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In This Package:

DetSimValidation::AD::UniformPositron Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def __init__

Detailed Description

Configure GenTools, DetSim and DetSimVali for running uniform
distribution of positrons in an AD.  Does not configure geometry.

Definition at line 7 of file AD.py.

Member Function Documentation

def DetSimValidation::AD::UniformPositron::__init__ (   self,
  histogram_filename = 'elec_uni.root' 

Construct the default configuration.  A non-default
histogram_filename can be specified to hold the resulting

Definition at line 10 of file AD.py.

00012                                                            :
00013         ''' Construct the default configuration.  A non-default
00014         histogram_filename can be specified to hold the resulting
00015         histograms.
00016         '''
00017         import GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits as units
00019         volume="/dd/Structure/AD/far-lso2"
00021         # First GenTools
00022         from GenTools.Helpers import Gun
00023         from GenTools.GenToolsConf import GtGunGenTool, GtPositionerTool
00024         gun = Gun(volume,
00025                   gun = GtGunGenTool("gun",
00026                                      ParticlesPerEvent = 1,
00027                                      ParticleName = "e+",
00028                                      Momentum = 5*units.MeV,
00029                                      MomentumMode = "Uniform",
00030                                      MomentumSpread = 4*units.MeV,
00031                                      DirectionMode = "Uniform",
00032                                      Direction = [ 1, 0, 0 ],
00033                                      DirectionSpread = 3),
00034                   positioner = GtPositionerTool("pos",
00035                                                 Strategy = "FullVolume",
00036                                                 Mode = "Uniform",
00037                                                 Spread = 2.6*units.meter,
00038                                                 Position = [0,0,0*units.meter])
00039                   )
00040         gun.timerator.LifeTime = 1*units.second
00041         import GenTools
00042         GenTools.Configure().register(gun)
00043         self.gun = gun
00045         self.dumper = GenTools.Dumper()
00047         # Then DetSim, with smaller than default configuration:
00048         import DetSim
00049         detsim = DetSim.Configure(site="far",physlist=DetSim.physics_list_basic)
00050         params = {
00051             'start' :"(start > 0)",
00052             'track1':"(id==1)",
00053             'track2':"(id==2)",
00054             'GD':    "MaterialName == '/dd/Materials/GdDopedLS'",
00055             'LS':    "MaterialName == '/dd/Materials/LiquidScintillator'",
00056             'MO':   "MaterialName == '/dd/Materials/MineralOil'",
00057             'IAV':   "MaterialName == '/dd/Materials/Acrylic'",
00058             'OAV':   "MaterialName == '/dd/Materials/Acrylic'",
00059             'lastvtx': "IsStopping == 1",
00060             'firstvtx': "IsStarting == 1"
00061             }
00062         detsim.unobserver(stats=[
00063                 # track 1
00064                 ["pdgId_Trk1","pdg","%(track1)s and %(start)s"%params],
00065                 ["t_Trk1",    "t" , "%(track1)s and %(start)s"%params],
00066                 ["x_Trk1",    "x", "%(track1)s and %(start)s"%params],
00067                 ["y_Trk1",    "y", "%(track1)s and %(start)s"%params],
00068                 ["z_Trk1",    "z", "%(track1)s and %(start)s"%params],
00069                 ["tEnd_Trk1",    "t" , "%(track1)s and %(lastvtx)s"%params],
00070                 ["xEnd_Trk1",    "x", "%(track1)s and %(lastvtx)s"%params],
00071                 ["yEnd_Trk1",    "y", "%(track1)s and %(lastvtx)s"%params],
00072                 ["zEnd_Trk1",    "z", "%(track1)s and %(lastvtx)s"%params],
00073                 ["e_Trk1",    "E",  "%(track1)s and %(start)s"%params],
00074                 ["p_Trk1",    "p",  "%(track1)s and %(start)s"%params],
00075                 ["ke_Trk1",   "KE", "%(track1)s and %(start)s"%params],
00076                 ["vx_Trk1",   "lvx","%(track1)s and %(start)s"%params],
00077                 ["vy_Trk1",   "lvy","%(track1)s and %(start)s"%params],
00078                 ["vz_Trk1",   "lvz","%(track1)s and %(start)s"%params],
00079                 ["TrkLength_GD_Trk1",  "dx","%(track1)s and %(GD)s"%params],
00080                 ["TrkLength_iAV_Trk1", "dx","%(track1)s and %(IAV)s"%params],
00081                 ["TrkLength_LS_Trk1",  "dx","%(track1)s and %(LS)s"%params],
00082                 ["TrkLength_oAV_Trk1", "dx","%(track1)s and %(OAV)s"%params],
00083                 ["TrkLength_Oil_Trk1", "dx","%(track1)s and %(MO)s"%params],
00084                 # track 2
00085                 ["pdgId_Trk2","pdg","%(track2)s and %(start)s"%params],
00086                 ["t_Trk2",    "t" , "%(track2)s and %(start)s"%params],
00087                 ["x_Trk2",    "x", "%(track2)s and %(start)s"%params],
00088                 ["y_Trk2",    "y", "%(track2)s and %(start)s"%params],
00089                 ["z_Trk2",    "z", "%(track2)s and %(start)s"%params],
00090                 ["tEnd_Trk2",    "t" , "%(track2)s and %(lastvtx)s"%params],
00091                 ["xEnd_Trk2",    "x", "%(track2)s and %(lastvtx)s"%params],
00092                 ["yEnd_Trk2",    "y", "%(track2)s and %(lastvtx)s"%params],
00093                 ["zEnd_Trk2",    "z", "%(track2)s and %(lastvtx)s"%params],
00094                 ["e_Trk2",    "E",  "%(track2)s and %(start)s"%params],
00095                 ["p_Trk2",    "p",  "%(track2)s and %(start)s"%params],
00096                 ["ke_Trk2",   "KE", "%(track2)s and %(start)s"%params],
00097                 ["vx_Trk2",   "lvx","%(track2)s and %(start)s"%params],
00098                 ["vy_Trk2",   "lvy","%(track2)s and %(start)s"%params],
00099                 ["vz_Trk2",   "lvz","%(track2)s and %(start)s"%params],
00100                 ["TrkLength_GD_Trk2",  "dx","%(track2)s and %(GD)s"%params],
00101                 ["TrkLength_iAV_Trk2", "dx","%(track2)s and %(IAV)s"%params],
00102                 ["TrkLength_LS_Trk2",  "dx","%(track2)s and %(LS)s"%params],
00103                 ["TrkLength_oAV_Trk2", "dx","%(track2)s and %(OAV)s"%params],
00104                 ["TrkLength_Oil_Trk2", "dx","%(track2)s and %(MO)s"%params]
00105                 ])
00107         self.detsim = detsim
00109         # Finally, DetSimVali itself
00110         from DetSimValidation.DetSimValidationConf import DetSimVali
00111         dsv = DetSimVali()
00112         dsv.Volume = volume
00113         self.detsimvali = dsv
00115         from Gaudi.Configuration import ApplicationMgr
00116         theApp = ApplicationMgr()
00117         theApp.TopAlg.append(dsv)
00119         from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import THistSvc
00120         histsvc = THistSvc()
        histsvc.Output =["file1 DATAFILE='%s' OPT='RECREATE' TYP='ROOT' "%histogram_filename]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
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Generated on Mon Apr 11 20:56:27 2011 for DetSimValidation by doxygen 1.4.7