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In This Package:

3DTransformationFunctions.h File Reference

#include "GaudiKernel/Transform3DTypes.h"
#include "Math/Translation3D.h"
#include "Math/RotationZYX.h"
#include <vector>

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namespace  DetDesc




const Gaudi::Transform3D DetDesc::localToGlobalTransformation (const std::vector< double > &translationParams, const std::vector< double > &rotationParams, const std::vector< double > &pivotParams)
 Build the local to global transformation matrix given.
void DetDesc::getZYXTransformParameters (const Gaudi::Transform3D &CDM, std::vector< double > &translationParams, std::vector< double > &rotationParams, const std::vector< double > &pivotParams=std::vector< double >(3, 0.))
 Get the three rotation angles and three translation coordinates from a 3D transformation about a pivot point.
template<class ROT>
void DetDesc::getZYXRotationParameters (const ROT &rotation, double &rotX, double &rotY, double &rotZ)
 Starting from any MathCore supported 3D rotation, obtain the equivalent Euler 321 rotation parameters.

Define Documentation


Definition at line 3 of file 3DTransformationFunctions.h.

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Generated on Mon Apr 11 20:00:13 2011 for DetDesc by doxygen 1.4.7