: 0.160392 MB Blob 91 of 95, id: 20, sources: 1, size: 18x17, npix 162, brick X: 634,652, Y: 91,108, one pixel: 642 91 Blob 89 finished, total: Wall: 0.07 s, CPU: 0.07 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 157 MB, VmData: 194 MB, maxrss: 0.160392 MB Blob 92 of 95, id: 37, sources: 1, size: 18x17, npix 162, brick X: 106,124, Y: 218,235, one pixel: 114 218 Blob 88 finished, total: Wall: 0.42 s, CPU: 0.42 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 153 MB, VmData: 190 MB, maxrss: 0.156192 MB Blob 93 of 95, id: 48, sources: 1, size: 17x18, npix 162, brick X: 141,158, Y: 276,294, one pixel: 149 276 Blob 87 finished, total: Wall: 0.56 s, CPU: 0.55 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 722 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.153836 MB Blob 94 of 95, id: 90, sources: 1, size: 18x17, npix 162, brick X: 277,295, Y: 625,642, one pixel: 285 625 Blob 90 finished, total: Wall: 0.48 s, CPU: 0.48 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 157 MB, VmData: 194 MB, maxrss: 0.160392 MB Blob 95 of 95, id: 30, sources: 1, size: 17x17, npix 145, brick X: 397,414, Y: 150,167, one pixel: 405 150 Blob 91 finished, total: Wall: 0.20 s, CPU: 0.20 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 153 MB, VmData: 190 MB, maxrss: 0.156192 MB Blob 93 finished, total: Wall: 0.05 s, CPU: 0.05 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 157 MB, VmData: 194 MB, maxrss: 0.160392 MB Blob 92 finished, total: Wall: 0.26 s, CPU: 0.26 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 722 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.153836 MB Blob 94 finished, total: Wall: 0.20 s, CPU: 0.20 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 153 MB, VmData: 190 MB, maxrss: 0.156192 MB Blob 95 finished, total: Wall: 0.22 s, CPU: 0.22 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 157 MB, VmData: 194 MB, maxrss: 0.160392 MB Known galaxy. Initial shape: EllipseWithPriors(0.25): log r_e=2.73723, ee1=0.474821, ee2=-0.614557 Measuring 10 iterative sources Blob 1 finished, total: Wall: 57.37 s, CPU: 57.36 s, VmPeak: 815 MB, VmSize: 758 MB, VmRSS: 194 MB, VmData: 223 MB, maxrss: 0.226736 MB Old catalog: 176 New catalog: 174 Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/metrics/cus/blobs-custom-105672p70970.fits.gz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/metrics/cus/all-models-custom-105672p70970.fits Stage fitblobs : Wall: 58.99 s, CPU: 1.16 s, VmPeak: 1124 MB, VmSize: 1005 MB, VmRSS: 312 MB, VmData: 340 MB, maxrss: 0.566556 MB Stage fitblobs finished: 2020-06-07T17:38:28.227777 Resources for stage fitblobs : 146.949 s worker CPU, 147.241 s worker Wall, Wall: 58.996 s, Cores in use: 2.51, Total efficiency (on 4 cores): 62.8 % Stage fitblobs finished Running stage coadds Running stage coadds at 2020-06-07T17:38:28.231007 Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-ccds.fits Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-image-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-invvar-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-nexp-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-depth-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-galdepth-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-psfsize-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-model-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-chi2-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-blobmodel-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-image-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-invvar-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-nexp-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-depth-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-galdepth-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-psfsize-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-model-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-chi2-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-blobmodel-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-image-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-invvar-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-nexp-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-depth-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-galdepth-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-psfsize-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-model-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-chi2-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-blobmodel-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-depth.fits Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/tmp-legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-image.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-image.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/tmp-legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-model.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-model.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/tmp-legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-blobmodel.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-blobmodel.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/tmp-legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-resid.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-resid.jpg Stage coadds : Wall: 4.03 s, CPU: 1.66 s, VmPeak: 1124 MB, VmSize: 1065 MB, VmRSS: 374 MB, VmData: 405 MB, maxrss: 0.566556 MB Stage coadds finished: 2020-06-07T17:38:32.257642 Resources for stage coadds : 7.506 s worker CPU, 7.571 s worker Wall, Wall: 4.030 s, Cores in use: 2.27, Total efficiency (on 4 cores): 56.9 % Stage coadds finished Running stage wise_forced Running stage wise_forced at 2020-06-07T17:38:32.261246 Cut to 2 unWISE tiles Reading WISE tile 1035p711 band 1 Reading WISE tile 1035p711 band 2 Reading WISE tile 1035p711 band 4 Reading WISE tile 1035p711 band 3 Does not exist: /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w4-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w4-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w4-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w4-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w4-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits Reading WISE tile 1080p711 band 4 Does not exist: /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w3-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w3-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w3-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w3-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w3-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits Reading WISE tile 1080p711 band 3 Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w2-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w2-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w2-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w2-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits Reading WISE tile 1080p711 band 2 Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w1-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w1-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w1-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w1-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits Reading WISE tile 1080p711 band 1 Does not exist: /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w3-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w3-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w3-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w3-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w3-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits unWISE forced photometry took Wall: 3.01 s, CPU: 3.60 s, VmPeak: 1020 MB, VmSize: 1020 MB, VmRSS: 178 MB, VmData: 210 MB, maxrss: 0.234572 MB Does not exist: /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w4-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w4-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w4-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w4-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w4-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits unWISE forced photometry took Wall: 3.92 s, CPU: 6.65 s, VmPeak: 1013 MB, VmSize: 1013 MB, VmRSS: 175 MB, VmData: 203 MB, maxrss: 0.276176 MB Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w1-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w1-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w1-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w1-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits unWISE forced photometry took Wall: 1.34 s, CPU: 1.81 s, VmPeak: 1009 MB, VmSize: 1009 MB, VmRSS: 171 MB, VmData: 199 MB, maxrss: 0.2772 MB Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w2-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w2-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w2-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w2-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits unWISE forced photometry took Wall: 0.98 s, CPU: 1.38 s, VmPeak: 1005 MB, VmSize: 1005 MB, VmRSS: 167 MB, VmData: 195 MB, maxrss: 0.273372 MB Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-image-W1.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-model-W1.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-invvar-W1.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-image-W2.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-model-W2.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-invvar-W2.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-image-W3.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-model-W3.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-invvar-W3.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-image-W4.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-model-W4.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-invvar-W4.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/tmp-legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-wise.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-wise.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/tmp-legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-wisemodel.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-wisemodel.jpg Setting WISE apphot Setting WISE apphot Setting WISE apphot Setting WISE apphot Stage wise_forced : Wall: 7.75 s, CPU: 1.08 s, VmPeak: 1124 MB, VmSize: 1014 MB, VmRSS: 325 MB, VmData: 354 MB, maxrss: 0.566556 MB Stage wise_forced finished: 2020-06-07T17:38:40.012269 Resources for stage wise_forced : 23.075 s worker CPU, 24.460 s worker Wall, Wall: 7.753 s, Cores in use: 3.12, Total efficiency (on 4 cores): 77.9 % Stage wise_forced finished Running stage writecat Running stage writecat at 2020-06-07T17:38:40.014623 Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-maskbits.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/tractor-i/cus/tractor-custom-105672p70970.fits Reading SFD maps... END Rejected (1), keyrecords following the END keyrecord were ignored. END Rejected (1), keyrecords following the END keyrecord were ignored. Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/tractor/cus/tractor-custom-105672p70970.fits Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/tractor/cus/brick-custom-105672p70970.sha256sum Stage writecat : Wall: 1.65 s, CPU: 1.35 s, VmPeak: 1146 MB, VmSize: 1018 MB, VmRSS: 327 MB, VmData: 354 MB, maxrss: 0.566556 MB Stage writecat finished: 2020-06-07T17:38:41.665406 Resources for stage writecat : 0.000 s worker CPU, 0.000 s worker Wall, Wall: 1.652 s, Cores in use: 0.82, Total efficiency (on 4 cores): 20.5 % Stage writecat finished All done: 195.732 s worker CPU, 218.865 s worker Wall, Wall: 95.733 s, Cores in use: 2.21, Total efficiency (on 4 cores): 55.3 % Finished galaxy UGC03626 in 1.630 minutes. Started working on galaxy UGC03626 at Thu Jul 23 07:39:18 2020 Bands touching this brick, g r z python /global/homes/i/ioannis/repos/git/legacypipe/py/legacypipe/ --radec 105.67287449999999 70.97061109999999 --width 677 --height 677 --pixscale 0.262 --threads 16 --outdir /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626 --survey-dir /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/work/legacysurvey/dr9 --run north --skip-calibs --checkpoint /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-checkpoint.p --pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-%%(stage)s.p --force-all --fit-on-coadds --saddle-fraction 0.2 --saddle-min 4.0 starting at 2020-07-23T07:39:20.066052 legacypipe git version: DR9.5.5-21-g66b1aacb Command-line args: ['/global/homes/i/ioannis/repos/git/legacypipe/py/legacypipe/', '--radec', '105.67287449999999', '70.97061109999999', '--width', '677', '--height', '677', '--pixscale', '0.262', '--threads', '16', '--outdir', '/global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626', '--survey-dir', '/global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/work/legacysurvey/dr9', '--run', 'north', '--skip-calibs', '--checkpoint', '/global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-checkpoint.p', '--pickle', '/global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-%%(stage)s.p', '--force-all', '--fit-on-coadds', '--saddle-fraction', '0.2', '--saddle-min', '4.0'] python /global/homes/i/ioannis/repos/git/legacypipe/py/legacypipe/ --radec 105.67287449999999 70.97061109999999 --width 677 --height 677 --pixscale 0.262 --threads 16 --outdir /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626 --survey-dir /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/work/legacysurvey/dr9 --run north --skip-calibs --checkpoint /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-checkpoint.p --pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-%%(stage)s.p --force-all --fit-on-coadds --saddle-fraction 0.2 --saddle-min 4.0 Parsed RA,Dec 105.67287449999999 70.97061109999999 Starting process 33810 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 635 MB, VmSize: 635 MB, VmRSS: 57 MB, VmData: 128 MB, maxrss: 0.058856 MB Starting process 33811 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 635 MB, VmSize: 635 MB, VmRSS: 57 MB, VmData: 128 MB, maxrss: 0.058856 MB Starting process 33812 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 635 MB, VmSize: 635 MB, VmRSS: 58 MB, VmData: 128 MB, maxrss: 0.05886 MB Starting process 33813 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 635 MB, VmSize: 635 MB, VmRSS: 58 MB, VmData: 128 MB, maxrss: 0.059024 MB Starting process 33814 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 635 MB, VmSize: 635 MB, VmRSS: 58 MB, VmData: 128 MB, maxrss: 0.059028 MB Starting process 33815 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 635 MB, VmSize: 635 MB, VmRSS: 58 MB, VmData: 128 MB, maxrss: 0.059028 MB Starting process 33816 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 635 MB, VmSize: 635 MB, VmRSS: 57 MB, VmData: 128 MB, maxrss: 0.058868 MB Starting process 33817 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 635 MB, VmSize: 635 MB, VmRSS: 57 MB, VmData: 128 MB, maxrss: 0.058868 MB Starting process 33818 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 635 MB, VmSize: 635 MB, VmRSS: 57 MB, VmData: 128 MB, maxrss: 0.058868 MB Starting process 33819 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 635 MB, VmSize: 635 MB, VmRSS: 57 MB, VmData: 128 MB, maxrss: 0.058868 MB Starting process 33820 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 635 MB, VmSize: 635 MB, VmRSS: 57 MB, VmData: 128 MB, maxrss: 0.058876 MB Starting process 33821 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 635 MB, VmSize: 635 MB, VmRSS: 57 MB, VmData: 128 MB, maxrss: 0.058876 MB Starting process 33822 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 635 MB, VmSize: 635 MB, VmRSS: 57 MB, VmData: 128 MB, maxrss: 0.058876 MB Starting process 33823 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 635 MB, VmSize: 635 MB, VmRSS: 57 MB, VmData: 128 MB, maxrss: 0.058876 MB Starting process 33824 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 635 MB, VmSize: 635 MB, VmRSS: 57 MB, VmData: 128 MB, maxrss: 0.058876 MB Starting process 33825 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 635 MB, VmSize: 635 MB, VmRSS: 58 MB, VmData: 128 MB, maxrss: 0.058888 MB Runstage writecat Runstage wise_forced Runstage coadds Runstage fitblobs Runstage srcs Runstage fit_on_coadds Runstage halos Runstage outliers Runstage refs Runstage tims Running stage tims Running stage tims at 2020-07-23T07:39:21.621806 Keeping 14 CCDs: k4m_170308_041617_ooi_zd_ls9.fits.fz k4m_170308_041617_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD1 z exptime 91.103 propid 2016A-0453 seeing 0.93 MJD 57820.178 object MzLS_716474_z k4m_180128_055740_ooi_zd_ls9.fits.fz k4m_180128_055740_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD1 z exptime 147.103 propid 2016A-0453 seeing 1.17 MJD 58146.248 object MzLS_716474_z k4m_170413_031254_ooi_zd_ls9.fits.fz k4m_170413_031254_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD4 z exptime 140.102 propid 2016A-0453 seeing 1.10 MJD 57856.134 object MzLS_715649_z k4m_170413_031254_ooi_zd_ls9.fits.fz k4m_170413_031254_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD2 z exptime 140.102 propid 2016A-0453 seeing 1.11 MJD 57856.134 object MzLS_715649_z k4m_170210_050958_ooi_zd_ls9.fits.fz k4m_170210_050958_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD1 z exptime 171.104 propid 2016A-0453 seeing 0.85 MJD 57794.215 object MzLS_716063_z k4m_180129_044343_ooi_zd_ls9.fits.fz k4m_180129_044343_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD1 z exptime 192.103 propid 2016A-0453 seeing 1.53 MJD 58147.197 object MzLS_716063_z k4m_171125_064728_ooi_zd_ls9.fits.fz k4m_171125_064728_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD2 z exptime 108.105 propid 2016A-0453 seeing 0.77 MJD 58082.283 object MzLS_715231_z k4m_170308_040113_ooi_zd_ls9.fits.fz k4m_170308_040113_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD4 z exptime 105.105 propid 2016A-0453 seeing 0.89 MJD 57820.168 object MzLS_715230_z ksb_190208_073007_ooi_r_ls9.fits.fz ksb_190208_073007_ooi_r_ls9-CCD4 r exptime 93.288 propid NOTBASS seeing 1.44 MJD 58522.313 object ksb_190211_070024_ooi_r_ls9.fits.fz ksb_190211_070024_ooi_r_ls9-CCD1 r exptime 92.928 propid NOTBASS seeing 1.72 MJD 58525.292 object ksb_190128_052812_ooi_g_ls9.fits.fz ksb_190128_052812_ooi_g_ls9-CCD1 g exptime 84.566 propid NOTBASS seeing 1.35 MJD 58511.228 object ksb_190103_103332_ooi_g_ls9.fits.fz ksb_190103_103332_ooi_g_ls9-CCD4 g exptime 150.4 propid NOTBASS seeing 1.75 MJD 58486.440 object ksb_190211_071235_ooi_r_ls9.fits.fz ksb_190211_071235_ooi_r_ls9-CCD4 r exptime 102.22 propid NOTBASS seeing 1.29 MJD 58525.300 object ksb_190211_064922_ooi_r_ls9.fits.fz ksb_190211_064922_ooi_r_ls9-CCD2 r exptime 179.175 propid NOTBASS seeing 1.52 MJD 58525.284 object mosaic get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 3.59 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 0 341 and amp range 0 2005 and image y 766 1471 and amp range 0 2039 Range in image: x 0 342 , y 0 706 (with image size 342 x 706) dzp 0.007397243 -> scaling image by 1.006836374469654 mosaic get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 4.25 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 799 1480 and amp range 0 2047 and image y 0 199 and amp range 0 2021 Range in image: x 0 682 , y 0 200 (with image size 682 x 200) dzp -0.018417627 -> scaling image by 0.9831798050134541 mosaic get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 4.29 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 792 1472 and amp range 0 2047 and image y 3833 4072 and amp range 2040 4078 Range in image: x 0 681 , y 0 240 (with image size 681 x 240) dzp 0.015739892 -> scaling image by 1.0146025667655956 mosaic get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 2.95 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 3583 4088 and amp range 2048 4095 and image y 7 501 and amp range 0 2039 Range in image: x 0 506 , y 0 495 (with image size 506 x 495) dzp -0.012875672 -> scaling image by 0.9882111074411305 Faked up EXPNUM 85250147 Faked up EXPNUM 85250147 Faked up EXPNUM 85250147 90prime get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 2.85 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 1928 2327 and amp range 0 2015 and image y 3007 3409 and amp range 2048 4095 Range in image: x 0 88 , y 0 403 (with image size 400 x 403) dzp 0.030668205 -> scaling image by 1.028649174410522 Found overlap: image x 1928 2327 and amp range 2016 4031 and image y 3007 3409 and amp range 2048 4095 Range in image: x 88 400 , y 0 403 (with image size 400 x 403) dzp 0.026738029 -> scaling image by 1.0249323749670936 Faked up EXPNUM 84860038 Faked up EXPNUM 84860038 Faked up EXPNUM 84860038 90prime get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 3.85 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 1930 2330 and amp range 0 2015 and image y 3021 3424 and amp range 2048 4095 Range in image: x 0 86 , y 0 404 (with image size 401 x 404) dzp 0.02403333 -> scaling image by 1.0223823235386527 Found overlap: image x 1930 2330 and amp range 2016 4031 and image y 3021 3424 and amp range 2048 4095 Range in image: x 86 401 , y 0 404 (with image size 401 x 404) dzp 0.008089546 -> scaling image by 1.0074785731993958 mosaic get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 3.29 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 2368 3054 and amp range 2006 4053 and image y 2664 3353 and amp range 2040 4078 Range in image: x 0 687 , y 0 690 (with image size 687 x 690) dzp 0.012593497 -> scaling image by 1.0116665687010755 Faked up EXPNUM 85110116 Faked up EXPNUM 85110116 Faked up EXPNUM 85110116 90prime get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 2.97 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 2162 2554 and amp range 2016 4031 and image y 3559 3950 and amp range 2048 4095 Range in image: x 0 393 , y 0 392 (with image size 393 x 392) dzp 0.016853841 -> scaling image by 1.0156440682362244 mosaic get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 5.89 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 2386 3073 and amp range 2006 4053 and image y 2636 3325 and amp range 2040 4078 Range in image: x 0 688 , y 0 690 (with image size 688 x 690) dzp 0.0036595785 -> scaling image by 1.003376283213225 mosaic get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 4.49 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 0 372 and amp range 0 2005 and image y 765 1472 and amp range 0 2039 Range in image: x 0 373 , y 0 708 (with image size 373 x 708) dzp 0.009508088 -> scaling image by 1.0087957299815176 Faked up EXPNUM 85250142 Faked up EXPNUM 85250142 Faked up EXPNUM 85250142 90prime get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 3.79 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 2160 2552 and amp range 2016 4031 and image y 3563 3955 and amp range 2048 4095 Range in image: x 0 393 , y 0 393 (with image size 393 x 393) dzp 0.017774878 -> scaling image by 1.0165060112155746 mosaic get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 3.41 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 3529 4088 and amp range 2048 4095 and image y 3279 3986 and amp range 2022 4060 Range in image: x 0 560 , y 0 708 (with image size 560 x 708) dzp -0.02499645 -> scaling image by 0.9772404160512723 Faked up EXPNUM 85220174 Faked up EXPNUM 85220174 Faked up EXPNUM 85220174 90prime get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 3.17 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 15 384 and amp range 0 2015 and image y 1059 1453 and amp range 0 2047 Range in image: x 0 370 , y 0 395 (with image size 370 x 395) dzp 0.013109513 -> scaling image by 1.0121474960606016 Stage tims : Wall: 7.37 s, CPU: 1.07 s, VmPeak: 945 MB, VmSize: 945 MB, VmRSS: 202 MB, VmData: 237 MB, maxrss: 0.207348 MB Stage tims finished: 2020-07-23T07:39:28.993335 Faked up EXPNUM 85250138 Faked up EXPNUM 85250138 Faked up EXPNUM 85250138 Resources for stage tims : 9.057 s worker CPU, 28.688 s worker Wall, Wall: 7.373 s, Cores in use: 1.37, Total efficiency (on 16 cores): 8.6 % Stage tims finished Saving pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-tims.p Saved /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-tims.p Running stage refs Running stage refs at 2020-07-23T07:39:29.632085 Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/work/gaia/chunks-gaia-dr2-astrom-2/chunk-00380.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/work/gaia/chunks-gaia-dr2-astrom-2/chunk-00277.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/work/gaia/chunks-gaia-dr2-astrom-2/chunk-00327.fits Matched 11 large galaxies to Gaia stars. Matched 0 large galaxies to Tycho-2 stars. Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/metrics/cus/reference-custom-105672p70970.fits Stage refs : Wall: 5.24 s, CPU: 3.46 s, VmPeak: 991 MB, VmSize: 985 MB, VmRSS: 244 MB, VmData: 277 MB, maxrss: 0.249688 MB Stage refs finished: 2020-07-23T07:39:34.867606 Resources for stage refs : 0.000 s worker CPU, 0.000 s worker Wall, Wall: 5.237 s, Cores in use: 0.66, Total efficiency (on 16 cores): 4.1 % Stage refs finished Saving pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-refs.p Saved /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-refs.p Running stage outliers Running stage outliers at 2020-07-23T07:39:34.927933 Failed to apply outlier mask: No such file: /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/metrics/cus/outlier-mask-custom-105672p70970.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/metrics/cus/outliers-pre-custom-105672p70970.jpg Image ksb_190103_103332_ooi_g_ls9-CCD4 g : masking 122 positive outlier pixels and 0 negative outlier pixels Image ksb_190128_052812_ooi_g_ls9-CCD1 g : masking 222 positive outlier pixels and 0 negative outlier pixels Image ksb_190208_073007_ooi_r_ls9-CCD4 r : masking 260 positive outlier pixels and 0 negative outlier pixels Image ksb_190211_071235_ooi_r_ls9-CCD4 r : masking 288 positive outlier pixels and 0 negative outlier pixels Image k4m_170413_031254_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD4 z : masking 0 positive outlier pixels and 324 negative outlier pixels Image k4m_170308_041617_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD1 z : masking 7282 positive outlier pixels and 1340 negative outlier pixels Image k4m_170413_031254_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD2 z : masking 17183 positive outlier pixels and 0 negative outlier pixels Image k4m_180128_055740_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD1 z : masking 2229 positive outlier pixels and 1585 negative outlier pixels Image k4m_171125_064728_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD2 z : masking 19331 positive outlier pixels and 755 negative outlier pixels Image k4m_170308_040113_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD4 z : masking 13508 positive outlier pixels and 918 negative outlier pixels Image k4m_170210_050958_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD1 z : masking 5471 positive outlier pixels and 979 negative outlier pixels Image k4m_180129_044343_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD1 z : masking 7890 positive outlier pixels and 1329 negative outlier pixels Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/metrics/cus/outlier-mask-custom-105672p70970.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/metrics/cus/outliers-post-custom-105672p70970.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/metrics/cus/outliers-masked-pos-custom-105672p70970.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/metrics/cus/outliers-masked-neg-custom-105672p70970.jpg Stage outliers : Wall: 3.61 s, CPU: 2.48 s, VmPeak: 1127 MB, VmSize: 1037 MB, VmRSS: 300 MB, VmData: 330 MB, maxrss: 0.345196 MB Stage outliers finished: 2020-07-23T07:39:38.539853 Resources for stage outliers : 7.254 s worker CPU, 7.372 s worker Wall, Wall: 3.615 s, Cores in use: 2.69, Total efficiency (on 16 cores): 16.8 % Stage outliers finished Saving pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-outliers.p Saved /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-outliers.p Running stage halos Running stage halos at 2020-07-23T07:39:38.605143 Stage halos : Wall: 0.68 s, CPU: 0.65 s, VmPeak: 1127 MB, VmSize: 997 MB, VmRSS: 301 MB, VmData: 331 MB, maxrss: 0.345196 MB Stage halos finished: 2020-07-23T07:39:39.286926 Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Resources for stage halos : 0.001 s worker CPU, 0.001 s worker Wall, Wall: 0.684 s, Cores in use: 0.95, Total efficiency (on 16 cores): 6.0 % Stage halos finished Saving pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-halos.p Saved /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-halos.p Running stage fit_on_coadds Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Running stage fit_on_coadds at 2020-07-23T07:39:39.929328 PSF sigmas in coadd pixels: ['2.19', '2.84'] Using average PSF sigma 2.5121737193014906 Gaussian PSF norm 0.11229111649663884 vs pixelized 0.08878096 average tim pixel scale / coadd scale: 1.7311334372711373 Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-copsf-g.fits.fz PSF sigmas in coadd pixels: ['2.34', '2.79', '2.10'] Using average PSF sigma 2.409070880943105 Gaussian PSF norm 0.11709692479593771 vs pixelized 0.100409664 average tim pixel scale / coadd scale: 1.7313670788230444 Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-copsf-r.fits.fz PSF sigmas in coadd pixels: ['1.51', '1.89', '1.79', '1.81', '1.39', '2.48', '1.24', '1.44'] Using average PSF sigma 1.6950762525705534 Gaussian PSF norm 0.16642011906313145 vs pixelized 0.13087527 average tim pixel scale / coadd scale: 0.9909052762690796 Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-copsf-z.fits.fz Stage fit_on_coadds : Wall: 1.22 s, CPU: 0.83 s, VmPeak: 1127 MB, VmSize: 1004 MB, VmRSS: 310 MB, VmData: 339 MB, maxrss: 0.345196 MB Stage fit_on_coadds finished: 2020-07-23T07:39:41.152683 Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Resources for stage fit_on_coadds : 2.233 s worker CPU, 2.234 s worker Wall, Wall: 1.225 s, Cores in use: 2.50, Total efficiency (on 16 cores): 15.6 % Stage fit_on_coadds finished Saving pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-fit_on_coadds.p Saved /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-fit_on_coadds.p Running stage srcs Running stage srcs at 2020-07-23T07:39:41.182809 SED-matched filters: [('z', array([0., 0., 1.])), ('r', array([0., 1., 0.])), ('g', array([1., 0., 0.])), ('Flat', [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]), ('Red', [2.5, 1.0, 0.4])] Found 17239 potential peaks Of 17239 potential peaks: 17088 in veto map, 17 cut by saddle test, 0 cut by aper test, 134 kept SED z : 134 new peaks Found 153 potential peaks Of 153 potential peaks: 131 in veto map, 9 cut by saddle test, 0 cut by aper test, 13 kept SED r : 13 new peaks Found 118 potential peaks Of 118 potential peaks: 108 in veto map, 8 cut by saddle test, 0 cut by aper test, 2 kept SED g : 2 new peaks Found 386 potential peaks Of 386 potential peaks: 356 in veto map, 25 cut by saddle test, 0 cut by aper test, 5 kept SED Flat : 5 new peaks Found 400 potential peaks Of 400 potential peaks: 371 in veto map, 22 cut by saddle test, 0 cut by aper test, 7 kept SED Red : 7 new peaks Adding 161 new sources Median coadd sky for g : 5.0491028e-05 Median coadd sky for r : -1.4481033e-05 Median coadd sky for z : 0.0001486912 Stage srcs : Wall: 2.13 s, CPU: 1.94 s, VmPeak: 1127 MB, VmSize: 1007 MB, VmRSS: 314 MB, VmData: 342 MB, maxrss: 0.345196 MB Stage srcs finished: 2020-07-23T07:39:43.317290 Resources for stage srcs : 0.499 s worker CPU, 0.499 s worker Wall, Wall: 2.136 s, Cores in use: 1.14, Total efficiency (on 16 cores): 7.2 % Stage srcs finished Saving pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-srcs.p Saved /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-srcs.p Running stage fitblobs Running stage fitblobs at 2020-07-23T07:39:43.356218 Blob 1 of 78, id: 26, sources: 65, size: 677x501, npix 131516, brick X: 0,677, Y: 126,627, one pixel: 268 126 Blob 2 of 78, id: 13, sources: 5, size: 97x92, npix 5086, brick X: 67,164, Y: 60,152, one pixel: 150 60 Blob 3 of 78, id: 56, sources: 5, size: 76x87, npix 3413, brick X: 5,81, Y: 362,449, one pixel: 43 362 Blob 4 of 78, id: 53, sources: 7, size: 64x113, npix 3396, brick X: 73,137, Y: 313,426, one pixel: 112 313 Blob 5 of 78, id: 1, sources: 6, size: 108x41, npix 2546, brick X: 96,204, Y: 0,41, one pixel: 102 0 Blob 6 of 78, id: 28, sources: 3, size: 71x57, npix 2303, brick X: 162,233, Y: 136,193, one pixel: 210 136 Blob 7 of 78, id: 55, sources: 2, size: 60x46, npix 1737, brick X: 156,216, Y: 348,394, one pixel: 186 348 Blob 8 of 78, id: 57, sources: 2, size: 55x38, npix 1478, brick X: 132,187, Y: 392,430, one pixel: 166 392 Blob 9 of 78, id: 29, sources: 2, size: 43x60, npix 1457, brick X: 634,677, Y: 136,196, one pixel: 663 136 Blob 10 of 78, id: 33, sources: 1, size: 42x45, npix 1309, brick X: 30,72, Y: 164,209, one pixel: 43 164 Blob 11 of 78, id: 37, sources: 3, size: 62x32, npix 1147, brick X: 401,463, Y: 201,233, one pixel: 429 201 Blob 12 of 78, id: 73, sources: 3, size: 50x39, npix 1126, brick X: 324,374, Y: 635,674, one pixel: 357 635 Blob 13 of 78, id: 42, sources: 2, size: 37x47, npix 1093, brick X: 186,223, Y: 243,290, one pixel: 203 243 Blob 14 of 78, id: 64, sources: 2, size: 39x44, npix 1012, brick X: 224,263, Y: 595,639, one pixel: 253 595 Blob 15 of 78, id: 50, sources: 1, size: 38x38, npix 991, brick X: 20,58, Y: 295,333, one pixel: 37 295 Blob 16 of 78, id: 17, sources: 2, size: 39x45, npix 956, brick X: 165,204, Y: 64,109, one pixel: 193 64 Blob 17 of 78, id: 69, sources: 2, size: 35x48, npix 943, brick X: 465,500, Y: 614,662, one pixel: 485 614 Measuring 1 iterative sources Blob 13 finished, total: Wall: 0.93 s, CPU: 0.93 s, VmPeak: 802 MB, VmSize: 718 MB, VmRSS: 144 MB, VmData: 182 MB, maxrss: 0.147544 MB Blob 18 of 78, id: 36, sources: 1, size: 37x36, npix 915, brick X: 106,143, Y: 199,235, one pixel: 122 199 Blob 8 finished, total: Wall: 0.95 s, CPU: 0.95 s, VmPeak: 798 MB, VmSize: 720 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 184 MB, maxrss: 0.149076 MB Blob 19 of 78, id: 40, sources: 2, size: 25x57, npix 898, brick X: 652,677, Y: 233,290, one pixel: 665 233 Blob 14 finished, total: Wall: 0.98 s, CPU: 0.85 s, VmPeak: 797 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 144 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.147964 MB Blob 20 of 78, id: 12, sources: 2, size: 33x43, npix 819, brick X: 463,496, Y: 58,101, one pixel: 481 58 Blob 7 finished, total: Wall: 1.10 s, CPU: 1.10 s, VmPeak: 799 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 144 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.14772 MB Blob 21 of 78, id: 68, sources: 1, size: 34x34, npix 818, brick X: 176,210, Y: 614,648, one pixel: 193 614 Blob 16 finished, total: Wall: 1.16 s, CPU: 1.11 s, VmPeak: 805 MB, VmSize: 718 MB, VmRSS: 144 MB, VmData: 182 MB, maxrss: 0.147324 MB Blob 22 of 78, id: 44, sources: 1, size: 34x33, npix 804, brick X: 454,488, Y: 254,287, one pixel: 463 254 Measuring 1 iterative sources Measuring 1 iterative sources Blob 10 finished, total: Wall: 1.46 s, CPU: 1.46 s, VmPeak: 798 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 144 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.14774 MB Blob 23 of 78, id: 21, sources: 1, size: 36x33, npix 801, brick X: 365,401, Y: 92,125, one pixel: 384 92 Blob 15 finished, total: Wall: 1.44 s, CPU: 1.31 s, VmPeak: 802 MB, VmSize: 717 MB, VmRSS: 139 MB, VmData: 181 MB, maxrss: 0.16054 MB Blob 24 of 78, id: 60, sources: 2, size: 33x43, npix 775, brick X: 13,46, Y: 565,608, one pixel: 32 565 Blob 18 finished, total: Wall: 0.60 s, CPU: 0.60 s, VmPeak: 798 MB, VmSize: 720 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 184 MB, maxrss: 0.149076 MB Blob 25 of 78, id: 63, sources: 1, size: 33x33, npix 766, brick X: 92,125, Y: 586,619, one pixel: 105 586 Blob 9 finished, total: Wall: 1.62 s, CPU: 1.62 s, VmPeak: 800 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.149372 MB Blob 26 of 78, id: 58, sources: 1, size: 33x33, npix 712, brick X: 233,266, Y: 431,464, one pixel: 250 431 Blob 12 finished, total: Wall: 1.64 s, CPU: 1.64 s, VmPeak: 801 MB, VmSize: 730 MB, VmRSS: 156 MB, VmData: 194 MB, maxrss: 0.159236 MB Blob 27 of 78, id: 71, sources: 1, size: 38x46, npix 709, brick X: 382,420, Y: 620,666, one pixel: 408 620 Blob 6 finished, total: Wall: 1.69 s, CPU: 1.69 s, VmPeak: 679 MB, VmSize: 667 MB, VmRSS: 99 MB, VmData: 145 MB, maxrss: 0.107732 MB Blob 28 of 78, id: 39, sources: 2, size: 42x31, npix 708, brick X: 72,114, Y: 228,259, one pixel: 81 228 Blob 19 finished, total: Wall: 0.72 s, CPU: 0.72 s, VmPeak: 797 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 144 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.147964 MB Blob 29 of 78, id: 75, sources: 1, size: 33x28, npix 707, brick X: 98,131, Y: 649,677, one pixel: 111 649 Blob 11 finished, total: Wall: 1.85 s, CPU: 1.85 s, VmPeak: 706 MB, VmSize: 706 MB, VmRSS: 133 MB, VmData: 181 MB, maxrss: 0.136472 MB Blob 30 of 78, id: 9, sources: 1, size: 32x33, npix 663, brick X: 17,49, Y: 35,68, one pixel: 27 35 Blob 25 finished, total: Wall: 0.26 s, CPU: 0.26 s, VmPeak: 800 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.14956 MB Blob 31 of 78, id: 34, sources: 1, size: 30x33, npix 652, brick X: 492,522, Y: 185,218, one pixel: 509 185 Blob 29 finished, total: Wall: 0.18 s, CPU: 0.18 s, VmPeak: 706 MB, VmSize: 706 MB, VmRSS: 133 MB, VmData: 181 MB, maxrss: 0.136472 MB Blob 32 of 78, id: 62, sources: 1, size: 26x38, npix 631, brick X: 201,227, Y: 577,615, one pixel: 216 577 Blob 20 finished, total: Wall: 0.98 s, CPU: 0.98 s, VmPeak: 799 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 144 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.14772 MB Blob 33 of 78, id: 8, sources: 1, size: 29x32, npix 619, brick X: 201,230, Y: 27,59, one pixel: 214 27 Blob 22 finished, total: Wall: 0.64 s, CPU: 0.64 s, VmPeak: 798 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 144 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.14774 MB Blob 34 of 78, id: 18, sources: 1, size: 29x30, npix 596, brick X: 0,29, Y: 73,103, one pixel: 11 73 Blob 17 finished, total: Wall: 1.22 s, CPU: 1.22 s, VmPeak: 802 MB, VmSize: 718 MB, VmRSS: 144 MB, VmData: 182 MB, maxrss: 0.1477 MB Blob 35 of 78, id: 47, sources: 1, size: 30x30, npix 587, brick X: 527,557, Y: 273,303, one pixel: 540 273 Blob 21 finished, total: Wall: 1.01 s, CPU: 1.01 s, VmPeak: 805 MB, VmSize: 718 MB, VmRSS: 144 MB, VmData: 182 MB, maxrss: 0.147796 MB Blob 36 of 78, id: 59, sources: 1, size: 33x31, npix 576, brick X: 107,140, Y: 554,585, one pixel: 129 554 Blob 26 finished, total: Wall: 0.59 s, CPU: 0.59 s, VmPeak: 801 MB, VmSize: 730 MB, VmRSS: 156 MB, VmData: 194 MB, maxrss: 0.159236 MB Blob 37 of 78, id: 11, sources: 1, size: 28x30, npix 557, brick X: 591,619, Y: 52,82, one pixel: 602 52 Measuring 2 iterative sources Blob 2 finished, total: Wall: 2.44 s, CPU: 2.44 s, VmPeak: 801 MB, VmSize: 722 MB, VmRSS: 148 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.15166 MB Blob 38 of 78, id: 45, sources: 1, size: 28x28, npix 529, brick X: 424,452, Y: 264,292, one pixel: 437 264 Measuring 1 iterative sources Blob 32 finished, total: Wall: 0.60 s, CPU: 0.60 s, VmPeak: 799 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 144 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.14772 MB Blob 39 of 78, id: 16, sources: 1, size: 29x28, npix 527, brick X: 503,532, Y: 62,90, one pixel: 516 62 Blob 34 finished, total: Wall: 0.54 s, CPU: 0.54 s, VmPeak: 802 MB, VmSize: 718 MB, VmRSS: 144 MB, VmData: 182 MB, maxrss: 0.1477 MB Blob 40 of 78, id: 41, sources: 1, size: 28x28, npix 527, brick X: 548,576, Y: 242,270, one pixel: 560 242 Measuring 1 iterative sources Blob 31 finished, total: Wall: 0.73 s, CPU: 0.73 s, VmPeak: 706 MB, VmSize: 706 MB, VmRSS: 133 MB, VmData: 181 MB, maxrss: 0.136472 MB Blob 41 of 78, id: 2, sources: 1, size: 28x26, npix 499, brick X: 381,409, Y: 0,26, one pixel: 390 0 Measuring 1 iterative sources Blob 30 finished, total: Wall: 0.94 s, CPU: 0.94 s, VmPeak: 800 MB, VmSize: 720 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 184 MB, maxrss: 0.149624 MB Blob 28 finished, total: Wall: 1.11 s, CPU: 1.11 s, VmPeak: 797 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 144 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.147964 MB Blob 42 of 78, id: 5, sources: 1, size: 27x27, npix 483, brick X: 587,614, Y: 14,41, one pixel: 598 14 Blob 24 finished, total: Wall: 1.28 s, CPU: 1.28 s, VmPeak: 798 MB, VmSize: 720 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 184 MB, maxrss: 0.149076 MB Blob 36 finished, total: Wall: 0.60 s, CPU: 0.60 s, VmPeak: 801 MB, VmSize: 730 MB, VmRSS: 156 MB, VmData: 194 MB, maxrss: 0.159236 MB Blob 43 of 78, id: 23, sources: 1, size: 29x27, npix 477, brick X: 199,228, Y: 103,130, one pixel: 210 103 Blob 44 of 78, id: 46, sources: 1, size: 25x28, npix 474, brick X: 618,643, Y: 269,297, one pixel: 628 269 Blob 45 of 78, id: 14, sources: 1, size: 27x30, npix 466, brick X: 224,251, Y: 62,92, one pixel: 235 62 Blob 35 finished, total: Wall: 0.65 s, CPU: 0.65 s, VmPeak: 805 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148372 MB Blob 46 of 78, id: 31, sources: 1, size: 25x27, npix 453, brick X: 0,25, Y: 154,181, one pixel: 9 154 Blob 37 finished, total: Wall: 0.63 s, CPU: 0.63 s, VmPeak: 801 MB, VmSize: 722 MB, VmRSS: 149 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.152364 MB Blob 47 of 78, id: 43, sources: 1, size: 26x26, npix 430, brick X: 41,67, Y: 250,276, one pixel: 52 250 Blob 23 finished, total: Wall: 1.61 s, CPU: 1.61 s, VmPeak: 802 MB, VmSize: 717 MB, VmRSS: 139 MB, VmData: 181 MB, maxrss: 0.16054 MB Blob 48 of 78, id: 49, sources: 1, size: 26x26, npix 411, brick X: 594,620, Y: 280,306, one pixel: 605 280 Blob 33 finished, total: Wall: 1.07 s, CPU: 1.07 s, VmPeak: 798 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148212 MB Blob 49 of 78, id: 61, sources: 2, size: 21x37, npix 410, brick X: 365,386, Y: 568,605, one pixel: 374 568 Blob 27 finished, total: Wall: 1.53 s, CPU: 1.53 s, VmPeak: 679 MB, VmSize: 667 MB, VmRSS: 100 MB, VmData: 145 MB, maxrss: 0.107732 MB Blob 50 of 78, id: 52, sources: 1, size: 21x28, npix 408, brick X: 656,677, Y: 302,330, one pixel: 668 302 Blob 38 finished, total: Wall: 0.54 s, CPU: 0.54 s, VmPeak: 799 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 144 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.14772 MB Blob 51 of 78, id: 7, sources: 1, size: 26x25, npix 399, brick X: 402,428, Y: 26,51, one pixel: 413 26 Blob 39 finished, total: Wall: 0.63 s, CPU: 0.63 s, VmPeak: 802 MB, VmSize: 718 MB, VmRSS: 144 MB, VmData: 182 MB, maxrss: 0.1477 MB Blob 52 of 78, id: 6, sources: 1, size: 26x25, npix 398, brick X: 262,288, Y: 21,46, one pixel: 271 21 Blob 40 finished, total: Wall: 0.62 s, CPU: 0.62 s, VmPeak: 706 MB, VmSize: 706 MB, VmRSS: 133 MB, VmData: 181 MB, maxrss: 0.136472 MB Blob 53 of 78, id: 24, sources: 1, size: 25x25, npix 380, brick X: 7,32, Y: 106,131, one pixel: 18 106 Measuring 1 iterative sources Blob 45 finished, total: Wall: 0.59 s, CPU: 0.59 s, VmPeak: 805 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148372 MB Blob 54 of 78, id: 3, sources: 1, size: 25x23, npix 362, brick X: 491,516, Y: 3,26, one pixel: 500 3 Blob 44 finished, total: Wall: 0.62 s, CPU: 0.61 s, VmPeak: 798 MB, VmSize: 720 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 184 MB, maxrss: 0.149424 MB Blob 55 of 78, id: 32, sources: 1, size: 24x24, npix 362, brick X: 532,556, Y: 161,185, one pixel: 541 161 Blob 42 finished, total: Wall: 0.66 s, CPU: 0.66 s, VmPeak: 797 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 144 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.147964 MB Blob 56 of 78, id: 27, sources: 1, size: 25x23, npix 351, brick X: 452,477, Y: 132,155, one pixel: 464 132 Blob 41 finished, total: Wall: 0.73 s, CPU: 0.73 s, VmPeak: 800 MB, VmSize: 720 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 184 MB, maxrss: 0.149624 MB Blob 57 of 78, id: 66, sources: 1, size: 24x23, npix 329, brick X: 314,338, Y: 605,628, one pixel: 325 605 Blob 46 finished, total: Wall: 0.56 s, CPU: 0.56 s, VmPeak: 801 MB, VmSize: 722 MB, VmRSS: 149 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.152364 MB Blob 58 of 78, id: 51, sources: 1, size: 23x22, npix 313, brick X: 85,108, Y: 300,322, one pixel: 94 300 Blob 59 of 78, id: 25, sources: 1, size: 23x21, npix 300, brick X: 427,450, Y: 113,134, one pixel: 436 113 Blob 47 finished, total: Wall: 0.54 s, CPU: 0.54 s, VmPeak: 802 MB, VmSize: 717 MB, VmRSS: 139 MB, VmData: 181 MB, maxrss: 0.16054 MB Blob 60 of 78, id: 77, sources: 1, size: 24x18, npix 284, brick X: 231,255, Y: 659,677, one pixel: 241 659 Blob 48 finished, total: Wall: 0.53 s, CPU: 0.53 s, VmPeak: 798 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148804 MB Blob 61 of 78, id: 15, sources: 1, size: 21x21, npix 279, brick X: 249,270, Y: 62,83, one pixel: 257 62 Blob 54 finished, total: Wall: 0.23 s, CPU: 0.23 s, VmPeak: 798 MB, VmSize: 720 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 184 MB, maxrss: 0.149424 MB Blob 62 of 78, id: 35, sources: 1, size: 21x22, npix 279, brick X: 149,170, Y: 188,210, one pixel: 159 188 Blob 49 finished, total: Wall: 0.55 s, CPU: 0.55 s, VmPeak: 679 MB, VmSize: 667 MB, VmRSS: 100 MB, VmData: 145 MB, maxrss: 0.107732 MB Blob 63 of 78, id: 38, sources: 1, size: 24x21, npix 274, brick X: 639,663, Y: 223,244, one pixel: 649 223 Blob 3 finished, total: Wall: 3.86 s, CPU: 3.86 s, VmPeak: 803 MB, VmSize: 721 MB, VmRSS: 147 MB, VmData: 185 MB, maxrss: 0.150296 MB Blob 64 of 78, id: 10, sources: 1, size: 20x21, npix 248, brick X: 520,540, Y: 45,66, one pixel: 529 45 Blob 43 finished, total: Wall: 1.01 s, CPU: 1.01 s, VmPeak: 801 MB, VmSize: 730 MB, VmRSS: 156 MB, VmData: 194 MB, maxrss: 0.159848 MB Blob 65 of 78, id: 0, sources: 1, size: 22x16, npix 242, brick X: 42,64, Y: 0,16, one pixel: 46 0 Blob 50 finished, total: Wall: 0.67 s, CPU: 0.67 s, VmPeak: 799 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148068 MB Blob 66 of 78, id: 65, sources: 1, size: 18x21, npix 225, brick X: 339,357, Y: 596,617, one pixel: 347 596 Blob 51 finished, total: Wall: 0.57 s, CPU: 0.57 s, VmPeak: 802 MB, VmSize: 718 MB, VmRSS: 144 MB, VmData: 182 MB, maxrss: 0.1477 MB Blob 67 of 78, id: 4, sources: 1, size: 20x19, npix 218, brick X: 471,491, Y: 13,32, one pixel: 480 13 Blob 59 finished, total: Wall: 0.24 s, CPU: 0.24 s, VmPeak: 798 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148804 MB Blob 68 of 78, id: 70, sources: 1, size: 18x19, npix 198, brick X: 529,547, Y: 619,638, one pixel: 537 619 Blob 53 finished, total: Wall: 0.52 s, CPU: 0.52 s, VmPeak: 805 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148372 MB Blob 69 of 78, id: 76, sources: 1, size: 18x19, npix 198, brick X: 607,625, Y: 656,675, one pixel: 615 656 Blob 55 finished, total: Wall: 0.51 s, CPU: 0.51 s, VmPeak: 797 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148312 MB Blob 66 finished, total: Wall: 0.06 s, CPU: 0.06 s, VmPeak: 798 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148804 MB Blob 70 of 78, id: 19, sources: 1, size: 19x18, npix 189, brick X: 297,316, Y: 85,103, one pixel: 305 85 Blob 71 of 78, id: 54, sources: 1, size: 18x19, npix 189, brick X: 68,86, Y: 345,364, one pixel: 76 345 Blob 61 finished, total: Wall: 0.27 s, CPU: 0.27 s, VmPeak: 679 MB, VmSize: 667 MB, VmRSS: 100 MB, VmData: 145 MB, maxrss: 0.107732 MB Blob 72 of 78, id: 67, sources: 1, size: 19x19, npix 181, brick X: 76,95, Y: 613,632, one pixel: 85 613 Blob 64 finished, total: Wall: 0.19 s, CPU: 0.19 s, VmPeak: 799 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148104 MB Blob 73 of 78, id: 74, sources: 1, size: 18x18, npix 180, brick X: 649,667, Y: 637,655, one pixel: 657 637 Blob 63 finished, total: Wall: 0.29 s, CPU: 0.29 s, VmPeak: 801 MB, VmSize: 730 MB, VmRSS: 156 MB, VmData: 194 MB, maxrss: 0.159848 MB Blob 74 of 78, id: 22, sources: 1, size: 15x19, npix 174, brick X: 662,677, Y: 93,112, one pixel: 671 93 Blob 71 finished, total: Wall: 0.06 s, CPU: 0.06 s, VmPeak: 799 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148104 MB Blob 75 of 78, id: 20, sources: 1, size: 18x17, npix 162, brick X: 634,652, Y: 91,108, one pixel: 642 91 Blob 56 finished, total: Wall: 0.64 s, CPU: 0.64 s, VmPeak: 800 MB, VmSize: 720 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 184 MB, maxrss: 0.149624 MB Blob 76 of 78, id: 48, sources: 1, size: 17x18, npix 162, brick X: 141,158, Y: 276,294, one pixel: 149 276 Blob 73 finished, total: Wall: 0.07 s, CPU: 0.07 s, VmPeak: 799 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148104 MB Blob 77 of 78, id: 72, sources: 1, size: 18x17, npix 162, brick X: 277,295, Y: 625,642, one pixel: 285 625 Blob 4 finished, total: Wall: 4.33 s, CPU: 4.33 s, VmPeak: 803 MB, VmSize: 726 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 190 MB, maxrss: 0.149344 MB Blob 67 finished, total: Wall: 0.27 s, CPU: 0.27 s, VmPeak: 805 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148372 MB Blob 78 of 78, id: 30, sources: 1, size: 17x17, npix 145, brick X: 397,414, Y: 150,167, one pixel: 405 150 Blob 60 finished, total: Wall: 0.55 s, CPU: 0.55 s, VmPeak: 798 MB, VmSize: 720 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 184 MB, maxrss: 0.14946 MB Blob 57 finished, total: Wall: 0.69 s, CPU: 0.69 s, VmPeak: 801 MB, VmSize: 722 MB, VmRSS: 149 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.152364 MB Blob 69 finished, total: Wall: 0.28 s, CPU: 0.28 s, VmPeak: 798 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148804 MB Blob 70 finished, total: Wall: 0.29 s, CPU: 0.28 s, VmPeak: 679 MB, VmSize: 667 MB, VmRSS: 100 MB, VmData: 145 MB, maxrss: 0.107732 MB Blob 76 finished, total: Wall: 0.06 s, CPU: 0.06 s, VmPeak: 805 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148372 MB Blob 68 finished, total: Wall: 0.31 s, CPU: 0.31 s, VmPeak: 797 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148312 MB Blob 58 finished, total: Wall: 0.72 s, CPU: 0.72 s, VmPeak: 802 MB, VmSize: 717 MB, VmRSS: 139 MB, VmData: 181 MB, maxrss: 0.16054 MB Blob 75 finished, total: Wall: 0.15 s, CPU: 0.15 s, VmPeak: 799 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148104 MB Blob 52 finished, total: Wall: 1.04 s, CPU: 1.04 s, VmPeak: 706 MB, VmSize: 706 MB, VmRSS: 134 MB, VmData: 181 MB, maxrss: 0.137156 MB Blob 77 finished, total: Wall: 0.14 s, CPU: 0.14 s, VmPeak: 803 MB, VmSize: 726 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 190 MB, maxrss: 0.149344 MB Blob 62 finished, total: Wall: 0.62 s, CPU: 0.62 s, VmPeak: 803 MB, VmSize: 721 MB, VmRSS: 147 MB, VmData: 185 MB, maxrss: 0.150648 MB Blob 74 finished, total: Wall: 0.22 s, CPU: 0.22 s, VmPeak: 800 MB, VmSize: 720 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 184 MB, maxrss: 0.149624 MB Blob 65 finished, total: Wall: 0.52 s, CPU: 0.52 s, VmPeak: 802 MB, VmSize: 718 MB, VmRSS: 144 MB, VmData: 182 MB, maxrss: 0.1477 MB Blob 78 finished, total: Wall: 0.17 s, CPU: 0.17 s, VmPeak: 798 MB, VmSize: 720 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 184 MB, maxrss: 0.14946 MB Blob 72 finished, total: Wall: 0.45 s, CPU: 0.45 s, VmPeak: 801 MB, VmSize: 730 MB, VmRSS: 156 MB, VmData: 194 MB, maxrss: 0.159848 MB Measuring 1 iterative sources Blob 5 finished, total: Wall: 5.63 s, CPU: 5.49 s, VmPeak: 805 MB, VmSize: 720 MB, VmRSS: 147 MB, VmData: 184 MB, maxrss: 0.150696 MB Known galaxy. Initial shape: EllipseWithPriors(0.25): log r_e=2.69188, ee1=0.561768, ee2=-0.748405 Dropped reference star: GaiaSource at GaiaPosition: RA, Dec = (105.58086, 70.98460), pm (0.3, -4.9), parallax 0.429 with NanoMaggies: g=16.5, r=16.1, z=15.9 Reset brightness to NanoMaggies: g=16.5, r=16.1, z=15.9 Dropped reference star: GaiaSource at GaiaPosition: RA, Dec = (105.59431, 70.98333), pm (4.6, -13.7), parallax 2.016 with NanoMaggies: g=(flux -18.9), r=23, z=17.5 Reset brightness to NanoMaggies: g=20.6, r=19.1, z=17.2 Measuring 33 iterative sources Blob 1 finished, total: Wall: 93.86 s, CPU: 93.81 s, VmPeak: 951 MB, VmSize: 871 MB, VmRSS: 327 MB, VmData: 349 MB, maxrss: 0.416892 MB Old catalog: 189 New catalog: 174 T_dup: tabledata object with 1 rows and 62 columns: a_g_val () shape (1,) dtype float32 astrometric_excess_noise () shape (1,) dtype float32 astrometric_excess_noise_sig () shape (1,) dtype float32 astrometric_n_good_obs_al () shape (1,) dtype int16 astrometric_n_obs_al () shape (1,) dtype int16 astrometric_params_solved () shape (1,) dtype uint8 astrometric_sigma5d_max () shape (1,) dtype float32 astrometric_weight_al () shape (1,) dtype float32 ba () shape (1,) dtype float32 dec () shape (1,) dtype float64 dec_ivar () shape (1,) dtype float32 decam_mag_g () shape (1,) dtype float32 decam_mag_r () shape (1,) dtype float32 decam_mag_z () shape (1,) dtype float32 donotfit () shape (1,) dtype bool duplicated_source () shape (1,) dtype bool e_bp_min_rp_val () shape (1,) dtype float32 freezeparams () shape (1,) dtype bool hmag () shape (1,) dtype float32 ibx () shape (1,) dtype int32 iby () shape (1,) dtype int32 in_bounds () shape (1,) dtype bool isbright () shape (1,) dtype bool iscluster () shape (1,) dtype bool isgaia () shape (1,) dtype bool isgalaxy () shape (1,) dtype uint8 islargegalaxy () shape (1,) dtype bool ismedium () shape (1,) dtype bool istycho () shape (1,) dtype bool jmag () shape (1,) dtype float32 keep_radius () shape (1,) dtype float32 kmag () shape (1,) dtype float32 mag () shape (1,) dtype float32 mask_mag () shape (1,) dtype float32 pa () shape (1,) dtype float32 parallax () shape (1,) dtype float32 parallax_ivar () shape (1,) dtype float32 phot_bp_mean_flux_over_error () shape (1,) dtype float32 phot_bp_mean_mag () shape (1,) dtype float32 phot_bp_n_obs () shape (1,) dtype int16 phot_bp_rp_excess_factor () shape (1,) dtype float32 phot_g_mean_flux_over_error () shape (1,) dtype float32 phot_g_mean_mag () shape (1,) dtype float32 phot_g_n_obs () shape (1,) dtype int16 phot_rp_mean_flux_over_error () shape (1,) dtype float32 phot_rp_mean_mag () shape (1,) dtype float32 phot_rp_n_obs () shape (1,) dtype int16 phot_variable_flag () shape (1,) dtype bool pmdec () shape (1,) dtype float32 pmdec_ivar () shape (1,) dtype float32 pmra () shape (1,) dtype float32 pmra_ivar () shape (1,) dtype float32 pointsource () shape (1,) dtype bool ra () shape (1,) dtype float64 ra_ivar () shape (1,) dtype float32 radius () shape (1,) dtype float32 radius_pix () shape (1,) dtype int64 ref_cat () shape (1,) dtype ) shape (1,) dtype float32 ref_id () shape (1,) dtype int64 source_id () shape (1,) dtype int64 zguess () shape (1,) dtype float32 Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/metrics/cus/blobs-custom-105672p70970.fits.gz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/metrics/cus/all-models-custom-105672p70970.fits Stage fitblobs : Wall: 94.85 s, CPU: 1.05 s, VmPeak: 1127 MB, VmSize: 1008 MB, VmRSS: 320 MB, VmData: 348 MB, maxrss: 0.345196 MB Stage fitblobs finished: 2020-07-23T07:41:18.209696 Resources for stage fitblobs : 161.226 s worker CPU, 162.066 s worker Wall, Wall: 94.855 s, Cores in use: 1.71, Total efficiency (on 16 cores): 10.7 % Stage fitblobs finished Saving pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-fitblobs.p Saved /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-fitblobs.p Running stage coadds Running stage coadds at 2020-07-23T07:41:18.259164 Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-ccds.fits Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-image-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-invvar-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-nexp-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-depth-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-galdepth-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-psfsize-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-model-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-chi2-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-blobmodel-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-image-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-invvar-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-nexp-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-depth-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-galdepth-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-psfsize-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-model-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-chi2-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-blobmodel-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-image-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-invvar-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-nexp-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-depth-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-galdepth-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-psfsize-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-model-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-chi2-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-blobmodel-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-depth.fits Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/tmp-legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-image.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-image.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/tmp-legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-model.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-model.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/tmp-legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-blobmodel.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-blobmodel.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/tmp-legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-resid.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-resid.jpg Stage coadds : Wall: 8.72 s, CPU: 2.99 s, VmPeak: 1127 MB, VmSize: 1070 MB, VmRSS: 382 MB, VmData: 411 MB, maxrss: 0.391636 MB Stage coadds finished: 2020-07-23T07:41:26.979525 Resources for stage coadds : 11.395 s worker CPU, 14.806 s worker Wall, Wall: 8.724 s, Cores in use: 1.65, Total efficiency (on 16 cores): 10.3 % Stage coadds finished Saving pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-coadds.p Saved /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-coadds.p Running stage wise_forced Running stage wise_forced at 2020-07-23T07:41:27.304969 Cut to 2 unWISE tiles Reading WISE tile 1035p711 band 2 Reading WISE tile 1035p711 band 1 Reading WISE tile 1035p711 band 3 Reading WISE tile 1035p711 band 4 Does not exist: /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w4-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w4-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w4-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w4-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w4-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits Reading WISE tile 1080p711 band 4 Does not exist: /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w3-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w3-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w3-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w3-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w3-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits Reading WISE tile 1080p711 band 3 Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w2-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w2-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w2-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w2-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits Reading WISE tile 1080p711 band 2 Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w1-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w1-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w1-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w1-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits Reading WISE tile 1080p711 band 1 Does not exist: /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w3-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w3-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w3-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w3-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w3-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits unWISE forced photometry took Wall: 0.81 s, CPU: 2.31 s, VmPeak: 1009 MB, VmSize: 1009 MB, VmRSS: 154 MB, VmData: 198 MB, maxrss: 0.208732 MB Does not exist: /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w4-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w4-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w4-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w4-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w4-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits unWISE forced photometry took Wall: 1.65 s, CPU: 5.43 s, VmPeak: 1016 MB, VmSize: 1016 MB, VmRSS: 175 MB, VmData: 204 MB, maxrss: 0.270536 MB Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w2-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w2-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w2-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w2-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits unWISE forced photometry took Wall: 0.60 s, CPU: 1.47 s, VmPeak: 1006 MB, VmSize: 1006 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 194 MB, maxrss: 0.2104 MB Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w1-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w1-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w1-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w1-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits unWISE forced photometry took Wall: 0.54 s, CPU: 1.26 s, VmPeak: 1013 MB, VmSize: 1013 MB, VmRSS: 156 MB, VmData: 201 MB, maxrss: 0.213696 MB Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-image-W1.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-model-W1.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-invvar-W1.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-image-W2.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-model-W2.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-invvar-W2.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-image-W3.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-model-W3.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-invvar-W3.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-image-W4.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-model-W4.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-invvar-W4.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/tmp-legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-wise.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-wise.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/tmp-legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-wisemodel.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-wisemodel.jpg Setting WISE apphot Setting WISE apphot Setting WISE apphot Setting WISE apphot Stage wise_forced : Wall: 6.80 s, CPU: 2.46 s, VmPeak: 1127 MB, VmSize: 1002 MB, VmRSS: 316 MB, VmData: 343 MB, maxrss: 0.391636 MB Stage wise_forced finished: 2020-07-23T07:41:34.101104 Resources for stage wise_forced : 16.972 s worker CPU, 14.258 s worker Wall, Wall: 6.798 s, Cores in use: 2.86, Total efficiency (on 16 cores): 17.9 % Stage wise_forced finished Saving pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-wise_forced.p Saved /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-wise_forced.p Running stage writecat Running stage writecat at 2020-07-23T07:41:34.236439 Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105672p70970/legacysurvey-custom-105672p70970-maskbits.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/tractor-i/cus/tractor-custom-105672p70970.fits Reading SFD maps... END Rejected (1), keyrecords following the END keyrecord were ignored. END Rejected (1), keyrecords following the END keyrecord were ignored. Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/tractor/cus/tractor-custom-105672p70970.fits Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/tractor/cus/brick-custom-105672p70970.sha256sum Stage writecat : Wall: 2.17 s, CPU: 1.70 s, VmPeak: 1149 MB, VmSize: 1021 MB, VmRSS: 332 MB, VmData: 357 MB, maxrss: 0.470996 MB Stage writecat finished: 2020-07-23T07:41:36.404414 Resources for stage writecat : 0.000 s worker CPU, 0.000 s worker Wall, Wall: 2.169 s, Cores in use: 0.78, Total efficiency (on 16 cores): 4.9 % Stage writecat finished Saving pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-writecat.p Saved /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-writecat.p All done: 208.642 s worker CPU, 229.929 s worker Wall, Wall: 135.142 s, Cores in use: 1.68, Total efficiency (on 16 cores): 10.5 % Finished galaxy UGC03626 in 2.335 minutes. Started working on galaxy UGC03626 at Fri Aug 7 10:25:22 2020 Bands touching this brick, g r z python /global/homes/i/ioannis/repos/git/legacypipe/py/legacypipe/ --radec 105.6712334404123 70.96891793828868 --width 677 --height 677 --pixscale 0.262 --threads 16 --outdir /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626 --survey-dir /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/work/legacysurvey/dr9 --run north --skip-calibs --checkpoint /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-checkpoint.p --pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-%%(stage)s.p --force-all --fit-on-coadds --saddle-fraction 0.2 --saddle-min 4.0 starting at 2020-08-07T10:25:25.457362 legacypipe git version: DR9.5.11-watershed-3-gd509eaaf Command-line args: ['/global/homes/i/ioannis/repos/git/legacypipe/py/legacypipe/', '--radec', '105.6712334404123', '70.96891793828868', '--width', '677', '--height', '677', '--pixscale', '0.262', '--threads', '16', '--outdir', '/global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626', '--survey-dir', '/global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/work/legacysurvey/dr9', '--run', 'north', '--skip-calibs', '--checkpoint', '/global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-checkpoint.p', '--pickle', '/global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-%%(stage)s.p', '--force-all', '--fit-on-coadds', '--saddle-fraction', '0.2', '--saddle-min', '4.0'] python /global/homes/i/ioannis/repos/git/legacypipe/py/legacypipe/ --radec 105.6712334404123 70.96891793828868 --width 677 --height 677 --pixscale 0.262 --threads 16 --outdir /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626 --survey-dir /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/work/legacysurvey/dr9 --run north --skip-calibs --checkpoint /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-checkpoint.p --pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-%%(stage)s.p --force-all --fit-on-coadds --saddle-fraction 0.2 --saddle-min 4.0 Parsed RA,Dec 105.6712334404123 70.96891793828868 Starting process 61365 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 642 MB, VmSize: 642 MB, VmRSS: 58 MB, VmData: 129 MB, maxrss: 0.059228 MB Starting process 61367 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 642 MB, VmSize: 642 MB, VmRSS: 58 MB, VmData: 129 MB, maxrss: 0.059232 MB Starting process 61369 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 642 MB, VmSize: 642 MB, VmRSS: 58 MB, VmData: 129 MB, maxrss: 0.059232 MB Starting process 61371 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 642 MB, VmSize: 642 MB, VmRSS: 58 MB, VmData: 129 MB, maxrss: 0.059232 MB Starting process 61373 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 642 MB, VmSize: 642 MB, VmRSS: 58 MB, VmData: 129 MB, maxrss: 0.059468 MB Starting process 61375 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 642 MB, VmSize: 642 MB, VmRSS: 58 MB, VmData: 129 MB, maxrss: 0.059476 MB Starting process 61377 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 642 MB, VmSize: 642 MB, VmRSS: 58 MB, VmData: 129 MB, maxrss: 0.059476 MB Starting process 61379 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 642 MB, VmSize: 642 MB, VmRSS: 58 MB, VmData: 129 MB, maxrss: 0.059244 MB Starting process 61381 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 642 MB, VmSize: 642 MB, VmRSS: 58 MB, VmData: 129 MB, maxrss: 0.059244 MB Starting process 61383 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 642 MB, VmSize: 642 MB, VmRSS: 58 MB, VmData: 129 MB, maxrss: 0.059248 MB Starting process 61387 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 642 MB, VmSize: 642 MB, VmRSS: 58 MB, VmData: 129 MB, maxrss: 0.059252 MB Starting process 61389 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 642 MB, VmSize: 642 MB, VmRSS: 58 MB, VmData: 129 MB, maxrss: 0.059252 MB Starting process 61385 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 642 MB, VmSize: 642 MB, VmRSS: 58 MB, VmData: 129 MB, maxrss: 0.059252 MB Starting process 61391 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 642 MB, VmSize: 642 MB, VmRSS: 58 MB, VmData: 129 MB, maxrss: 0.059256 MB Starting process 61393 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 642 MB, VmSize: 642 MB, VmRSS: 58 MB, VmData: 129 MB, maxrss: 0.059256 MB Starting process 61395 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 642 MB, VmSize: 642 MB, VmRSS: 58 MB, VmData: 129 MB, maxrss: 0.05926 MB Runstage writecat Runstage wise_forced Runstage coadds Runstage fitblobs Runstage srcs Runstage fit_on_coadds Runstage halos Runstage outliers Runstage refs Runstage tims Running stage tims Running stage tims at 2020-08-07T10:25:26.381107 Keeping 15 CCDs: k4m_170308_041617_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD1 z expnum 112326 exptime 91.103 propid 2016A-0453 seeing 0.93 MJD 57820.178 object MzLS_716474_z mosaic/CP/V4.3/CP20170307/k4m_170308_041617_ooi_zd_ls9.fits.fz k4m_180128_055740_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD1 z expnum 158521 exptime 147.103 propid 2016A-0453 seeing 1.17 MJD 58146.248 object MzLS_716474_z mosaic/CP/V4.3/CP20180127/k4m_180128_055740_ooi_zd_ls9.fits.fz k4m_170413_031254_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD4 z expnum 121502 exptime 140.102 propid 2016A-0453 seeing 1.10 MJD 57856.134 object MzLS_715649_z mosaic/CP/V4.3/CP20170412/k4m_170413_031254_ooi_zd_ls9.fits.fz k4m_170413_031254_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD2 z expnum 121502 exptime 140.102 propid 2016A-0453 seeing 1.11 MJD 57856.134 object MzLS_715649_z mosaic/CP/V4.3/CP20170412/k4m_170413_031254_ooi_zd_ls9.fits.fz k4m_170210_050958_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD1 z expnum 107954 exptime 171.104 propid 2016A-0453 seeing 0.85 MJD 57794.215 object MzLS_716063_z mosaic/CP/V4.3/CP20170209/k4m_170210_050958_ooi_zd_ls9.fits.fz k4m_180129_044343_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD1 z expnum 158734 exptime 192.103 propid 2016A-0453 seeing 1.53 MJD 58147.197 object MzLS_716063_z mosaic/CP/V4.3/CP20180128/k4m_180129_044343_ooi_zd_ls9.fits.fz k4m_171125_064728_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD2 z expnum 148936 exptime 108.105 propid 2016A-0453 seeing 0.77 MJD 58082.283 object MzLS_715231_z mosaic/CP/V4.3/CP20171124/k4m_171125_064728_ooi_zd_ls9.fits.fz k4m_170308_040113_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD4 z expnum 112319 exptime 105.105 propid 2016A-0453 seeing 0.89 MJD 57820.168 object MzLS_715230_z mosaic/CP/V4.3/CP20170307/k4m_170308_040113_ooi_zd_ls9.fits.fz ksb_190208_073007_ooi_r_ls9-CCD4 r expnum 85220174 exptime 93.288 propid NOTBASS seeing 1.44 MJD 58522.313 object 90prime/CP/V2.3/CP20190207/ksb_190208_073007_ooi_r_ls9.fits.fz ksb_190211_070024_ooi_r_ls9-CCD1 r expnum 85250142 exptime 92.928 propid NOTBASS seeing 1.72 MJD 58525.292 object 90prime/CP/V2.3/CP20190210/ksb_190211_070024_ooi_r_ls9.fits.fz ksb_190128_052812_ooi_g_ls9-CCD1 g expnum 85110116 exptime 84.566 propid NOTBASS seeing 1.35 MJD 58511.228 object 90prime/CP/V2.3/CP20190127/ksb_190128_052812_ooi_g_ls9.fits.fz ksb_190103_103332_ooi_g_ls9-CCD4 g expnum 84860038 exptime 150.4 propid NOTBASS seeing 1.75 MJD 58486.440 object 90prime/CP/V2.3/CP20190102/ksb_190103_103332_ooi_g_ls9.fits.fz ksb_190211_071235_ooi_r_ls9-CCD4 r expnum 85250147 exptime 102.22 propid NOTBASS seeing 1.29 MJD 58525.300 object 90prime/CP/V2.3/CP20190210/ksb_190211_071235_ooi_r_ls9.fits.fz ksb_190211_064922_ooi_r_ls9-CCD2 r expnum 85250138 exptime 179.175 propid NOTBASS seeing 1.52 MJD 58525.284 object 90prime/CP/V2.3/CP20190210/ksb_190211_064922_ooi_r_ls9.fits.fz ksb_190104_083033_ooi_g_ls9-CCD2 g expnum 84870014 exptime 250.0 propid NOTBASS seeing 1.57 MJD 58487.355 object 90prime/CP/V2.3/CP20190103/ksb_190104_083033_ooi_g_ls9.fits.fz Faked up EXPNUM 85250142 Faked up EXPNUM 85250142 Faked up EXPNUM 85250142 90prime get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 3.79 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 2173 2565 and amp range 2016 4031 and image y 3568 3959 and amp range 2048 4095 Range in image: x 0 393 , y 0 392 (with image size 393 x 392) dzp 0.017774878 -> scaling image by 1.0165060112155746 Faked up EXPNUM 85250147 Faked up EXPNUM 85250147 Faked up EXPNUM 85250147 90prime get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 2.85 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 1941 2340 and amp range 0 2015 and image y 3011 3414 and amp range 2048 4095 Range in image: x 0 75 , y 0 404 (with image size 400 x 404) dzp 0.030668205 -> scaling image by 1.028649174410522 Found overlap: image x 1941 2340 and amp range 2016 4031 and image y 3011 3414 and amp range 2048 4095 Range in image: x 75 400 , y 0 404 (with image size 400 x 404) dzp 0.026738029 -> scaling image by 1.0249323749670936 Faked up EXPNUM 84860038 Faked up EXPNUM 84860038 Faked up EXPNUM 84860038 90prime get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 3.85 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 1944 2343 and amp range 0 2015 and image y 3025 3429 and amp range 2048 4095 Range in image: x 0 72 , y 0 405 (with image size 400 x 405) dzp 0.02403333 -> scaling image by 1.0223823235386527 Found overlap: image x 1944 2343 and amp range 2016 4031 and image y 3025 3429 and amp range 2048 4095 Range in image: x 72 400 , y 0 405 (with image size 400 x 405) dzp 0.008089546 -> scaling image by 1.0074785731993958 mosaic get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 5.89 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. mosaic get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 3.59 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 2363 3050 and amp range 2006 4053 and image y 2628 3317 and amp range 2040 4078 Range in image: x 0 688 , y 0 690 (with image size 688 x 690) dzp 0.0036595785 -> scaling image by 1.003376283213225 Found overlap: image x 0 317 and amp range 0 2005 and image y 759 1463 and amp range 0 2039 Range in image: x 0 318 , y 0 705 (with image size 318 x 705) dzp 0.007397243 -> scaling image by 1.006836374469654 mosaic get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 3.29 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 2345 3031 and amp range 2006 4053 and image y 2657 3345 and amp range 2040 4078 Range in image: x 0 687 , y 0 689 (with image size 687 x 689) dzp 0.012593497 -> scaling image by 1.0116665687010755 mosaic get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 4.49 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 0 348 and amp range 0 2005 and image y 758 1464 and amp range 0 2039 Range in image: x 0 349 , y 0 707 (with image size 349 x 707) dzp 0.009508088 -> scaling image by 1.0087957299815176 mosaic get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 3.41 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 3505 4088 and amp range 2048 4095 and image y 3272 3978 and amp range 2022 4060 Range in image: x 0 584 , y 0 707 (with image size 584 x 707) dzp -0.02499645 -> scaling image by 0.9772404160512723 Faked up EXPNUM 85110116 Faked up EXPNUM 85110116 Faked up EXPNUM 85110116 90prime get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 2.97 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 2175 2567 and amp range 2016 4031 and image y 3563 3955 and amp range 2048 4095 Range in image: x 0 393 , y 0 393 (with image size 393 x 393) dzp 0.016853841 -> scaling image by 1.0156440682362244 mosaic get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 2.95 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 3559 4088 and amp range 2048 4095 and image y 7 493 and amp range 0 2039 Range in image: x 0 530 , y 0 487 (with image size 530 x 487) dzp -0.012875672 -> scaling image by 0.9882111074411305 mosaic get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 4.29 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 769 1449 and amp range 0 2047 and image y 3825 4072 and amp range 2040 4078 Range in image: x 0 681 , y 0 248 (with image size 681 x 248) dzp 0.015739892 -> scaling image by 1.0146025667655956 mosaic get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 4.25 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 776 1456 and amp range 0 2047 and image y 0 192 and amp range 0 2021 Range in image: x 0 681 , y 0 193 (with image size 681 x 193) dzp -0.018417627 -> scaling image by 0.9831798050134541 Faked up EXPNUM 85220174 Faked up EXPNUM 85220174 Faked up EXPNUM 85220174 90prime get_fwhm: self.fwhm = 3.17 Found 4 relevant rows in amp-corrections file. Found overlap: image x 15 397 and amp range 0 2015 and image y 1063 1457 and amp range 0 2047 Range in image: x 0 383 , y 0 395 (with image size 383 x 395) dzp 0.013109513 -> scaling image by 1.0121474960606016 Stage tims : Wall: 69.75 s, CPU: 1.20 s, VmPeak: 952 MB, VmSize: 952 MB, VmRSS: 202 MB, VmData: 236 MB, maxrss: 0.207192 MB Stage tims finished: 2020-08-07T10:26:36.126133 Faked up EXPNUM 85250138 Faked up EXPNUM 85250138 Faked up EXPNUM 85250138 Faked up EXPNUM 84870014 Faked up EXPNUM 84870014 Faked up EXPNUM 84870014 Resources for stage tims : 9.142 s worker CPU, 234.065 s worker Wall, Wall: 69.747 s, Cores in use: 0.15, Total efficiency (on 16 cores): 0.9 % Stage tims finished Saving pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-tims.p Saved /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-tims.p Running stage refs Running stage refs at 2020-08-07T10:26:36.839799 Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/work/gaia/chunks-gaia-dr2-astrom-2/chunk-00380.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/work/gaia/chunks-gaia-dr2-astrom-2/chunk-00277.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/work/gaia/chunks-gaia-dr2-astrom-2/chunk-00327.fits Matched 10 large galaxies to Gaia stars. Matched 0 large galaxies to Tycho-2 stars. Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/metrics/cus/reference-custom-105671p70968.fits Stage refs : Wall: 16.53 s, CPU: 3.22 s, VmPeak: 998 MB, VmSize: 992 MB, VmRSS: 244 MB, VmData: 276 MB, maxrss: 0.249256 MB Stage refs finished: 2020-08-07T10:26:53.374591 Resources for stage refs : 0.000 s worker CPU, 0.000 s worker Wall, Wall: 16.536 s, Cores in use: 0.20, Total efficiency (on 16 cores): 1.2 % Stage refs finished Saving pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-refs.p Saved /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-refs.p Running stage outliers Running stage outliers at 2020-08-07T10:26:53.436939 Failed to apply outlier mask: No such file: /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/metrics/cus/outlier-mask-custom-105671p70968.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/metrics/cus/outliers-pre-custom-105671p70968.jpg Image ksb_190128_052812_ooi_g_ls9-CCD1 g : masking 224 positive outlier pixels and 0 negative outlier pixels Image ksb_190103_103332_ooi_g_ls9-CCD4 g : masking 262 positive outlier pixels and 0 negative outlier pixels Image ksb_190208_073007_ooi_r_ls9-CCD4 r : masking 276 positive outlier pixels and 0 negative outlier pixels Image ksb_190211_071235_ooi_r_ls9-CCD4 r : masking 286 positive outlier pixels and 0 negative outlier pixels Image k4m_170308_041617_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD1 z : masking 7330 positive outlier pixels and 983 negative outlier pixels Image k4m_180128_055740_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD1 z : masking 2193 positive outlier pixels and 1572 negative outlier pixels Image k4m_171125_064728_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD2 z : masking 20055 positive outlier pixels and 773 negative outlier pixels Image k4m_170413_031254_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD4 z : masking 0 positive outlier pixels and 303 negative outlier pixels Image k4m_170413_031254_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD2 z : masking 17037 positive outlier pixels and 0 negative outlier pixels Image k4m_170308_040113_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD4 z : masking 14704 positive outlier pixels and 981 negative outlier pixels Image k4m_170210_050958_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD1 z : masking 6145 positive outlier pixels and 1647 negative outlier pixels Image k4m_180129_044343_ooi_zd_ls9-CCD1 z : masking 8109 positive outlier pixels and 1226 negative outlier pixels Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/metrics/cus/outlier-mask-custom-105671p70968.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/metrics/cus/outliers-post-custom-105671p70968.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/metrics/cus/outliers-masked-pos-custom-105671p70968.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/metrics/cus/outliers-masked-neg-custom-105671p70968.jpg Stage outliers : Wall: 3.37 s, CPU: 2.30 s, VmPeak: 1136 MB, VmSize: 986 MB, VmRSS: 283 MB, VmData: 321 MB, maxrss: 0.333524 MB Stage outliers finished: 2020-08-07T10:26:56.807142 Resources for stage outliers : 7.416 s worker CPU, 7.573 s worker Wall, Wall: 3.372 s, Cores in use: 2.88, Total efficiency (on 16 cores): 18.0 % Stage outliers finished Saving pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-outliers.p Saved /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-outliers.p Running stage halos Running stage halos at 2020-08-07T10:26:57.523566 Stage halos : Wall: 0.48 s, CPU: 0.44 s, VmPeak: 1136 MB, VmSize: 1003 MB, VmRSS: 299 MB, VmData: 337 MB, maxrss: 0.333524 MB Stage halos finished: 2020-08-07T10:26:58.001272 Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Resources for stage halos : 0.001 s worker CPU, 0.001 s worker Wall, Wall: 0.479 s, Cores in use: 0.93, Total efficiency (on 16 cores): 5.8 % Stage halos finished Saving pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-halos.p Saved /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-halos.p Running stage fit_on_coadds Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Warning: Stellar halo subtraction is only implemented for DECam Running stage fit_on_coadds at 2020-08-07T10:26:58.775618 PSF sigmas in coadd pixels: ['2.19', '2.84'] Using average PSF sigma 2.5121737193014906 Gaussian PSF norm 0.11229111649663884 vs pixelized 0.088776834 average tim pixel scale / coadd scale: 1.7311334372711373 Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-copsf-g.fits.fz PSF sigmas in coadd pixels: ['2.34', '2.79', '2.10'] Using average PSF sigma 2.409070880943105 Gaussian PSF norm 0.11709692479593771 vs pixelized 0.100399815 average tim pixel scale / coadd scale: 1.7313670788230444 Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-copsf-r.fits.fz PSF sigmas in coadd pixels: ['1.51', '1.89', '1.79', '1.81', '1.39', '2.48', '1.24', '1.44'] Using average PSF sigma 1.6950762525705534 Gaussian PSF norm 0.16642011906313145 vs pixelized 0.130867 average tim pixel scale / coadd scale: 0.9909052762690796 Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-copsf-z.fits.fz Stage fit_on_coadds : Wall: 0.91 s, CPU: 0.82 s, VmPeak: 1136 MB, VmSize: 1013 MB, VmRSS: 310 MB, VmData: 347 MB, maxrss: 0.333828 MB Stage fit_on_coadds finished: 2020-08-07T10:26:59.686783 Resources for stage fit_on_coadds : 2.217 s worker CPU, 2.217 s worker Wall, Wall: 0.913 s, Cores in use: 3.33, Total efficiency (on 16 cores): 20.8 % Stage fit_on_coadds finished Saving pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-fit_on_coadds.p Saved /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-fit_on_coadds.p Running stage srcs Running stage srcs at 2020-08-07T10:26:59.710288 SED-matched filters: [('z', array([0., 0., 1.])), ('r', array([0., 1., 0.])), ('g', array([1., 0., 0.])), ('Flat', [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]), ('Red', [2.5, 1.0, 0.4])] Found 17151 potential peaks Of 17151 potential peaks: 17002 in veto map, 17 cut by saddle test, 0 cut by aper test, 132 kept SED z : 132 new peaks Found 156 potential peaks Of 156 potential peaks: 135 in veto map, 7 cut by saddle test, 0 cut by aper test, 14 kept SED r : 14 new peaks Found 129 potential peaks Of 129 potential peaks: 117 in veto map, 10 cut by saddle test, 0 cut by aper test, 2 kept SED g : 2 new peaks Found 385 potential peaks Of 385 potential peaks: 354 in veto map, 25 cut by saddle test, 0 cut by aper test, 6 kept SED Flat : 6 new peaks Found 399 potential peaks Of 399 potential peaks: 366 in veto map, 26 cut by saddle test, 0 cut by aper test, 7 kept SED Red : 7 new peaks Adding 161 new sources Median coadd sky for g : 3.8242826e-05 Median coadd sky for r : -3.037927e-05 Median coadd sky for z : 0.00015206676 Stage srcs : Wall: 2.05 s, CPU: 1.83 s, VmPeak: 1136 MB, VmSize: 1014 MB, VmRSS: 287 MB, VmData: 348 MB, maxrss: 0.333828 MB Stage srcs finished: 2020-08-07T10:27:01.755877 Resources for stage srcs : 0.503 s worker CPU, 0.503 s worker Wall, Wall: 2.047 s, Cores in use: 1.14, Total efficiency (on 16 cores): 7.1 % Stage srcs finished Saving pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-srcs.p Saved /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-srcs.p Running stage fitblobs Running stage fitblobs at 2020-08-07T10:27:01.802384 Blob 1 of 78, id: 28, sources: 65, size: 677x501, npix 131884, brick X: 0,677, Y: 149,650, one pixel: 260 149 Blob 2 of 78, id: 16, sources: 5, size: 97x92, npix 5084, brick X: 60,157, Y: 83,175, one pixel: 143 83 Blob 3 of 78, id: 0, sources: 7, size: 119x65, npix 3975, brick X: 77,196, Y: 0,65, one pixel: 81 0 Blob 4 of 78, id: 55, sources: 7, size: 64x114, npix 3394, brick X: 65,129, Y: 336,450, one pixel: 105 336 Blob 5 of 78, id: 58, sources: 5, size: 74x86, npix 3361, brick X: 0,74, Y: 386,472, one pixel: 34 386 Blob 6 of 78, id: 30, sources: 3, size: 71x57, npix 2370, brick X: 154,225, Y: 159,216, one pixel: 202 159 Blob 7 of 78, id: 57, sources: 2, size: 60x46, npix 1679, brick X: 148,208, Y: 372,418, one pixel: 179 372 Blob 8 of 78, id: 59, sources: 2, size: 56x38, npix 1481, brick X: 124,180, Y: 415,453, one pixel: 160 415 Blob 9 of 78, id: 31, sources: 2, size: 44x60, npix 1471, brick X: 627,671, Y: 160,220, one pixel: 653 160 Blob 10 of 78, id: 35, sources: 1, size: 42x45, npix 1293, brick X: 23,65, Y: 187,232, one pixel: 36 187 Blob 11 of 78, id: 39, sources: 3, size: 61x33, npix 1148, brick X: 394,455, Y: 224,257, one pixel: 423 224 Blob 12 of 78, id: 42, sources: 2, size: 32x57, npix 1118, brick X: 645,677, Y: 256,313, one pixel: 658 256 Blob 13 of 78, id: 44, sources: 2, size: 36x46, npix 1071, brick X: 179,215, Y: 267,313, one pixel: 195 267 Blob 14 of 78, id: 66, sources: 2, size: 38x44, npix 1018, brick X: 217,255, Y: 618,662, one pixel: 246 618 Blob 15 of 78, id: 52, sources: 1, size: 39x37, npix 985, brick X: 12,51, Y: 319,356, one pixel: 28 319 Blob 16 of 78, id: 19, sources: 2, size: 39x45, npix 952, brick X: 158,197, Y: 87,132, one pixel: 186 87 Blob 17 of 78, id: 38, sources: 1, size: 37x36, npix 911, brick X: 99,136, Y: 222,258, one pixel: 115 222 Measuring 1 iterative sources Blob 12 finished, total: Wall: 0.86 s, CPU: 0.86 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148572 MB Blob 18 of 78, id: 71, sources: 1, size: 35x34, npix 828, brick X: 168,203, Y: 637,671, one pixel: 186 637 Blob 14 finished, total: Wall: 0.93 s, CPU: 0.91 s, VmPeak: 808 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.147996 MB Blob 19 of 78, id: 15, sources: 2, size: 34x44, npix 822, brick X: 455,489, Y: 81,125, one pixel: 474 81 Blob 13 finished, total: Wall: 0.97 s, CPU: 0.97 s, VmPeak: 811 MB, VmSize: 726 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 184 MB, maxrss: 0.149376 MB Blob 20 of 78, id: 72, sources: 2, size: 35x40, npix 819, brick X: 458,493, Y: 637,677, one pixel: 479 637 Measuring 1 iterative sources Blob 8 finished, total: Wall: 1.09 s, CPU: 1.09 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 144 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.147636 MB Blob 21 of 78, id: 46, sources: 1, size: 34x33, npix 806, brick X: 446,480, Y: 277,310, one pixel: 458 277 Blob 7 finished, total: Wall: 1.16 s, CPU: 1.15 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 713 MB, VmRSS: 129 MB, VmData: 171 MB, maxrss: 0.151344 MB Blob 10 finished, total: Wall: 1.16 s, CPU: 1.16 s, VmPeak: 812 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 144 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.147956 MB Blob 16 finished, total: Wall: 1.10 s, CPU: 1.09 s, VmPeak: 811 MB, VmSize: 727 MB, VmRSS: 140 MB, VmData: 184 MB, maxrss: 0.143072 MB Blob 22 of 78, id: 23, sources: 1, size: 36x33, npix 800, brick X: 358,394, Y: 115,148, one pixel: 378 115 Blob 23 of 78, id: 62, sources: 2, size: 33x44, npix 781, brick X: 5,38, Y: 588,632, one pixel: 26 588 Blob 24 of 78, id: 65, sources: 1, size: 33x33, npix 765, brick X: 85,118, Y: 609,642, one pixel: 98 609 Measuring 1 iterative sources Blob 15 finished, total: Wall: 1.42 s, CPU: 1.40 s, VmPeak: 806 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.14858 MB Blob 25 of 78, id: 17, sources: 2, size: 46x30, npix 730, brick X: 217,263, Y: 85,115, one pixel: 228 85 Blob 17 finished, total: Wall: 0.71 s, CPU: 0.71 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148572 MB Blob 26 of 78, id: 2, sources: 1, size: 42x22, npix 713, brick X: 583,625, Y: 0,22, one pixel: 586 0 Blob 9 finished, total: Wall: 1.64 s, CPU: 1.63 s, VmPeak: 805 MB, VmSize: 726 MB, VmRSS: 147 MB, VmData: 184 MB, maxrss: 0.150168 MB Blob 27 of 78, id: 60, sources: 1, size: 32x32, npix 702, brick X: 226,258, Y: 455,487, one pixel: 239 455 Blob 24 finished, total: Wall: 0.32 s, CPU: 0.32 s, VmPeak: 806 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.14858 MB Blob 28 of 78, id: 41, sources: 2, size: 42x31, npix 700, brick X: 64,106, Y: 251,282, one pixel: 74 251 Blob 21 finished, total: Wall: 0.67 s, CPU: 0.67 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 713 MB, VmRSS: 130 MB, VmData: 171 MB, maxrss: 0.151344 MB Blob 29 of 78, id: 1, sources: 3, size: 43x21, npix 666, brick X: 475,518, Y: 0,21, one pixel: 478 0 Blob 11 finished, total: Wall: 1.94 s, CPU: 1.92 s, VmPeak: 704 MB, VmSize: 704 MB, VmRSS: 127 MB, VmData: 172 MB, maxrss: 0.12966 MB Blob 30 of 78, id: 12, sources: 1, size: 33x34, npix 653, brick X: 9,42, Y: 58,92, one pixel: 21 58 Blob 18 finished, total: Wall: 0.99 s, CPU: 0.99 s, VmPeak: 808 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148656 MB Blob 31 of 78, id: 64, sources: 2, size: 27x39, npix 652, brick X: 193,220, Y: 600,639, one pixel: 209 600 Blob 19 finished, total: Wall: 1.00 s, CPU: 1.00 s, VmPeak: 811 MB, VmSize: 726 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 184 MB, maxrss: 0.149376 MB Blob 32 of 78, id: 36, sources: 1, size: 29x33, npix 648, brick X: 485,514, Y: 208,241, one pixel: 502 208 Dropped reference star: GaiaSource at GaiaPosition: RA, Dec = (105.63384, 70.91743), pm (-3.2, -42.6), parallax 4.885 with NanoMaggies: g=11.7, r=11.4, z=11.2 Reset brightness to NanoMaggies: g=11.7, r=11.4, z=11.2 Dropped reference star: GaiaSource at GaiaPosition: RA, Dec = (105.63607, 70.94381), pm (-0.6, 0.7), parallax 0.614 with NanoMaggies: g=18.1, r=16.8, z=16.9 Reset brightness to NanoMaggies: g=17.4, r=16.7, z=16.5 Blob 29 finished, total: Wall: 0.17 s, CPU: 0.17 s, VmPeak: 704 MB, VmSize: 704 MB, VmRSS: 127 MB, VmData: 172 MB, maxrss: 0.12966 MB Blob 33 of 78, id: 11, sources: 1, size: 30x31, npix 618, brick X: 193,223, Y: 51,82, one pixel: 205 51 Blob 6 finished, total: Wall: 2.16 s, CPU: 2.14 s, VmPeak: 812 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 144 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.1477 MB Blob 34 of 78, id: 49, sources: 1, size: 30x30, npix 578, brick X: 520,550, Y: 296,326, one pixel: 533 296 Blob 20 finished, total: Wall: 1.25 s, CPU: 1.25 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.14846 MB Blob 35 of 78, id: 61, sources: 1, size: 33x30, npix 566, brick X: 99,132, Y: 578,608, one pixel: 121 578 Blob 23 finished, total: Wall: 1.22 s, CPU: 1.22 s, VmPeak: 811 MB, VmSize: 727 MB, VmRSS: 140 MB, VmData: 184 MB, maxrss: 0.143072 MB Blob 36 of 78, id: 14, sources: 1, size: 27x30, npix 552, brick X: 584,611, Y: 75,105, one pixel: 595 75 Measuring 1 iterative sources Blob 27 finished, total: Wall: 0.64 s, CPU: 0.64 s, VmPeak: 806 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.14858 MB Blob 37 of 78, id: 43, sources: 1, size: 28x28, npix 529, brick X: 541,569, Y: 265,293, one pixel: 553 265 Blob 25 finished, total: Wall: 0.93 s, CPU: 0.93 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148572 MB Blob 2 finished, total: Wall: 2.59 s, CPU: 2.58 s, VmPeak: 805 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148896 MB Blob 38 of 78, id: 18, sources: 1, size: 29x28, npix 520, brick X: 495,524, Y: 86,114, one pixel: 506 86 Blob 39 of 78, id: 47, sources: 1, size: 29x28, npix 520, brick X: 416,445, Y: 287,315, one pixel: 430 287 Measuring 1 iterative sources Blob 22 finished, total: Wall: 1.74 s, CPU: 1.73 s, VmPeak: 812 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148752 MB Blob 30 finished, total: Wall: 0.95 s, CPU: 0.95 s, VmPeak: 808 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148656 MB Blob 40 of 78, id: 54, sources: 1, size: 28x29, npix 520, brick X: 649,677, Y: 325,354, one pixel: 661 325 Blob 41 of 78, id: 5, sources: 1, size: 27x27, npix 515, brick X: 374,401, Y: 22,49, one pixel: 384 22 Blob 32 finished, total: Wall: 0.86 s, CPU: 0.86 s, VmPeak: 704 MB, VmSize: 704 MB, VmRSS: 127 MB, VmData: 172 MB, maxrss: 0.129948 MB Blob 42 of 78, id: 74, sources: 1, size: 32x34, npix 500, brick X: 381,413, Y: 643,677, one pixel: 402 643 Blob 28 finished, total: Wall: 1.18 s, CPU: 1.18 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 713 MB, VmRSS: 130 MB, VmData: 171 MB, maxrss: 0.151344 MB Blob 43 of 78, id: 8, sources: 1, size: 27x27, npix 480, brick X: 580,607, Y: 37,64, one pixel: 593 37 Measuring 1 iterative sources Blob 36 finished, total: Wall: 0.66 s, CPU: 0.66 s, VmPeak: 806 MB, VmSize: 726 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148748 MB Blob 44 of 78, id: 25, sources: 1, size: 28x27, npix 476, brick X: 192,220, Y: 126,153, one pixel: 204 126 Blob 34 finished, total: Wall: 0.78 s, CPU: 0.78 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148556 MB Blob 45 of 78, id: 48, sources: 1, size: 26x28, npix 469, brick X: 610,636, Y: 292,320, one pixel: 621 292 Blob 35 finished, total: Wall: 0.76 s, CPU: 0.76 s, VmPeak: 811 MB, VmSize: 727 MB, VmRSS: 140 MB, VmData: 184 MB, maxrss: 0.143072 MB Blob 46 of 78, id: 20, sources: 1, size: 22x30, npix 455, brick X: 0,22, Y: 96,126, one pixel: 6 96 Blob 26 finished, total: Wall: 1.56 s, CPU: 1.56 s, VmPeak: 805 MB, VmSize: 726 MB, VmRSS: 147 MB, VmData: 184 MB, maxrss: 0.150168 MB Blob 47 of 78, id: 45, sources: 1, size: 26x26, npix 430, brick X: 34,60, Y: 273,299, one pixel: 45 273 Blob 33 finished, total: Wall: 1.09 s, CPU: 1.09 s, VmPeak: 812 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148468 MB Blob 37 finished, total: Wall: 0.68 s, CPU: 0.68 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148572 MB Blob 48 of 78, id: 51, sources: 1, size: 26x26, npix 417, brick X: 587,613, Y: 303,329, one pixel: 599 303 Blob 49 of 78, id: 9, sources: 1, size: 25x25, npix 404, brick X: 255,280, Y: 44,69, one pixel: 263 44 Blob 31 finished, total: Wall: 1.43 s, CPU: 1.43 s, VmPeak: 811 MB, VmSize: 726 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 184 MB, maxrss: 0.149376 MB Blob 50 of 78, id: 63, sources: 2, size: 21x38, npix 401, brick X: 358,379, Y: 591,629, one pixel: 367 591 Blob 39 finished, total: Wall: 0.58 s, CPU: 0.58 s, VmPeak: 812 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148752 MB Blob 51 of 78, id: 24, sources: 1, size: 21x30, npix 382, brick X: 654,675, Y: 116,146, one pixel: 663 116 Blob 40 finished, total: Wall: 0.62 s, CPU: 0.62 s, VmPeak: 808 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148656 MB Blob 52 of 78, id: 10, sources: 1, size: 25x25, npix 381, brick X: 395,420, Y: 49,74, one pixel: 406 49 Blob 38 finished, total: Wall: 0.99 s, CPU: 0.99 s, VmPeak: 805 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.14962 MB Blob 53 of 78, id: 3, sources: 1, size: 24x26, npix 377, brick X: 272,296, Y: 8,34, one pixel: 282 8 Blob 41 finished, total: Wall: 0.73 s, CPU: 0.73 s, VmPeak: 704 MB, VmSize: 704 MB, VmRSS: 127 MB, VmData: 172 MB, maxrss: 0.129948 MB Blob 54 of 78, id: 26, sources: 1, size: 24x24, npix 375, brick X: 0,24, Y: 130,154, one pixel: 9 130 Measuring 1 iterative sources Blob 46 finished, total: Wall: 0.55 s, CPU: 0.55 s, VmPeak: 805 MB, VmSize: 726 MB, VmRSS: 147 MB, VmData: 184 MB, maxrss: 0.150168 MB Blob 55 of 78, id: 6, sources: 1, size: 24x23, npix 369, brick X: 484,508, Y: 26,49, one pixel: 493 26 Blob 43 finished, total: Wall: 0.68 s, CPU: 0.68 s, VmPeak: 806 MB, VmSize: 726 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148748 MB Blob 56 of 78, id: 34, sources: 1, size: 24x24, npix 363, brick X: 524,548, Y: 184,208, one pixel: 534 184 Blob 48 finished, total: Wall: 0.57 s, CPU: 0.56 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148572 MB Measuring 1 iterative sources Blob 57 of 78, id: 76, sources: 1, size: 27x19, npix 360, brick X: 339,366, Y: 658,677, one pixel: 350 658 Blob 42 finished, total: Wall: 0.79 s, CPU: 0.79 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 713 MB, VmRSS: 130 MB, VmData: 171 MB, maxrss: 0.151344 MB Blob 58 of 78, id: 29, sources: 1, size: 25x23, npix 358, brick X: 445,470, Y: 155,178, one pixel: 457 155 Blob 47 finished, total: Wall: 0.62 s, CPU: 0.62 s, VmPeak: 812 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.149316 MB Blob 59 of 78, id: 4, sources: 1, size: 24x23, npix 342, brick X: 34,58, Y: 16,39, one pixel: 44 16 Blob 45 finished, total: Wall: 0.69 s, CPU: 0.69 s, VmPeak: 811 MB, VmSize: 727 MB, VmRSS: 140 MB, VmData: 184 MB, maxrss: 0.143072 MB Blob 60 of 78, id: 68, sources: 1, size: 24x22, npix 336, brick X: 307,331, Y: 629,651, one pixel: 316 629 Blob 51 finished, total: Wall: 0.34 s, CPU: 0.34 s, VmPeak: 808 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148656 MB Blob 61 of 78, id: 21, sources: 1, size: 20x29, npix 318, brick X: 290,310, Y: 108,137, one pixel: 298 108 Blob 53 finished, total: Wall: 0.30 s, CPU: 0.30 s, VmPeak: 704 MB, VmSize: 704 MB, VmRSS: 127 MB, VmData: 172 MB, maxrss: 0.129948 MB Blob 62 of 78, id: 53, sources: 1, size: 23x22, npix 304, brick X: 78,101, Y: 323,345, one pixel: 87 323 Blob 55 finished, total: Wall: 0.26 s, CPU: 0.26 s, VmPeak: 806 MB, VmSize: 726 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148748 MB Blob 63 of 78, id: 27, sources: 1, size: 23x22, npix 302, brick X: 420,443, Y: 136,158, one pixel: 429 136 Blob 64 of 78, id: 33, sources: 1, size: 17x25, npix 297, brick X: 0,17, Y: 178,203, one pixel: 4 178 Blob 50 finished, total: Wall: 0.60 s, CPU: 0.60 s, VmPeak: 812 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.149528 MB Blob 65 of 78, id: 40, sources: 1, size: 24x20, npix 283, brick X: 632,656, Y: 247,267, one pixel: 641 247 Blob 52 finished, total: Wall: 0.56 s, CPU: 0.56 s, VmPeak: 805 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.14962 MB Blob 66 of 78, id: 37, sources: 1, size: 22x22, npix 282, brick X: 141,163, Y: 212,234, one pixel: 150 212 Blob 5 finished, total: Wall: 4.17 s, CPU: 4.15 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 148 MB, VmData: 186 MB, maxrss: 0.151452 MB Blob 67 of 78, id: 13, sources: 1, size: 20x21, npix 240, brick X: 513,533, Y: 68,89, one pixel: 522 68 Blob 44 finished, total: Wall: 1.01 s, CPU: 1.01 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.1493 MB Blob 68 of 78, id: 67, sources: 1, size: 19x21, npix 228, brick X: 331,350, Y: 619,640, one pixel: 340 619 Blob 61 finished, total: Wall: 0.32 s, CPU: 0.32 s, VmPeak: 704 MB, VmSize: 704 MB, VmRSS: 127 MB, VmData: 172 MB, maxrss: 0.129948 MB Blob 69 of 78, id: 7, sources: 1, size: 20x19, npix 218, brick X: 464,484, Y: 36,55, one pixel: 473 36 Blob 65 finished, total: Wall: 0.22 s, CPU: 0.22 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 148 MB, VmData: 186 MB, maxrss: 0.151452 MB Blob 70 of 78, id: 73, sources: 1, size: 19x19, npix 199, brick X: 521,540, Y: 642,661, one pixel: 529 642 Blob 56 finished, total: Wall: 0.56 s, CPU: 0.56 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148572 MB Blob 71 of 78, id: 56, sources: 1, size: 19x19, npix 190, brick X: 60,79, Y: 368,387, one pixel: 69 368 Blob 54 finished, total: Wall: 0.63 s, CPU: 0.63 s, VmPeak: 805 MB, VmSize: 726 MB, VmRSS: 147 MB, VmData: 184 MB, maxrss: 0.150168 MB Blob 72 of 78, id: 69, sources: 1, size: 18x18, npix 180, brick X: 367,385, Y: 636,654, one pixel: 375 636 Blob 63 finished, total: Wall: 0.29 s, CPU: 0.29 s, VmPeak: 812 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.149528 MB Blob 57 finished, total: Wall: 0.58 s, CPU: 0.57 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 713 MB, VmRSS: 130 MB, VmData: 171 MB, maxrss: 0.151344 MB Blob 73 of 78, id: 70, sources: 1, size: 18x18, npix 180, brick X: 69,87, Y: 637,655, one pixel: 77 637 Blob 74 of 78, id: 22, sources: 1, size: 17x18, npix 162, brick X: 627,644, Y: 114,132, one pixel: 635 114 Blob 59 finished, total: Wall: 0.56 s, CPU: 0.56 s, VmPeak: 811 MB, VmSize: 727 MB, VmRSS: 140 MB, VmData: 185 MB, maxrss: 0.14342 MB Blob 75 of 78, id: 32, sources: 1, size: 18x17, npix 162, brick X: 389,407, Y: 173,190, one pixel: 397 173 Blob 49 finished, total: Wall: 1.01 s, CPU: 1.01 s, VmPeak: 811 MB, VmSize: 726 MB, VmRSS: 147 MB, VmData: 184 MB, maxrss: 0.15008 MB Blob 76 of 78, id: 50, sources: 1, size: 18x17, npix 162, brick X: 133,151, Y: 300,317, one pixel: 141 300 Blob 68 finished, total: Wall: 0.08 s, CPU: 0.08 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 148 MB, VmData: 186 MB, maxrss: 0.151452 MB Blob 77 of 78, id: 75, sources: 1, size: 17x17, npix 145, brick X: 270,287, Y: 648,665, one pixel: 278 648 Blob 71 finished, total: Wall: 0.07 s, CPU: 0.07 s, VmPeak: 812 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.149528 MB Blob 78 of 78, id: 77, sources: 1, size: 17x16, npix 144, brick X: 642,659, Y: 661,677, one pixel: 650 661 Blob 72 finished, total: Wall: 0.08 s, CPU: 0.08 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 713 MB, VmRSS: 130 MB, VmData: 171 MB, maxrss: 0.151344 MB Blob 76 finished, total: Wall: 0.08 s, CPU: 0.08 s, VmPeak: 812 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.149528 MB Blob 58 finished, total: Wall: 0.71 s, CPU: 0.71 s, VmPeak: 812 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.149316 MB Blob 60 finished, total: Wall: 0.70 s, CPU: 0.70 s, VmPeak: 808 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.14942 MB Blob 74 finished, total: Wall: 0.20 s, CPU: 0.20 s, VmPeak: 811 MB, VmSize: 726 MB, VmRSS: 147 MB, VmData: 184 MB, maxrss: 0.15008 MB Blob 78 finished, total: Wall: 0.08 s, CPU: 0.08 s, VmPeak: 812 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.149528 MB Blob 69 finished, total: Wall: 0.27 s, CPU: 0.27 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148572 MB Blob 64 finished, total: Wall: 0.56 s, CPU: 0.56 s, VmPeak: 805 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.14962 MB Blob 70 finished, total: Wall: 0.30 s, CPU: 0.30 s, VmPeak: 805 MB, VmSize: 726 MB, VmRSS: 147 MB, VmData: 184 MB, maxrss: 0.150168 MB Blob 75 finished, total: Wall: 0.26 s, CPU: 0.26 s, VmPeak: 810 MB, VmSize: 728 MB, VmRSS: 148 MB, VmData: 186 MB, maxrss: 0.151452 MB Blob 77 finished, total: Wall: 0.26 s, CPU: 0.26 s, VmPeak: 807 MB, VmSize: 713 MB, VmRSS: 130 MB, VmData: 171 MB, maxrss: 0.151344 MB Blob 73 finished, total: Wall: 0.34 s, CPU: 0.34 s, VmPeak: 811 MB, VmSize: 727 MB, VmRSS: 140 MB, VmData: 185 MB, maxrss: 0.14342 MB Blob 62 finished, total: Wall: 0.76 s, CPU: 0.75 s, VmPeak: 806 MB, VmSize: 726 MB, VmRSS: 145 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.148748 MB Blob 67 finished, total: Wall: 0.47 s, CPU: 0.47 s, VmPeak: 704 MB, VmSize: 704 MB, VmRSS: 128 MB, VmData: 172 MB, maxrss: 0.1312 MB Blob 66 finished, total: Wall: 0.68 s, CPU: 0.68 s, VmPeak: 809 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.1493 MB Blob 4 finished, total: Wall: 5.18 s, CPU: 5.17 s, VmPeak: 808 MB, VmSize: 725 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.149084 MB Blob 3 finished, total: Wall: 5.66 s, CPU: 5.65 s, VmPeak: 804 MB, VmSize: 726 MB, VmRSS: 147 MB, VmData: 184 MB, maxrss: 0.150388 MB Known galaxy. Initial shape: EllipseWithPriors(0.25): log r_e=2.63676, ee1=0.541904, ee2=-0.759361 Dropped reference star: GaiaSource at GaiaPosition: RA, Dec = (105.58086, 70.98460), pm (0.3, -4.9), parallax 0.429 with NanoMaggies: g=16.5, r=16.1, z=15.9 Reset brightness to NanoMaggies: g=16.5, r=16.1, z=15.9 Dropped reference star: GaiaSource at GaiaPosition: RA, Dec = (105.59431, 70.98333), pm (4.6, -13.7), parallax 2.016 with NanoMaggies: g=21, r=19.3, z=17.2 Reset brightness to NanoMaggies: g=20.6, r=19.1, z=17.2 Measuring 18 iterative sources Blob 1 finished, total: Wall: 63.15 s, CPU: 63.14 s, VmPeak: 887 MB, VmSize: 790 MB, VmRSS: 226 MB, VmData: 259 MB, maxrss: 0.327768 MB Old catalog: 190 New catalog: 173 Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/metrics/cus/blobs-custom-105671p70968.fits.gz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/metrics/cus/all-models-custom-105671p70968.fits Stage fitblobs : Wall: 64.43 s, CPU: 1.07 s, VmPeak: 1136 MB, VmSize: 1015 MB, VmRSS: 289 MB, VmData: 349 MB, maxrss: 0.333828 MB Stage fitblobs finished: 2020-08-07T10:28:06.232208 Resources for stage fitblobs : 135.461 s worker CPU, 135.802 s worker Wall, Wall: 64.432 s, Cores in use: 2.12, Total efficiency (on 16 cores): 13.2 % Stage fitblobs finished Saving pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-fitblobs.p Saved /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-fitblobs.p Running stage coadds Running stage coadds at 2020-08-07T10:28:06.286984 Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-ccds.fits Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-image-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-invvar-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-nexp-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-depth-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-galdepth-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-psfsize-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-model-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-chi2-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-blobmodel-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-image-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-invvar-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-nexp-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-depth-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-galdepth-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-psfsize-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-model-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-chi2-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-blobmodel-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-image-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-invvar-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-nexp-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-depth-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-galdepth-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-psfsize-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-model-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-chi2-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-blobmodel-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-depth.fits Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/tmp-legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-image.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-image.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/tmp-legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-model.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-model.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/tmp-legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-blobmodel.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-blobmodel.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/tmp-legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-resid.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-resid.jpg Stage coadds : Wall: 3.31 s, CPU: 1.61 s, VmPeak: 1136 MB, VmSize: 1017 MB, VmRSS: 311 MB, VmData: 352 MB, maxrss: 0.377952 MB Stage coadds finished: 2020-08-07T10:28:09.598179 Resources for stage coadds : 10.372 s worker CPU, 10.651 s worker Wall, Wall: 3.313 s, Cores in use: 3.62, Total efficiency (on 16 cores): 22.6 % Stage coadds finished Saving pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-coadds.p Saved /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-coadds.p Running stage wise_forced Running stage wise_forced at 2020-08-07T10:28:09.638566 Cut to 2 unWISE tiles Reading WISE tile 1035p711 band 1 Reading WISE tile 1035p711 band 2 Reading WISE tile 1035p711 band 3 Reading WISE tile 1035p711 band 4 Does not exist: /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w4-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w4-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w4-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w4-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w4-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits Reading WISE tile 1080p711 band 4 Does not exist: /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w3-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w3-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w3-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w3-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w3-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits Reading WISE tile 1080p711 band 3 Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w1-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w1-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w1-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w1-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits Reading WISE tile 1080p711 band 1 Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w2-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w2-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w2-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/103/1035p711/unwise-1035p711-w2-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits Reading WISE tile 1080p711 band 2 Does not exist: /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w3-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w3-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w3-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w3-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w3-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits unWISE forced photometry took Wall: 1.11 s, CPU: 3.41 s, VmPeak: 1014 MB, VmSize: 1014 MB, VmRSS: 155 MB, VmData: 196 MB, maxrss: 0.213264 MB Does not exist: /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w4-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w4-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w4-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w4-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w4-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits unWISE forced photometry took Wall: 1.51 s, CPU: 4.92 s, VmPeak: 1022 MB, VmSize: 1022 MB, VmRSS: 164 MB, VmData: 204 MB, maxrss: 0.200424 MB Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w2-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w2-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w2-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w2-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits unWISE forced photometry took Wall: 0.58 s, CPU: 1.37 s, VmPeak: 1012 MB, VmSize: 1012 MB, VmRSS: 150 MB, VmData: 194 MB, maxrss: 0.210524 MB Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w1-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w1-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w1-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/108/1080p711/unwise-1080p711-w1-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits unWISE forced photometry took Wall: 0.48 s, CPU: 1.00 s, VmPeak: 1017 MB, VmSize: 1017 MB, VmRSS: 155 MB, VmData: 200 MB, maxrss: 0.214692 MB Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-image-W1.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-model-W1.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-invvar-W1.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-image-W2.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-model-W2.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-invvar-W2.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-image-W3.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-model-W3.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-invvar-W3.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-image-W4.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-model-W4.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-invvar-W4.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/tmp-legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-wise.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-wise.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/tmp-legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-wisemodel.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-wisemodel.jpg Setting WISE apphot Setting WISE apphot Setting WISE apphot Setting WISE apphot Stage wise_forced : Wall: 17.02 s, CPU: 0.97 s, VmPeak: 1136 MB, VmSize: 1017 MB, VmRSS: 312 MB, VmData: 352 MB, maxrss: 0.377952 MB Stage wise_forced finished: 2020-08-07T10:28:26.662955 Resources for stage wise_forced : 16.917 s worker CPU, 12.233 s worker Wall, Wall: 17.026 s, Cores in use: 1.05, Total efficiency (on 16 cores): 6.6 % Stage wise_forced finished Saving pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-wise_forced.p Saved /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-wise_forced.p Running stage writecat Running stage writecat at 2020-08-07T10:28:26.994263 Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/coadd/cus/custom-105671p70968/legacysurvey-custom-105671p70968-maskbits.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/tractor-i/cus/tractor-custom-105671p70968.fits Reading SFD maps... END Rejected (1), keyrecords following the END keyrecord were ignored. END Rejected (1), keyrecords following the END keyrecord were ignored. Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/tractor/cus/tractor-custom-105671p70968.fits Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/tractor/cus/brick-custom-105671p70968.sha256sum Stage writecat : Wall: 1.66 s, CPU: 1.34 s, VmPeak: 1159 MB, VmSize: 1031 MB, VmRSS: 322 MB, VmData: 361 MB, maxrss: 0.460924 MB Stage writecat finished: 2020-08-07T10:28:28.656909 Resources for stage writecat : 0.000 s worker CPU, 0.000 s worker Wall, Wall: 1.664 s, Cores in use: 0.81, Total efficiency (on 16 cores): 5.0 % Stage writecat finished Saving pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-writecat.p Saved /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/105/UGC03626/UGC03626-largegalaxy-writecat.p All done: 182.031 s worker CPU, 403.051 s worker Wall, Wall: 182.749 s, Cores in use: 1.08, Total efficiency (on 16 cores): 6.7 % Finished galaxy UGC03626 in 3.121 minutes.