Results for test case empty_01

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1 modifications, totalling 1 lines

 Line  Baseline  Line  Current
1:  DBYieldedNoDataException 1:  VisIt could not read from the file "VISIT_TOP_DIR/data/silo_pdb_test_data/empty.silo".
3:  The generated error message was:
5:  There was an error opening VISIT_TOP_DIR/data/silo_pdb_test_data/empty.silo. It may be an invalid file. VisIt tried using the following file format readers to open the file: <No suitable plugins were identified>
7:  The following error(s) may be helpful in identifying the problem:
8:  The file "VISIT_TOP_DIR/data/silo_pdb_test_data/empty.silo" does not exist.