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In This Package:

UpdateManagerSvc Class Reference

#include <UpdateManagerSvc.h>

Inheritance diagram for UpdateManagerSvc:

Collaboration diagram for UpdateManagerSvc:
List of all members.

Public Types

enum  Status
enum  Status
enum  Status

Public Member Functions

 UpdateManagerSvc (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *svcloc)
 Standard constructor.
virtual ~UpdateManagerSvc ()
virtual StatusCode queryInterface (const InterfaceID &riid, void **ppvUnknown)
 Query interfaces (.
virtual StatusCode initialize ()
 Initialize Service.
virtual StatusCode finalize ()
 Finalize Service.
virtual IDataProviderSvcdataProvider () const
 Return the pointer to the data provider service, used to retrieve objects.
virtual IDetDataSvcdetDataSvc () const
 Return the pointer to the detector data service, used to obtain the event time..
virtual StatusCode newEvent ()
 Start a the update loop getting the time to use from the detector data service.
virtual StatusCode newEvent (const Gaudi::Time &evtTime)
 Start a the update loop using the provided time to decide if an item is valid or not.
virtual bool getValidity (const std::string path, Gaudi::Time &since, Gaudi::Time &until, bool path_to_db=false)
virtual void setValidity (const std::string path, const Gaudi::Time &since, const Gaudi::Time &until, bool path_to_db=false)
virtual void dump ()
 Debug method: it dumps the dependency network through the message service (not very readable, for experts only).
virtual void acquireLock ()
 Force the update manager service to wait before entering the newEvent loop.
virtual void releaseLock ()
 Let the update manager service enter the newEvent loop.
virtual void purge ()
 Remove all the items referring to objects present in the transient store.
virtual void handle (const Incident &inc)
 Handle BeginEvent incident.
virtual unsigned long addRef ()
virtual unsigned long release ()
virtual const std::string & name () const
virtual const InterfaceIDtype () const
virtual StatusCode configure ()
virtual StatusCode start ()
virtual StatusCode stop ()
virtual StatusCode terminate ()
virtual Gaudi::StateMachine::State FSMState () const
virtual Gaudi::StateMachine::State targetFSMState () const
virtual StatusCode reinitialize ()
virtual StatusCode restart ()
virtual StatusCode sysInitialize ()
virtual StatusCode sysStart ()
virtual StatusCode sysStop ()
virtual StatusCode sysFinalize ()
virtual StatusCode sysReinitialize ()
virtual StatusCode sysRestart ()
virtual StatusCode setProperty (const Property &p)
virtual StatusCode setProperty (const std::string &s)
virtual StatusCode setProperty (const std::string &n, const std::string &v)
StatusCode setProperty (const std::string &name, const TYPE &value)
virtual StatusCode getProperty (Property *p) const
virtual const PropertygetProperty (const std::string &name) const
virtual StatusCode getProperty (const std::string &n, std::string &v) const
virtual const std::vector<
Property * > & 
getProperties () const
ISvcLocatorserviceLocator () const
IMessageSvcmsgSvc ()
IMessageSvcmsgSvc () const
IMessageSvcmessageService ()
IMessageSvcmessageService () const
StatusCode setProperties ()
StatusCode service (const std::string &name, T *&psvc, bool createIf=true) const
StatusCode service (const std::string &svcType, const std::string &svcName, T *&psvc) const
PropertydeclareProperty (const std::string &name, T &property, const std::string &doc="none") const
PropertydeclareRemoteProperty (const std::string &name, IProperty *rsvc, const std::string &rname="") const
IAuditorSvcauditorSvc () const
void registerCondition (CallerClass *instance, const std::string &condition="", typename ObjectMemberFunction< CallerClass >::MemberFunctionType mf=NULL)
void registerCondition (CallerClass *instance, const std::string &condition, typename ObjectMemberFunction< CallerClass >::MemberFunctionType mf, CondType *&condPtrDest)
void registerCondition (CallerClass *instance, const char *condition, typename ObjectMemberFunction< CallerClass >::MemberFunctionType mf=NULL)
void registerCondition (CallerClass *instance, ObjectClass *obj, typename ObjectMemberFunction< CallerClass >::MemberFunctionType mf=NULL)
void unregister (CallerClass *instance)
void invalidate (CallerClass *instance)
StatusCode update (CallerClass *instance)
virtual unsigned long addRef ()=0
virtual unsigned long release ()=0
virtual unsigned long addRef ()=0
virtual unsigned long release ()=0

Static Public Member Functions

static const InterfaceIDinterfaceID ()
static const InterfaceIDinterfaceID ()
static const InterfaceIDinterfaceID ()
static const InterfaceIDinterfaceID ()
static const InterfaceIDinterfaceID ()

Public Attributes


Protected Member Functions

virtual void i_registerCondition (const std::string &condition, BaseObjectMemberFunction *mf, BasePtrSetter *ptr_dest=NULL)
 Register a condition for an object together with the destination for the pointer to the condition object.
virtual void i_registerCondition (void *obj, BaseObjectMemberFunction *mf)
 Register a condition for an object.
virtual StatusCode i_update (void *instance)
 Used to force an update of the given instance (ex. when the object is created during an event).
virtual void i_unregister (void *instance)
 Used to remove an object from the dependency network.
virtual void i_invalidate (void *instance)
 Force an update of all the object depending on the given one for the next event.
int outputLevel () const

Protected Attributes

IntegerProperty m_outputLevel
Gaudi::StateMachine::State m_state
Gaudi::StateMachine::State m_targetState

Private Member Functions

void insertInMap (Item *it)
void link (Item *parent, BaseObjectMemberFunction *mf, Item *child)
 Connects two items in a parent-child relationship through the give member function.
void unlink (Item *parent, Item *child)
ItemfindItem (const std::string &path, bool is_path_to_db=false) const
 Finds the item matching the given path.
ItemfindItem (void *p) const
 Finds the item matching the given pointer.
ItemfindItem (BaseObjectMemberFunction *mf) const
 Finds the item containing the given member function.
void removeFromHead (Item *item)
 Removes an item from the list of head items.

Private Attributes

GaudiUtils::HashMap< std::string,
Item * > 
 Hashmap for fast string access.
 Handle to the Data Provider (where to find conditions).
std::string m_dataProviderName
 Name of the Data Provider (set by the option DataProviderSvc, by default "DetectorDataSvc").
std::string m_dataProviderRootName
 Name of the root node of the Transient Store.
 Handle to the IDetDataSvc interface (used to get the event time).
std::string m_detDataSvcName
 Name of the DetDataSvc (set by the option DetDataSvc, by default empty, which means the same as data provider).
 Pointer to the incident service;.
 Pointer to the event processor in order to be able to top the run if something goes wrpong during an update.
Item::ItemList m_all_items
 List used to keep track of all the registered items.
Item::ItemList m_head_items
 List used to record all teh objects without parents. (for fast access).
Gaudi::Time m_head_since
 Lower bound of intersection of head IOVs.
Gaudi::Time m_head_until
 Higher bound of intersection of head IOVs.
std::vector< std::string > m_conditionsOveridesDesc
 List of condition definitions to override the ones in the transient store (option ConditionsOverride).
GaudiUtils::Map< std::string,
Condition * > 
 Map containing the list of parsed condition definitions.
std::string m_diaDumpFile
 Name of the DIA file into which write the dump (http://live.gnome.org/Dia) (property DiaDumpFile).
pthread_mutex_t m_busy
 mutex lock used to avoid dependencies corruptions in a multi-thread environment.


class SvcFactory< UpdateManagerSvc >
 Allow SvcFactory to instantiate the service.
friend class ServiceManager
friend class PythonHelper


class  Item
 Used internally by UpdateManagerSvc to handle the dependency network. More...

Detailed Description

Marco Clemencic

Definition at line 41 of file UpdateManagerSvc.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

UpdateManagerSvc::UpdateManagerSvc ( const std::string &  name,
ISvcLocator svcloc 

Standard constructor.

Definition at line 38 of file UpdateManagerSvc.cpp.

00038                                                                             :
00039   Service(name,svcloc), m_dataProvider(NULL),m_detDataSvc(NULL),m_incidentSvc(NULL),m_evtProc(NULL),
00040   m_head_since(1),m_head_until(0)
00041 {
00042 #ifndef WIN32
00043   pthread_mutex_t tmp_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
00044   m_busy = tmp_lock;
00045 #endif
00046   declareProperty("DataProviderSvc",    m_dataProviderName = "DetectorDataSvc");
00047   declareProperty("DetDataSvc",         m_detDataSvcName);
00048   declareProperty("ConditionsOverride", m_conditionsOveridesDesc);
00049   declareProperty("DiaDumpFile",        m_diaDumpFile = "");
00050 }

UpdateManagerSvc::~UpdateManagerSvc (  )  [virtual]


Definition at line 54 of file UpdateManagerSvc.cpp.

00054                                     {
00055   // delete objects in the container
00056   for (Item::ItemList::const_iterator i = m_all_items.begin(); i != m_all_items.end(); ++i){
00057     delete *i;
00058   }
00059 }

Member Function Documentation

StatusCode UpdateManagerSvc::queryInterface ( const InterfaceID riid,
void **  ppvUnknown 
) [virtual]

Query interfaces (.

See also:
riid ID of Interface to be retrieved
ppvUnknown Pointer to Location for interface pointer

Implements IIncidentListener.

Definition at line 64 of file UpdateManagerSvc.cpp.

00064                                                                                      {
00065   if ( IUpdateManagerSvc::interfaceID().versionMatch(riid) ) {
00066     *ppvUnknown = (IUpdateManagerSvc*)this;
00067     addRef();
00068     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00069   } else if ( IIncidentListener::interfaceID().versionMatch(riid) ) {
00070     *ppvUnknown = (IIncidentListener*)this;
00071     addRef();
00072     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00073   }
00074   return Service::queryInterface(riid,ppvUnknown);
00075 }

StatusCode UpdateManagerSvc::initialize (  )  [virtual]

Initialize Service.

Reimplemented from Service.

Definition at line 80 of file UpdateManagerSvc.cpp.

00080                                        {
00081   // base class initialization
00082   StatusCode sc = Service::initialize();
00083   if (!sc.isSuccess()) return sc;
00084   // local initialization
00085   MsgStream log(msgSvc(),name());
00086   log << MSG::DEBUG << "--- initialize ---" << endmsg;
00088   // find the data provider
00089   sc = serviceLocator()->service<IDataProviderSvc>(m_dataProviderName,m_dataProvider,true);
00090   if (!sc.isSuccess()) {
00091     log << MSG::ERROR << "Unable to get a handle to the data provider" << endmsg;
00092     return sc;
00093   } else {
00094     log << MSG::DEBUG << "Got pointer to IDataProviderSvc \"" << m_dataProviderName << '"' << endmsg;
00095     IDataManagerSvc * dMgr;
00096     sc = m_dataProvider->queryInterface(IDataManagerSvc::interfaceID(),(void **) &dMgr);
00097     if ( sc.isSuccess() ) {
00098       m_dataProviderRootName = dMgr->rootName() + "/";
00099       dMgr->release();
00100       if (!sc.isSuccess()) {
00101         return sc;
00102       }
00103     }
00104     else {
00105       log << MSG::WARNING << "Cannot access IDataManagerSvc interface of \"" << m_dataProviderName
00106           << "\": using empty RootName" << endmsg;
00107       m_dataProviderRootName = "";
00108     }
00109   }
00111   // find the detector data service
00112   if (m_detDataSvcName == "") m_detDataSvcName = m_dataProviderName;
00113   sc = serviceLocator()->service(m_detDataSvcName,m_detDataSvc,true);
00114   if (!sc.isSuccess()) {
00115     log << MSG::WARNING << "Unable to get a handle to the detector data service interface:"
00116       " all the calls to newEvent(void) will fail!" << endmsg;
00117     m_detDataSvc = NULL;
00118   } else {
00119     log << MSG::DEBUG << "Got pointer to IDetDataSvc \"" << m_detDataSvcName << '"' << endmsg;
00120   }
00122   // before registering to the incident service I have to be sure that the EventClockSvc is ready
00123   IService *evtClockSvc;
00124   sc = service("EventClockSvc", evtClockSvc, true);
00125   if ( sc.isSuccess() ) {
00126     log << MSG::DEBUG << "Good: EventClockSvc found" << endmsg;
00127     evtClockSvc->release();
00128   } else {
00129     log << MSG::WARNING << "Unable find EventClockSvc, probably I'll not work." << endmsg;
00130   }
00132   // register to the incident service for BeginEvent incidents
00133   sc = service("IncidentSvc", m_incidentSvc, false);
00134   if ( sc.isSuccess() ) {
00135     m_incidentSvc->addListener(this,IncidentType::BeginEvent);
00136     log << MSG::DEBUG << "Got pointer to IncidentSvc" << endmsg;
00137   } else {
00138     log << MSG::ERROR << "Unable to register to the incident service." << endmsg;
00139     m_incidentSvc = NULL;
00140     return sc;
00141   }
00143   sc = serviceLocator()->service("ApplicationMgr",m_evtProc);
00144   if ( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
00145     log << MSG::ERROR << "Cannot find an event processor." << endmsg;
00146     return sc;
00147   }
00149   // Loop over overridden conditions
00150   for ( std::vector<std::string>::iterator co = m_conditionsOveridesDesc.begin();
00151         co != m_conditionsOveridesDesc.end(); ++co ) {
00152     std::string name;
00153     Condition *cond = new Condition();
00154     if (ConditionParser(*co,name,*cond)) {
00156       // Remove TS root name from the path
00157       if ( name[0] == '/'
00158            && name.compare(0,m_dataProviderRootName.size(),m_dataProviderRootName) == 0 ){
00159         name.erase(0,m_dataProviderRootName.size());
00160       }
00162       // If a condition override with that name already exists, delete it
00163       Condition * dest = m_conditionsOverides[name];
00164       if ( dest ) {
00165         log << MSG::WARNING << "Override condition for path '" << name
00166             << "' is defined more than once (I use the last one)." << endmsg;
00167         delete dest;
00168       }
00170       // Add the condition to internal list
00171       m_conditionsOverides[name] = cond;
00172       log << MSG::DEBUG << "Added condition: " << name << "\n" << cond->printParams() << endmsg;
00174     } else {
00175       // something went wrong while parsing: delete the temporary
00176       delete cond;
00177       log << MSG::ERROR << "Cannot understand condition:" << endmsg;
00178       log << MSG::ERROR << *co << endmsg;
00179       return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00180     }
00181   }
00183   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00184 }

StatusCode UpdateManagerSvc::finalize (  )  [virtual]

Finalize Service.

Reimplemented from Service.

Definition at line 186 of file UpdateManagerSvc.cpp.

00186                                      {
00187   // local finalization
00189   MsgStream log(msgSvc(),name());
00190   log << MSG::DEBUG << "--- finalize ---" << endmsg;
00192   if ( m_outputLevel <= MSG::DEBUG || ! m_diaDumpFile.empty() ) dump();
00194   // release the interfaces used
00195   if (m_dataProvider != NULL) m_dataProvider->release();
00196   if (m_detDataSvc != NULL) m_detDataSvc->release();
00197   if (m_incidentSvc != NULL) {
00198     // unregister from the incident svc
00199     m_incidentSvc->removeListener(this,IncidentType::BeginEvent);
00200     m_incidentSvc->release();
00201   }
00202   if (m_evtProc != NULL) m_evtProc->release();
00204   // delete unused overridden conditions (the others are deleted together with the T.S.)
00205   if ( ! m_conditionsOverides.empty() ) {
00206     log << MSG::WARNING << "Few overrided conditions were not used:" << endmsg;
00207     for (GaudiUtils::Map<std::string,Condition*>::iterator c = m_conditionsOverides.begin();
00208          c != m_conditionsOverides.end(); ++c ) {
00209       log << MSG::WARNING << c->first << endmsg;
00210       delete c->second;
00211     }
00212   }
00214   // base class finalization
00215   return Service::finalize();
00216 }

IDataProviderSvc * UpdateManagerSvc::dataProvider (  )  const [virtual]

Return the pointer to the data provider service, used to retrieve objects.

Implements IUpdateManagerSvc.

Definition at line 220 of file UpdateManagerSvc.cpp.

00220                                                        {
00221   return m_dataProvider;
00222 }

IDetDataSvc * UpdateManagerSvc::detDataSvc (  )  const [virtual]

Return the pointer to the detector data service, used to obtain the event time..

Implements IUpdateManagerSvc.

Definition at line 223 of file UpdateManagerSvc.cpp.

00223                                                 {
00224   return m_detDataSvc;
00225 }

StatusCode UpdateManagerSvc::newEvent (  )  [virtual]

Start a the update loop getting the time to use from the detector data service.

Implements IUpdateManagerSvc.

Definition at line 352 of file UpdateManagerSvc.cpp.

00352                                      {
00353   if (detDataSvc() != NULL){
00354     if (detDataSvc()->validEventTime()) {
00355       return newEvent(detDataSvc()->eventTime());
00356     } else {
00357       MsgStream log(msgSvc(),name());
00358       log << MSG::WARNING << "newEvent(): the event time is not defined!" << endmsg;
00359     }
00360   }
00361   return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00362 }

StatusCode UpdateManagerSvc::newEvent ( const Gaudi::Time &  evtTime  )  [virtual]

Start a the update loop using the provided time to decide if an item is valid or not.

{The time used to retrieve an object from the condition database is the one obtained from the detector data service.}

Implements IUpdateManagerSvc.

Definition at line 363 of file UpdateManagerSvc.cpp.

00363                                                              {
00364   if ( FSMState() < Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ){
00365     throw GaudiException("Service offline","UpdateManagerSvc::newEvent",StatusCode::FAILURE);
00366   }
00368   StatusCode sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00370 #ifndef WIN32
00371   MsgStream log(msgSvc(),name());
00373   log << MSG::VERBOSE << "newEvent(evtTime): acquiring mutex lock" << endmsg;
00374   acquireLock();
00375 #endif
00377   // Check head validity
00378   if ( evtTime >= m_head_since && evtTime < m_head_until ) {
00379 #ifndef WIN32
00380     log << MSG::VERBOSE << "newEvent(evtTime): releasing mutex lock" << endmsg;
00381     releaseLock();
00382 #endif
00383     return sc; // no need to update
00384   }
00386 #ifndef WIN32
00387   try {
00388 #endif
00389   Item::ItemList::iterator it;
00391   // The head list may change while updating, I'll loop until it's stable (or a problem occurs)
00392   bool head_has_changed = false;
00393   do {
00394     if ( m_outputLevel <= MSG::DEBUG ) {
00395       MsgStream log(msgSvc(),name());
00396       log << MSG::DEBUG << "newEvent(evtTime): loop over head items" << endmsg;
00397     }
00398     // first I make a copy of the current head
00399     Item::ItemList head_copy(m_head_items);
00400     // Start from a clean IOV (I cannot use m_head_X because the head is not stable and they may change)
00401     Gaudi::Time head_copy_since(Gaudi::Time::epoch());
00402     Gaudi::Time head_copy_until(Gaudi::Time::max());
00403     for (it = head_copy.begin(); it != head_copy.end() && sc.isSuccess(); ++it){
00404       if ( m_outputLevel <= MSG::DEBUG ) {
00405         MsgStream item_log(msgSvc(),name()+"::Item");
00406         sc = (*it)->update(dataProvider(),evtTime,&item_log);
00407       } else {
00408         sc = (*it)->update(dataProvider(),evtTime);
00409       }
00410       if (sc.isSuccess()) {
00411         if ( head_copy_since < (*it)->since )  head_copy_since = (*it)->since;
00412         if ( head_copy_until > (*it)->until )  head_copy_until = (*it)->until;
00413       }
00414     }
00415     // now it is safe to set m_head_X
00416     m_head_since = head_copy_since;
00417     m_head_until = head_copy_until;
00419     // check if we need to re-do the loop (success and a change in the head)
00420     head_has_changed = sc.isSuccess() && (head_copy != m_head_items);
00421   } while ( head_has_changed );
00423 #ifndef WIN32
00424   } catch (...) {
00425     log << MSG::VERBOSE << "newEvent(evtTime): releasing mutex lock (exception occurred)" << endmsg;
00426     releaseLock();
00427     throw;
00428   }
00430   log << MSG::VERBOSE << "newEvent(evtTime): releasing mutex lock" << endmsg;
00431   releaseLock();
00432 #endif
00434   return sc;
00435 }

bool UpdateManagerSvc::getValidity ( const std::string  path,
Gaudi::Time &  since,
Gaudi::Time &  until,
bool  path_to_db = false 
) [virtual]

Implements IUpdateManagerSvc.

Definition at line 757 of file UpdateManagerSvc.cpp.

00758                                                     {
00759   if ( FSMState() < Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ){
00760     throw GaudiException("Service offline","UpdateManagerSvc::registerCondition",StatusCode::FAILURE);
00761   }
00762   // search
00763   Item *item = findItem(path,path_to_db);
00764   if (item) {
00765     // copy IOV limits
00766     since = item->since;
00767     until = item->until;
00768     return true;
00769   }
00770   return false;
00771 }

void UpdateManagerSvc::setValidity ( const std::string  path,
const Gaudi::Time &  since,
const Gaudi::Time &  until,
bool  path_to_db = false 
) [virtual]

Implements IUpdateManagerSvc.

Definition at line 775 of file UpdateManagerSvc.cpp.

00776                                                     {
00777   if ( FSMState() < Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ){
00778     throw GaudiException("Service offline","UpdateManagerSvc::registerCondition",StatusCode::FAILURE);
00779   }
00781   if (!path_to_db) { // the DDS path is unique
00782     // search
00783     Item *item = findItem(path,path_to_db);
00784     if (item) {
00785       // set the validity and propagate up
00786       item->changeValidity(since,until);
00787       // if the object has already been loaded we should also change its validity
00788       if (item->vdo) item->vdo->setValidity(since,until);
00789     }
00790   } else { // a CondDB path can contain many objects
00791     Item::ItemList::iterator i = m_all_items.begin();
00792     while ( i !=  m_all_items.end() ) {
00793       if ( (*i)->match(path,path_to_db) ) {
00794         // set the validity and propagate up
00795         (*i)->changeValidity(since,until);
00796         // if the object has already been loaded we should also change its validity
00797         if ((*i)->vdo) (*i)->vdo->setValidity(since,until);
00798       }
00799       ++i;
00800     }
00801   }
00802   // adjust head validity
00803   if ( m_head_since < since ) m_head_since = since;
00804   if ( m_head_until > until ) m_head_until = until;
00805 }

void UpdateManagerSvc::dump (  )  [virtual]

Debug method: it dumps the dependency network through the message service (not very readable, for experts only).

Implements IUpdateManagerSvc.

Definition at line 616 of file UpdateManagerSvc.cpp.

00616                            {
00617   if ( FSMState() < Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ){
00618     throw GaudiException("Service offline","UpdateManagerSvc::dump",StatusCode::FAILURE);
00619   }
00621   MsgStream log(msgSvc(),name());
00623   std::auto_ptr<std::ofstream> dia_file;
00624   int dia_lines_ctr = 0;
00625   if ( ! m_diaDumpFile.empty() ){
00626     dia_file.reset(new std::ofstream(m_diaDumpFile.c_str()));
00627   }
00629   if (dia_file.get() != NULL) {
00630     // DIA header
00631     (*dia_file)
00632       << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
00633       << "<dia:diagram xmlns:dia=\"http://www.lysator.liu.se/~alla/dia/\">"
00634       << "<dia:layer name=\"Background\" visible=\"true\">";
00635   }
00637   log << MSG::DEBUG << "--- Dump" << endmsg;
00638   log << MSG::DEBUG << "    " << m_all_items.size() << " items registered" << endmsg;
00639   log << MSG::DEBUG << "     of which " << m_head_items.size() << " in the head" << endmsg;
00640   log << MSG::DEBUG << "         head IOV = " << m_head_since << " - " << m_head_until << endmsg;
00642   size_t cnt = 0, head_cnt = 0;
00643   for (Item::ItemList::iterator i = m_all_items.begin(); i != m_all_items.end(); ++i){
00644     log << MSG::DEBUG << "--item " << cnt++ << " " << std::hex << *i << std::dec;
00645     if ((*i)->isHead()){
00646       log << " (head)";
00647       ++head_cnt;
00648     }
00649     log << endmsg;
00651     if (dia_file.get() != NULL) {
00652       // DIA Object for registered item (first part)
00653       (*dia_file)
00654         << "<dia:object type=\"Flowchart - Box\" version=\"0\""
00655         << " id=\"i" << std::hex << *i << "\">"
00656         << "<dia:attribute name=\"text\"><dia:composite type=\"text\">"
00657         << "<dia:attribute name=\"string\"><dia:string>#"
00658         << "(" << std::dec << cnt-1 << ") " << std::hex << *i << "\n"
00659         << "(" << (*i)->ptr << ")";
00660     }
00662     log << MSG::DEBUG << "       ptr  = " << std::hex << (*i)->ptr << std::dec << endmsg;
00663     if ( !(*i)->path.empty() ) {
00664       log << MSG::DEBUG << "       path = " << (*i)->path << endmsg;
00665       if (dia_file.get() != NULL) {
00666         // If we have the path, we can put it in the DIA Object
00667         (*dia_file) << "\n" << (*i)->path;
00668       }
00669     }
00671     if (dia_file.get() != NULL) {
00672       // DIA Object for registered item (closure)
00673       (*dia_file) << "#</dia:string></dia:attribute></dia:composite>"
00674                   << "</dia:attribute></dia:object>";
00675     }
00677     log << MSG::DEBUG << "        IOV = " << (*i)->since << " - " << (*i)->until << endmsg;
00678     if ((*i)->memFuncs.size()){
00679       log << MSG::DEBUG << "       depend on :" << endmsg;
00680       for (Item::MembFuncList::iterator mfIt = (*i)->memFuncs.begin(); mfIt != (*i)->memFuncs.end(); ++mfIt){
00681         log << MSG::DEBUG << std::hex << "                  ";
00682         for (Item::ItemList::iterator itemIt = mfIt->items->begin(); itemIt != mfIt->items->end(); ++itemIt){
00683           log << " " << *itemIt;
00684           if (dia_file.get() != NULL) {
00685             // Add an arrow to the diagram connecting the user Item to the
00686             // used Item
00687             (*dia_file)
00688               << "<dia:object type=\"Standard - Line\" version=\"0\" id=\"l" << std::dec << dia_lines_ctr++ << "\">"
00689               << "<dia:attribute name=\"end_arrow\"><dia:enum val=\"22\"/>"
00690               << "</dia:attribute>"
00691               << "<dia:connections>"
00692               << "<dia:connection handle=\"0\" to=\"i" << std::hex << *i << "\" connection=\"13\"/>"
00693               << "<dia:connection handle=\"1\" to=\"i" << std::hex << *itemIt << "\" connection=\"2\"/>"
00694               << "</dia:connections></dia:object>";
00695           }
00696         }
00697         log << std::dec << endmsg;
00698       }
00699     }
00700   }
00702   if (dia_file.get() != NULL) {
00703     // DIA header
00704     (*dia_file) << "</dia:layer></dia:diagram>\n";
00705     log << MSG::ALWAYS << "DIA file '" << m_diaDumpFile << "' written" << endmsg;
00706   }
00708   log << MSG::DEBUG << "Found " << head_cnt << " head items: ";
00709   if (m_head_items.size() == head_cnt){
00710     log << "OK";
00711   } else {
00712     log << "MISMATCH!!!!!";
00713   }
00714   log << endmsg;
00715 }

void UpdateManagerSvc::acquireLock (  )  [virtual]

Force the update manager service to wait before entering the newEvent loop.

Implements IUpdateManagerSvc.

Definition at line 827 of file UpdateManagerSvc.cpp.

00827                                   {
00828 #ifndef WIN32
00829   pthread_mutex_lock(&m_busy);
00830 #endif
00831 }

void UpdateManagerSvc::releaseLock (  )  [virtual]

Let the update manager service enter the newEvent loop.

Implements IUpdateManagerSvc.

Definition at line 832 of file UpdateManagerSvc.cpp.

00832                                   {
00833 #ifndef WIN32
00834   pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_busy);
00835 #endif
00836 }

void UpdateManagerSvc::purge (  )  [virtual]

Remove all the items referring to objects present in the transient store.

This is needed when the Detector Transient Store is purged, otherwise we will keep pointers to not existing objects.

Implements IUpdateManagerSvc.

Definition at line 718 of file UpdateManagerSvc.cpp.

00718                              {
00719   if ( FSMState() < Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ){
00720     throw GaudiException("Service offline","UpdateManagerSvc::purge",StatusCode::FAILURE);
00721   }
00723   MsgStream log(msgSvc(),name());
00725   log << MSG::INFO << "Purging dependencies network" << endmsg;
00727   // first I make a copy of the list of objects
00728   //Item::ItemList items_copy(m_all_items);
00729   //Item::ItemList items_copy(m_head_items);
00730   // Start from a clean IOV (I cannot use m_head_X because the head is not stable and they may change)
00731   //Gaudi::Time head_copy_since(Gaudi::Time::epoch());
00732   //Gaudi::Time head_copy_until(Gaudi::Time::max());
00734   Item::ItemList::iterator it = m_all_items.begin();
00735   for (it = m_all_items.begin(); it != m_all_items.end() ; ++it){
00736     (*it)->purge(&log);
00738     if ( ! (*it)->path.empty() ) {
00739       Item::ItemList &children = (*it)->children;
00740       // remove connections to children if the object is going to be reloaded
00741       Item::ItemList::iterator c = children.begin();
00742       while ( children.end() != c ) {
00743         unlink(*it,*c);
00744         c = children.begin();
00745       }
00746     }
00747   }
00749   m_head_since = 1;
00750   m_head_until = 0;
00752 }

void UpdateManagerSvc::handle ( const Incident inc  )  [virtual]

Handle BeginEvent incident.

Implements IIncidentListener.

Definition at line 810 of file UpdateManagerSvc.cpp.

00810                                                  {
00811   if ( inc.type() == IncidentType::BeginEvent ) {
00812     MsgStream log( msgSvc(), name() );
00813     log << MSG::DEBUG << "New BeginEvent incident received" << endmsg;
00814     StatusCode sc = UpdateManagerSvc::newEvent();
00815     if (!sc.isSuccess()) {
00816       log << MSG::FATAL << "***** The update failed. I schedule a stop of the run *****" << endmsg;
00817       m_evtProc->stopRun();
00818       // The exception is ignored by the IncidentSvc
00819       // throw UpdateManagerException("Failed to preform the update","*UpdateManagerSvc*",sc);
00820     }
00821   }
00822 }

void UpdateManagerSvc::i_registerCondition ( const std::string &  condition,
BaseObjectMemberFunction mf,
BasePtrSetter ptr_dest = NULL 
) [protected, virtual]

Register a condition for an object together with the destination for the pointer to the condition object.

Implements IUpdateManagerSvc.

Definition at line 226 of file UpdateManagerSvc.cpp.

00227                                                                    {
00228   if ( FSMState() < Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ){
00229     throw GaudiException("Service offline","UpdateManagerSvc::registerCondition",StatusCode::FAILURE);
00230   }
00232   MsgStream log(msgSvc(),name());
00234   std::string cond_copy(condition);
00236   if (!cond_copy.empty()) {
00237     // remove the root name if present
00238     if ( cond_copy[0] == '/'
00239          && cond_copy.compare(0,m_dataProviderRootName.size(),m_dataProviderRootName) == 0 ){
00240       cond_copy.erase(0,m_dataProviderRootName.size());
00241     }
00242     log << MSG::DEBUG << "registering condition \"" << cond_copy
00243         << "\" for object of type " << System::typeinfoName(mf->type()) << " at " << std::hex << mf->castToVoid() << endmsg;
00244   }
00245   else {
00246     log << MSG::DEBUG << "registering object of type " << System::typeinfoName(mf->type())
00247         << " (without condition)" << endmsg;
00248   }
00250   // find the object
00251   Item *mf_item = findItem(mf);
00252   if (!mf_item){ // a new OMF
00253     mf_item = new Item(mf, m_dataProviderRootName);
00254     m_all_items.push_back(mf_item);
00255     m_head_items.push_back(mf_item); // since it is new, it has no parents
00256     insertInMap( mf_item );
00257  } else {
00258     if ( ! mf_item->ptr ) { // the item is know but not its pointer (e.g. after a purge)
00259       mf_item->vdo = mf->castToValidDataObject();
00260       mf_item->ptr = mf->castToVoid();
00261     }
00262   }
00264   if (!cond_copy.empty()) {
00265     // find the condition
00266     Item *cond_item = findItem(cond_copy);
00267     if (!cond_item){ // a new condition
00269       // Check if the requested condition is in the override list.
00270       GaudiUtils::Map<std::string,Condition*>::iterator cond_ov = m_conditionsOverides.find(cond_copy);
00271       if ( cond_ov != m_conditionsOverides.end() ) {
00272         // yes, it is!
00273         cond_item = new Item(cond_copy,Item::UserPtrType(ptr_dest,mf_item->ptr),
00274                              cond_ov->second);
00275         // I do not need it anymore in the list
00276         m_conditionsOverides.erase(cond_ov);
00277       } else {
00278         // no override
00279         cond_item = new Item(cond_copy,Item::UserPtrType(ptr_dest,mf_item->ptr));
00280       }
00282       m_all_items.push_back(cond_item);
00283       insertInMap( cond_item );
00284     } else {
00285       if (ptr_dest){
00286         // I already have this condition registered, but a new user wants to set the pointer to it.
00287         cond_item->user_dest_ptrs.push_back(Item::UserPtrType(ptr_dest,mf_item->ptr));
00288         // Let's check if the object is already loaded (the pointers are set by Item only when it loads them)
00289         if (cond_item->vdo) {
00290           ptr_dest->set(cond_item->vdo);
00291           if ( ptr_dest->isNull() ) { // the dynamic cast failed
00292             throw GaudiException("A condition in memory cannot be casted to the requested type",
00293                 "UpdateManagerSvc::i_registerCondition", StatusCode::FAILURE );
00294           }
00295         }
00296       }
00297       if (cond_item->isHead()) removeFromHead(cond_item);
00298     }
00299     link(mf_item,mf,cond_item);
00300   } else {
00301     // this is usually done inside Item::addChild (called by "link")
00302     Item::MembFuncList::iterator mfIt = mf_item->find(mf);
00303     if (mfIt == mf_item->memFuncs.end()) {
00304       // I do not have the MF registered inside the item
00305       // so I add it
00306       mf_item->memFuncs.insert(mfIt,Item::MembFunc(mf));
00307     } else {
00308       // the MF is already there
00309       if (mfIt->mf != mf) // but it has a different pointer
00310         // so I do not need to keep the copy I have
00311         delete mf;
00312     }
00313     // Since we are not using a condition, the user pointer setter is not needed
00314     // nor used, so we must delete it.
00315     if (ptr_dest) delete ptr_dest;
00316   }
00317   // a new item means that we need an update
00318   m_head_since = 1;
00319   m_head_until = 0;
00320 }

void UpdateManagerSvc::i_registerCondition ( void *  obj,
BaseObjectMemberFunction mf 
) [protected, virtual]

Register a condition for an object.

Implements IUpdateManagerSvc.

Definition at line 321 of file UpdateManagerSvc.cpp.

00321                                                                                  {
00322   if ( FSMState() < Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ){
00323     throw GaudiException("Service offline","UpdateManagerSvc::registerCondition",StatusCode::FAILURE);
00324   }
00325   MsgStream log(msgSvc(),name());
00326   log << MSG::DEBUG << "registering object at " << std::hex << obj << std::dec
00327       << " for object of type " << System::typeinfoName(mf->type()) << " at " << std::hex << mf->castToVoid() << endmsg;
00328   // find the "condition"
00329   Item *cond_item = findItem(obj);
00330   if (!cond_item){ // Error!!!
00331     throw UpdateManagerException("tried to register for an object not in the UpdateManagerSvc");
00332   } else {
00333     if (cond_item->isHead()) removeFromHead(cond_item);
00334   }
00335   // find the OMF (Object Member Function)
00336   Item *mf_item = findItem(mf);
00337   if (!mf_item){ // a new OMF
00338     mf_item = new Item(mf, m_dataProviderRootName);
00339     m_all_items.push_back(mf_item);
00340     m_head_items.push_back(mf_item); // since it is new, it has no parents
00341     insertInMap( mf_item );
00342   }
00343   if ( ! mf_item->ptr ) { // the item is know but not its pointer (e.g. after a purge)
00344     mf_item->vdo = mf->castToValidDataObject();
00345     mf_item->ptr = mf->castToVoid();
00346   }
00347   link(mf_item,mf,cond_item);
00348   // a new item means that we need an update
00349   m_head_since = 1;
00350   m_head_until = 0;
00351 }

StatusCode UpdateManagerSvc::i_update ( void *  instance  )  [protected, virtual]

Used to force an update of the given instance (ex. when the object is created during an event).

Implements IUpdateManagerSvc.

Definition at line 436 of file UpdateManagerSvc.cpp.

00436                                                    {
00437   if ( FSMState() < Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ){
00438     throw GaudiException("Service offline","UpdateManagerSvc::update",StatusCode::FAILURE);
00439   }
00441   if ( m_outputLevel <= MSG::DEBUG ) {
00442     MsgStream log(msgSvc(),name());
00443     log << MSG::DEBUG << "Update specific object at " << instance << endmsg;
00444   }
00445   if (detDataSvc() != NULL){
00446     if (detDataSvc()->validEventTime()) {
00447       Item *item = findItem(instance);
00448       if (item) {
00449         StatusCode sc;
00450         if ( m_outputLevel <= MSG::DEBUG ) {
00451           MsgStream item_log(msgSvc(),name()+"::Item");
00452           sc = item->update(dataProvider(),detDataSvc()->eventTime(),&item_log);
00453         } else {
00454           sc = item->update(dataProvider(),detDataSvc()->eventTime());
00455         }
00456         if (sc.isSuccess()) {
00457           if ( m_head_since < item->since )  m_head_since = item->since;
00458           if ( m_head_until > item->until )  m_head_until = item->until;
00459         }
00460         return sc;
00461       } else {
00462         MsgStream log(msgSvc(),name());
00463         log << MSG::WARNING << "Cannot find object at " << instance << endmsg;
00464       }
00465     } else {
00466       return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00467     }
00468   }
00469   return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00470 }

void UpdateManagerSvc::i_unregister ( void *  instance  )  [protected, virtual]

Used to remove an object from the dependency network.

{Removing an object is dangerous}

Implements IUpdateManagerSvc.

Definition at line 571 of file UpdateManagerSvc.cpp.

00571                                                  {
00572   if ( FSMState() < Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ){
00573     // un-registration is allowed after service finalize (no-op).
00574     if ( m_outputLevel <= MSG::VERBOSE ) {
00575       MsgStream log(msgSvc(),name());
00576       log << MSG::VERBOSE << "Trying to unregister object at " << instance
00577           << ", with the service OFFLINE"<< endmsg;
00578     }
00579     return;
00580   }
00582   if ( m_outputLevel <= MSG::DEBUG ) {
00583     MsgStream log(msgSvc(),name());
00584     log << MSG::DEBUG << "Unregister object at " << instance << endmsg;
00585   }
00587   Item *item = findItem(instance);
00588   if (item){
00590     // unlink from parents
00591     Item::ParentList::iterator p = item->parents.begin();
00592     while ( p != item->parents.end() ) {
00593       unlink(p->first,item);
00594       p = item->parents.begin();
00595     }
00597     // unlink from children
00598     Item::ItemList::iterator c = item->children.begin();
00599     while ( c != item->children.end() ) {
00600       unlink(item,(*c));
00601       c = item->children.begin();
00602     }
00604     // update the lists of Items
00605     if ( item->isHead() ) removeFromHead(item);
00606     m_all_items.erase(std::find(m_all_items.begin(),m_all_items.end(),item));
00608     // The erased item shoud also disappear from the maps, if this is the last for this key, i.e. isHead
00609     m_pathMap.erase( item->path );
00611     // finally we can delete the Item
00612     delete item;
00613   }
00614 }

void UpdateManagerSvc::i_invalidate ( void *  instance  )  [protected, virtual]

Force an update of all the object depending on the given one for the next event.

Implements IUpdateManagerSvc.

Definition at line 471 of file UpdateManagerSvc.cpp.

00471                                                  {
00472   if ( FSMState() < Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ){
00473     throw GaudiException("Service not initialized","UpdateManagerSvc::invalidate",StatusCode::FAILURE);
00474   }
00476   if ( m_outputLevel <= MSG::DEBUG ) {
00477     MsgStream log(msgSvc(),name());
00478     log << MSG::DEBUG << "Invalidate object at " << instance << endmsg;
00479   }
00480   Item *item = findItem(instance);
00481   if (item) {
00482     item->invalidate();
00483     m_head_since = 1;
00484     m_head_until = 0;
00485   } else {
00486     MsgStream log(msgSvc(),name());
00487     log << MSG::WARNING << "Cannot find object at " << instance << endmsg;
00488   }
00489 }

void UpdateManagerSvc::insertInMap ( Item it  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 342 of file UpdateManagerSvc.h.

void UpdateManagerSvc::link ( Item parent,
BaseObjectMemberFunction mf,
Item child 
) [inline, private]

Connects two items in a parent-child relationship through the give member function.

void UpdateManagerSvc::unlink ( Item parent,
Item child 
) [private]

Definition at line 491 of file UpdateManagerSvc.cpp.

00491                                                       {
00493   // check if the parent knows about the child
00494   Item::ItemList::iterator childIt = std::find(parent->children.begin(),
00495                                                parent->children.end(),child);
00496   if ( parent->children.end() == childIt )
00497     return; // parent does not know about child
00499   // remove from child all the user pointers belonging to the parent
00500   Item::UserPtrList::iterator pi = child->user_dest_ptrs.begin();
00501   while ( pi != child->user_dest_ptrs.end() ) {
00502     if (pi->second != parent) {
00503       pi = child->user_dest_ptrs.erase(pi);
00504     } else {
00505       ++pi;
00506     }
00507   }
00509   // If the child is used by a MF that uses other Items, we need to disconnect
00510   // them too.
00511   std::set<Item*> siblings; // list of Items used together with "child"
00513   // loop over child parent's pairs (mf,parent) to disconnect from them
00514   Item::MembFuncList::iterator p_mf;
00515   Item::ParentList::iterator p = child->parents.begin();
00516   while ( p != child->parents.end() ) {
00517     if (p->first != parent) {
00518       ++p;
00519       continue; // skip to next one
00520     }
00522     // find the MF inside the parent
00523     p_mf = parent->find(p->second);
00525     // find iterator to child in MF list ...
00526     Item::ItemList *mfInternalList = p_mf->items;
00527     Item::ItemList::iterator entry = std::find(mfInternalList->begin(),
00528                                                mfInternalList->end(),child);
00529     // ... and remove it (if found)
00530     if ( mfInternalList->end() != entry )
00531       mfInternalList->erase(entry);
00533     // append then other Items in the MF (to unlink them too)
00534     siblings.insert(mfInternalList->begin(),mfInternalList->end());
00536     // remove the parent pair from child
00537     p = child->parents.erase(p);
00538   }
00540   // unlink the siblings
00541   std::set<Item*>::iterator s;
00542   for ( s = siblings.begin(); s != siblings.end(); ++s ) {
00543     unlink(parent,*s);
00544   }
00546   // Check in the parent if there are MF without children: they have to be
00547   // removed.
00548   p_mf = parent->memFuncs.begin();
00549   while ( p_mf != parent->memFuncs.end() ) {
00550     if ( p_mf->items->empty() ) p_mf = parent->memFuncs.erase(p_mf);
00551     else ++p_mf;
00552   }
00554   // Remove child from parent's list of all children.
00555   // we have to look again for it because the iterator may have been made
00556   // invalid by the "unlink" of siblings
00557   childIt = std::find(parent->children.begin(),
00558                       parent->children.end(),child);
00559   if (childIt != parent->children.end())
00560     parent->children.erase(childIt);
00562   // check if the child should be part of the head now
00563   if ( child->isHead() ) {
00564     m_head_items.push_back(child);
00565   }
00567   // Note: I do not need to touch the validity because the it can only increase
00569 }

Item* UpdateManagerSvc::findItem ( const std::string &  path,
bool  is_path_to_db = false 
) const [inline, private]

Finds the item matching the given path.

Item* UpdateManagerSvc::findItem ( void *  p  )  const [inline, private]

Finds the item matching the given pointer.

Item* UpdateManagerSvc::findItem ( BaseObjectMemberFunction mf  )  const [inline, private]

Finds the item containing the given member function.

void UpdateManagerSvc::removeFromHead ( Item item  )  [inline, private]

Removes an item from the list of head items.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class SvcFactory< UpdateManagerSvc > [friend]

Allow SvcFactory to instantiate the service.

Definition at line 366 of file UpdateManagerSvc.h.

Member Data Documentation

GaudiUtils::HashMap<std::string, Item*> UpdateManagerSvc::m_pathMap [private]

Hashmap for fast string access.

Definition at line 340 of file UpdateManagerSvc.h.

IDataProviderSvc* UpdateManagerSvc::m_dataProvider [private]

Handle to the Data Provider (where to find conditions).

Definition at line 370 of file UpdateManagerSvc.h.

std::string UpdateManagerSvc::m_dataProviderName [private]

Name of the Data Provider (set by the option DataProviderSvc, by default "DetectorDataSvc").

Definition at line 373 of file UpdateManagerSvc.h.

std::string UpdateManagerSvc::m_dataProviderRootName [private]

Name of the root node of the Transient Store.

Definition at line 376 of file UpdateManagerSvc.h.

IDetDataSvc* UpdateManagerSvc::m_detDataSvc [private]

Handle to the IDetDataSvc interface (used to get the event time).

If the service is not found it is not fatal, but you cannot use the method newEvent() without the event time parameter (will always fail).

Definition at line 381 of file UpdateManagerSvc.h.

std::string UpdateManagerSvc::m_detDataSvcName [private]

Name of the DetDataSvc (set by the option DetDataSvc, by default empty, which means the same as data provider).

Definition at line 384 of file UpdateManagerSvc.h.

IIncidentSvc* UpdateManagerSvc::m_incidentSvc [private]

Pointer to the incident service;.

Definition at line 387 of file UpdateManagerSvc.h.

IEventProcessor* UpdateManagerSvc::m_evtProc [private]

Pointer to the event processor in order to be able to top the run if something goes wrpong during an update.

Definition at line 390 of file UpdateManagerSvc.h.

Item::ItemList UpdateManagerSvc::m_all_items [private]

List used to keep track of all the registered items.

Definition at line 393 of file UpdateManagerSvc.h.

Item::ItemList UpdateManagerSvc::m_head_items [private]

List used to record all teh objects without parents. (for fast access).

Definition at line 395 of file UpdateManagerSvc.h.

Gaudi::Time UpdateManagerSvc::m_head_since [private]

Lower bound of intersection of head IOVs.

Definition at line 397 of file UpdateManagerSvc.h.

Gaudi::Time UpdateManagerSvc::m_head_until [private]

Higher bound of intersection of head IOVs.

Definition at line 399 of file UpdateManagerSvc.h.

std::vector<std::string> UpdateManagerSvc::m_conditionsOveridesDesc [private]

List of condition definitions to override the ones in the transient store (option ConditionsOverride).

The syntax to define a condition is:
path := type1 name1 = value1; type2 name2 = value2; ...

Definition at line 404 of file UpdateManagerSvc.h.

GaudiUtils::Map<std::string,Condition*> UpdateManagerSvc::m_conditionsOverides [private]

Map containing the list of parsed condition definitions.

Definition at line 406 of file UpdateManagerSvc.h.

std::string UpdateManagerSvc::m_diaDumpFile [private]

Name of the DIA file into which write the dump (http://live.gnome.org/Dia) (property DiaDumpFile).

Definition at line 410 of file UpdateManagerSvc.h.

pthread_mutex_t UpdateManagerSvc::m_busy [private]

mutex lock used to avoid dependencies corruptions in a multi-thread environment.

Definition at line 414 of file UpdateManagerSvc.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
| Classes | Job Modules | Data Objects | Services | Algorithms | Tools | Packages | Directories | Tracs |

Generated on Mon Apr 11 20:02:44 2011 for DetDescSvc by doxygen 1.4.7