CESAR Mini Apps

We collected traces for two applications from the DOE codesign center CESAR: Center for Exascale Simulation of Advanced Reactors.

CESAR MOC Emulator

The first application is the MOC emulator, running with the following parameters:

  • Group Visible: 10
  • Groups per process: 5
  • Angle Visible: 8
  • Angles per process: 4
  • Mesh scale: 4
  • ParallelInX: 2 or 4 (based on rank count)
  • ParallelInY: 2 or 4 (based on rank count)
  • ParallelInZ: 4
  • Trajectory spacing: 1.0
  • Krylov iterations: 50
  • Krylov back vectors: 30

Available traces:

MOC emulator 64 processes

MOC emulator 256 processes

MOC emulator 1024 processes

Graphical Presentation of MOC emulator Communication Pattern

The following figure shows the amount of data communicated between 1024 cores. (click on the figure for a higher quality variant)

CESAR Nekbone

The second application is Nekbone, which solves a poison equation using conjugate gradient iteration with no preconditioner. Nekbone represents the main computational kernel of Nek5000 application. 

We used default problem settings.

Available traces:

Nek_bone 64 processes

Nek_bone 256 processes

Nek_bone 1024 processes

Graphical Presentation of Nekbone Communication Pattern

The following figure shows the amount of data communicated between 1024 cores. (click on the figure for a higher quality variant)