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In This Package:


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "HistoryKeeper.h"
00003 StatusCode HistoryKeeper::queryInterface( const InterfaceID& riid, void** ppvInterface ) 
00004 {
00005   // chech the placeholder for result 
00006   if ( !ppvInterface ) { return StatusCode::FAILURE ; }
00007   //
00008   *ppvInterface = 0;
00009   //
00010   if ( riid == IHistoryKeeper::interfaceID() ) 
00011   {
00012     *ppvInterface = static_cast<IHistoryKeeper*>(this);
00013     addRef();                
00014     return StatusCode::SUCCESS ;    
00015   }
00016   //
00017   return  Service::queryInterface( riid, ppvInterface ) ; 
00018 }
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