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In This Package:

DetSimValidation::Pool::PoolMuons Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def __init__

Detailed Description

Default configuration for sending muons through a pool.  This
makes use of an external HepEVT muon generator, turns off
scintilation to increase processing speed and sets up for the
validation ntuple.  It is based on the original ran*Muon.py

Definition at line 6 of file Pool.py.

Member Function Documentation

def DetSimValidation::Pool::PoolMuons::__init__ (   self,
  site = "far",
  histogram_filename = '../mc_ntuple/%sMuonPool.root' 

Construct the default configuration for muon pool
validation.  The site can be set to "far" or "near" (dayabay
near site, near sites non-identicality was not considered).  A
non-default histogram_filename can be specified to hold the
resulting histograms.  If a "%s" is included the site will be

Warning: this hard codes generation of 1000 muons.  Simulating
less is okay, but more is bad.

Definition at line 9 of file Pool.py.

00014                                                                                      :
00015         ''' Construct the default configuration for muon pool
00016         validation.  The site can be set to "far" or "near" (dayabay
00017         near site, near sites non-identicality was not considered).  A
00018         non-default histogram_filename can be specified to hold the
00019         resulting histograms.  If a "%s" is included the site will be
00020         substituted.
00022         Warning: this hard codes generation of 1000 muons.  Simulating
00023         less is okay, but more is bad.
00024         '''
00026         # key off site.
00027         volume = "/dd/Structure/Pool/db-ows"
00028         musicsite = 'DYB'
00029         if 'far' == site:
00030             volume = "/dd/Structure/Pool/far-ows"
00031             musicsite = 'Far'
00032         else:
00033             site = 'dayabay'    # normalize
00035         # let any %s be dereferenced.
00036         try:
00037             histogram_filename = histogram_filename%site
00038         except TypeError:
00039             pass
00041         import GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits as units
00043         # Try to find MUSIC's data directory 
00044         import os
00045         muonroot = os.getenv('MUONROOT',None)
00046         if not muonroot:
00047             print "Can not find $MUONROOT needed to locate MUSIC directory."
00048             import sys
00049             sys.exit(1)
00050             pass
00052         source = "Muon.exe -n 1000 -s %s -music_dir %s/data|"%(musicsite,
00053                                                                muonroot)
00055         from GenTools.Helpers import HepEVT
00056         hepevt = HepEVT(source)
00057         hepevt.timerator.LifeTime = 1*units.second
00058         hepevt.transformer.Volume = volume
00059         # Geometry impedeance mismatch between Muon.exe and XmlDetDesc
00060         hepevt.transformer.Offset = [0., 0., (0.042)*units.meter]
00062         import GenTools
00063         gt = GenTools.Configure(helper=hepevt)
00066         # Configure DetSim
00068         import DetSim
00069         detsim = DetSim.Configure(site)
00071         from DetSim.DetSimConf import DsPhysConsOptical
00072         optical = DsPhysConsOptical()
00073         optical.CerenPhotonScaleWeight = 3.0
00074         optical.ScintPhotonScaleWeight = 3.0
00076         # use temps to keep lines succinct
00077         ismuon = "(pdg==13 or pdg==-13) and "
00078         material = "MaterialName == '/dd/Materials/%s"
00079         stats = [
00080             ["MuonTrkLengthInOws","dx",ismuon+material%"OwsWater'"],
00081             ["MuonTrkLengthInIws", "dx", ismuon+material%"IwsWater'"],
00082             ["MuonTrkLengthInLS", "dx", ismuon+material%"LiquidScintillator'"],
00083             ["MuonTrkLengthInGdLS","dx", ismuon+material%"GdDopedLS'"],
00084             ["MuonStop", "dx", ismuon+" (IsStopping>0)"],    
00085             ]
00086         detsim.unobserver(stats=stats)
00087         detsim.historian(trackSelection = "pdg==13 or pdg==-13")
00089         # Finally, DetSimVali itself
00090         from DetSimValidation.DetSimValidationConf import DetSimVali
00091         dsv = DetSimVali()
00092         self.detsimvali = dsv
00094         from Gaudi.Configuration import ApplicationMgr
00095         theApp = ApplicationMgr()
00096         theApp.TopAlg.append(dsv)
        from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import THistSvc

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