Started working on galaxy PGC368799 at Sat Aug 8 05:43:47 2020 Sort by flux! [ 216.84335] Pixels used: 2587 Peak Img[j, k]: 141 141 Mean (j, k): 140.84 140.90 Theta (deg): 146.3 Astro PA (deg): 123.7 Eps: 0.474 Major axis (pix): 44.1 140.84390916 140.912 140.902878602 140.97 Starting ellipse-fitting for galaxy 1241745 with 32 core(s) majoraxis=44.11 pix, maxsma=88.22 pix, delta_sma=1.0 pix Fitting g-band took......0.716 sec Fitting r-band took......0.719 sec Fitting z-band took......0.671 sec Time for all images = 0.035 min Performing elliptical aperture photometry. g CoG modeling succeeded with a chi^2 minimum of 1939.35 r CoG modeling succeeded with a chi^2 minimum of 1222.55 z CoG modeling succeeded with a chi^2 minimum of 161.73 Time = 0.028 min WARNING: The unit 'mgy / arcsec2' could not be saved in native FITS format and cannot be recovered in reading. If pyyaml is installed, it can roundtrip within astropy by using QTable both to write and read back, though one has to enable the unit before reading. [] Writing /global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/SGA-data-dr9alpha/318/PGC368799/PGC368799-largegalaxy-1241745-ellipse.fits Finished galaxy PGC368799 in 0.174 minutes.