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In This Package:

DetSimProc Class Reference

This is just of a copy of 'DsPullEvent' and 'DsPushKine' in dybgaudi/Simulation/DetSim/ with name changed. More...

#include <DetSimProc.h>

Inheritance diagram for DetSimProc:

Collaboration diagram for DetSimProc:
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 DetSimProc (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
virtual ~DetSimProc ()
virtual StatusCode initialize ()
virtual StatusCode execute ()
virtual StatusCode finalize ()
StatusCode registerData (IStageData &data)
IStagethisStage ()
IStagelowerStage ()

Private Types

typedef HeaderStageData< DayaBay::GenHeaderGnrtrData
typedef HeaderStageData< DayaBay::SimHeaderSimData

Private Member Functions

void DS_constructor ()
 DetSim ---------------------------.
void DS_destructor ()
virtual StatusCode DS_initialize ()
virtual StatusCode DS_execute (GnrtrData *p_input, SimData *&p_output)
virtual StatusCode DS_finalize ()

Private Attributes

std::string m_location
 copy from DsPushKine
std::string m_converterName
std::string m_genLocation
 Property GenLocation - location in TES where the input GenHeader is to be found.
FFTimeStamp m_CurrentTime
 The earliest (smallest) time which this has provided.
SimData::DataList m_SimDataList
 This is for Consumer&Producer only.
bool m_Start
std::string m_genPruneName

Detailed Description

This is just of a copy of 'DsPullEvent' and 'DsPushKine' in dybgaudi/Simulation/DetSim/ with name changed.

They are the two crucial algorithms which will run the G4.

Then these two algorithms are combined into a single algorithm for easy operation in Stage.

Now this is a algorithm goes into stages for Fifteen simulation.

First imported and modified by Zhe Wang, Apr. 7, 2008

Updated according to r6053 DsPullEvent. Apr. 22, 2009

Definition at line 38 of file DetSimProc.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef HeaderStageData<DayaBay::GenHeader> DetSimProc::GnrtrData [private]

Definition at line 51 of file DetSimProc.h.

typedef HeaderStageData<DayaBay::SimHeader> DetSimProc::SimData [private]

Definition at line 52 of file DetSimProc.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DetSimProc::DetSimProc ( const std::string &  name,
ISvcLocator pSvcLocator 


Definition at line 23 of file DetSimProc.cc.

00024     : StageProcessor<DayaBay::SimHeader>(name,pSvcLocator)
00025     , m_giga(0)
00026     , m_converter(0)
00027     , m_historyKeeper(0)
00028     , m_genPrune(0)
00029 {
00030   DS_constructor();
00032   // Auxiliary
00033   declareProperty("GenPruneName",m_genPruneName = "GenPruneTool", "Name of GenHeader pruner");
00035 }

DetSimProc::~DetSimProc (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 37 of file DetSimProc.cc.

00038 {
00039   DS_destructor();
00040 }

Member Function Documentation

StatusCode DetSimProc::initialize (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from StageProcessor< DayaBay::SimHeader >.

Definition at line 42 of file DetSimProc.cc.

00043 {
00044   StatusCode sc = this->StageProcessor<DayaBay::SimHeader>::initialize();
00045   if (sc.isFailure()) return sc;
00047   debug()<<"DetSimProc"<<endreq;
00049   sc = DS_initialize();
00050   if (sc.isFailure()) return sc;
00052   // Although initialized to 0, however, no special meaning
00053   m_CurrentTime=0;
00054   m_SimDataList.clear();
00056   m_Start=true;
00058   // Auxiliary
00059   m_genPrune = tool<IGenPruneTool>(m_genPruneName);
00060   if( !m_genPrune ) {
00061     error() << "Failed to retrive GenPruneTool" << endreq;
00062     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00063   }
00065   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00066 }

StatusCode DetSimProc::execute (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 68 of file DetSimProc.cc.

00069 {
00070   debug()<<"DetSimProc"<<endreq;
00072   SimData::DataList::iterator psimdatalist;
00074   FFTimeStamp tm(0,0);
00075   FFTimeStamp dt(0,0); 
00076   FFTimeStamp localtime(0,0);
00079   if(lowerStage()) {
00082     debug() << "Consumer&Producer" << endreq;
00083     if(m_Start||m_CurrentTime<=thisStage()->currentTime()) {
00087       if(m_Start) {
00088         // nothing to do here
00089       } else {
00090         psimdatalist=m_SimDataList.begin();
00091         localtime=psimdatalist->first;
00092       }
00095       //debug()<<"A: local time= "<<localtime<<endreq;
00096       //debug()<<"A: lower stage time= "<<m_LowerStage->currentTime()<<endreq;
00097       while(m_Start||localtime>=lowerStage()->currentTime()) {
00098         m_Start=false;
00100         //debug() << "In while loop, pulling data from lower Stage ......" << endreq;
00102         IStageData* pIStageData=0;
00103         StatusCode sc = lowerStage()->nextElement(pIStageData);  // pulling out
00104         if (sc.isFailure()) {
00105           error() << "Failed to pull kinematics" << endreq;
00106           return sc;
00107         }
00109         GnrtrData* pGnrtrData=0;
00110         try{
00111           pGnrtrData = dynamic_cast<GnrtrData*>(pIStageData);
00112         }
00113         catch(...) {
00114           error() << "Failed to get GnrtrData pointer" <<endreq;
00115         }
00117         //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
00124         // delete the used one
00125         tm=pGnrtrData->time();
00126         //debug() << "data pulled out from lower stage has time: "<<tm<<endreq;
00129         preExecute();
00130         SimData*   pSimData=0;   
00131         DS_execute(pGnrtrData,pSimData);
00132         this->AppendInputHeader(&pGnrtrData->header());
00134         //m_genPrune->prune( &pGnrtrData->header() );
00135         //
00136         postExecute();
00137         delete pGnrtrData; pGnrtrData=0;
00139         //debug() << "new data generated at time: "<< pSimData->time()<< endreq;
00141         //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
00143         // push back into a local store
00144         m_SimDataList.insert(SimData::DataList::value_type(pSimData->time(),pSimData));
00147         psimdatalist=m_SimDataList.begin();
00148         localtime=psimdatalist->first;
00149         //debug()<<"B: local time= "<<localtime<<endreq;
00150         //debug()<<"B: lower stage time= "<<m_LowerStage->currentTime()<<endreq;        
00151       }
00153       m_CurrentTime=localtime;
00154       //debug() << "m_CurrentTime= "<< m_CurrentTime << endreq;
00158       psimdatalist=m_SimDataList.begin();
00159       debug() << "to grep: new data pushed out at time " << psimdatalist->first << endreq;
00160       thisStage()->pushElement(psimdatalist->second);
00161       this->registerData(*(psimdatalist->second));
00162       m_SimDataList.erase(psimdatalist);
00165     }
00166   }
00167   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;  
00168 }

StatusCode DetSimProc::finalize (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 170 of file DetSimProc.cc.

00171 {
00172   DS_finalize();
00174   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00175 }

void DetSimProc::DS_constructor (  )  [private]

DetSim ---------------------------.



Definition at line 178 of file DetSimProc.cc.

00179 {
00181   declareProperty("Converter",m_converterName="HepMCtoG4",
00182                   "Name of tool to convert HepMCEvents to G4PrimaryVertex");
00185   declareProperty("GenLocation",m_genLocation=DayaBay::GenHeaderLocation::Default,
00186                   "Location in the TES where the input GenHeader is to be found.");
00187 }

void DetSimProc::DS_destructor (  )  [private]

Definition at line 189 of file DetSimProc.cc.

00190 {}

StatusCode DetSimProc::DS_initialize (  )  [private, virtual]

Definition at line 192 of file DetSimProc.cc.

00193 {
00196   m_giga = svc<IGiGaSvc>("GiGa",true);
00197   try {
00198     m_converter = tool<IHepMCtoG4>(m_converterName);
00199   }
00200   catch (const GaudiException& gex) {
00201     fatal() << "Failed to get converter tool \""
00202             << m_converterName << "\"" << endreq;
00203     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00204   }
00207   m_historyKeeper = svc<IHistoryKeeper>("HistoryKeeper",true);
00209   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00210 }

StatusCode DetSimProc::DS_execute ( GnrtrData p_input,
SimData *&  p_output 
) [private, virtual]

Definition at line 212 of file DetSimProc.cc.

00213 {
00218 //DayaBay::GenHeader* gen_header = get<DayaBay::GenHeader>(m_location);
00219   DayaBay::GenHeader* gen_header = &p_input->header();
00221   //debug()<<"genheader, timeStamp: "<<gen_header->timeStamp()<<endreq;
00222   //debug()<<"genheader, earliest: "<<gen_header->earliest()<<endreq;
00224   HepMC::GenEvent* genevt = gen_header->event();
00225   std::vector<G4PrimaryVertex*> g4verts;
00226   m_converter->convert(*genevt,g4verts);
00228   debug() << "Got " << g4verts.size() << " primary vertices" << endreq;
00230   for (size_t ind=0; ind < g4verts.size(); ++ind) {
00232     *m_giga << g4verts[ind];
00234   }
00236   debug() << "Pushed " << gen_header->generatorName()
00237          << " to giga" << endreq;
00240   DayaBay::SimHeader* header = MakeHeaderObject();
00242   // Just pass through GenHeader's timestamp.  This also causes
00243   // GenHeader to be registered as input, something that would
00244   // normally just happen if DsPushKine and DsPullEvent were the
00245   // same algorithm.
00246   //  DayaBay::GenHeader* gen_header = getTES<DayaBay::GenHeader>(m_genLocation);
00247   header->setTimeStamp(gen_header->timeStamp());
00250   // Primary event vertices.
00251   const G4Event* g4event = 0;
00252   m_giga->retrieveEvent(g4event);
00253   if (!g4event) {
00254     error() << "No G4Event!" << endreq;
00255     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00256   }
00258   int nverts = g4event->GetNumberOfPrimaryVertex();
00259   if( nverts == 0 ) {
00260     warning() << "The g4event has zero primary vertices!" << endreq;
00261   }
00262   debug() << "Pulled event with " << nverts
00263          << " primary vertices, event id:" << g4event->GetEventID() << endreq;
00265   G4PrimaryVertex* g4vtx = g4event->GetPrimaryVertex(0);
00266   while (g4vtx) {
00267     debug() << "\n\tat (" << g4vtx->GetX0() << "," << g4vtx->GetY0() << "," << g4vtx->GetZ0() << ")";
00268     g4vtx = g4vtx->GetNext();
00269     break;
00270   }
00271   debug() << endreq;
00274   // particle histories.
00275   // Do this first so we can use it below.
00276   DayaBay::SimParticleHistory* history =0;
00277   m_historyKeeper->ClaimCurrentHistory(history); // This takes ownership from the Keeper.
00278   header->setParticleHistory(history);
00281   // Unobservable Statistics
00282   DayaBay::SimUnobservableStatisticsHeader* unobs =0;
00283   m_historyKeeper->ClaimCurrentUnobservable(unobs); // This takes ownership from the Keeper.
00284   header->setUnobservableStatistics(unobs);
00286   // introduce the headers to each other
00287   DayaBay::SimHitHeader* hit_header = 0;
00289   double earliestTime = 0;
00290   double latestTime = 0;
00291   Context context;
00292   context.SetSimFlag(SimFlag::kMC);
00293   bool firstDetector = true;
00294   int hitcount=0;  // deal with no hits situation
00297   // Hit collections.
00298   G4HCofThisEvent* hcs = g4event->GetHCofThisEvent();
00299   if (!hcs) {
00300     debug() << "No HitCollections in this event" << endreq;
00301   }  else  {
00302     int nhc = hcs->GetNumberOfCollections();
00303     if (!nhc) {
00304       debug() << "Number of HitCollections is zero" << endreq;
00305     }  else  {
00306       debug () << "# HitCollections = " << nhc << endreq;
00309       hit_header = new DayaBay::SimHitHeader(header);
00310       for (int ihc=0; ihc<nhc; ++ihc) {
00311         G4DhHitCollection* g4hc = dynamic_cast<G4DhHitCollection*>(hcs->GetHC(ihc));
00312         if (!g4hc) {
00313           error() << "Failed to get hit collection #" << ihc << endreq;
00314           return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00315         }
00317         // DetSim produces hit collections even for unsimulated detectors
00318         size_t nhits = g4hc->GetSize();
00319         hitcount+=nhits;
00320         if (!nhits) continue;
00322         bool firstHit = true;
00323         DayaBay::SimHitCollection::hit_container hits;
00324         DayaBay::Detector detector;
00325         DayaBay::SimHitCollection* shc =
00326           new DayaBay::SimHitCollection(hit_header,detector,hits);
00327         for (size_t ihit=0; ihit<nhits; ++ihit) {
00328           DayaBay::SimHit* simhit = (*g4hc)[ihit]->get();
00330           // A protection on time overflow or underflow.
00331           // Kill the hit over two years.
00332           // It is impossible to simulate them with full Geant4 simulation.
00333           // See Trac#489.
00334           if( abs(simhit->hitTime()) > 6.3e16 ) {
00335             warning() << "Eccentric long hit time "<<simhit->hitTime()<<"ns. Skipped."<<endreq;
00336             hitcount--;
00337             continue;
00338           }
00340           if(history) {
00341             int trackid = (*g4hc)[ihit]->trackId();
00342             simhit->setAncestor(history->track(trackid));
00343           }
00344           // Set detector and site using first hit
00345           if(firstHit){
00346             detector = DayaBay::Detector(simhit->sensDetId()).siteDetPackedData();
00347             if(firstDetector){
00348               // Keep track of sites/detectors in this simulation for context
00349               context.SetSite(detector.site());
00350               context.SetDetId(detector.detectorId());
00351             }
00352             if(context.GetSite() != detector.site()){
00353               // Simulation contains multiple sites, unset
00354               context.SetSite(Site::kUnknown);
00355             }
00356             if(context.GetDetId() != detector.detectorId()){
00357               // Simulation contains multiple detectors, unset
00358               context.SetDetId(DetectorId::kUnknown);
00359             }
00360           }
00361           // Record earliest/latest simhit
00362           debug() << "Hit Time: " << simhit->hitTime() << endreq;
00363           if((firstHit && firstDetector) || simhit->hitTime() < earliestTime)
00364             earliestTime = simhit->hitTime();
00365           if((firstHit && firstDetector) || simhit->hitTime() > latestTime)
00366             latestTime = simhit->hitTime();
00367           firstHit = false;
00369           simhit->setHc(shc);
00370           hits.push_back(simhit);
00371         }
00372         firstDetector = false;
00374         shc->setDetector(detector);
00375         shc->setCollection(hits);
00376         debug() << "Adding " << detector.detName() << " hits ("
00377                 << shc->collection().size() << ") to header." << endreq;
00378         hit_header->addHitCollection(shc);
00379       }
00380     }
00381   }
00383   header->setHits(hit_header);
00386   context.SetTimeStamp(gen_header->timeStamp());
00387   header->setContext(context);
00389   // Set header time range based on hit times
00390   debug() << "Header Time sec, nanosec: " << header->timeStamp().GetSec()
00391           << "  " << header->timeStamp().GetNanoSec() << endreq;
00392   debug() << "Earliest Hit: " << earliestTime << endreq;
00393   debug() << "Latest Hit: " << latestTime << endreq;
00394   TimeStamp earliestTS(header->timeStamp());
00395   TimeStamp latestTS(header->timeStamp());
00396   earliestTS.Add(earliestTime * 1e-9);
00397   latestTS.Add(latestTime * 1e-9);
00398   debug() << "Earliest Time sec, nanosec: " << earliestTS.GetSec()
00399           << "  " << earliestTS.GetNanoSec() << endreq;
00400   debug() << "Latest Time sec, nanosec: " << latestTS.GetSec()
00401           << "  " << latestTS.GetNanoSec() << endreq;
00402   header->setEarliest(earliestTS);
00403   header->setLatest(latestTS);
00404   debug() << "Earliest Time sec, nanosec: " << header->earliest().GetSec()
00405           << "  " << header->earliest().GetNanoSec() << endreq;
00406   debug() << "Latest Time sec, nanosec: " << header->latest().GetSec()
00407           << "  " << header->latest().GetNanoSec() << endreq;
00411   HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator pci, pci_end = genevt->particles_end();
00413   for( pci = genevt->particles_begin(); pci != pci_end; ++pci ) {
00414     if( (*pci)->pdg_id() == 13 || (*pci)->pdg_id() == -13 ) {   // muon                                            
00415       if( (*pci)->status() != MpMuonFate::kNeedSim ) {   //  geant4-noble particle
00416         header->setEarliest(gen_header->timeStamp());
00417       }
00418     }
00419   }
00421   if(hitcount==0) {  // when there is no hit, set time stamp to genheader's earliest() to save causality
00422     header->setTimeStamp(gen_header->earliest());
00423     header->setEarliest(gen_header->earliest());
00424     header->setLatest(gen_header->earliest());
00425   }
00428   p_output=new SimData(*header);
00430   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00432 }

StatusCode DetSimProc::DS_finalize (  )  [private, virtual]

Definition at line 434 of file DetSimProc.cc.

00435 {
00436   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00437 }

StatusCode StageProcessor< DayaBay::SimHeader >::registerData ( IStageData data  )  [inherited]

IStage * StageProcessor< DayaBay::SimHeader >::thisStage (  )  [inherited]

IStage * StageProcessor< DayaBay::SimHeader >::lowerStage (  )  [inherited]

Member Data Documentation

std::string DetSimProc::m_location [private]

copy from DsPushKine

Definition at line 64 of file DetSimProc.h.

std::string DetSimProc::m_converterName [private]

Definition at line 65 of file DetSimProc.h.

IGiGaSvc* DetSimProc::m_giga [private]

Definition at line 67 of file DetSimProc.h.

IHepMCtoG4* DetSimProc::m_converter [private]

Definition at line 68 of file DetSimProc.h.

std::string DetSimProc::m_genLocation [private]

Property GenLocation - location in TES where the input GenHeader is to be found.

Default is DayaBay::GenHeader::Default

Definition at line 75 of file DetSimProc.h.

IHistoryKeeper* DetSimProc::m_historyKeeper [private]

Definition at line 76 of file DetSimProc.h.

FFTimeStamp DetSimProc::m_CurrentTime [private]

The earliest (smallest) time which this has provided.

Definition at line 79 of file DetSimProc.h.

SimData::DataList DetSimProc::m_SimDataList [private]

This is for Consumer&Producer only.

For new generated data.

Definition at line 83 of file DetSimProc.h.

bool DetSimProc::m_Start [private]

Definition at line 86 of file DetSimProc.h.

std::string DetSimProc::m_genPruneName [private]


Definition at line 89 of file DetSimProc.h.

IGenPruneTool* DetSimProc::m_genPrune [private]

Definition at line 90 of file DetSimProc.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
| Classes | Job Modules | Data Objects | Services | Algorithms | Tools | Packages | Directories | Tracs |

Generated on Mon Apr 11 21:03:44 2011 for DetSimProc by doxygen 1.4.7