
The subset function will find the specified plates/mjds/fibers from source files and copy into a single shared output. The source files are the BOSS data in HDF5 format. The user needs to specify the query as plate mjd fiber. The output file has a same structure with the source files.



subset [-h] input output pmf

positional arguments:

input       HDF5 input list

output      HDF5 output

pmf         Plate/mjd/fiber list in csv

optional arguments:

-h, --help  show this help message and exit


Prepare input:

cat input_sample.txt



cat pmf_sample.txt

plates mjds fibers

4562 55570 622

4479 55592 543

7294 56739 242


Download: input_sample.txt, pmf_sample.txt

Execute command:

subset input_sample.txt output.h5 pmf_sample.txt


Output:  output.h5
Running selection...
-Source file open: 2.04
-Fiber query time: 0.00
-Fiber copy time: 11.35
-Catalog copy time: 6.70
-Group create time: 0.01
-File close time: 0.04
Selection Time: 22.34 seconds
Done selection
Total selection Cost 22.34

For detailed performance evaluation, please read our Techincal Report(To be released by Nov.1 2016).

High Performance Parallel Version: