E3SM Diagnostics Package v2.3.0
Created: 2021-05-28 09:59:28


Latitude-Longitude contour maps

model_vs_model Description ANN DJF JJA
PRECT global Total precipitation rate (convective + large-scale) ANN DJF JJA
SST global Surface temperature (radiative) ANN DJF JJA
SOLIN global Solar insolation ANN DJF JJA
ALBEDO global TOA albedo ANN DJF JJA
ALBEDOC global TOA albedo clear-sky ANN DJF JJA
RESTOM global TOM(top of model) Radiative flux ANN DJF JJA
FLUT global Upwelling longwave flux at top of model ANN DJF JJA
FLUTC global Clearsky upwelling longwave flux at top of model ANN DJF JJA
FSNTOA global Net solar flux at top of atmosphere ANN DJF JJA
FSNTOAC global Clearsky net solar flux at top of atmosphere ANN DJF JJA
SWCF global Shortwave cloud forcing ANN DJF JJA
LWCF global Longwave cloud forcing ANN DJF JJA
NETCF global TOA net cloud forcing ANN DJF JJA
ALBEDO_SRF global Surface albedo ANN DJF JJA
SWCFSRF global Surface shortwave cloud forcing ANN DJF JJA
LWCFSRF global Surface longwave cloud forcing ANN DJF JJA
NETCF_SRF global Surface net cloud forcing ANN DJF JJA
FLDS global Downwelling longwave flux at surface ANN DJF JJA
FLDSC global Clearsky Surf LW downwelling flux ANN DJF JJA
FLNS global Net longwave flux at surface ANN DJF JJA
FLNSC global Clearsky net longwave flux at surface ANN DJF JJA
FSDS global Downwelling solar flux at surface ANN DJF JJA
FSDSC global Clearsky downwelling solar flux at surface ANN DJF JJA
FSNS global Net solar flux at surface ANN DJF JJA
FSNSC global Clearsky net solar flux at surface ANN DJF JJA
LHFLX global Surface water flux ANN DJF JJA
SHFLX global Surface sensible heat flux ANN DJF JJA
NET_FLUX_SRF global Surface Net flux ANN DJF JJA
TMQ global Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water ANN DJF JJA
U-850mb global Zonal wind ANN DJF JJA
U-200mb global Zonal wind ANN DJF JJA
OMEGA-850mb global Vertical velocity (pressure) ANN DJF JJA
OMEGA-500mb global Vertical velocity (pressure) ANN DJF JJA
OMEGA-200mb global Vertical velocity (pressure) ANN DJF JJA
Z3-500mb global Geopotential Height (above sea level) ANN DJF JJA
T-850mb global Temperature ANN DJF JJA
T-200mb global Temperature ANN DJF JJA
PSL global Sea level pressure ANN DJF JJA
TGCLDLWP_OCN global Total grid-box cloud liquid water path ANN DJF JJA
AODVIS global Aerosol optical depth 550 nm ANN DJF JJA
TREFHT global Reference height temperature ANN DJF JJA
TREFHT land Reference height temperature ANN ----- JJA
TAUXY ocean Total surface wind stress ANN DJF JJA