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In This Package:


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00003 # Load GaudiPython
00004 from GaudiPython.GaudiAlgs import GaudiAlgo
00005 from GaudiPython import SUCCESS, FAILURE
00006 from GaudiPython import gbl
00007 from DybPython.Util import irange
00009 # Make shortcuts to ROOT classes
00010 TH1F = gbl.TH1F
00012 # Make your algorithm
00013 class ExampleAlg(GaudiAlgo):
00014     "Example Python Algorithm"
00015     def __init__(self,name):
00016         GaudiAlgo.__init__(self,name)
00017         return
00019     def initialize(self):
00020         status = GaudiAlgo.initialize(self)
00021         print "Init ExampleAlg",self.name()
00022         if status.isFailure(): return status
00023         return SUCCESS
00025     def execute(self):
00026         print "Executing ExampleAlg",self.name()
00027         evt = self.evtSvc()
00028         hdr = evt["/Event/Sim/SimHeader"]
00029         shh = hdr.hits()
00030         for detector in shh.hitDetectors():
00031             print "Detector: ",detector
00032             hitCollection = shh.hitsByDetector(detector)
00033             print "Hits: ",hitCollection
00034             if hitCollection == None:
00035                 print "No Hit Collection for detector ",detector
00036             hits = hitCollection.collection()
00037             for hit in hits:
00038                 print "  PMT",hit.sensDetId(),"hit at time",hit.hitTime() 
00039         return SUCCESS
00041     def finalize(self):        
00042         print "Finalizing ExampleAlg",self.name()
00043         status = GaudiAlgo.finalize(self)
00044         return status
00046 def configure():
00047     return
00049 def run(app):
00050     '''
00051     Configure and add an algorithm to job
00052     '''
00053     example = ExampleAlg("MyExample")
00054     app.addAlgorithm(example)
00055     pass
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