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In This Package:

DetDesc Directory Reference


file  3DTransformationFunctions.h [code]
file  AlignmentCondition.h [code]
file  AlignmentInfo.h [code]
file  BasicParam.h [code]
file  CalibrationInfo.h [code]
file  CLIDAlignmentCondition.h [code]
file  CLIDCatalog.h [code]
file  CLIDCondition.h [code]
file  CLIDDetectorElement.h [code]
file  CLIDElement.h [code]
file  CLIDIsotope.h [code]
file  CLIDLAssembly.h [code]
 definition of unique identifier for class LAssembly
file  CLIDLVolume.h [code]
file  CLIDMixture.h [code]
file  CLIDSurface.h [code]
file  CLIDTabulatedProperty.h [code]
file  CLIDValidDataObject.h [code]
file  Compare.h [code]
file  Condition.h [code]
file  ConditionInfo.h [code]
file  DataStoreLoadAgent.h [code]
file  DetDesc.h [code]
file  DetectorElement.h [code]
file  DetectorElementException.h [code]
file  Element.h [code]
file  FastControlInfo.h [code]
file  GeoInfo.h [code]
file  GeometryInfoException.h [code]
file  GeometryInfoPlus.h [code]
file  GlobalToLocalDelta.h [code]
 Free functions to go from a 3D global "delta" matrix to the corresponding matrix in the frame of the detector element's parent.
file  IAlignment.h [code]
file  ICalibration.h [code]
file  IConditionInfo.h [code]
file  IDetectorElement.h [code]
file  IDetElemFinder.h [code]
file  IFastControl.h [code]
file  IGeometryErrorSvc.h [code]
file  IGeometryInfo.h [code]
file  ILVolume.h [code]
file  IntersectionErrors.h [code]
file  IPVolume.h [code]
file  IPVolume_predicates.h [code]
 define useful predicate to deal with IPVolume and ILVolume
file  IReadOut.h [code]
file  ISlowControl.h [code]
file  ISolid.h [code]
file  ISolidFactory.h [code]
file  Isotope.h [code]
file  ITransportSvc.h [code]
file  LAssembly.h [code]
file  LogVolBase.h [code]
file  LogVolumeException.h [code]
file  LVolume.h [code]
file  Material.h [code]
file  MaterialException.h [code]
file  Mixture.h [code]
file  Param.h [code]
file  ParamException.h [code]
file  ParamList.h [code]
file  ParamValidDataObject.h [code]
file  PVolume.h [code]
file  PVolumeException.h [code]
file  ReadOutInfo.h [code]
file  RunChangeIncident.h [code]
file  Services.h [code]
file  SimpleValidity.h [code]
file  SlowControlInfo.h [code]
file  Solid.h [code]
file  SolidAdvanced.h [code]
file  SolidBase.h [code]
file  SolidBoolean.h [code]
file  SolidBox.h [code]
file  SolidChild.h [code]
file  SolidCons.h [code]
file  SolidException.h [code]
file  SolidIntersection.h [code]
file  SolidMath.h [code]
 collection of mathematical utilities for dealing with SoolidTicks
file  SolidPolycone.h [code]
file  SolidPolyHedronHelper.h [code]
file  SolidPrimitives.h [code]
file  Solids.h [code]
file  SolidSphere.h [code]
file  SolidSubtraction.h [code]
file  SolidTicks.h [code]
 Collection of technical methods for manipulation of ISolid::Tick ans ISolid::Ticks.
file  SolidTrap.h [code]
file  SolidTrd.h [code]
file  SolidTubs.h [code]
file  SolidUnion.h [code]
file  StaticArray.h [code]
file  SU2LHCb.h [code]
 Methods for transformations from LHCb cavern surveying frame of reference to LHCb frame.
file  Surface.h [code]
file  TabulatedProperty.h [code]
file  TransportSvcException.h [code]
file  ValidDataObject.h [code]
file  VolumeIntersectionIntervals.h [code]
 a collection of useful technical methods for manipulation of 'Intersection' and 'Intervals'
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Generated on Mon Apr 11 20:00:22 2011 for DetDesc by doxygen 1.4.7