.. h5boss documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Oct 11 12:04:08 2016. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome! ======== H5Boss is an exploratory python tool for managing BOSS spectra data, SDSS-II. Boss is originally maintained as millions of fits file in thousands of different folders. Accessing and analyzing them are inefficient in terms of I/O bandwidth and programming productivity. In h5boss, we developed functions to support: * Reformatting: Preserve the fits file structure and spectrum hierarchicy using HDF5 * Subsetting: Support subset/add/update operation, to extract selected 'plate/mjd/fiber' and save in one HDF5 file Currently, h5boss is implemented in both python and c version, in which the python version is actively maintained and supported. The c version is mainly for I/O sensitive users/applications. Quickstart: =========== * :ref:`Installation ` Formats: ======== * :ref:`Fits->Hdf5 ` * :ref:`Design ` Commands: ============= * :ref:`Convert ` * :ref:`Subset ` * :ref:`Add ` * :ref:`Update ` Modules: ======== * :ref:`H5boss ` Missing Features: ================= * :ref:`H5bossdev ` Indices: ======== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`