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In This Package:

ConditionParser.h File Reference

#include "DetDesc/ParamValidDataObject.h"

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bool ConditionParser (const std::string &str, std::string &name, ParamValidDataObject &cond)
 Wrapper around the parser to convert strings to condition objects.

Function Documentation

bool ConditionParser ( const std::string &  str,
std::string &  name,
ParamValidDataObject cond 

Wrapper around the parser to convert strings to condition objects.

(written with boost::spirit, http://boost.org/libs/spirit/index.html).

Marco Clemencic

Definition at line 244 of file ConditionParser.cpp.

00244                                                                                        {
00245   ConditionGrammar g;
00246   // TODO: improve error messages
00247   if ( parse(str.c_str(),g).full ){
00248     name = g.name;
00249     cond.update(g.condition);
00250     return true;
00251   }
00252   return false;
00253 }

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Generated on Mon Apr 11 20:02:43 2011 for DetDescSvc by doxygen 1.4.7