HODLR Approximation of Dense Matrices

We recommend to use the strumpack::structured::StructuredMatrix interface instead of directly using the HODLR classes. See Dense Solvers .

HODLR, or Hierarchically Off-Diagonal Low Rank, is a rank-structured format that is similar to HSS, but simpler. It uses the same weak admissibility, i.e, all off-diagonal blocks are low rank, but it does not use nested bases. Compared to HSS, HODLR theoretically has worse asymptotic complexity, but the algorithms might be faster in practice for medium sized problems.

STRUMPACK's HODLR code uses an external library, which can be found here: https://github.com/liuyangzhuan/ButterflyPACK

See the Installation and Requirements instructions for how to configure and compile STRUMPACK with support for HODLR.

The HODLR include files are installed in the include/HODLR/ subdirectory, or in src/HODLR/. All HODLR code is in the namespace strumpack::HODLR. The main class for sequential/multithreaded as well as distributed memory HODLR matrices is strumpack::HODLR::HODLRMatrix.

We use a simple wrapper class strumpack::DenseMatrix, as a wrapper around a column-major matrix. See the documentation for that class for more info.

HODLR Matrix Construction

There are currently 3 ways to construct an HODLR matrix:

  • By specifying a matrix time (multiple-)vector product routine.
  • By specifying a matrix element evaluation routine.
  • By specifying a strumpack::kernel::Kernel object, containing a set of (high-dimensional) points and a kernel function.

HODLR Construction from Element Evaluation

Use the constructor

(const strumpack::MPIComm& c, // MPI_Comm wrapper
const strumpack::structured::ClusterTree& tree, // partition/cluster tree
const std::function<scalar_t( // return value = A(i,j)
int i, // row coordinate
int j, // column coordinate
)>& Aelem, // element extraction routine
const strumpack::HODLR::HODLROptions<scalar_t>& opts // options object
Hierarchically low-rank matrix representation.
Definition: HODLRMatrix.hpp:79
Class containing several options for the HODLR code and data-structures.
Definition: HODLROptions.hpp:117
Wrapper class around an MPI_Comm object.
Definition: MPIWrapper.hpp:190
The cluster tree, or partition tree that represents the partitioning of the rows or columns of a hier...
Definition: ClusterTree.hpp:62

For example, to construct an HODLR approximation of a Toeplitz matrix:

strumpack::MPIComm c; // defaults to MPI_COMM_WORLD
int N = 1000;
strumpack::structured::ClusterTree t(N); // construct a tree for an NxN matrix
t.refine(32); // refine the tree
opts.set_from_command_line(argc, argv); // optionally, parse command line options
H(c, t, [](int i, int j) {
return (i==j) ? 1. : 1./(1+abs(i-j)); },
Class wrapping around Yang Liu's HODLR code.
void set_from_command_line(int argc, const char *const *cargv) override

HODLR Construction from Matrix-Vector Multiplication

Use the constructor

(const strumpack::MPIComm& c, // MPI_Comm wrapper
const strumpack::structured::ClusterTree& tree, // partition/cluster tree
const std::function<void( // matrix-vector multiplication routine
strumpack::Trans op, // none, transpose, conjugate
const strumpack::DenseMatrix<scalar_t>& R, // input (random matrix)
strumpack::DenseMatrix<scalar_t>& S // output, compute as S = op(A)*R (S already allocated)
)>& Amult,
const strumpack::HODLR::HODLROptions<scalar_t>& opts // options object
This class represents a matrix, stored in column major format, to allow direct use of BLAS/LAPACK rou...
Definition: DenseMatrix.hpp:138
Definition: DenseMatrix.hpp:51

The strumpack::MPIComm object is a simple wrapper around an MPI communicator. The partition or cluster tree data structure is the same as for HSS matrices. See dense_matrices for how to construct this tree.

Kernel Matrix Approximation

We have an optimized HODLR construction algorithm for the so called kernel matrices, which arise in several applications, such as kernel ridge regression in machine learning. One can use the strumpack::HODLR::HODLRMatrix constructor:

std::vector<int>& perm,
Representation of a kernel matrix.
Definition: Kernel.hpp:73

However, for kernel ridge regression, the strumpack::kernel::Kernel class provides some easy to use driver routines, see

std::vector<scalar_t>& labels,
DenseM_t fit_HODLR(const MPIComm &c, std::vector< scalar_t > &labels, const HODLR::HODLROptions< scalar_t > &opts)
std::vector< scalar_t > predict(const DenseM_t &test, const DenseM_t &weights) const

There is also a Python interface to these Kernel regression routines, compatibile with scikit-learn, see install/python/STRUMPACKKernel.py and examples/dense/KernelRegressionMPI.py.

HODLR Matrix Operations

TODO discuss parallel storage, mult, factor, solve, inv_mult, etc..