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In This Package:

DybShuffle Class Reference

#include <DybShuffle.h>

Inheritance diagram for DybShuffle:

Collaboration diagram for DybShuffle:
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 DybShuffle (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
StatusCode initialize ()
StatusCode execute ()
StatusCode finalize ()
DayaBay::RandomHeaderGetCurrentHeaderObject () const
 Access last HeaderType HeaderObject made.
virtual StatusCode sysInitialize ()
 Will call initialize().
virtual StatusCode sysExecute ()
 Will call preExecute() execute() and postExecute().
virtual StatusCode preExecute ()
 be called before execute().
virtual StatusCode postExecute ()
 be called after execute().
virtual StatusCode sysFinalize ()
 Will call finalize().
IDataProviderSvcarcSvc () const
 Access the archive Event Service.
void putTES (DataObject *obj, std::string location) const
 Put data in the TES.
template<class TYPE>
TYPE * getTES (std::string location) const
 Access data from the TES.
template<class TYPE>
TYPE * getAES (std::string location, int index) const
 Access data from the Archive Event service at the given index.
std::vector< DataObject * > getAEScollection (std::string location) const
 Return the list of archived data objects at the given location.
int getExecNum ()
 Access current execution ("event") number.
std::string Location () const
 Access the TES location.
void put (IDataProviderSvc *svc, DataObject *object, const std::string &address, const bool useRootInTES=true) const
void put (DataObject *object, const std::string &address, const bool useRootInTES=true) const
Gaudi::Utils::GetData< TYPE
get (IDataProviderSvc *svc, const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES=true) const
Gaudi::Utils::GetData< TYPE
get (const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES=true) const
TYPE * getDet (IDataProviderSvc *svc, const std::string &location) const
TYPE * getDet (const std::string &location) const
bool exist (IDataProviderSvc *svc, const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES=true) const
bool exist (const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES=true) const
bool existDet (IDataProviderSvc *svc, const std::string &location) const
bool existDet (const std::string &location) const
TYPE * getOrCreate (IDataProviderSvc *svc, const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES=true) const
TYPE * getOrCreate (const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES=true) const
bool registerContext () const
INTupleSvcevtColSvc () const
IAlgContextSvccontextSvc () const
TOOL * tool (const std::string &type, const std::string &name, const IInterface *parent=0, bool create=true) const
TOOL * tool (const std::string &type, const IInterface *parent=0, bool create=true) const
SERVICE * svc (const std::string &name, const bool create=true) const
IUpdateManagerSvcupdMgrSvc () const
IDataProviderSvcfastContainersSvc () const
StatusCode Error (const std::string &msg, const StatusCode st=StatusCode::FAILURE, const size_t mx=10) const
StatusCode Warning (const std::string &msg, const StatusCode st=StatusCode::FAILURE, const size_t mx=10) const
StatusCode Print (const std::string &msg, const StatusCode st=StatusCode::SUCCESS, const MSG::Level lev=MSG::INFO) const
StatusCode Assert (const bool ok, const std::string &message="", const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
StatusCode Assert (const bool ok, const char *message, const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
StatusCode Exception (const std::string &msg, const GaudiException &exc, const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
StatusCode Exception (const std::string &msg, const std::exception &exc, const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
StatusCode Exception (const std::string &msg="no message", const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
MsgStreammsgStream (const MSG::Level level) const
MsgStreamalways () const
MsgStreamfatal () const
MsgStreamerr () const
MsgStreamerror () const
MsgStreamwarning () const
MsgStreaminfo () const
MsgStreamdebug () const
MsgStreamverbose () const
MsgStreammsg () const
const Statisticscounters () const
StatEntitycounter (const std::string &tag) const
MSG::Level msgLevel () const
bool msgLevel (const MSG::Level level) const
void resetMsgStream () const
bool typePrint () const
bool propsPrint () const
bool statPrint () const
bool errorsPrint () const
long printStat (const MSG::Level level=MSG::ALWAYS) const
long printErrors (const MSG::Level level=MSG::ALWAYS) const
long printProps (const MSG::Level level=MSG::ALWAYS) const
void registerCondition (const std::string &condition, StatusCode(CallerClass::*mf)()=NULL)
void registerCondition (const std::string &condition, CondType *&condPtrDest, StatusCode(CallerClass::*mf)()=NULL)
void registerCondition (char *condition, StatusCode(CallerClass::*mf)()=NULL)
void registerCondition (TargetClass *condition, StatusCode(CallerClass::*mf)()=NULL)
StatusCode runUpdate ()
TransientFastContainer< T > * getFastContainer (const std::string &location, typename TransientFastContainer< T >::size_type initial=0)
StatusCode release (const IInterface *interface) const
unsigned long release ()
const std::string & context () const
const std::string & rootInTES () const
double globalTimeOffset () const
virtual StatusCode sysStart ()
virtual StatusCode sysReinitialize ()
virtual StatusCode sysRestart ()
virtual StatusCode sysStop ()
virtual StatusCode sysBeginRun ()
virtual StatusCode sysEndRun ()
virtual const std::string & name () const
virtual const std::string & version () const
virtual StatusCode configure ()
virtual StatusCode terminate ()
virtual StatusCode start ()
virtual StatusCode stop ()
virtual StatusCode reinitialize ()
virtual StatusCode restart ()
virtual bool isExecuted () const
virtual void setExecuted (bool state)
virtual void resetExecuted ()
virtual StatusCode beginRun ()
virtual StatusCode endRun ()
virtual Gaudi::StateMachine::State FSMState () const
virtual Gaudi::StateMachine::State targetFSMState () const
virtual bool isEnabled () const
virtual bool filterPassed () const
virtual void setFilterPassed (bool state)
StatusCode service (const std::string &name, T *&psvc, bool createIf=true) const
StatusCode service (const std::string &svcType, const std::string &svcName, T *&psvc) const
void setOutputLevel (int level)
IAuditorSvcauditorSvc () const
IChronoStatSvcchronoSvc () const
IChronoStatSvcchronoStatService () const
IDataProviderSvcdetSvc () const
IDataProviderSvcdetDataService () const
IConversionSvcdetCnvSvc () const
IConversionSvcdetDataCnvService () const
IDataProviderSvceventSvc () const
IDataProviderSvcevtSvc () const
IDataProviderSvceventDataService () const
IConversionSvceventCnvSvc () const
IConversionSvceventDataCnvService () const
IHistogramSvchistoSvc () const
IHistogramSvchistogramDataService () const
IMessageSvcmsgSvc () const
IMessageSvcmessageService () const
INTupleSvcntupleSvc () const
INTupleSvcntupleService () const
IRndmGenSvcrandSvc () const
IToolSvctoolSvc () const
IExceptionSvcexceptionSvc () const
ISvcLocatorserviceLocator () const
ISvcLocatorsvcLoc () const
StatusCode createSubAlgorithm (const std::string &type, const std::string &name, Algorithm *&pSubAlg)
std::vector< Algorithm * > * subAlgorithms () const
virtual StatusCode setProperty (const Property &p)
virtual StatusCode setProperty (const std::string &s)
virtual StatusCode setProperty (const std::string &n, const std::string &v)
StatusCode setProperty (const std::string &name, const TYPE &value)
virtual StatusCode getProperty (Property *p) const
virtual const PropertygetProperty (const std::string &name) const
virtual StatusCode getProperty (const std::string &n, std::string &v) const
virtual const std::vector<
Property * > & 
getProperties () const
StatusCode setProperties ()
PropertydeclareProperty (const std::string &name, T &property, const std::string &doc="none") const
PropertydeclareRemoteProperty (const std::string &name, IProperty *rsvc, const std::string &rname="") const
IMonitorSvcmonitorSvc () const
void declareInfo (const std::string &name, const T &var, const std::string &desc) const
void declareInfo (const std::string &name, const std::string &format, const void *var, int size, const std::string &desc) const
unsigned long addRef ()
StatusCode queryInterface (const InterfaceID &riid, void **)

Static Public Member Functions

static const InterfaceIDinterfaceID ()
static const InterfaceIDinterfaceID ()
static const InterfaceIDinterfaceID ()

Public Attributes


Protected Types

typedef std::map< std::string,
typedef std::map< std::string,
unsigned int > 
typedef std::vector< IAlgTool * > AlgTools
typedef std::pair< IInterface *,
std::string > 
typedef std::vector< ServiceEntryServices

Protected Member Functions

DayaBay::RandomHeaderMakeHeaderObject ()
 Sub classes should call this towards the beginning of execute(), and certainly before any random numbers are consumed.
void InitializeHeader (DayaBay::HeaderObject *header)
 Initialize new header object. Set exec number, job id, etc.
void AppendInputHeader (const DayaBay::HeaderObject *header) const
 Explicitly add an input header that was retrieved directly instead of through this classes get* methods.
StatusCode releaseTool (const IAlgTool *tool) const
StatusCode releaseSvc (const IInterface *svc) const
bool isInitialized () const
bool isFinalized () const
int outputLevel () const
IntegerPropertyoutputLevelProperty ()
void initOutputLevel (Property &prop)

Protected Attributes

bool m_pullMode
 runing mode, push or pull
std::string m_location
 Property: Location.

Static Protected Attributes

static const bool IgnoreRootInTES
static const bool UseRootInTES

Private Member Functions

std::vector< long > seed ()

Private Attributes

std::string m_engineName
int m_hostid
 Property: HostID - Host ID (as output by, eg, hostid command, if given in hex preface with 0x).
int m_run
 Property: Run - run number.
int m_countOffset
 Property: Count - execution count top level algorithm chain.
int m_burnCount
 Property: burnCount - number of random numbers to burn with a new seed.
bool m_dohash
 Property: Hash - if true, hash the seed.
std::vector< long > m_seedvec
Rndm::Numbers m_uni

Detailed Description

Definition at line 12 of file DybShuffle.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DybShuffle::DybShuffle ( const std::string &  name,
ISvcLocator pSvcLocator 

Definition at line 18 of file DybShuffle.cc.

00019     : DybAlgorithm<DayaBay::RandomHeader>(name, pSvcLocator)
00020     , m_hostid(0)
00021     , m_run(1)
00022     , m_countOffset(0)
00023     , m_burnCount(100)
00024     , m_dohash(true)
00025 {
00026   // Part 1: Declare the properties
00027   declareProperty("HostID", m_hostid, "The systems Host 'ID'entification number");
00028   declareProperty("Run",m_run,"The run number");
00029   declareProperty("ExecCountOffset",m_countOffset,"Number to add to the execution count");
00030   declareProperty("BurnCount",m_burnCount,"Number of random numbers to burn with a new seed");
00031   declareProperty("SeedVec", m_seedvec, "Random seed vector manually");
00032   declareProperty("Hash", m_dohash, "Hash the seed");
00033 }

Member Function Documentation

StatusCode DybShuffle::initialize (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from GaudiAlgorithm.

Definition at line 37 of file DybShuffle.cc.

00037                                  {
00039   // Part 1: Print where you are
00040   verbose() << " DybShuffle initialize()" << endreq;
00042   //Retrieve Engine and write to Header
00043   m_rndSvc = randSvc();
00044   m_engine = m_rndSvc->engine();
00046   IProperty* prop=0;
00047   StatusCode sc = m_rndSvc->queryInterface(IProperty::interfaceID(),(void**)&prop);
00048   if (sc.isFailure()) return sc;
00050   m_engineName = prop->getProperty("Engine").toString();
00052   if (m_uni.initialize(m_rndSvc, Rndm::Flat(0,1)).isFailure()) {
00053     fatal() << "Failed to initialize uniform random numbers" << endreq;
00054     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00055   }
00057   this->seed();
00059   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00060 }

StatusCode DybShuffle::execute (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from GaudiAlgorithm.

Definition at line 64 of file DybShuffle.cc.

00064                                {
00066   verbose() << "DybShuffle execute()" << endreq;
00068   //make output header object
00069   DayaBay::RandomHeader* RndmHead = MakeHeaderObject();
00071   // wangzhe
00072   // Here the time stamps of earliest and latest are set to zero explicitly
00073   RndmHead->setEarliest(TimeStamp::GetBOT());
00074   RndmHead->setLatest(TimeStamp::GetBOT());
00075   // wz
00077   RndmHead->setHEPEngine(m_engineName);
00079   // Don't re-set the seed on first execution as this was done in initialize()
00080   if (this->getExecNum() > 1) {
00081     std::vector<long> NewSeeds = this->seed();
00082     RndmHead->setRndmSeeds(NewSeeds);
00083   }
00085   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00086 }

StatusCode DybShuffle::finalize (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from GaudiAlgorithm.

Definition at line 169 of file DybShuffle.cc.

00169                                 {
00171   // Part 1: Print where you are
00172   verbose() << "DybShuffle finalize()" << endreq;
00174   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00175 }

std::vector< long > DybShuffle::seed (  )  [private]

Definition at line 88 of file DybShuffle.cc.

00089 {
00091   std::vector<long> NewSeeds;
00092   std::vector<long> CurrSeeds;
00094   if(m_seedvec.size())
00095   {
00096     NewSeeds=m_seedvec;
00097   }
00099   else
00100   {
00102     //Determine and set seed(s).... some generators use more than one seed.
00103     if (m_hostid == 0)
00104     {
00105         m_hostid = (long) gethostid();
00106     }
00108     std::bitset<32> a ((long) 0);
00109     std::bitset<32> site ((long) 0);
00110     std::bitset<32> run ((long) 0);
00111     std::bitset<32> evt ((long) 0);
00112     std::bitset<32> seed ((long) 0);
00114     site = (long)m_hostid;
00115     run = m_run;
00117     //iterations on MakeHeader().... or, how many times this execute
00118     // method has been called.  Plus offset in order to reproduce
00119     // isolated execution cycle.
00120     evt = m_countOffset + this->getExecNum();
00122     for ( int i = 32-1-1; i >= 0 ; i-- )
00123     {
00124       if ( run.test(i) ) a.set(31-1-i) ;
00125     }
00127     seed = (a|evt)^site;
00128     // set highest bit to zero to avoid negative seed
00129     if ( seed.test(31) ) seed.reset(31);
00130     int MySeed = seed.to_ulong();
00132     if (m_dohash) {
00133       boost::hash<int> hasher;
00134       MySeed = hasher(MySeed);
00135     }
00137     NewSeeds.push_back(MySeed);
00139     debug () << "Run " << m_run 
00140             << ", exec# = " << evt.to_ulong()
00141             << ", host = " << (void*)site.to_ulong() 
00142             << ", seeds:";
00143     std::vector<long>::iterator it, done = NewSeeds.end();
00144     for (it=NewSeeds.begin(); it != done; ++it) {
00145       debug () << " " << *it;
00146     }
00147     debug () << endreq;
00149   }
00152   m_engine->setSeeds(NewSeeds);
00153   m_engine->seeds(CurrSeeds);
00154   gRandom->SetSeed(NewSeeds[0]);
00156   // now that the new seeds are set, burn some random numbers (to avoid correlations)
00157   int irndm;
00158   double b;
00159   for(irndm=0;irndm<m_burnCount;irndm++)
00160   {
00161     b=m_uni();
00162   }
00164   return NewSeeds;
00165 }

DayaBay::RandomHeader * DybAlgorithm< DayaBay::RandomHeader >::GetCurrentHeaderObject (  )  const [inherited]

Access last HeaderType HeaderObject made.

DayaBay::RandomHeader * DybAlgorithm< DayaBay::RandomHeader >::MakeHeaderObject (  )  [protected, inherited]

Sub classes should call this towards the beginning of execute(), and certainly before any random numbers are consumed.

It makes and returns a new object of HeaderType, registers it in the TES and sets all the HeaderObject base class values it can (everything except for the TimeStamp and the input HeaderObjects which the subclass must take care of).

StatusCode DybBaseAlg::sysInitialize (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Will call initialize().

Reimplemented from GaudiAlgorithm.

Definition at line 29 of file DybBaseAlg.cc.

00030 {
00031     // Call parent
00032     StatusCode sc = this->GaudiAlgorithm::initialize();
00033     if (sc.isFailure()) return sc;
00035     // This insinuates on GaudiAlgorithm's operation in order to do
00036     // any "dybish" initialization:
00037     // do_dybstuff_init();
00039     // Trigger calling subclass, back to your regularly scheduled operations
00040     sc = this->Algorithm::sysInitialize();    
00041     if (sc.isFailure()) return sc;
00043     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00044 }

StatusCode DybBaseAlg::sysExecute (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Will call preExecute() execute() and postExecute().

Reimplemented from GaudiAlgorithm.

Definition at line 46 of file DybBaseAlg.cc.

00047 {
00048   if(!m_pullMode) {
00049     if(preExecute().isFailure()) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00050   }
00052   // Trigger subclass's execute();                                                                             
00053   if (this->Algorithm::sysExecute().isFailure()) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00055   if(!m_pullMode) {
00056     if(postExecute().isFailure()) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00057   }
00059   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00060 }

StatusCode DybBaseAlg::preExecute (  )  [virtual, inherited]

be called before execute().

Definition at line 62 of file DybBaseAlg.cc.

00063 {
00064     if (!m_saveRandomState) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00066     // Get random state
00067     IRndmEngine *engine = 0;
00068     if (randSvc()->queryInterface(IID_IRndmEngine,(void**)&engine).isFailure()) {
00069         warning() << "Could not get IRndmEngine interace from random service, "
00070             "no state saved!" << endreq;
00071     }
00072     else {
00073         engine->rndmState(m_state);
00074         debug () << "Storing random state: [";
00075         for (size_t ind=0; ind<m_state.size(); ++ind) {
00076             debug () << " " << m_state[ind];
00077         }
00078         debug () << " ]" << endreq;
00079     }
00081     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00082 }

StatusCode DybBaseAlg::postExecute (  )  [virtual, inherited]

be called after execute().

Definition at line 84 of file DybBaseAlg.cc.

00085 {
00086     // Set some base HeaderObject values
00087     if (m_headerObject) {
00088         m_headerObject->setRandomState(m_state);
00089         const std::vector<const DayaBay::IHeader*> iheaders(m_inputHeaders.begin(),m_inputHeaders.end());
00090         m_headerObject->setInputHeaders(iheaders);
00093         // Add to TES.  This must be done after algorithm has chance to
00094         // fill earliest/latest with non-default values as this put()
00095         // triggers an insert() into the RegistrationSequence.
00097         if (!m_pullMode) {
00098             put(m_headerObject,m_location);
00099         }
00100     }
00102     // Prepare alg for next execution cycle
00103     debug() <<"Clearing " << m_inputHeaders.size() << " cached input headers" << endreq;
00104     m_inputHeaders.clear();
00105     ++m_execNum;
00106     m_headerObject = 0;               // owned by TES
00108     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00109 }

StatusCode DybBaseAlg::sysFinalize (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Will call finalize().

Reimplemented from GaudiAlgorithm.

Definition at line 111 of file DybBaseAlg.cc.

00112 {
00113     if (this->finalize().isFailure()) {
00114         return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00115     }
00116     return this->GaudiAlgorithm::finalize();
00117 }

IDataProviderSvc * DybBaseAlg::arcSvc (  )  const [inherited]

Access the archive Event Service.

Definition at line 148 of file DybBaseAlg.cc.

00149 {
00150     return 0;                   // fixme
00151 }

void DybBaseAlg::putTES ( DataObject obj,
std::string  location 
) const [inherited]

Put data in the TES.

It is like a normal put<>() but will build up the full path leading to the location with DataObjects.

Definition at line 153 of file DybBaseAlg.cc.

00154 {
00155     // Look for pre-existing header object or make new one, creating
00156     // the supporting path as we go.
00157     std::string::size_type ind = location.find("/"); // skip initial "/".
00158     while (true) {
00159         ind = location.find("/",ind+1);
00160         if (ind == std::string::npos) {
00161             debug() << "Putting final: " << location << endreq;
00162             put(obj,location);
00163             break;
00164         }
00165         else {
00166             // make the supporting path from simple DataObjects
00167             debug() << "Making intermediate: " << location.substr(0,ind)
00168                    << endreq;
00169             getOrCreate<DataObject,DataObject>(location.substr(0,ind));
00170         }
00171     }
00172 }

template<class TYPE>
TYPE * DybBaseAlg::getTES ( std::string  location  )  const [inherited]

Access data from the TES.

As a side effect, if this data is a HeaderObject it will be recorded into the current header objects list of input header objects.

Definition at line 123 of file DybBaseAlg.h.

00124 {
00125     TYPE* obj = get<TYPE>(location);
00126     // If object happens to be a HeaderObject, save it in the intputHeaders
00127     DayaBay::HeaderObject* header = dynamic_cast<DayaBay::HeaderObject*>(obj);
00128     if (header) {
00129         if (std::find(m_inputHeaders.begin(),m_inputHeaders.end(),header) == m_inputHeaders.end()) {
00130             this->AppendInputHeader(header);
00131             debug() << "Saved " << m_inputHeaders.size() 
00132                    << " input headers from TES, latest: " 
00133                    << header->name() 
00134                    << endreq;
00135         }
00136     }
00137     return obj;
00138 }

template<class TYPE>
TYPE * DybBaseAlg::getAES ( std::string  location,
int  index 
) const [inherited]

Access data from the Archive Event service at the given index.

Index==0 is the most recent. As a side effect, if this data is a HeaderObject it will be recorded into the current header objects list of input header objects.

Definition at line 141 of file DybBaseAlg.h.

00142 {
00143     if (index<0) return 0;
00145     std::vector<DataObject*> vec = this->getAEScollection(location);
00146     if (!vec.size() || index >= vec.size()) return 0;
00147     DataObject* dobj = vec[index];
00148     TYPE* obj = dynamic_cast<TYPE*>(dobj);
00149     if (!obj) return 0;
00151     DayaBay::HeaderObject* header = dynamic_cast<DayaBay::HeaderObject*>(obj);
00152     if (header) {
00153         if (std::find(m_inputHeaders.begin(),m_inputHeaders.end(),header) == m_inputHeaders.end()) {
00154             this->AppendInputHeader(header);
00155             debug() << "Saved " << m_inputHeaders.size() 
00156                    << " input headers from TES, latest: " 
00157                    << header->name() 
00158                    << endreq;
00159         }
00160     }
00162     return obj;
00163 }

std::vector< DataObject * > DybBaseAlg::getAEScollection ( std::string  location  )  const [inherited]

Return the list of archived data objects at the given location.

Note: this does NOT automatically add anything into the list of input headers for this algorithm's output. If your subclass uses anything from this list you MUST add it to the input headers manually or people will not know what when in to your output.

Definition at line 175 of file DybBaseAlg.cc.

00176 {
00177     DybArchiveList* lst = get<DybArchiveList>(arcSvc(),location);
00178     if (!lst) return std::vector<DataObject*>();
00179     return std::vector<DataObject*>(lst->begin(),lst->end());
00180 }

int DybBaseAlg::getExecNum (  )  [inline, inherited]

Access current execution ("event") number.

Definition at line 75 of file DybBaseAlg.h.

00075 { return m_execNum; }

std::string DybBaseAlg::Location (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Access the TES location.

Definition at line 78 of file DybBaseAlg.h.

00078 { return m_location; }

void DybBaseAlg::InitializeHeader ( DayaBay::HeaderObject header  )  [protected, inherited]

Initialize new header object. Set exec number, job id, etc.

Definition at line 120 of file DybBaseAlg.cc.

00121 {
00122   // Set some standard parameters for this header
00124   // Set execution number
00125   header->setExecNumber(m_execNum);    
00127   // Document the ID of the job which made this header
00128   if(!m_jobInfoSvc){
00129     // Get the job information service
00130     m_jobInfoSvc = svc<IJobInfoSvc>("JobInfoSvc",true);
00131   }
00132   if(m_jobInfoSvc){
00133     header->setJobId(m_jobInfoSvc->currentJobInfo()->jobId());
00134   }else{
00135     warning() << "MakeHeaderObject, failed to get current job ID" << endreq;
00136   }
00137   // Set the header time range
00138   header->setEarliest(TimeStamp::GetBOT());
00139   header->setLatest(TimeStamp::GetBOT());
00140 }

void DybBaseAlg::AppendInputHeader ( const DayaBay::HeaderObject header  )  const [protected, inherited]

Explicitly add an input header that was retrieved directly instead of through this classes get* methods.

Definition at line 142 of file DybBaseAlg.cc.

00143 {
00144     m_inputHeaders.push_back(header);
00145 }

Member Data Documentation

IRndmGenSvc* DybShuffle::m_rndSvc [private]

Definition at line 24 of file DybShuffle.h.

IRndmEngine* DybShuffle::m_engine [private]

Definition at line 25 of file DybShuffle.h.

std::string DybShuffle::m_engineName [private]

Definition at line 26 of file DybShuffle.h.

int DybShuffle::m_hostid [private]

Property: HostID - Host ID (as output by, eg, hostid command, if given in hex preface with 0x).

Definition at line 30 of file DybShuffle.h.

int DybShuffle::m_run [private]

Property: Run - run number.

Definition at line 33 of file DybShuffle.h.

int DybShuffle::m_countOffset [private]

Property: Count - execution count top level algorithm chain.

Definition at line 36 of file DybShuffle.h.

int DybShuffle::m_burnCount [private]

Property: burnCount - number of random numbers to burn with a new seed.

Definition at line 39 of file DybShuffle.h.

bool DybShuffle::m_dohash [private]

Property: Hash - if true, hash the seed.

Definition at line 42 of file DybShuffle.h.

std::vector<long> DybShuffle::m_seedvec [private]

Definition at line 44 of file DybShuffle.h.

Rndm::Numbers DybShuffle::m_uni [private]

Definition at line 46 of file DybShuffle.h.

DayaBay::HeaderObject* DybBaseAlg::m_headerObject [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 89 of file DybBaseAlg.h.

bool DybBaseAlg::m_pullMode [protected, inherited]

runing mode, push or pull

Definition at line 92 of file DybBaseAlg.h.

std::string DybBaseAlg::m_location [protected, inherited]

Property: Location.

Set non-standard TES location for the object this algorithm produces. Default is result of class method HeaderType::defaultLocation().

Definition at line 118 of file DybBaseAlg.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
| Classes | Job Modules | Data Objects | Services | Algorithms | Tools | Packages | Directories | Tracs |

Generated on Mon Apr 11 20:40:41 2011 for DybAlg by doxygen 1.4.7