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00001 // $Id: SolidMath.h,v 1.8 2007/09/20 15:13:21 wouter Exp $
00002 // ============================================================================
00003 // CVS tag $Name: v18r12 $
00004 // ============================================================================
00005 // $Log: SolidMath.h,v $
00006 // Revision 1.8  2007/09/20 15:13:21  wouter
00007 // changed LineIntersThePhi such that it only intersects with half the
00008 // phi plane. important for optimization in Tubs and Cons
00009 //
00010 // Revision 1.7  2005/12/08 19:20:01  jpalac
00011 //
00012 // ! 2005-12-08 - Juan Palacios
00013 //  - Provide inInside and intersectionTicks methods to solids that accept
00014 //    points and vectors in coordinates other than cartesian. New methods pass
00015 //    call to templated implementations.
00016 //
00017 // Revision 1.6  2005/12/05 16:18:43  jpalac
00018 //
00019 // ! 2005-12-05 - Juan Palacios
00020 //  - Add class Gaudi::Plane3D as stop-gap while MathCore equivalent is implemented.
00021 //    Supports only double precision cartesian representation.
00022 //  - Fix remaining MathCore-related compilation problems.
00023 //
00024 // Revision 1.5  2005/12/02 18:36:55  jpalac
00025 //
00026 // ! 2005-02-12 - Juan Palacios
00027 //  - Add Kernel/LHCbDefinitions to requirements
00028 //  - Change CLHEP geometry classes to LHCbDefinitions typedefs:
00029 //             * These typedefs point to MathCore classes with the
00030 //               exception of Gaudi::Plane3D, which pointe to HepPoint3D.
00031 //               Awaiting implementation of MathCore Plane3D class.
00032 //  - Make changes to all code to adapt to MathCore syntax
00033 //  - TO-DO: Not compiling due to Plane3D operaitons with MathCore classes
00034 //
00035 // Revision 1.4  2003/11/24 14:43:44  cattanem
00036 // fix doxygen comments
00037 //
00038 // Revision 1.3  2002/10/30 15:02:44  ibelyaev
00039 //  fix a bug in DetDesc/SolidMath.h
00040 //
00041 // Revision 1.2  2002/05/13 18:29:53  ibelyaev
00042 //  see $DETDESCROOT/doc/release.notes 13 May 2002
00043 //
00044 // Revision 1.1  2002/05/11 18:25:46  ibelyaev
00045 //  see $DETDESCROOT/doc/release.notes 11 May 2002
00046 // 
00047 // ============================================================================
00048 #ifndef DETDESC_SOLIDMATH_H 
00049 #define DETDESC_SOLIDMATH_H 1
00050 // Include files
00051 #include "DetDesc/ISolid.h" 
00052 #include "DetDesc/SolidTicks.h"
00061 namespace SolidTicks
00062 {
00072   template < class OUTPUTTYPE > 
00073   inline unsigned int 
00074   SolveQuadraticEquation
00075   ( const double a   , 
00076     const double b   , 
00077     const double c   ,
00078     OUTPUTTYPE   out ) 
00079   {
00080     if( 0 == a ) // it is indeed  a linear equation:  b*x + c = 0 
00081       {
00082         // no solution!
00083         if( b == 0 ) { return 0 ; }   // RETURN !!! 
00084         // 1 solution!
00085         *out++ = -1.0 * c / b ; 
00086         *out++ = -1.0 * c / b ;       // double the solutions 
00087         return 1;                     // RETURN !!!   
00088       }
00089     double d = b * b - 4.0 * a * c ; 
00090     // no solutions 
00091     if(  d < 0  )   { return 0; }     // RETURN !!!
00092     // 1 or 2 solution
00093     d = sqrt( d )                  ;   
00094     *out++ = 0.5 * ( -b - d ) / a  ; 
00095     *out++ = 0.5 * ( -b + d ) / a  ; 
00096     // return number of solutions;
00097     return 0 == d ? 1 : 2 ;           // RETURN !!! 
00098   };
00110   template < class OUTPUTTYPE, class aPoint, class aVector > 
00111   inline unsigned int  
00112   LineIntersectsTheSphere
00113   ( const aPoint  & point  , 
00114     const aVector & vect   , 
00115     const double        radius ,
00116     OUTPUTTYPE          out    )
00117   {
00118     // sphere with non-positive radius is not able to intersect the line! 
00119     if( radius <= 0 ) { return 0 ; } 
00120     // line with null direction vector does not  intersect the sphere! 
00121     double v2 = vect.mag2(); 
00122     if( v2 <= 0     ) { return 0 ; }
00123     double p2 = point.mag2()    ; 
00124     double pv = point.Dot(vect) ; 
00129     const double a = v2                   ; 
00130     const double b = 2.0*pv               ; 
00131     const double c = p2 - radius * radius ;
00132     // solve the equation! 
00133     return SolidTicks::SolveQuadraticEquation( a , b , c , out );
00134   };
00146   template < class OUTPUTTYPE, class aPoint, class aVector > 
00147   inline unsigned int  
00148   LineIntersectsTheSphere2
00149   ( const aPoint  & point  , 
00150     const aVector & vect   , 
00151     const double        r2     ,
00152     OUTPUTTYPE          out    )
00153   {
00154     // sphere with non-positive radius is not able to intersect the line! 
00155     if( r2 <= 0     ) { return 0 ; } 
00156     // line with null direction vector does not  intersect the sphere! 
00157     double v2 = vect.mag2(); 
00158     if( v2 <= 0     ) { return 0 ; }
00159     double p2 = point.mag2()    ; 
00160     double pv = point.Dot(vect) ; 
00165     const double a = v2      ; 
00166     const double b = 2.0*pv  ; 
00167     const double c = p2 - r2 ;
00168     // solve the equation! 
00169     return SolidTicks::SolveQuadraticEquation( a , b , c , out );
00170   };
00182   template < class OUTPUTTYPE, class aPoint, class aVector > 
00183   inline unsigned int  
00184   LineIntersectsTheCylinder
00185   ( const aPoint  & point  , 
00186     const aVector & vect   , 
00187     const double        radius ,
00188     OUTPUTTYPE          out    )
00190   {
00191     // Cylinder with non-positive radius is not able to intersect the line! 
00192     if( radius <= 0 ) { return 0 ; }     
00193     // line with null direction vector is not able to intersect the cylinder! 
00194     const double v2 = vect.x()*vect.x() + vect.y()*vect.y() ; 
00195     if( v2 <= 0     ) { return 0 ; }
00196     //
00197     const double p2 = point.x() * point.x() + point.y() * point.y() ; 
00198     const double pv = point.x() * vect.x()  + point.y() * vect.y()  ; 
00203     const double a = v2                   ; 
00204     const double b = 2.0*pv               ; 
00205     const double c = p2 - radius * radius ;
00206     // solve the equation! 
00207     return SolidTicks::SolveQuadraticEquation( a , b , c , out );  
00208   };
00220   template < class OUTPUTTYPE, class aPoint, class aVector > 
00221   inline unsigned int  
00222   LineIntersectsTheX
00223   ( const aPoint  & point  , 
00224     const aVector & vect   , 
00225     const double        X      ,
00226     OUTPUTTYPE          out   )
00228   {
00232     if( 0 == vect.x() ) { return 0; } 
00233     *out++ = ( X - point.x() ) / vect.x() ; 
00234     return 1;      
00235   };
00247   template < class OUTPUTTYPE, class aPoint, class aVector > 
00248   inline unsigned int  
00249   LineIntersectsTheY
00250   ( const aPoint  & point  , 
00251     const aVector & vect   , 
00252     const double        Y      ,
00253     OUTPUTTYPE          out    )
00255   {    
00259     if( 0 == vect.y() ) { return 0; } 
00260     *out++ = ( Y - point.y() ) / vect.y() ; 
00261     return 1;      
00262   };
00274   template < class OUTPUTTYPE, class aPoint, class aVector > 
00275   inline unsigned int  
00276   LineIntersectsTheZ
00277   ( const aPoint & point  , 
00278     const aVector& vect   , 
00279     const double       Z      ,
00280     OUTPUTTYPE         out    )
00282   {    
00286     if( 0 == vect.z() ) { return 0; } 
00287     *out++ = ( Z - point.z() ) / vect.z() ; 
00288     return 1;      
00289   };
00301   template < class OUTPUTTYPE, class aPoint, class aVector > 
00302   inline unsigned int  
00303   LineIntersectsThePhi
00304   ( const aPoint  & point  , 
00305     const aVector & vect   , 
00306     const double        Phi    ,
00307     OUTPUTTYPE          out    )
00309   {
00310     const double sinphi = sin( Phi ) ; 
00311     const double cosphi = cos( Phi ) ; 
00312     const double d      = vect.x() * sinphi - vect.y() * cosphi ; 
00313     if( 0 == d ) { return 0; } 
00314     // only accept half the phi plane !
00315     const double e      = vect.y() * point.x() - vect.x() * point.y() ;
00316     if( e * d > 0 ) { return 0 ; }
00317     *out++ = ( point.y() * cosphi - point.x() * sinphi ) / d ; 
00318     return 1; 
00319   };
00331   template < class OUTPUTTYPE, class aPoint, class aVector > 
00332   inline unsigned int  
00333   LineIntersectsTheTheta
00334   ( const aPoint & point  , 
00335     const aVector & vect   , 
00336     const double       Theta  ,
00337     OUTPUTTYPE         out    )
00339   { 
00343     const double sinthe = sin( Theta )    ; 
00344     const double costhe = cos( Theta )    ;
00346     const double c2     = costhe * costhe ; 
00347     const double s2     = sinthe * sinthe ; 
00349     const double a = 
00350       c2 *  vect.x() *  vect.x() + 
00351       c2 *  vect.y() *  vect.y() - 
00352       s2 *  vect.z() *  vect.z() ; 
00353     double       b = 
00354       c2 *  vect.x() * point.x() + 
00355       c2 *  vect.y() * point.y() - 
00356       s2 *  vect.z() * point.z() ;
00357     const double c = 
00358       c2 * point.x() * point.x() + 
00359       c2 * point.y() * point.y() - 
00360       s2 * point.z() * point.z() ;
00362     b *= 2.0;
00364     // return the result
00365     return SolidTicks::SolveQuadraticEquation( a , b, c, out );
00366   };
00384   template < class OUTPUTTYPE, class aPoint, class aVector > 
00385   inline unsigned int  
00386   LineIntersectsTheCone
00387   ( const aPoint  & point  , 
00388     const aVector & vect   , 
00389     const double        r1     ,
00390     const double        r2     ,
00391     const double        z1     ,
00392     const double        z2     ,
00393     OUTPUTTYPE          out    )
00395   {
00405     const double drdz = (r2-r1)/(z2-z1)               ;
00406     const double p1   = r1 - z1*drdz + drdz*point.z() ;
00407     const double p2   = drdz * vect.z()               ;
00409     double a = vect.x () * vect.x () + vect.y () * vect.y () ;
00410     a -= p2*p2 ; 
00411     double b = vect.x () * point.x() + vect.y () * point.y() ;
00412     b -= p2*p1 ;
00413     b *= 2.0   ; 
00414     double c = point.x() * point.x() + point.y() * point.y() ; 
00415     c -= p1*p1 ;
00417     // return result
00418     return SolidTicks::SolveQuadraticEquation( a , b, c, out );
00419   };
00421 }; // end of namespace 
00423 // ============================================================================
00424 // The END
00425 // ============================================================================
00426 #endif // DETDESC_SOLIDMATH_H
00427 // ============================================================================
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Generated on Mon Apr 11 20:00:13 2011 for DetDesc by doxygen 1.4.7