Started working on galaxy PGC1930569 at Sun Jun 7 04:54:54 2020 Bands touching this brick, g r z python /global/homes/i/ioannis/repos/git/legacypipe/py/legacypipe/ --radec 272.39745 31.0758 --width 329 --height 329 --pixscale 0.262 --threads 4 --outdir /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569 --survey-dir /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/work/legacysurvey/dr9 --run south --write-stage tims --write-stage srcs --skip-calibs --checkpoint /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/PGC1930569-largegalaxy-checkpoint.p --pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/PGC1930569-largegalaxy-%%(stage)s.p --fit-on-coadds --saddle-fraction 0.2 --saddle-min 4.0 starting at 2020-06-07T04:54:54.892113 legacypipe git version: DR9.5.2 Command-line args: ['/global/homes/i/ioannis/repos/git/legacypipe/py/legacypipe/', '--radec', '272.39745', '31.0758', '--width', '329', '--height', '329', '--pixscale', '0.262', '--threads', '4', '--outdir', '/global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569', '--survey-dir', '/global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/work/legacysurvey/dr9', '--run', 'south', '--write-stage', 'tims', '--write-stage', 'srcs', '--skip-calibs', '--checkpoint', '/global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/PGC1930569-largegalaxy-checkpoint.p', '--pickle', '/global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/PGC1930569-largegalaxy-%%(stage)s.p', '--fit-on-coadds', '--saddle-fraction', '0.2', '--saddle-min', '4.0'] python /global/homes/i/ioannis/repos/git/legacypipe/py/legacypipe/ --radec 272.39745 31.0758 --width 329 --height 329 --pixscale 0.262 --threads 4 --outdir /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569 --survey-dir /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/work/legacysurvey/dr9 --run south --write-stage tims --write-stage srcs --skip-calibs --checkpoint /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/PGC1930569-largegalaxy-checkpoint.p --pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/PGC1930569-largegalaxy-%%(stage)s.p --fit-on-coadds --saddle-fraction 0.2 --saddle-min 4.0 Parsed RA,Dec 272.39745 31.0758 Starting process 56443 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 632 MB, VmSize: 632 MB, VmRSS: 56 MB, VmData: 127 MB, maxrss: 0.057304 MB Starting process 56444 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 632 MB, VmSize: 632 MB, VmRSS: 56 MB, VmData: 127 MB, maxrss: 0.057304 MB Starting process 56445 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 632 MB, VmSize: 632 MB, VmRSS: 56 MB, VmData: 127 MB, maxrss: 0.057304 MB Starting process 56446 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 632 MB, VmSize: 632 MB, VmRSS: 56 MB, VmData: 127 MB, maxrss: 0.057308 MB Runstage writecat Runstage wise_forced Runstage coadds Runstage fitblobs Runstage srcs Runstage fit_on_coadds Runstage halos Runstage outliers Runstage refs Runstage tims Running stage tims Running stage tims at 2020-06-07T04:54:57.526440 Keeping 19 CCDs: c4d_180903_235150_ooi_z_ls9.fits.fz c4d_180903_235150_ooi_z_ls9-S28 z exptime 236.0 propid 2014B-0404 seeing 1.44 MJD 58364.994 object DECaLS_47927_z c4d_180810_014400_ooi_g_ls9.fits.fz c4d_180810_014400_ooi_g_ls9-S28 g exptime 115.0 propid 2014B-0404 seeing 1.59 MJD 58340.072 object DECaLS_47927_g c4d_180810_014623_ooi_r_ls9.fits.fz c4d_180810_014623_ooi_r_ls9-S28 r exptime 57.0 propid 2014B-0404 seeing 1.25 MJD 58340.074 object DECaLS_47927_r c4d_180619_045139_ooi_r_ls9.fits.fz c4d_180619_045139_ooi_r_ls9-N31 r exptime 120.0 propid 2014B-0404 seeing 1.52 MJD 58288.203 object DECaLS_47911_r c4d_180619_044909_ooi_r_ls9.fits.fz c4d_180619_044909_ooi_r_ls9-N31 r exptime 120.0 propid 2014B-0404 seeing 1.48 MJD 58288.201 object DECaLS_47911_r c4d_180907_235452_ooi_z_ls9.fits.fz c4d_180907_235452_ooi_z_ls9-N31 z exptime 121.0 propid 2014B-0404 seeing 0.99 MJD 58368.996 object DECaLS_47911_z c4d_180518_065547_ooi_g_ls9.fits.fz c4d_180518_065547_ooi_g_ls9-N31 g exptime 200.0 propid 2014B-0404 seeing 1.58 MJD 58256.289 object DECaLS_47911_g c4d_160408_090445_ooi_g_ls9.fits.fz c4d_160408_090445_ooi_g_ls9-S27 g exptime 250.0 propid 2014B-0404 seeing 2.14 MJD 57486.375 object DECaLS_18775_g c4d_170822_005537_ooi_r_ls9.fits.fz c4d_170822_005537_ooi_r_ls9-S28 r exptime 83.0 propid 2014B-0404 seeing 1.55 MJD 57987.039 object DECaLS_2903_r c4d_170822_005732_ooi_g_ls9.fits.fz c4d_170822_005732_ooi_g_ls9-S28 g exptime 200.0 propid 2014B-0404 seeing 1.71 MJD 57987.040 object DECaLS_2903_g c4d_180829_004156_ooi_z_ls9.fits.fz c4d_180829_004156_ooi_z_ls9-S27 z exptime 250.0 propid 2014B-0404 seeing 1.41 MJD 58359.029 object DECaLS_18775_z c4d_170728_005257_ooi_z_ls9.fits.fz c4d_170728_005257_ooi_z_ls9-S27 z exptime 250.0 propid 2014B-0404 seeing 1.57 MJD 57962.033 object DECaLS_34647_z c4d_170726_023354_ooi_g_ls9.fits.fz c4d_170726_023354_ooi_g_ls9-S27 g exptime 200.0 propid 2014B-0404 seeing 1.81 MJD 57960.104 object DECaLS_34647_g c4d_180904_000254_ooi_g_ls9.fits.fz c4d_180904_000254_ooi_g_ls9-S27 g exptime 168.0 propid 2014B-0404 seeing 2.04 MJD 58365.002 object DECaLS_18775_g c4d_160803_022355_ooi_r_ls9.fits.fz c4d_160803_022355_ooi_r_ls9-S27 r exptime 61.0 propid 2014B-0404 seeing 1.37 MJD 57603.099 object DECaLS_18775_r c4d_160408_090008_ooi_r_ls9.fits.fz c4d_160408_090008_ooi_r_ls9-N31 r exptime 142.0 propid 2014B-0404 seeing 1.65 MJD 57486.373 object DECaLS_18759_r c4d_170822_010634_ooi_r_ls9.fits.fz c4d_170822_010634_ooi_r_ls9-N31 r exptime 85.0 propid 2014B-0404 seeing 1.24 MJD 57987.046 object DECaLS_2887_r c4d_180911_232718_ooi_z_ls9.fits.fz c4d_180911_232718_ooi_z_ls9-N31 z exptime 180.0 propid 2014B-0404 seeing 1.41 MJD 58372.977 object DECaLS_18759_z c4d_180812_004534_ooi_g_ls9.fits.fz c4d_180812_004534_ooi_g_ls9-N31 g exptime 122.0 propid 2014B-0404 seeing 1.05 MJD 58342.032 object DECaLS_18759_g The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_9531e27-g-20180810T014400_oi[S28,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_9560feb-r-20180619T045139_oi[N31,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_953157b-r-20180810T014623_oi[S28,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_9560feb-r-20180619T044909_oi[N31,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_952d014-z-20180907T235452_oi[N31,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_9569bf0-g-20160408T085945_oi[S27,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_9530e3b-g-20180518T065547_oi[N31,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_N10-z-20180903T235150_oi[S28,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_4792 The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_95217b0-r-20170822T005537_oi[S28,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_955f4c3-z-20180829T004156_oi[S27,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_95220ee-g-20170822T005732_oi[S28,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_95203e2-g-20170726T022939_oi[S27,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_9568098-r-20160803T022204_oi[S27,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_N10-g-20180904T000254_oi[S27,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_1877 The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_951a9b6-z-20170728T004756_oi[S27,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_N10-z-20180911T232718_oi[N31,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_1875 The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_956f863-r-20160408T085655_oi[N31,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_95217b0-r-20170822T010634_oi[N31,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_9532e22-g-20180812T004534_oi[N31,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ Stage tims : Wall: 148.43 s, CPU: 2.13 s, VmPeak: 997 MB, VmSize: 997 MB, VmRSS: 186 MB, VmData: 220 MB, maxrss: 0.454632 MB Stage tims finished: 2020-06-07T04:57:25.959381 WARNING: The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_953157b-r-20180810T014623_oi[S28,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ [] WARNING: The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_9530e3b-g-20180518T065547_oi[N31,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ [] WARNING: The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_95217b0-r-20170822T005537_oi[S28,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ [] WARNING: The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_95203e2-g-20170726T022939_oi[S27,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ [] WARNING: The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_956f863-r-20160408T085655_oi[N31,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ [] WARNING: The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_9560feb-r-20180619T045139_oi[N31,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ [] WARNING: The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_952d014-z-20180907T235452_oi[N31,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ [] WARNING: The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_955f4c3-z-20180829T004156_oi[S27,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ [] WARNING: The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_N10-g-20180904T000254_oi[S27,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_1877 [] WARNING: The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_N10-z-20180911T232718_oi[N31,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_1875 [] WARNING: The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_N10-z-20180903T235150_oi[S28,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_4792 [] WARNING: The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_951a9b6-z-20170728T004756_oi[S27,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ [] WARNING: The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_9532e22-g-20180812T004534_oi[N31,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ [] WARNING: The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_9531e27-g-20180810T014400_oi[S28,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ [] WARNING: The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_9560feb-r-20180619T044909_oi[N31,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ [] WARNING: The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_9569bf0-g-20160408T085945_oi[S27,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ [] WARNING: The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_95220ee-g-20170822T005732_oi[S28,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ [] WARNING: The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_9568098-r-20160803T022204_oi[S27,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ [] WARNING: The following header keyword is invalid or follows an unrecognized non-standard convention: DECALS_DR9_95217b0-r-20170822T010634_oi[N31,noinherit][2046,4094][real]: DECaLS_ [] Resources for stage tims : 6.876 s worker CPU, 520.074 s worker Wall, Wall: 148.434 s, Cores in use: 0.06, Total efficiency (on 4 cores): 1.5 % Stage tims finished Saving pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/PGC1930569-largegalaxy-tims.p Saved /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/PGC1930569-largegalaxy-tims.p Running stage refs Running stage refs at 2020-06-07T04:57:26.695505 Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/work/gaia/chunks-gaia-dr2-astrom-2/chunk-03104.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/work/gaia/chunks-gaia-dr2-astrom-2/chunk-02977.fits Matched 5 large galaxies to Gaia stars. Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/metrics/cus/reference-custom-272397p31075.fits Stage refs : Wall: 12.33 s, CPU: 11.27 s, VmPeak: 1102 MB, VmSize: 1096 MB, VmRSS: 287 MB, VmData: 319 MB, maxrss: 0.454632 MB Stage refs finished: 2020-06-07T04:57:39.027084 Resources for stage refs : 0.000 s worker CPU, 0.000 s worker Wall, Wall: 12.333 s, Cores in use: 0.91, Total efficiency (on 4 cores): 22.8 % Stage refs finished Running stage outliers Running stage outliers at 2020-06-07T04:57:39.028747 Failed to apply outlier mask: No such file: /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/metrics/cus/outlier-mask-custom-272397p31075.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/metrics/cus/outliers-pre-custom-272397p31075.jpg Image c4d_180810_014400_ooi_g_ls9-S28 g : masking 136 positive outlier pixels and 0 negative outlier pixels Image c4d_180518_065547_ooi_g_ls9-N31 g : masking 623 positive outlier pixels and 0 negative outlier pixels Image c4d_170822_005732_ooi_g_ls9-S28 g : masking 457 positive outlier pixels and 0 negative outlier pixels Image c4d_180904_000254_ooi_g_ls9-S27 g : masking 1091 positive outlier pixels and 0 negative outlier pixels Image c4d_170726_023354_ooi_g_ls9-S27 g : masking 637 positive outlier pixels and 0 negative outlier pixels Image c4d_180812_004534_ooi_g_ls9-N31 g : masking 131 positive outlier pixels and 0 negative outlier pixels Image c4d_180619_045139_ooi_r_ls9-N31 r : masking 313 positive outlier pixels and 0 negative outlier pixels Image c4d_180619_044909_ooi_r_ls9-N31 r : masking 485 positive outlier pixels and 0 negative outlier pixels Image c4d_170822_010634_ooi_r_ls9-N31 r : masking 341 positive outlier pixels and 0 negative outlier pixels Image c4d_170728_005257_ooi_z_ls9-S27 z : masking 669 positive outlier pixels and 0 negative outlier pixels Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/metrics/cus/outlier-mask-custom-272397p31075.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/metrics/cus/outliers-post-custom-272397p31075.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/metrics/cus/outliers-masked-pos-custom-272397p31075.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/metrics/cus/outliers-masked-neg-custom-272397p31075.jpg Stage outliers : Wall: 4.66 s, CPU: 4.07 s, VmPeak: 1106 MB, VmSize: 1106 MB, VmRSS: 308 MB, VmData: 336 MB, maxrss: 0.454632 MB Stage outliers finished: 2020-06-07T04:57:43.690783 Resources for stage outliers : 2.758 s worker CPU, 2.843 s worker Wall, Wall: 4.663 s, Cores in use: 1.46, Total efficiency (on 4 cores): 36.6 % Stage outliers finished Running stage halos Running stage halos at 2020-06-07T04:57:43.692788 Stage halos : Wall: 7.90 s, CPU: 3.26 s, VmPeak: 1106 MB, VmSize: 1106 MB, VmRSS: 308 MB, VmData: 336 MB, maxrss: 0.454632 MB Stage halos finished: 2020-06-07T04:57:51.594643 Resources for stage halos : 1.479 s worker CPU, 14.493 s worker Wall, Wall: 7.903 s, Cores in use: 0.60, Total efficiency (on 4 cores): 15.0 % Stage halos finished Running stage fit_on_coadds Running stage fit_on_coadds at 2020-06-07T04:57:51.596932 PSF sigmas in coadd pixels: ['2.59', '2.56', '3.47', '2.78', '2.94', '3.31', '1.71'] Using average PSF sigma 2.7661036045007426 Gaussian PSF norm 0.10198272809264272 vs pixelized 0.09082292 average tim pixel scale / coadd scale: 1.0013648543294598 Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-copsf-g.fits.fz PSF sigmas in coadd pixels: ['2.02', '2.47', '2.41', '2.52', '2.22', '2.69', '2.01'] Using average PSF sigma 2.3332017255612625 Gaussian PSF norm 0.12090458732453531 vs pixelized 0.10248803 average tim pixel scale / coadd scale: 1.0014039873970202 Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-copsf-r.fits.fz PSF sigmas in coadd pixels: ['2.34', '1.61', '2.29', '2.55', '2.29'] Using average PSF sigma 2.2158880252039705 Gaussian PSF norm 0.12730552652718613 vs pixelized 0.10076665 average tim pixel scale / coadd scale: 1.0013085312764551 Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-copsf-z.fits.fz Stage fit_on_coadds : Wall: 0.51 s, CPU: 0.41 s, VmPeak: 1106 MB, VmSize: 1106 MB, VmRSS: 312 MB, VmData: 339 MB, maxrss: 0.454632 MB Stage fit_on_coadds finished: 2020-06-07T04:57:52.102854 Resources for stage fit_on_coadds : 0.620 s worker CPU, 0.645 s worker Wall, Wall: 0.507 s, Cores in use: 2.03, Total efficiency (on 4 cores): 50.7 % Stage fit_on_coadds finished Running stage srcs Running stage srcs at 2020-06-07T04:57:52.106736 SED-matched filters: [('z', array([0., 0., 1.])), ('r', array([0., 1., 0.])), ('g', array([1., 0., 0.])), ('Flat', [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]), ('Red', [2.5, 1.0, 0.4])] Found 53 potential peaks Of 53 potential peaks: 13 in veto map, 8 cut by saddle test, 0 cut by aper test, 32 kept SED z : 32 new peaks Found 69 potential peaks Of 69 potential peaks: 53 in veto map, 6 cut by saddle test, 0 cut by aper test, 10 kept SED r : 10 new peaks Found 66 potential peaks Of 66 potential peaks: 55 in veto map, 7 cut by saddle test, 0 cut by aper test, 4 kept SED g : 4 new peaks Found 91 potential peaks Of 91 potential peaks: 77 in veto map, 10 cut by saddle test, 0 cut by aper test, 4 kept SED Flat : 4 new peaks Found 101 potential peaks Of 101 potential peaks: 88 in veto map, 9 cut by saddle test, 0 cut by aper test, 4 kept SED Red : 4 new peaks Adding 54 new sources Median coadd sky for g : 3.78094e-05 Median coadd sky for r : 6.1092745e-05 Median coadd sky for z : 5.321713e-05 Stage srcs : Wall: 2.69 s, CPU: 2.62 s, VmPeak: 1106 MB, VmSize: 1106 MB, VmRSS: 313 MB, VmData: 339 MB, maxrss: 0.454632 MB Stage srcs finished: 2020-06-07T04:57:54.792411 Resources for stage srcs : 0.191 s worker CPU, 0.205 s worker Wall, Wall: 2.687 s, Cores in use: 1.05, Total efficiency (on 4 cores): 26.1 % Stage srcs finished Saving pickle /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/PGC1930569-largegalaxy-srcs.p Saved /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/PGC1930569-largegalaxy-srcs.p Running stage fitblobs Running stage fitblobs at 2020-06-07T04:57:54.808881 Blob 1 of 25, id: 10, sources: 24, size: 302x234, npix 35861, brick X: 27,329, Y: 65,299, one pixel: 100 65 Blob 2 of 25, id: 2, sources: 7, size: 112x78, npix 3784, brick X: 134,246, Y: 0,78, one pixel: 144 0 Blob 3 of 25, id: 4, sources: 4, size: 68x74, npix 3090, brick X: 239,307, Y: 0,74, one pixel: 262 0 Blob 4 of 25, id: 17, sources: 8, size: 54x71, npix 2246, brick X: 0,54, Y: 258,329, one pixel: 3 258 Blob 5 of 25, id: 9, sources: 2, size: 57x52, npix 2235, brick X: 0,57, Y: 55,107, one pixel: 8 55 Dropped reference star: GaiaSource at GaiaPosition: RA, Dec = (272.41747, 31.08568), pm (5.3, 9.1), parallax 3.579 with NanoMaggies: g=12, r=11.5, z=11.4 Reset brightness to NanoMaggies: g=12, r=11.5, z=11.4 Dropped reference star: GaiaSource at GaiaPosition: RA, Dec = (272.41619, 31.08894), pm (-9.3, -1.5), parallax 0.525 with NanoMaggies: g=16, r=15.5, z=15.4 Reset brightness to NanoMaggies: g=16, r=15.5, z=15.4 Dropped reference star: GaiaSource at GaiaPosition: RA, Dec = (272.41037, 31.08793), pm (-1.5, 0.5), parallax 0.226 with NanoMaggies: g=20.2, r=19.8, z=19.8 Reset brightness to NanoMaggies: g=20.3, r=20, z=19.9 Blob 4 finished, total: Wall: 2.92 s, CPU: 2.87 s, VmPeak: 962 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 144 MB, VmData: 182 MB, maxrss: 0.14716 MB Blob 6 of 25, id: 15, sources: 3, size: 87x47, npix 1901, brick X: 112,199, Y: 240,287, one pixel: 123 240 Measuring 1 iterative sources Blob 5 finished, total: Wall: 1.36 s, CPU: 1.36 s, VmPeak: 962 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 144 MB, VmData: 182 MB, maxrss: 0.14716 MB Blob 7 of 25, id: 7, sources: 2, size: 32x70, npix 1525, brick X: 297,329, Y: 53,123, one pixel: 312 53 Measuring 3 iterative sources Measuring 1 iterative sources Blob 6 finished, total: Wall: 3.95 s, CPU: 3.94 s, VmPeak: 962 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 144 MB, VmData: 182 MB, maxrss: 0.14716 MB Blob 8 of 25, id: 3, sources: 3, size: 60x22, npix 941, brick X: 185,245, Y: 0,22, one pixel: 189 0 Blob 3 finished, total: Wall: 8.81 s, CPU: 8.70 s, VmPeak: 963 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 147 MB, VmData: 182 MB, maxrss: 0.150112 MB Blob 9 of 25, id: 18, sources: 1, size: 29x30, npix 609, brick X: 58,87, Y: 262,292, one pixel: 70 262 Dropped reference star: GaiaSource at GaiaPosition: RA, Dec = (272.39318, 31.06259), pm (-1.6, -14.9), parallax 0.611 with NanoMaggies: g=15, r=14.7, z=14.6 Reset brightness to NanoMaggies: g=14.9, r=14.3, z=14.2 Dropped reference star: GaiaSource at GaiaPosition: RA, Dec = (272.39209, 31.06312), pm (-12.2, -22.5), parallax 1.614 with NanoMaggies: g=19.8, r=18.5, z=17.8 Reset brightness to NanoMaggies: g=21.5, r=20.8, z=20.5 Blob 8 finished, total: Wall: 0.17 s, CPU: 0.17 s, VmPeak: 963 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 147 MB, VmData: 182 MB, maxrss: 0.150112 MB Blob 10 of 25, id: 21, sources: 1, size: 30x28, npix 601, brick X: 172,202, Y: 301,329, one pixel: 185 301 Blob 9 finished, total: Wall: 1.62 s, CPU: 1.62 s, VmPeak: 963 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 147 MB, VmData: 182 MB, maxrss: 0.150112 MB Blob 11 of 25, id: 22, sources: 2, size: 40x25, npix 583, brick X: 255,295, Y: 304,329, one pixel: 266 304 Blob 2 finished, total: Wall: 11.44 s, CPU: 11.39 s, VmPeak: 963 MB, VmSize: 720 MB, VmRSS: 147 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.150492 MB Blob 12 of 25, id: 12, sources: 1, size: 29x28, npix 551, brick X: 290,319, Y: 122,150, one pixel: 303 122 Blob 10 finished, total: Wall: 1.01 s, CPU: 1.01 s, VmPeak: 963 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 147 MB, VmData: 182 MB, maxrss: 0.150112 MB Blob 13 of 25, id: 6, sources: 2, size: 32x32, npix 547, brick X: 58,90, Y: 27,59, one pixel: 70 27 Measuring 1 iterative sources Blob 12 finished, total: Wall: 1.00 s, CPU: 1.00 s, VmPeak: 963 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 147 MB, VmData: 182 MB, maxrss: 0.150112 MB Blob 14 of 25, id: 11, sources: 1, size: 29x28, npix 529, brick X: 256,285, Y: 78,106, one pixel: 269 78 Blob 11 finished, total: Wall: 1.67 s, CPU: 1.67 s, VmPeak: 963 MB, VmSize: 720 MB, VmRSS: 147 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.150492 MB Blob 15 of 25, id: 13, sources: 1, size: 29x27, npix 507, brick X: 36,65, Y: 236,263, one pixel: 45 236 Blob 14 finished, total: Wall: 0.70 s, CPU: 0.70 s, VmPeak: 963 MB, VmSize: 720 MB, VmRSS: 147 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.150492 MB Blob 16 of 25, id: 14, sources: 1, size: 28x29, npix 501, brick X: 299,327, Y: 238,267, one pixel: 310 238 Blob 13 finished, total: Wall: 1.35 s, CPU: 1.35 s, VmPeak: 963 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 147 MB, VmData: 182 MB, maxrss: 0.150112 MB Blob 17 of 25, id: 5, sources: 1, size: 27x28, npix 488, brick X: 100,127, Y: 20,48, one pixel: 111 20 Blob 7 finished, total: Wall: 6.11 s, CPU: 6.10 s, VmPeak: 962 MB, VmSize: 720 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.149256 MB Blob 18 of 25, id: 0, sources: 1, size: 27x25, npix 474, brick X: 27,54, Y: 0,25, one pixel: 35 0 Blob 16 finished, total: Wall: 0.70 s, CPU: 0.70 s, VmPeak: 963 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 147 MB, VmData: 182 MB, maxrss: 0.150112 MB Blob 19 of 25, id: 8, sources: 1, size: 24x26, npix 387, brick X: 236,260, Y: 54,80, one pixel: 247 54 Blob 15 finished, total: Wall: 1.19 s, CPU: 1.19 s, VmPeak: 963 MB, VmSize: 720 MB, VmRSS: 147 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.150492 MB Blob 20 of 25, id: 20, sources: 1, size: 22x23, npix 314, brick X: 135,157, Y: 290,313, one pixel: 144 290 Blob 17 finished, total: Wall: 0.97 s, CPU: 0.97 s, VmPeak: 962 MB, VmSize: 720 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.149256 MB Blob 21 of 25, id: 19, sources: 1, size: 21x22, npix 272, brick X: 166,187, Y: 281,303, one pixel: 175 281 Blob 19 finished, total: Wall: 0.64 s, CPU: 0.64 s, VmPeak: 963 MB, VmSize: 720 MB, VmRSS: 147 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.150492 MB Blob 22 of 25, id: 1, sources: 1, size: 21x19, npix 253, brick X: 68,89, Y: 0,19, one pixel: 75 0 Blob 18 finished, total: Wall: 1.01 s, CPU: 1.01 s, VmPeak: 963 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 147 MB, VmData: 182 MB, maxrss: 0.150112 MB Blob 23 of 25, id: 24, sources: 1, size: 21x17, npix 246, brick X: 228,249, Y: 312,329, one pixel: 237 312 Blob 21 finished, total: Wall: 0.28 s, CPU: 0.28 s, VmPeak: 963 MB, VmSize: 720 MB, VmRSS: 147 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.150492 MB Blob 24 of 25, id: 23, sources: 1, size: 19x17, npix 191, brick X: 49,68, Y: 312,329, one pixel: 58 312 Blob 22 finished, total: Wall: 0.33 s, CPU: 0.33 s, VmPeak: 963 MB, VmSize: 719 MB, VmRSS: 147 MB, VmData: 182 MB, maxrss: 0.150112 MB Blob 25 of 25, id: 16, sources: 1, size: 18x18, npix 180, brick X: 159,177, Y: 241,259, one pixel: 167 241 Blob 20 finished, total: Wall: 0.77 s, CPU: 0.77 s, VmPeak: 962 MB, VmSize: 720 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.149256 MB Blob 25 finished, total: Wall: 0.24 s, CPU: 0.24 s, VmPeak: 962 MB, VmSize: 720 MB, VmRSS: 146 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.149256 MB Blob 23 finished, total: Wall: 0.62 s, CPU: 0.62 s, VmPeak: 963 MB, VmSize: 720 MB, VmRSS: 147 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.150492 MB Blob 24 finished, total: Wall: 0.95 s, CPU: 0.95 s, VmPeak: 963 MB, VmSize: 720 MB, VmRSS: 147 MB, VmData: 183 MB, maxrss: 0.150448 MB Known galaxy. Initial shape: EllipseWithPriors(0.25): log r_e=0.952983, ee1=-0.0231955, ee2=-0.222326 Measuring 9 iterative sources Blob 1 finished, total: Wall: 48.65 s, CPU: 48.64 s, VmPeak: 970 MB, VmSize: 724 MB, VmRSS: 156 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.173716 MB Old catalog: 82 New catalog: 77 Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/metrics/cus/blobs-custom-272397p31075.fits.gz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/metrics/cus/all-models-custom-272397p31075.fits Stage fitblobs : Wall: 51.01 s, CPU: 2.44 s, VmPeak: 1106 MB, VmSize: 1106 MB, VmRSS: 313 MB, VmData: 340 MB, maxrss: 0.454632 MB Stage fitblobs finished: 2020-06-07T04:58:45.813830 Resources for stage fitblobs : 98.471 s worker CPU, 98.753 s worker Wall, Wall: 51.006 s, Cores in use: 1.98, Total efficiency (on 4 cores): 49.5 % Stage fitblobs finished Running stage coadds Running stage coadds at 2020-06-07T04:58:45.815680 Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-ccds.fits Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-image-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-invvar-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-nexp-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-depth-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-galdepth-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-psfsize-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-model-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-chi2-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-blobmodel-g.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-image-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-invvar-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-nexp-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-depth-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-galdepth-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-psfsize-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-model-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-chi2-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-blobmodel-r.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-image-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-invvar-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-nexp-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-depth-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-galdepth-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-psfsize-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-model-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-chi2-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-blobmodel-z.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-depth.fits Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/tmp-legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-image.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-image.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/tmp-legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-model.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-model.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/tmp-legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-blobmodel.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-blobmodel.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/tmp-legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-resid.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-resid.jpg Stage coadds : Wall: 6.63 s, CPU: 5.45 s, VmPeak: 1106 MB, VmSize: 1106 MB, VmRSS: 314 MB, VmData: 341 MB, maxrss: 0.454632 MB Stage coadds finished: 2020-06-07T04:58:52.448504 Resources for stage coadds : 3.203 s worker CPU, 3.774 s worker Wall, Wall: 6.634 s, Cores in use: 1.31, Total efficiency (on 4 cores): 32.6 % Stage coadds finished Running stage wise_forced Running stage wise_forced at 2020-06-07T04:58:52.450000 Cut to 2 unWISE tiles Reading WISE tile 2717p318 band 1 Reading WISE tile 2717p318 band 2 Reading WISE tile 2717p318 band 3 Reading WISE tile 2717p318 band 4 Does not exist: /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/271/2717p318/unwise-2717p318-w3-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/271/2717p318/unwise-2717p318-w3-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/271/2717p318/unwise-2717p318-w3-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/271/2717p318/unwise-2717p318-w3-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/271/2717p318/unwise-2717p318-w3-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits Reading WISE tile 2730p302 band 3 Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/271/2717p318/unwise-2717p318-w1-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/271/2717p318/unwise-2717p318-w1-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/271/2717p318/unwise-2717p318-w1-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/271/2717p318/unwise-2717p318-w1-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits Reading WISE tile 2730p302 band 1 Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/271/2717p318/unwise-2717p318-w2-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/271/2717p318/unwise-2717p318-w2-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/271/2717p318/unwise-2717p318-w2-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/271/2717p318/unwise-2717p318-w2-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits Reading WISE tile 2730p302 band 2 Does not exist: /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/271/2717p318/unwise-2717p318-w4-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/271/2717p318/unwise-2717p318-w4-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/271/2717p318/unwise-2717p318-w4-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/271/2717p318/unwise-2717p318-w4-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/271/2717p318/unwise-2717p318-w4-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits Reading WISE tile 2730p302 band 4 Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/273/2730p302/unwise-2730p302-w2-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/273/2730p302/unwise-2730p302-w2-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/273/2730p302/unwise-2730p302-w2-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/273/2730p302/unwise-2730p302-w2-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits unWISE forced photometry took Wall: 0.29 s, CPU: 0.46 s, VmPeak: 1000 MB, VmSize: 1000 MB, VmRSS: 148 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.211284 MB Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/273/2730p302/unwise-2730p302-w1-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/273/2730p302/unwise-2730p302-w1-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/273/2730p302/unwise-2730p302-w1-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/273/2730p302/unwise-2730p302-w1-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits unWISE forced photometry took Wall: 0.20 s, CPU: 0.31 s, VmPeak: 1000 MB, VmSize: 1000 MB, VmRSS: 149 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.211652 MB Does not exist: /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/273/2730p302/unwise-2730p302-w4-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/273/2730p302/unwise-2730p302-w4-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/273/2730p302/unwise-2730p302-w4-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/273/2730p302/unwise-2730p302-w4-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/273/2730p302/unwise-2730p302-w4-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits unWISE forced photometry took Wall: 0.40 s, CPU: 0.77 s, VmPeak: 1009 MB, VmSize: 1009 MB, VmRSS: 162 MB, VmData: 197 MB, maxrss: 0.204476 MB Does not exist: /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/neo6/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/273/2730p302/unwise-2730p302-w3-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/273/2730p302/unwise-2730p302-w3-img-m.fits Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/273/2730p302/unwise-2730p302-w3-invvar-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/273/2730p302/unwise-2730p302-w3-n-m.fits.gz Reading /global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/fulldepth/273/2730p302/unwise-2730p302-w3-n-u.fits.gz Reading /usr/local/lib/python/wise/wise-psf-avg.fits unWISE forced photometry took Wall: 0.22 s, CPU: 0.61 s, VmPeak: 1000 MB, VmSize: 1000 MB, VmRSS: 147 MB, VmData: 187 MB, maxrss: 0.211344 MB Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-image-W1.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-model-W1.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-invvar-W1.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-image-W2.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-model-W2.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-invvar-W2.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-image-W3.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-model-W3.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-invvar-W3.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-image-W4.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-model-W4.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-invvar-W4.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/tmp-legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-wise.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-wise.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/tmp-legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-wisemodel.jpg Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-wisemodel.jpg Setting WISE apphot Setting WISE apphot Setting WISE apphot Setting WISE apphot Stage wise_forced : Wall: 15.22 s, CPU: 3.18 s, VmPeak: 1106 MB, VmSize: 1106 MB, VmRSS: 315 MB, VmData: 341 MB, maxrss: 0.454632 MB Stage wise_forced finished: 2020-06-07T04:59:07.667993 Resources for stage wise_forced : 8.838 s worker CPU, 40.555 s worker Wall, Wall: 15.219 s, Cores in use: 0.79, Total efficiency (on 4 cores): 19.7 % Stage wise_forced finished Running stage writecat Running stage writecat at 2020-06-07T04:59:07.669768 Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/coadd/cus/custom-272397p31075/legacysurvey-custom-272397p31075-maskbits.fits.fz Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/tractor-i/cus/tractor-custom-272397p31075.fits Reading SFD maps... END Rejected (1), keyrecords following the END keyrecord were ignored. END Rejected (1), keyrecords following the END keyrecord were ignored. Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/tractor/cus/tractor-custom-272397p31075.fits Wrote /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/272/PGC1930569/tractor/cus/brick-custom-272397p31075.sha256sum Stage writecat : Wall: 0.94 s, CPU: 0.80 s, VmPeak: 1238 MB, VmSize: 1110 MB, VmRSS: 317 MB, VmData: 341 MB, maxrss: 0.45526 MB Stage writecat finished: 2020-06-07T04:59:08.609195 Resources for stage writecat : 0.000 s worker CPU, 0.000 s worker Wall, Wall: 0.940 s, Cores in use: 0.85, Total efficiency (on 4 cores): 21.3 % Stage writecat finished All done: 122.437 s worker CPU, 681.345 s worker Wall, Wall: 251.087 s, Cores in use: 0.63, Total efficiency (on 4 cores): 15.7 % Finished galaxy PGC1930569 in 4.249 minutes.