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In This Package:

EsIdealFeeTool Class Reference

#include <EsIdealFeeTool.h>

Inheritance diagram for EsIdealFeeTool:

Collaboration diagram for EsIdealFeeTool:
List of all members.

Public Types

enum  Status

Public Member Functions

 EsIdealFeeTool (const std::string &type, const std::string &name, const IInterface *parent)
virtual ~EsIdealFeeTool ()
virtual StatusCode generateSignals (DayaBay::ElecPulseCollection *, DayaBay::ElecCrate *)
 This is the extension. Sub classes must provide it.
virtual StatusCode initialize ()
virtual StatusCode finalize ()
INTupleSvcntupleSvc () const
INTupleSvcevtColSvc () const
IDataProviderSvcdetSvc () const
IDataProviderSvcevtSvc () const
IIncidentSvcincSvc () const
IChronoStatSvcchronoSvc () const
IHistogramSvchistoSvc () const
IAlgContextSvccontextSvc () const
DataObjectput (IDataProviderSvc *svc, DataObject *object, const std::string &address, const bool useRootInTES=true) const
DataObjectput (DataObject *object, const std::string &address, const bool useRootInTES=true) const
Gaudi::Utils::GetData< TYPE
get (IDataProviderSvc *svc, const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES=true) const
Gaudi::Utils::GetData< TYPE
get (const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES=true) const
TYPE * getDet (IDataProviderSvc *svc, const std::string &location) const
TYPE * getDet (const std::string &location) const
bool exist (IDataProviderSvc *svc, const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES=true) const
bool exist (const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES=true) const
bool existDet (IDataProviderSvc *svc, const std::string &location) const
bool existDet (const std::string &location) const
TYPE * getOrCreate (IDataProviderSvc *svc, const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES=true) const
TYPE * getOrCreate (const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES=true) const
TOOL * tool (const std::string &type, const std::string &name, const IInterface *parent=0, bool create=true) const
TOOL * tool (const std::string &type, const IInterface *parent=0, bool create=true) const
SERVICE * svc (const std::string &name, const bool create=true) const
IUpdateManagerSvcupdMgrSvc () const
IDataProviderSvcfastContainersSvc () const
StatusCode Error (const std::string &msg, const StatusCode st=StatusCode::FAILURE, const size_t mx=10) const
StatusCode Warning (const std::string &msg, const StatusCode st=StatusCode::FAILURE, const size_t mx=10) const
StatusCode Print (const std::string &msg, const StatusCode st=StatusCode::SUCCESS, const MSG::Level lev=MSG::INFO) const
StatusCode Assert (const bool ok, const std::string &message="", const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
StatusCode Assert (const bool ok, const char *message, const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
StatusCode Exception (const std::string &msg, const GaudiException &exc, const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
StatusCode Exception (const std::string &msg, const std::exception &exc, const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
StatusCode Exception (const std::string &msg="no message", const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
MsgStreammsgStream (const MSG::Level level) const
MsgStreamalways () const
MsgStreamfatal () const
MsgStreamerr () const
MsgStreamerror () const
MsgStreamwarning () const
MsgStreaminfo () const
MsgStreamdebug () const
MsgStreamverbose () const
MsgStreammsg () const
const Statisticscounters () const
StatEntitycounter (const std::string &tag) const
MSG::Level msgLevel () const
bool msgLevel (const MSG::Level level) const
void resetMsgStream () const
bool typePrint () const
bool propsPrint () const
bool statPrint () const
bool errorsPrint () const
long printStat (const MSG::Level level=MSG::ALWAYS) const
long printErrors (const MSG::Level level=MSG::ALWAYS) const
long printProps (const MSG::Level level=MSG::ALWAYS) const
void registerCondition (const std::string &condition, StatusCode(CallerClass::*mf)()=NULL)
void registerCondition (const std::string &condition, CondType *&condPtrDest, StatusCode(CallerClass::*mf)()=NULL)
void registerCondition (char *condition, StatusCode(CallerClass::*mf)()=NULL)
void registerCondition (TargetClass *condition, StatusCode(CallerClass::*mf)()=NULL)
StatusCode runUpdate ()
TransientFastContainer< T > * getFastContainer (const std::string &location, typename TransientFastContainer< T >::size_type initial=0)
StatusCode release (const IInterface *interface) const
virtual unsigned long release ()
const std::string & context () const
const std::string & rootInTES () const
double globalTimeOffset () const
virtual StatusCode queryInterface (const InterfaceID &riid, void **ppvUnknown)
virtual unsigned long addRef ()
virtual const std::string & name () const
virtual const std::string & type () const
virtual const IInterfaceparent () const
virtual StatusCode configure ()
virtual StatusCode start ()
virtual StatusCode stop ()
virtual StatusCode terminate ()
virtual StatusCode reinitialize ()
virtual StatusCode restart ()
virtual Gaudi::StateMachine::State FSMState () const
virtual Gaudi::StateMachine::State targetFSMState () const
virtual StatusCode sysInitialize ()
virtual StatusCode sysStart ()
virtual StatusCode sysStop ()
virtual StatusCode sysFinalize ()
virtual StatusCode sysReinitialize ()
virtual StatusCode sysRestart ()
virtual StatusCode setProperty (const Property &p)
virtual StatusCode setProperty (const std::string &s)
virtual StatusCode setProperty (const std::string &n, const std::string &v)
StatusCode setProperty (const std::string &name, const TYPE &value)
virtual StatusCode getProperty (Property *p) const
virtual const PropertygetProperty (const std::string &name) const
virtual StatusCode getProperty (const std::string &n, std::string &v) const
virtual const std::vector<
Property * > & 
getProperties () const
PropertyMgrgetPropertyMgr ()
ISvcLocatorserviceLocator () const
ISvcLocatorsvcLoc () const
IMessageSvcmsgSvc () const
IToolSvctoolSvc () const
StatusCode setProperties ()
StatusCode service (const std::string &name, T *&svc, bool createIf=true) const
StatusCode service (const std::string &type, const std::string &name, T *&svc) const
void declInterface (const InterfaceID &, void *)
PropertydeclareProperty (const std::string &name, T &property, const std::string &doc="none") const
PropertydeclareRemoteProperty (const std::string &name, IProperty *rsvc, const std::string &rname="") const
IAuditorSvcauditorSvc () const
IMonitorSvcmonitorSvc () const
void declareInfo (const std::string &name, const T &var, const std::string &desc) const
void declareInfo (const std::string &name, const std::string &format, const void *var, int size, const std::string &desc) const
virtual const std::string & type () const =0
virtual const IInterfaceparent () const =0
virtual StatusCode configure ()=0
virtual StatusCode start ()=0
virtual StatusCode stop ()=0
virtual StatusCode terminate ()=0
virtual StatusCode reinitialize ()=0
virtual StatusCode restart ()=0
virtual Gaudi::StateMachine::State FSMState () const =0
virtual StatusCode sysInitialize ()=0
virtual StatusCode sysStart ()=0
virtual StatusCode sysStop ()=0
virtual StatusCode sysFinalize ()=0
virtual StatusCode sysReinitialize ()=0
virtual StatusCode sysRestart ()=0
virtual unsigned long refCount () const =0
virtual const std::string & name () const =0
virtual StatusCode queryInterface (const InterfaceID &riid, void **ppvInterface)=0
virtual unsigned long addRef ()=0
virtual unsigned long release ()=0

Static Public Member Functions

static const InterfaceIDinterfaceID ()
static const InterfaceIDinterfaceID ()
static const InterfaceIDinterfaceID ()
static const InterfaceIDinterfaceID ()
 Retrieve interface ID.

Public Attributes


Protected Types

typedef std::map< std::string,
typedef std::map< std::string,
unsigned int > 
typedef std::vector< IAlgTool * > AlgTools
typedef std::pair< IInterface *,
std::string > 
typedef std::vector< ServiceEntryServices

Protected Member Functions

StatusCode releaseTool (const IAlgTool *tool) const
StatusCode releaseSvc (const IInterface *svc) const
int outputLevel () const
virtual unsigned long refCount () const
IntegerPropertyoutputLevelProperty ()
void initOutputLevel (Property &prop)

Static Protected Attributes

static const bool IgnoreRootInTES
static const bool UseRootInTES

Private Member Functions

StatusCode loadResponse ()
StatusCode mapPulsesByChannel (const DayaBay::ElecPulseCollection::PulseContainer &pulses, std::map< DayaBay::ElecChannelId, std::vector< DayaBay::ElecPmtPulse * > > &pulseMap, int *hitCountSlices)
StatusCode updateBoardSignals (DayaBay::ElecFeeCrate *crate)
StatusCode updateEsumSignals (DayaBay::ElecFeeCrate *crate)
virtual StatusCode generateOneChannel (const DayaBay::FeeChannelId &, std::vector< DayaBay::ElecPmtPulse * > &, DayaBay::ElecFeeChannel &, double simTime, const ServiceMode &)
int convertClock (int clock, int inputFrequency, int outputFrequency)
DayaBay::ESumComp::ESumComp_t boardEsumType (int boardId)
void convolve (const DayaBay::AnalogSignal &signal, const DayaBay::AnalogSignal &response, DayaBay::AnalogSignal &output)
void shape (const DayaBay::AnalogSignal &rawSignal, DayaBay::AnalogSignal &shapedSignal, const DayaBay::AnalogSignal &response, std::map< int, int > convolutionWindows)
void digitize (const DayaBay::AnalogSignal &signal, DayaBay::DigitalSignal &output, double range, int bits, double offset)
void discriminate (const DayaBay::AnalogSignal &signal, double threshold, std::vector< int > &output, DayaBay::Threshold::Threshold_t mode)
double pmtPulse (double deltaT, int nPulse, bool addOvershoot)
double overshoot (double deltaT, int nPulse)
double ringing (double deltaT, double pulseMax)
double satFactor (double amp)
double pulseShaping (double deltaT)
double esumShaping (double deltaT)
double getPulseWidth (int nPulse)
double getPulseForm (int nPulse)
double getPulseShift (int nPulse)
double getOvershootAmp (int nPulse)
double noise ()
void sample (const DayaBay::AnalogSignal &signal, DayaBay::AnalogSignal &output, int inputFrequency, int outputFrequency)

Private Attributes

std::string m_cableSvcName
std::string m_simDataSvcName
int m_triggerWindowCycles
double m_gainFactor
int m_simFrequency
int m_eSumFrequency
bool m_enableNonlinearity
bool m_enableAcCoupling
unsigned int m_linearityThreshold
bool m_enablePretrigger
double m_eSumTriggerThreshold
int m_nHitTriggerThreshold
int m_pretriggerThreshold
bool m_enableNoise
bool m_enableDynamicWaveform
bool m_enableSaturation
bool m_enableRinging
bool m_enableOvershoot
bool m_enableESumTotal
bool m_enableESumH
bool m_enableESumL
bool m_enableFastSimMode
double m_pulseCountSlotWidth
int m_pulseCountWindow
double m_noiseAmp
double m_speAmp
double m_discThreshScale
double m_adcRange
double m_adcBits
double m_adcOffset
DayaBay::AnalogSignal m_pmtPulse
DayaBay::AnalogSignal m_pmtPulse_noOvershoot
DayaBay::AnalogSignal m_shapedPmtPulse
DayaBay::AnalogSignal m_shapedPmtPulse_noOvershoot
DayaBay::AnalogSignal m_ringing
DayaBay::AnalogSignal m_shapedRinging
DayaBay::AnalogSignal m_esumResponse
DayaBay::AnalogSignal m_shapingResponse
double m_shapingSum
double m_esumShapingSum
double m_pulseMax
Rndm::Numbers m_gauss
DayaBay::AnalogSignal m_rawSignal
DayaBay::AnalogSignal m_esumL
DayaBay::AnalogSignal m_esumH
DayaBay::AnalogSignal m_esumTotal
DayaBay::DigitalSignal m_shapedEsumADC
DayaBay::AnalogSignal m_shapedEsumH
DayaBay::AnalogSignal m_shapedEsumL
DayaBay::AnalogSignal m_shapedEsumTotal
DayaBay::AnalogSignal m_discriminatorSignal
DayaBay::AnalogSignal m_shapedSignal
DayaBay::AnalogSignal m_tdcSignal
DayaBay::AnalogSignal m_adcAnalogSignal
DayaBay::DigitalSignal m_hitSignal
DayaBay::DigitalSignal m_adcHighGain
DayaBay::DigitalSignal m_adcLowGain
DayaBay::AnalogSignal m_energySignal
DayaBay::DigitalSignal m_hitSync
DayaBay::DigitalSignal m_hitHold
std::map< int, int > m_adcConvolutionWindows
std::map< int, int > m_esumConvolutionWindows

Detailed Description

Definition at line 39 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EsIdealFeeTool::EsIdealFeeTool ( const std::string &  type,
const std::string &  name,
const IInterface parent 

Definition at line 11 of file EsIdealFeeTool.cc.

00014   : GaudiTool(type,name,parent),
00015     m_cableSvc(0)
00016 {
00017     declareInterface< IEsFrontEndTool >(this);
00019     declareProperty("CableSvcName",m_cableSvcName="StaticCableSvc",
00020                     "Name of service to map between detector, hardware, and electronic IDs");
00021     declareProperty("SimDataSvcName",m_simDataSvcName="StaticSimDataSvc",
00022                     "Name of service to provide FEE channel properties for simulation");
00023     declareProperty("SimFrequency", m_simFrequency = DayaBay::TdcFrequencyHz,
00024                     "Simulation Frequency");
00025     declareProperty("ESumFrequency", m_eSumFrequency = DayaBay::EsumFrequencyHz,
00026                     "Esum Frequency");
00027     declareProperty("TriggerWindowCycles", 
00028                     m_triggerWindowCycles=DayaBay::TriggerWindowCycles,
00029                     "Number of trigger window ccyles");
00030     declareProperty("GainFactor", 
00031                     m_gainFactor=2.,
00032                     "Mean PMT gain (in units of 10^7)");
00033     declareProperty("NoiseAmp",m_noiseAmp=0.5e-3*Gaudi::Units::volt,
00034                     "Voltage amplitude of noise");
00035     declareProperty("SpeAmp",m_speAmp=0.0035,
00036                     "Spe pulse height in V at 1e7 gain");
00037     declareProperty("DiscThreshScale", m_discThreshScale=1,
00038                     "Factor to scale all channels' discriminator threshold");
00039     declareProperty("EnableNonlinearity", m_enableNonlinearity=true, 
00040                     "Turns on/off all nonlinear effects");
00041     declareProperty("EnableNoise",m_enableNoise=false,"Turn on/off noise individually");
00042     declareProperty("EnableDynamicWaveform", m_enableDynamicWaveform=true, 
00043                     "Turns on/off dynamic waveform individually");
00044     declareProperty("EnableRinging", m_enableRinging=true, 
00045                     "Turns on/off ringing individually");
00046     declareProperty("EnableOvershoot", m_enableOvershoot=true, 
00047                     "Turns on/off overshoot individually");
00048     declareProperty("EnableSaturation", m_enableSaturation=true, 
00049                     "Turns on/off saturation individually");
00050     declareProperty("EnableAcCoupling", m_enableAcCoupling=true, 
00051                     "Turns on/off high pass filter before discriminator");
00052     declareProperty("EnableESumTotal", m_enableESumTotal=true, 
00053                     "Turns on/off Total ESum simulation");
00054     declareProperty("EnableESumH", m_enableESumH=true, "Turns on/off upper ESum simulation");
00055     declareProperty("EnableESumL", m_enableESumL=true, "Turns on/off lower ESum simulation");
00056     declareProperty("EnableFastSimMode", m_enableFastSimMode=false, 
00057                     "Turns on/off fast simulation mode to save CPU time");
00058     declareProperty("PulseCountSlotWidth", m_pulseCountSlotWidth=5e-9*Gaudi::Units::second,
00059                     "pulse count time slot size");
00060     declareProperty("PulseCountWindow", m_pulseCountWindow=2, 
00061                     "Number of counted slots before and after a pulse");
00062     declareProperty("LinearityThreshold", m_linearityThreshold=20, 
00063                     "Threshold in P.E. for activating nonlinear pulse shape");
00064     declareProperty("EnablePretrigger", m_enablePretrigger=true, 
00065                     "Turns on/off pretrigger");
00066     declareProperty("TotalESumTriggerThreshold", 
00067                     m_eSumTriggerThreshold=DayaBay::Trigger::kADESumThreshold, 
00068                     "Total ESum trigger threshold as set in TrigSim");
00069     declareProperty("NHitTriggerThreshold", 
00070                     m_nHitTriggerThreshold=DayaBay::Trigger::kADthreshold, 
00071                     "nHit trigger threshold as set in TrigSim");
00072     declareProperty("ADCOffset", m_adcOffset = 500, "Esum Frequency");
00073     declareProperty("ADCRange", m_adcRange = 1, "Esum Range");
00074     declareProperty("ADCBits", m_adcBits = 10, "Esum Bits");
00075 }

EsIdealFeeTool::~EsIdealFeeTool (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 77 of file EsIdealFeeTool.cc.

00077 {}

Member Function Documentation

StatusCode EsIdealFeeTool::generateSignals ( DayaBay::ElecPulseCollection ,
) [virtual]

This is the extension. Sub classes must provide it.

Implements IEsFrontEndTool.

Definition at line 166 of file EsIdealFeeTool.cc.

00168 {    
00169   // Ensure that crate is a FeeCrate
00170   DayaBay::ElecFeeCrate* crate = 0;
00171   crate = dynamic_cast<DayaBay::ElecFeeCrate*>(elecCrate);
00172   if(crate == NULL){
00173     error() << "generateSignals(): Crate is not a FEE Crate." << endreq;
00174     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00175   }
00177   // Context, ServiceMode for this data
00178   Context context(pulses->detector().site(), SimFlag::kMC, 
00179           pulses->header()->header()->timeStamp(),
00180           pulses->detector().detectorId());
00181   int task = 0;
00182   ServiceMode svcMode(context, task);
00184   // Initialize crate if necessary
00185   if(crate->channelData().size() == 0){
00186     // First, get list of all connected FEE channels
00187     const std::vector<DayaBay::DetectorSensor>& pmtList 
00188       = m_cableSvc->sensors( svcMode );
00189     int nPmts = pmtList.size();
00190     for(int pmtIdx = 0; pmtIdx < nPmts; pmtIdx++){
00191       // Add channel to crate
00192       DayaBay::FeeChannelId channelId(m_cableSvc->elecChannelId(pmtList[pmtIdx], svcMode).fullPackedData());
00193       crate->addChannel(channelId);
00194       verbose() << "Adding channel to crate: " << channelId << endreq;
00195     }
00196   }
00198   // Prepare time range of the simulation
00199   TimeStamp earliest = pulses->header()->header()->earliest();
00200   TimeStamp latest = pulses->header()->header()->latest();
00201   // The time window for the crate signals
00202   double simTime = latest - earliest;
00203   verbose() << "Simulation time is " << simTime << endreq;
00204   // The number of samples in time given the simulation frequency
00205   int simSamples = int(simTime * m_simFrequency);
00206   verbose() << "Simulation has " << simSamples << " samples at frequency "
00207      << m_simFrequency << " Hz" << endreq;
00209   // Compute time windows that will possibly be readout
00210   int nTimeSlices = int(simTime / 150e-9 + 0.5);
00211   //std::vector<int> hitCountSlices(nTimeSlices,0);
00212   //int* hitCountSlices = new int[nTimeSlices];
00213   int hitCountSlices[nTimeSlices];
00214   for ( int i = 0; i < nTimeSlices; ++i ) hitCountSlices[i] = 0;
00216   // Organize Pulses by Channel
00217   std::map<DayaBay::ElecChannelId, std::vector<DayaBay::ElecPmtPulse*> > pulseMap;
00218   StatusCode sc;
00219   sc = mapPulsesByChannel( pulses->pulses(), pulseMap, hitCountSlices );      
00220   if(sc.isFailure()) return sc;
00221   debug() << "Mapped Pulses" << endreq;
00223   // Pretrigger:
00224   // Compute map of time windows that will possibly read out  
00225   m_adcConvolutionWindows.clear();
00226   m_esumConvolutionWindows.clear();
00227   int adcConvStart, adcConvEnd;
00228   int esumConvStart, esumConvEnd;
00229   std::map<int,int>::reverse_iterator sliceIt;
00230   for(int i = 1; i < nTimeSlices; i++){
00231     if( hitCountSlices[i] + hitCountSlices[i-1] < m_pretriggerThreshold ) continue;
00232     if (i - 5 < 0) adcConvStart = 0;
00233     else adcConvStart = (i - 5);
00234     if (i - 1 < 0) esumConvStart = 0;
00235     else esumConvStart = (i - 1);
00237     if (i + 5 > nTimeSlices) adcConvEnd = nTimeSlices;
00238     else adcConvEnd = (i + 5);
00239     if (i + 1 > nTimeSlices) esumConvEnd = nTimeSlices;
00240     else esumConvEnd = (i + 1);
00242     if( m_adcConvolutionWindows.empty() ) {
00243       m_adcConvolutionWindows[adcConvStart] = adcConvEnd;
00244       m_esumConvolutionWindows[esumConvStart] = esumConvEnd;
00245       continue;
00246     }
00247     sliceIt = m_adcConvolutionWindows.rbegin();
00248     if( (adcConvStart - sliceIt->second > 2) ) 
00249       m_adcConvolutionWindows[adcConvStart ] = adcConvEnd;
00250     else
00251       m_adcConvolutionWindows[sliceIt->first] = adcConvEnd;
00253     sliceIt = m_esumConvolutionWindows.rbegin();
00254     if( (esumConvStart - sliceIt->second > 2) ) 
00255       m_esumConvolutionWindows[esumConvStart ] = esumConvEnd;
00256     else                                         
00257       m_esumConvolutionWindows[sliceIt->first] = esumConvEnd;
00258   }
00259   debug() << "Number of time windows to be possibly read out: " << m_adcConvolutionWindows.size() << endreq;
00261   // If no time windows is considered of possible interest, skip the entire event
00262   if(m_adcConvolutionWindows.size()==0 && m_enablePretrigger) {
00263     debug() << "Event below pretrigger threshold, no waveform simulation" << endreq;
00264     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00265   }
00267   // Loop over channels, and fill with the simulated signals
00268   const DayaBay::ElecFeeCrate::ChannelData& channelData = crate->channelData();
00269   DayaBay::ElecFeeCrate::ChannelData::const_iterator channelIter, 
00270     done = channelData.end();  
00271   for(channelIter = channelData.begin(); channelIter != done; ++channelIter){
00272     DayaBay::FeeChannelId channelId = channelIter->first;
00273     DayaBay::ElecFeeChannel& channel = crate->channel(channelId);
00275     //Fill each channel with signals
00276     sc = generateOneChannel(channelId, pulseMap[channelId], channel, 
00277                 simTime, svcMode);
00278     if( !sc.isSuccess() ) return sc;
00280   } // End loop over channels
00282   StatusCode status = updateBoardSignals(crate);
00283   if (status.isFailure()) return status;
00284   status = updateEsumSignals(crate);
00285   if (status.isFailure()) return status;  
00287   verbose() << "Crate\n" << *crate << endreq;
00289   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00290 }

StatusCode EsIdealFeeTool::initialize (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from GaudiTool.

Definition at line 79 of file EsIdealFeeTool.cc.

00080 {
00081   // Get Cable Service
00082   m_cableSvc = svc<ICableSvc>(m_cableSvcName,true);
00084   // Get PMT simulation input data service
00085   m_simDataSvc = svc<ISimDataSvc>(m_simDataSvcName,true);
00087   StatusCode sc = loadResponse();
00088   if(sc.isFailure()) return sc;
00090   // Random number service
00091   IRndmGenSvc *rgs = 0;
00092   if (service("RndmGenSvc",rgs,true).isFailure()) {
00093     fatal() << "Failed to get random service" << endreq;
00094     return StatusCode::FAILURE;        
00095   }
00097   sc = m_gauss.initialize(rgs, Rndm::Gauss(0,1));
00098   if (sc.isFailure()) {
00099     fatal() << "Failed to initialize gaussian random numbers" << endreq;
00100     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00101   }
00102   // Set up pretrigger threshold
00103   int preThr = int(0.8 * m_nHitTriggerThreshold + 0.5);
00104   int esumPreThr = int (0.8 * 1500 * m_eSumTriggerThreshold/Gaudi::Units::volt + 0.5);
00105   if(preThr > esumPreThr) preThr = esumPreThr;
00106   m_pretriggerThreshold = preThr;
00107   if( m_enablePretrigger ){
00108     info() << "Pretrigger threshold is " << m_pretriggerThreshold << " pe " << endreq;
00109   }
00110   else {
00111     info() << "Pretrigger disabled" << endreq;
00112     info() << "Convolution threshold is " << m_pretriggerThreshold << " pe " << endreq;
00113   }
00115   if( m_enableFastSimMode){
00116     info() << "Fast electronics simulation mode enabled: Note that Upper and Lower ESum trigger do not yield meaningful results" << endreq;
00117     m_linearityThreshold = 100000;
00118     m_enableESumH = false;
00119     m_enableESumL = false;
00120   }
00121   if( !m_enableNonlinearity  ) {
00122     info() << "All nonlinear effects disabled." << endreq; 
00123     m_enableOvershoot = false;   
00124     m_enableSaturation = false;
00125     m_enableRinging = false;
00126     m_enableDynamicWaveform = false;
00127     m_enableAcCoupling = false;
00128   }
00129   else {
00130     info() << "Nonlinear model enabled for channels with more than " 
00131        << m_linearityThreshold << " hits " << endreq;
00133     if( !m_enableAcCoupling ) 
00134       info() << "AC coupling disabled" << endreq; 
00135     else 
00136       debug() << "AC coupling enabled" << endreq;
00138     if( !m_enableOvershoot ) 
00139       info() << "Overshoot disabled" << endreq; 
00140     else 
00141       debug() << "Overshoot enabled" << endreq;
00143     if( !m_enableRinging ) 
00144       info() << "Ringing disabled" << endreq; 
00145     else 
00146       debug() << "Ringing enabled" << endreq;
00148     if( !m_enableSaturation ) 
00149       info() << "Saturation disabled" << endreq; 
00150     else 
00151       debug() << "Saturation enabled" << endreq;
00153     if( !m_enableDynamicWaveform ) 
00154       info() << "Dynamic waveform disabled" << endreq; 
00155     else 
00156       debug() << "Dynamic waveform enabled" << endreq;
00157   }
00158   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00159 }

StatusCode EsIdealFeeTool::finalize (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from GaudiTool.

Definition at line 161 of file EsIdealFeeTool.cc.

00162 {
00163   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00164 }

StatusCode EsIdealFeeTool::loadResponse (  )  [private]

Definition at line 578 of file EsIdealFeeTool.cc.

00578                                        { 
00579   // SJ: Load the CR-(RC)^4 response data
00580   double dT_seconds = (1. / m_simFrequency);
00581   double dT_units = dT_seconds*CLHEP::second;
00582   int nShapingSamples = int(DayaBay::preTimeTolerance/dT_units);
00583   int nPulseSamples = 3*nShapingSamples;
00584   int nRingingSamples = int(DayaBay::postTimeTolerance/dT_units);
00585   m_shapingResponse.resize(nShapingSamples);
00586   m_esumResponse.resize(nPulseSamples);
00587   m_pmtPulse.resize(nPulseSamples);
00588   m_pmtPulse_noOvershoot.resize(nPulseSamples);
00589   m_ringing.resize(nRingingSamples);
00590   m_shapingSum = 0;
00591   m_esumShapingSum = 0;
00592   m_pulseMax = 0;
00594   for (int i=0; i<nShapingSamples; i++) {
00595     m_shapingResponse[i] = pulseShaping(i*dT_seconds);
00596     m_shapingSum += m_shapingResponse[i];
00597   }
00599   for (int i=0; i<nPulseSamples; i++){
00600     m_esumResponse[i] = esumShaping(i*dT_units/CLHEP::nanosecond);
00601     m_esumShapingSum += m_esumResponse[i];
00602     }
00604   for (int i=0; i<nPulseSamples; i++) {
00605     m_pmtPulse[i] = pmtPulse(i*dT_seconds,1,true);
00606     m_pmtPulse_noOvershoot[i] = pmtPulse(i*dT_seconds,1,false);
00607     // Keep track of 
00608     if( m_pmtPulse[i] < m_pulseMax ) m_pulseMax = m_pmtPulse[i];
00610   }
00611   // Invert to be a positive-voltage peak
00612   m_pulseMax *= -1;
00614   for (int i=0; i<nRingingSamples; i++) {
00615     m_ringing[i] = ringing(i*dT_seconds, m_pulseMax);
00616   }
00618   // Convolve the pmt pulse with the CR-(RC)^4 shaping response
00619   convolve( m_pmtPulse, m_shapingResponse, m_shapedPmtPulse );
00620   m_shapedPmtPulse.resize( m_pmtPulse.size() );
00621   convolve( m_pmtPulse_noOvershoot, m_shapingResponse, m_shapedPmtPulse_noOvershoot );
00622   m_shapedPmtPulse_noOvershoot.resize( m_pmtPulse.size() );
00623   // Scale the resulting convolution to preserve the pulse area
00624   for(unsigned int i=0; i < m_pmtPulse.size(); i++) {
00625     m_shapedPmtPulse[i] /= m_shapingSum;
00626     m_shapedPmtPulse_noOvershoot[i] /= m_shapingSum;
00627   }
00628   // Convolve the ringing with the CR-(RC)^4 shaping response
00629   convolve( m_ringing, m_shapingResponse, m_shapedRinging );
00630   m_shapedRinging.resize( m_ringing.size() );
00631   // Scale the resulting convolution to preserve normalization
00632   for(unsigned int i=0; i < m_shapedRinging.size(); i++) 
00633     m_shapedRinging[i] /= m_shapingSum;
00635   // Dump ideal pulse shapes
00636   {
00637     std::stringstream output;
00638     output << "pmtPulse = [ ";
00639     for(int i=0; i<nPulseSamples; i++){
00640       if(i!=0) output << ", ";
00641       output << m_pmtPulse[i];
00642     } 
00643     output << " ]";
00644     verbose() << output.str() << endreq;
00645   }
00647   {
00648     std::stringstream output;
00649     output << "Esum Shaping Pulse = [ ";
00650     for(int i=0; i<nPulseSamples; i++){
00651         if(i!=0) output << ", ";
00652     output << m_esumResponse[i];
00653     }
00654     output << " ]";
00655     verbose() << output.str() << endreq;
00656   }
00658   {
00659     std::stringstream output;
00660     output << "ringing = [ ";
00661     for(int i=0; i<nRingingSamples; i++){
00662       if(i!=0) output << ", ";
00663       output << m_ringing[i];
00664     }
00665     output << " ]";
00666     verbose() << output.str() << endreq;
00667   }
00668   {
00669     std::stringstream output;
00670     output << "shapedPmtPulse = [ ";
00671     for(int i=0; i<nPulseSamples; i++){
00672       if(i!=0) output << ", ";
00673       output << m_shapedPmtPulse[i];
00674     } 
00675     output << " ]";
00676     verbose() << output.str() << endreq;
00677   }
00678   {
00679     std::stringstream output;
00680     output << "shapedRinging = [ ";
00681     for(int i=0; i<nRingingSamples; i++){
00682       if(i!=0) output << ", ";
00683       output << m_shapedRinging[i];
00684     }
00685     output << " ]";
00686     verbose() << output.str() << endreq;
00687   }
00689   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00690 }

StatusCode EsIdealFeeTool::mapPulsesByChannel ( const DayaBay::ElecPulseCollection::PulseContainer pulses,
std::map< DayaBay::ElecChannelId, std::vector< DayaBay::ElecPmtPulse * > > &  pulseMap,
int *  hitCountSlices 
) [private]

Definition at line 692 of file EsIdealFeeTool.cc.

00696 {
00697   debug() << "Processing " << pulses.size() << " pmt pulses." << endreq;
00698   DayaBay::ElecPulseCollection::PulseContainer::const_iterator it, 
00699     pulseDone = pulses.end();
00700   int timeSliceNo;
00701   // loop over pulses in collection
00702   for (it=pulses.begin(); it != pulseDone; ++it) {
00703     DayaBay::ElecPmtPulse* pulse = dynamic_cast<DayaBay::ElecPmtPulse*>(*it);
00704     if(pulse == NULL){
00705       // Catch invalid pulses
00706       error() << "mapPulsesByChannel(): bad pulse." << endreq;
00707       return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00708     }
00709     (pulseMap[pulse->channelId()]).push_back(pulse);
00710     timeSliceNo = int( pulse->time()/150. - 0.5 );
00711     hitCountSlices[timeSliceNo]+=int(pulse->amplitude()+0.5);
00712   }
00713   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00714 }

StatusCode EsIdealFeeTool::updateBoardSignals ( DayaBay::ElecFeeCrate crate  )  [private]

Definition at line 716 of file EsIdealFeeTool.cc.

00717 { 
00718   // Update the board Nhit and Esum info, according to the current
00719   // channel info
00721   DayaBay::ElecFeeCrate::DigitalMap& nhitMap = crate->nhit();
00722   DayaBay::ElecFeeCrate::AnalogMap& esumMap = crate->esum();
00724   // Loop over channels, and add data to the board-level signals
00725   const DayaBay::ElecFeeCrate::ChannelData& channelData = crate->channelData();
00726   DayaBay::ElecFeeCrate::ChannelData::const_iterator channelIter, 
00727     done = channelData.end();
00728   for(channelIter = channelData.begin(); channelIter != done; ++channelIter){
00729     DayaBay::FeeChannelId channelId = channelIter->first;
00730     const DayaBay::ElecFeeChannel& channel = channelIter->second;
00731     const DayaBay::DigitalSignal& hit = channel.hit();
00732     const DayaBay::AnalogSignal& energy = channel.energy();
00733     DayaBay::DigitalSignal& boardNhit = nhitMap[channelId.boardId()];
00734     DayaBay::AnalogSignal& boardEsum = esumMap[channelId.boardId()];
00736     unsigned int hitSamples = hit.size();
00738     // Create hitSync to mimic the syncronized discriminator output
00739     //DayaBay::DigitalSignal hitSync( hitSamples,0);
00740     if( m_hitSync.size() != hitSamples ) m_hitSync.resize( hitSamples );
00741     const int* hitStart = &hit[0];
00742     int* hitSyncStart = &m_hitSync[0];
00743     *hitSyncStart = 0;  // Set first sample to zero
00744     for (unsigned int i=1; i< hitSamples; i++){
00745       int* curHitSync = hitSyncStart + i;
00746       int* lastHitSync = curHitSync - 1;
00747       const int* curHit = hitStart + i;
00748       const int* lastHit = curHit - 1;
00749       if( *lastHitSync==0 && *lastHit==0 && *curHit==1 ) *curHitSync = 1;
00750       else *curHitSync = 0;
00751     }
00753     // The logic pulse from the channel level hit is extended for
00754     // multiple clock cycles (triggerWindowCycles) before going to the
00755     // trigger.
00756     //DayaBay::DigitalSignal hitHold( hitSamples , 0 );
00757     if( m_hitHold.size() != hitSamples ) m_hitHold.resize( hitSamples );
00758     int* hitHoldStart = &m_hitHold[0];
00759     for (unsigned int i=0; i< hitSamples; i++) *(hitHoldStart + i) = 0;
00761     if( boardNhit.size() != hitSamples ){
00762       boardNhit.resize( hitSamples );
00763       int* boardNhitStart = &boardNhit[0];
00764       for (unsigned int i=0; i< hitSamples; i++) *(boardNhitStart + i) = 0;
00765     }
00767     for( unsigned int idx = 0; idx < hitSamples; idx++ ){
00768       unsigned int tempIdx = 0;
00769       if( *(hitSyncStart+idx) != 0 ){
00770     for( int holdIdx = 0; holdIdx < m_triggerWindowCycles; holdIdx++ ){
00771       unsigned int currentIdx = idx + holdIdx;
00772       if( currentIdx < hitSamples ) *(hitHoldStart + currentIdx) = 1;
00773       tempIdx++;
00774     }
00775     if(tempIdx !=0) idx = idx +tempIdx-1 ;
00776       } // End hit
00777     }
00779     {
00780       int* boardNhitStart = &boardNhit[0];
00781       for(unsigned int idx = 0; idx < hitSamples; idx++)
00782     *(boardNhitStart + idx) += *(hitHoldStart + idx);
00783     }
00784     verbose() << "boardNhit " << boardNhit << endreq;
00786     // Add channel energy to board esum
00787     unsigned int esumSamples = energy.size();
00788     if( boardEsum.size() != esumSamples ){
00789       boardEsum.resize( esumSamples );
00790       double* boardEsumStart = &boardEsum[0];
00791       for (unsigned int i=0; i< esumSamples; i++) *(boardEsumStart + i) = 0;
00792     }
00793       const double* energyStart = &energy[0];
00794       double* boardEsumStart = &boardEsum[0];
00795       for( unsigned int idx = 0; idx < esumSamples; idx++ ){
00796         *(boardEsumStart + idx) += *(energyStart + idx);
00797       }
00799      // warning() << "board esum " << boardEsum << endreq;
00800      // warning() << "energy " << energy << endreq;
00802   } // End loop over channels
00804   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00805 }

StatusCode EsIdealFeeTool::updateEsumSignals ( DayaBay::ElecFeeCrate crate  )  [private]

Definition at line 807 of file EsIdealFeeTool.cc.

00807                                                                       {
00808   // Loop over all boards in map
00809   DayaBay::ElecFeeCrate::AnalogMap& esumMap = crate->esum();
00810   DayaBay::ElecFeeCrate::AnalogMap::iterator boardIt = esumMap.begin();
00812   // Clear transient stores from previous Execution cycles
00813   m_esumH.clear();
00814   m_esumL.clear();
00815   m_esumTotal.clear();
00817   for (;boardIt != esumMap.end(); ++boardIt)
00818   {
00819       DayaBay::FeeChannelId boardId = boardIt->first;
00820       DayaBay::AnalogSignal& boardEnergy = boardIt->second;
00821       int boardNum = boardId.board();
00823       if( m_esumL.size() != boardEnergy.size() ){
00824           m_esumL.resize( boardEnergy.size() );
00825       }
00827       if( m_esumH.size() != boardEnergy.size() ){
00828         m_esumH.resize( boardEnergy.size() );
00829       }
00831       if( m_esumTotal.size() != boardEnergy.size() ){
00832         m_esumTotal.resize( boardEnergy.size() );
00833       }
00835       debug() << "board number " << boardNum << endreq;
00836       debug() << "Low Esum size " << m_esumL.size() << endreq;
00837       debug() << "board Energy size " << boardEnergy.size() << endreq;
00839       int boardIdx = boardEnergy.size();
00840       double* boardEsumStart = &boardEnergy[0];
00841       double* esumHStart = &m_esumH[0];
00842       double* esumLStart = &m_esumL[0];
00843       double* esumTtart  = &m_esumTotal[0];
00845       for( int i = 0; i < boardIdx; i++)
00846       {
00847           // update Upper Sum and total sum
00848           if (boardEsumType(boardNum) == DayaBay::ESumComp::kESumHigh){
00849               *(esumHStart+i) += *(boardEsumStart+i);
00850               *(esumTtart+i) += *(boardEsumStart+i);
00851               //m_esumH[i] += boardEnergy[i];
00852               //m_esumTotal[i] += boardEnergy[i];
00853           }
00855           // update Lower Sum and total sum
00856           if (boardEsumType(boardNum) == DayaBay::ESumComp::kESumLow){
00857               *(esumLStart+i) += *(boardEsumStart+i);
00858               *(esumTtart+i) += *(boardEsumStart+i);
00859               //m_esumL[i] += boardEnergy[i];
00860               //m_esumTotal[i] += boardEnergy[i];
00861           }
00862       }
00865   }// END LOOP over boards
00868   verbose() << "Lower ESum " << m_esumL << endreq;
00869   verbose() << "Total ESum " << m_esumTotal << endreq;
00871   // Shape Upper Sum
00872   if(m_enableESumH) {
00873     verbose() << "Upper ESum " << m_esumH << endreq;
00874     shape( m_esumH, m_shapedEsumH, m_esumResponse, m_esumConvolutionWindows );
00875     m_shapedEsumH.resize( m_esumH.size() );
00877     // NOTE: They should all be the same lenght so if we need to speed things up
00878     //        we could resacle all 3 in the same loop...
00880     // rescale after convolution
00881     double* esumHStart = &m_shapedEsumH[0];
00883     for(unsigned int i=0; i < m_shapedEsumH.size(); i++) 
00884     {  
00885       *(esumHStart+i) /= m_esumShapingSum;
00886       //m_shapedEsumH[i] /= m_esumShapingSum;  
00887     }
00889     // sample down to appropriate frequency and add to header 
00890     sample( m_shapedEsumH, crate->esumUpper(),
00891              m_simFrequency, m_eSumFrequency );
00893     verbose() << "Shaped upper sum " << crate->esumUpper() << endreq;
00894   }
00895   else {
00896     m_shapedEsumH.resize( m_esumH.size() );
00897     crate->setEsumUpper(m_shapedEsumH);
00898   }
00899   // Shape Lower Sum
00900   if(m_enableESumL) {
00901     shape( m_esumL, m_shapedEsumL, m_esumResponse, m_esumConvolutionWindows );
00902     m_shapedEsumL.resize( m_esumL.size() );
00904     // rescale after convolution
00905     double* esumLStart = &m_shapedEsumL[0];
00907     for(unsigned int i=0; i < m_shapedEsumL.size(); i++)
00908     {
00909         *(esumLStart+i) /= m_esumShapingSum;
00910         //m_shapedEsumL[i] /= m_esumShapingSum;
00911     }
00913     // sample down to appropriate frequency and add to header  
00914     sample( m_shapedEsumL, crate->esumLower(),
00915              m_simFrequency, m_eSumFrequency );
00917     verbose() << "Shaped lower sum " << crate->esumLower() << endreq;
00918   }
00919   else {
00920     m_shapedEsumL.resize( m_esumL.size() );
00921     crate->setEsumLower(m_shapedEsumL);
00922   }
00923   // Shape Total Sum 
00924   if(m_enableESumTotal) {
00925     shape( m_esumTotal, m_shapedEsumTotal, m_esumResponse, m_esumConvolutionWindows );
00926     m_shapedEsumTotal.resize( m_esumTotal.size() );
00928     // rescale after convolution
00929     double* esumTstart  = &m_shapedEsumTotal[0];
00931     for(unsigned int i=0; i < m_shapedEsumTotal.size(); i++) 
00932     {
00933        *(esumTstart+i) /= m_esumShapingSum;
00934        //m_shapedEsumTotal[i] /= m_esumShapingSum; 
00935     }  
00937     // sample down to appropriate frequency and add to header  
00938     sample( m_shapedEsumTotal, crate->esumTotal(),
00939              m_simFrequency, m_eSumFrequency );
00941     verbose() << "Shaped total sum " << crate->esumTotal() << endreq;
00942   }
00943   else {
00944     m_shapedEsumTotal.resize( m_esumTotal.size() );
00945     crate->setEsumTotal(m_shapedEsumTotal);
00946   }
00947   //Digitize the shaped total sum
00948   //FIXME: This needs to be fixed (edraeger@iit.edu)
00949   //         set as properties and/or get from service
00950   digitize(crate->esumTotal(), crate->esumADC(), m_adcRange, m_adcBits, m_adcOffset);
00952   verbose() << "Digitized signal " << crate->esumADC() << endreq;
00954   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00955 }

StatusCode EsIdealFeeTool::generateOneChannel ( const DayaBay::FeeChannelId ,
std::vector< DayaBay::ElecPmtPulse * > &  ,
DayaBay::ElecFeeChannel ,
double  simTime,
const ServiceMode  
) [private, virtual]

Definition at line 292 of file EsIdealFeeTool.cc.

00298 {
00299   // Generate the FEE signals caused by the PMT pulses for one channel
00301   // Get the simulation properties for this channel
00302   const DayaBay::FeeSimData* feeSimData = 
00303     m_simDataSvc->feeSimData(channelId, svcMode);
00304   if(!feeSimData){
00305     error() << "No Simulation input properties for FEE channel: " 
00306         << channelId << endreq;
00307     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00308   }
00310   // The number of samples in time given the simulation frequency
00311   unsigned int simSamples = int(simTime * m_simFrequency);
00313   // Prepare Raw Signal
00314   if(m_rawSignal.size() != simSamples) m_rawSignal.resize( simSamples );
00315   if(m_discriminatorSignal.size() != simSamples) m_discriminatorSignal.resize( simSamples );
00316   if(m_shapedSignal.size() != simSamples) m_shapedSignal.resize( simSamples );
00317   double* rawStart = &m_rawSignal[0];
00318   double* discriminatorStart = &m_discriminatorSignal[0];
00319   double* shapedStart = &m_shapedSignal[0];
00320   for( unsigned int sigIdx = 0; sigIdx!=simSamples; sigIdx++){
00321     *(rawStart + sigIdx) = 0;
00322     *(discriminatorStart + sigIdx) = 0;
00323     *(shapedStart + sigIdx) = 0;
00324   } 
00326   // Add noise to raw signal if requested
00327   if( m_enableNoise ){
00328     for(unsigned int index=0; index < simSamples; index++){
00329       *(rawStart + index) += noise();
00330       *(discriminatorStart + index) += noise();
00331     }
00332   }
00334   // Pulses on this channel?
00335   if( channelPulses.size() > 0 ){
00336     verbose() << "Channel " << channelId << " has " << channelPulses.size() 
00337           << " pulses." << endreq;
00338     // Use linear or nonlinear pulse shapes?
00339     if( m_enableNonlinearity && (channelPulses.size() > m_linearityThreshold) ){
00340       // Use nonlinear pulse shape
00342       verbose() << "Applying nonlinearity:" << channelPulses.size() 
00343         << " pulses (threshold=" << m_linearityThreshold << ")"  
00344         << endreq;
00346       // SJ: Prepare time slots for pulse counting
00347       int numPulseTimeSlots = int(simTime*Gaudi::Units::second
00348                   /m_pulseCountSlotWidth) + 1;
00349       verbose() << "Number of time slots for afterpulse counting = " 
00350         << numPulseTimeSlots << std::endl; 
00351       std::vector<int> pulseTimeSlots(numPulseTimeSlots);
00353       // SJ: Fill pulse count time slots
00354       // Count the number of pulses for each time slot to model nonlinearity
00355       for (int i = 0; i < numPulseTimeSlots; i++ ) pulseTimeSlots[i] = 0;
00356       std::vector<DayaBay::ElecPmtPulse*>::const_iterator pulseIter, pulseDone 
00357     = channelPulses.end();
00358       for(pulseIter=channelPulses.begin(); pulseIter != pulseDone; ++pulseIter){
00359         DayaBay::ElecPmtPulse* pulse = *pulseIter;
00360         int timeSlot = int(pulse->time() * Gaudi::Units::nanosecond 
00361                    / m_pulseCountSlotWidth);
00362         int pulseNo = int(pulse->amplitude()+0.5);
00363         pulseTimeSlots[timeSlot]+=pulseNo;
00364         verbose() << "Added " << pulseNo << " pulses in time slot " << timeSlot << endreq;
00365       }
00367       // Loop over pulses, add each to raw signal
00368       for(pulseIter=channelPulses.begin(); pulseIter != pulseDone; ++pulseIter){
00369         DayaBay::ElecPmtPulse* pulse = *pulseIter;
00370         int tOffset = int(pulse->time()*1e-9 * m_simFrequency);
00371         float amplitude = pulse->amplitude();
00373         // SJ: Fill pulse time slots
00374         // Count the total number of pulses within a nearby time window
00375         // This number of pulses is used to determine the nonlinearity
00376         int nPulse=0;
00377         int timeSlot = int(pulse->time() * Gaudi::Units::nanosecond 
00378                    / m_pulseCountSlotWidth);
00379         for (int i = timeSlot - m_pulseCountWindow; 
00380              i <= timeSlot + m_pulseCountWindow; i++){
00381           if(i>=0 && i<numPulseTimeSlots) nPulse += pulseTimeSlots[i];
00382         }
00383         verbose() << "Number of pulses in time window: " << nPulse << endreq;   
00385         // Now add pulses to the raw signal
00386         int nPulseSamples = m_pmtPulse.size();
00387         for(int index = 0; index < nPulseSamples; index++){
00388           unsigned int sampleIdx = tOffset + index;
00389           double idxTime = index * (1. / m_simFrequency);
00390           if(sampleIdx>0 && sampleIdx<simSamples){
00391             // SJ: Add pulses to raw signal
00392             if( m_enableDynamicWaveform ){
00393               m_rawSignal[sampleIdx] += - amplitude * pmtPulse( idxTime, nPulse, m_enableOvershoot );
00394               m_discriminatorSignal[sampleIdx] += - amplitude * pmtPulse( idxTime, nPulse, false );
00395             }else{
00396               if(m_enableOvershoot) m_rawSignal[sampleIdx] += - amplitude * m_pmtPulse[index];
00397               else m_rawSignal[sampleIdx] += - amplitude * m_pmtPulse_noOvershoot[index];
00398               m_discriminatorSignal[sampleIdx] += - amplitude * m_pmtPulse_noOvershoot[index];
00399             }
00400           }
00401         }
00402       } // End loop over pulses
00404       // Add saturation and ringing to the raw signal
00405       if( (channelPulses.size() > 0) 
00406       && (m_enableSaturation || m_enableRinging) ){
00407         // Determine the raw signal maximum for use in ringing
00408         // At the same time, add saturation if needed 
00409         //double rawMax;
00410         double rawMax;
00411         int maxSample;
00412         rawMax = 0;
00413         for (unsigned int index=0; index<simSamples; index++) {
00414           // SJ: Simulate saturation of the raw signal
00415           if( m_rawSignal[index] > rawMax ) {
00416             rawMax = m_rawSignal[index];
00417             maxSample = index;
00418           }
00419           if(m_enableSaturation){
00420             m_rawSignal[index] *= satFactor(m_rawSignal[index]);
00421             m_discriminatorSignal[index] *= satFactor(m_discriminatorSignal[index]);
00422           }
00423         }
00425         // Add ringing if requested
00426         if( m_enableRinging && rawMax != 0 ){
00427           for (unsigned int index=maxSample; index<simSamples; index++) {
00428             double idxTime =  index * (1. / m_simFrequency);
00429             m_rawSignal[index] += - ringing ( idxTime, rawMax );
00430           }
00431         }
00432       } // End of saturation and ringing
00434       // Generate non-linear shaped signal
00435       shape(m_rawSignal,m_shapedSignal,m_shapingResponse,m_adcConvolutionWindows);
00436       m_shapedSignal.resize( simSamples );
00437       // SJ: Scale the resulting convolution to preserve the pulse area
00438       for(unsigned int index=0; index < simSamples; index++) {
00439         m_shapedSignal[index] /= m_shapingSum;
00440       }
00441       // End non-linear pulse addition
00443     }else{
00444       // Use linear pulse shape
00446       double* pmtPulseStart;
00447       if(m_enableOvershoot)  pmtPulseStart = &m_pmtPulse[0];
00448       else pmtPulseStart = &m_pmtPulse_noOvershoot[0];
00449       double* pmtDiscriminatorPulseStart = &m_pmtPulse_noOvershoot[0];
00450       double* shapedPmtPulseStart = &m_shapedPmtPulse[0];
00451       double* ringingStart = &m_ringing[0];
00452       double* shapedRingingStart = &m_shapedRinging[0];
00454       // Loop over pulses
00455       std::vector<DayaBay::ElecPmtPulse*>::const_iterator pulseIter, pulseDone 
00456     = channelPulses.end();
00457       for(pulseIter=channelPulses.begin(); pulseIter != pulseDone; ++pulseIter){
00458         DayaBay::ElecPmtPulse* pulse = *pulseIter;
00459         int tOffset = int(pulse->time()*1e-9 * m_simFrequency);
00460         float amplitude = pulse->amplitude();
00462         // Now add pulses to the raw and shaped signals
00463         int nPulseSamples = m_pmtPulse.size();
00464         for(int index = 0; index < nPulseSamples; index++){
00465           unsigned int sampleIdx = tOffset + index;
00467           if(sampleIdx>0 && sampleIdx<simSamples){
00468             *(rawStart + sampleIdx) -= amplitude * (*(pmtPulseStart + index));
00469             *(discriminatorStart + sampleIdx) -= amplitude * (*(pmtDiscriminatorPulseStart + index));
00470             *(shapedStart + sampleIdx) -= amplitude * (*(shapedPmtPulseStart+index));
00471           }
00472         }
00473       } // End loop over pulses
00475       // Add ringing to the raw signal
00476       if( (channelPulses.size() > 0)  && (m_enableSaturation || m_enableRinging) ){
00477         // Determine the raw signal maximum for use in ringing
00478         // At the same time, add saturation if needed 
00479         double rawMax;
00480         int maxSample;
00481         rawMax = 0;
00482         for (unsigned int index=0; index<simSamples; index++) {
00483           double* curValue = rawStart + index;
00484           if( *curValue > rawMax ) {
00485             rawMax = *curValue;
00486             maxSample = index;
00487           }
00488           if(m_enableFastSimMode && m_enableSaturation){
00489             *(rawStart + index) *= satFactor(*(rawStart + index));
00490             *(rawStart + index) *= satFactor(-10 * (*(rawStart + index)));
00491           }
00492         }
00493         // Add ringing and/or saturation if requested
00494         if( m_enableRinging && rawMax != 0 ){
00495           unsigned int ringEnd = m_ringing.size();
00496           double ringScaling = -rawMax / m_pulseMax;
00497           if( ringEnd + maxSample > simSamples ) 
00498             ringEnd = simSamples - maxSample;
00499           for (unsigned int ringIdx=0; ringIdx<ringEnd; ringIdx++) {
00500             int index = maxSample + ringIdx;
00501             if(m_enableFastSimMode && m_enableSaturation){
00502               *(discriminatorStart + index) *= satFactor(*(discriminatorStart + index));
00503               *(shapedStart + index) *= pow(satFactor(15.* (fabs(*(shapedStart + index))) ),0.75);
00504             }
00505             *(rawStart + index) += ringScaling * (*(ringingStart+ringIdx));
00506             *(shapedStart + index) += ringScaling * (*(shapedRingingStart+ringIdx));
00507           }
00508         }
00509       } // End saturation and ringing
00511     } // End addition of linear PMT pulse
00513   } // End addition of pulses to raw signal
00515   // Convert raw signals to TDC, hit, ADC, Esum values
00516   // TDC values
00517   if (m_enableAcCoupling) sample( m_discriminatorSignal, m_tdcSignal, 
00518                   m_simFrequency, DayaBay::TdcFrequencyHz );
00519   else sample( m_rawSignal, m_tdcSignal,
00520            m_simFrequency, DayaBay::TdcFrequencyHz );
00521   std::vector<int> tdcValues;
00522   discriminate( m_tdcSignal, feeSimData->m_channelThreshold, tdcValues, 
00523         DayaBay::Threshold::kAbove);
00524   channel.setTdc(tdcValues);
00525   verbose() << "Channel " << channelId << ": " << tdcValues.size() 
00526         << " TDC values." << endreq;
00528   // Assemble Hit signal (for trigger) based on TDC clock values
00529   // The hit signal is a binary 0 or 1 vs. time at the Nhit frequency.
00530   unsigned int hitSamples = convertClock( m_tdcSignal.size(),
00531                       DayaBay::TdcFrequencyHz,
00532                       DayaBay::NhitFrequencyHz ) + 1;
00533   // Resize and clear the buffer
00534   if( m_hitSignal.size() != hitSamples) m_hitSignal.resize( hitSamples );
00535   int* hitStart = &m_hitSignal[0];
00536   for( unsigned int hitIdx = 0; hitIdx != hitSamples; hitIdx++ ){
00537     *(hitStart+hitIdx) = 0;
00538   }
00539   if( tdcValues.size() > 0 ){
00540     std::vector<int>::const_iterator tdcIter, tdcDone = tdcValues.end();
00541     for(tdcIter = tdcValues.begin(); tdcIter != tdcDone; tdcIter++){
00542       int tdcClock = *tdcIter;
00543       int hitClock = convertClock( tdcClock, DayaBay::TdcFrequencyHz, 
00544                    DayaBay::NhitFrequencyHz );
00545       m_hitSignal[hitClock] = 1;
00546     }
00547   }
00548   channel.setHit(m_hitSignal);
00549   verbose() << "Hit signal size: " << m_hitSignal.size() << endreq;
00551   // ADC Values: Digitized signals vs. time for both the high and low gains
00552   // Reduce shaped pulse to ADC frequency
00553   sample( m_shapedSignal, m_adcAnalogSignal,
00554       m_simFrequency, DayaBay::AdcFrequencyHz );
00555   // 12-bit ADC after shaped signals. One for adcHigh and one for adcLow.
00556   int adcBits = 12;
00557   digitize( m_adcAnalogSignal, m_adcHighGain,
00558         feeSimData->m_adcRangeHigh, adcBits, 
00559         feeSimData->m_adcBaselineHigh );
00560   digitize( m_adcAnalogSignal, m_adcLowGain,
00561         feeSimData->m_adcRangeLow, adcBits, 
00562         feeSimData->m_adcBaselineLow );
00563   channel.setAdcHigh( m_adcHighGain );
00564   channel.setAdcLow( m_adcLowGain );
00565   verbose() << "ADC signal size: " << m_adcHighGain.size() << endreq;
00567   // Channel energy: contribution to the Esum signal 
00568   //sample( m_rawSignal, channel.energy(),
00569       //       m_simFrequency, m_eSumFrequency );
00570   //verbose() << "Energy signal size: " << m_energySignal.size() << endreq;
00571   channel.setEnergy(m_rawSignal);
00572   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00573 }  // End generate One channel

int EsIdealFeeTool::convertClock ( int  clock,
int  inputFrequency,
int  outputFrequency 
) [private]

Definition at line 1211 of file EsIdealFeeTool.cc.

01211                                                                                   {
01212   // Convert a clock cycle from one frequency to another.  Round down
01213   // for incoherent frequencies.
01214   return int( ( clock / double(inputFrequency) ) * outputFrequency );
01215 }

DayaBay::ESumComp::ESumComp_t EsIdealFeeTool::boardEsumType ( int  boardId  )  [private]

Definition at line 958 of file EsIdealFeeTool.cc.

00958                                                                   {
00959   // FIXME: This should probably be moved into a service.
00960   //         Probably into the CableMappingSvc
00961   if (boardId >= 1 && boardId < 7)
00962     {
00963       return DayaBay::ESumComp::kESumLow;
00964     }
00966   if (boardId >= 7 && boardId < 13)
00967     {
00968       return DayaBay::ESumComp::kESumHigh;
00969     }
00971   if (boardId == 13)
00972     {
00973       return DayaBay::ESumComp::kESumNone;
00974     }
00976   return DayaBay::ESumComp::kUnknown;
00977 }

void EsIdealFeeTool::convolve ( const DayaBay::AnalogSignal signal,
const DayaBay::AnalogSignal response,
DayaBay::AnalogSignal output 
) [private]

Definition at line 980 of file EsIdealFeeTool.cc.

00983 {
00984   // Primitive convolution of signal and response, to produce
00985   // output.  Assumes values outside of range are zero.  A few simple
00986   // optimizations are use to speed up the process.
00987   int sN = signal.size();
00988   int rN = response.size();
00989   output.resize(sN+rN);
00990   const double* sigD = &(signal[0]);
00991   const double* resD = &(response[0]);
00992   double* outD = &(output[0]);
00993   for (int i=0; i<(sN+rN); i++) {
00994     double sum = 0;
00995     for (int j=0; j<rN; j++) {
00996       if (resD[j]==0)
00997         continue;
00998       if (i-j>=0 && i-j<sN)
00999         sum+=sigD[i-j]*resD[j];
01000     }
01001     outD[i]=sum;
01002   }
01003 }

void EsIdealFeeTool::shape ( const DayaBay::AnalogSignal rawSignal,
DayaBay::AnalogSignal shapedSignal,
const DayaBay::AnalogSignal response,
std::map< int, int >  convolutionWindows 
) [private]

Definition at line 1006 of file EsIdealFeeTool.cc.

01008                                                                                         {
01009   std::map<int,int>::iterator convIt = convolutionWindows.begin();
01010   int convStart, convEnd;
01011   shapedSignal.clear();
01012   int samples = rawSignal.size();
01013   shapedSignal.resize(samples, 0);
01014   DayaBay::AnalogSignal rawFrag;
01015   DayaBay::AnalogSignal shapedFrag;
01016   for(; convIt != convolutionWindows.end(); convIt++){
01017     convStart = convIt->first * 96;
01018     convEnd = convIt->second * 96;
01019     if (convEnd > samples) convEnd = samples;
01020     rawFrag.resize( (convEnd - convStart) );
01021     shapedFrag.resize( (convEnd - convStart) );
01022     std::copy( rawSignal.begin() + convStart, rawSignal.begin() + convEnd , rawFrag.begin() );
01023     convolve( rawFrag, response, shapedFrag );
01024     shapedFrag.resize( (convEnd - convStart) );
01025     std::copy( shapedFrag.begin(), shapedFrag.end(), shapedSignal.begin() + convStart );
01026     debug() << "Convolve from " << convStart *1.5625 << " ns to " << convEnd * 1.5625 << " ns" << endreq;
01027   }
01028 }

void EsIdealFeeTool::digitize ( const DayaBay::AnalogSignal signal,
DayaBay::DigitalSignal output,
double  range,
int  bits,
double  offset 
) [private]

Definition at line 1088 of file EsIdealFeeTool.cc.

01091 {
01092   // Simple digitization algorithm
01093   if(output.size() != signal.size()) output.resize(signal.size());
01094   int maxADC = int( pow(2, bits) );
01095   int signalN = signal.size();
01096   const double* inputStart = &signal[0];
01097   int* outputStart = &output[0];
01098   for (int i=0; i<signalN; i++) {
01099     int* curOutput = outputStart + i;
01100     *(curOutput) = int(((*(inputStart + i))/range)*maxADC + offset);
01101     if (*curOutput>maxADC)
01102       *curOutput=maxADC;
01103     if (*curOutput<0)
01104       *curOutput=0;
01105     /* Slower, but easier to read version of the same calculation
01106     outputStart[i] = int((signal[i]/range)*maxADC + offset);
01107     if (output[i]>maxADC)
01108       output[i]=maxADC;
01109     if (output[i]<0)
01110       output[i]=0;
01111     */
01112   }
01113 }

void EsIdealFeeTool::discriminate ( const DayaBay::AnalogSignal signal,
double  threshold,
std::vector< int > &  output,
DayaBay::Threshold::Threshold_t  mode 
) [private]

Definition at line 1115 of file EsIdealFeeTool.cc.

01119 {
01120   // Take input signal array and discriminate using threshold.  Return
01121   // vector of indices which satisfy the discriminator.
01122   //  Current Modes:
01123   //    - Threshold crossed
01124   //    - Above threshold
01125   threshold *= m_speAmp;
01126   threshold *= m_gainFactor;
01127   threshold *= m_discThreshScale;
01129   output.clear();
01130   const double* signalStart = &signal[0];
01131   unsigned int nSamples = signal.size();
01132   if (DayaBay::Threshold::kCrossing == mode) {
01133     bool aboveThreshold = false;
01134     for (unsigned int i=0;
01135          i < nSamples;
01136          ++i) {
01137       if (!aboveThreshold && (*(signalStart+i))>=threshold) {
01138         output.push_back(i);
01139         aboveThreshold = true;
01140       } else if (aboveThreshold && (*(signalStart+i))<threshold)
01141         aboveThreshold=false;
01142     }
01143   } else if (DayaBay::Threshold::kAbove == mode) {
01144     for (unsigned int i=0;
01145          i < nSamples;
01146          ++i)
01147       if ((*(signalStart+i))>=threshold)
01148         output.push_back(i);
01149   } else {
01150     error() << "discriminate(): Unknown Discrimination Mode" << endreq;
01151   }
01152 }

double EsIdealFeeTool::pmtPulse ( double  deltaT,
int  nPulse,
bool  addOvershoot 
) [private]

Definition at line 1154 of file EsIdealFeeTool.cc.

01154                                                                             {
01155   // SJ: New pmt pulse parametrization, cf DocDB 3779
01156   double shift = -2.5e-9; // time shift parameter
01157   if (deltaT-shift<0) return 0.;
01158   double v0 = -m_speAmp; // single p.e. pulse amplitude in V
01159   double width; // pulse width parameter
01160   double mu; // parameter determining the degree of asymmetry
01161   if ( nPulse != 0 ){
01162     width = getPulseWidth( nPulse); 
01163     mu    = getPulseForm( nPulse);
01164   }
01165   else {
01166     width = 7.5e-9;
01167     mu    = 0.5;
01168   }
01169   if(deltaT > 100 * width) return 0;
01170   double amplitude = 0;
01171   if(deltaT < 10 * width){ 
01172     // Add primary pulse 
01173     amplitude += m_gainFactor* v0 * exp( -pow( log( (deltaT-shift)/width),2) 
01174                / ( 2*pow(mu,2) ) ) * Gaudi::Units::volt;
01175   }
01176   if( addOvershoot ){
01177     // Add overshoot 
01178     amplitude += overshoot( deltaT, nPulse );
01179   }
01180   return amplitude;
01181 }

double EsIdealFeeTool::overshoot ( double  deltaT,
int  nPulse 
) [private]

Definition at line 1228 of file EsIdealFeeTool.cc.

01228                                                           {
01229   // SJ: Simple overshoot parametrization
01230   if (deltaT < 0) return 0.;
01231   double v0  = getOvershootAmp( nPulse ); // Overshoot amplitude in V 
01232   double tau = 155.e-9; // Overshoot time constant in s
01233   double expo = v0*exp(-deltaT/tau);
01234   double t0   = 50e-9; // Onset parameters
01235   double t1   = 10e-9;
01236   double fermi = 1. / (exp( (t0 - deltaT) / t1) + 1.);
01237   return fermi * expo * Gaudi::Units::volt;
01238 }

double EsIdealFeeTool::ringing ( double  deltaT,
double  pulseMax 
) [private]

Definition at line 1240 of file EsIdealFeeTool.cc.

01240                                                              {
01241   // SJ: Simple ringing parametrization
01242   if (deltaT<0) return 0.;
01243   double v0 = 0.00154 * pulseMax; // Ringing amplitude in V
01244   double period =  1.63e-6; //Ringing period in s
01245   double shift= 0.99e-6; // Phase shift
01246   double expo = exp(-deltaT/12.e-6);
01247   double t0 = 0.6e-6; // Onset parameters
01248   double t1 = 0.1e-6;
01249   double fermi = 1./(exp((t0-deltaT)/t1)+1);
01250   return v0 * fermi * expo * cos(6.28*(deltaT-shift)/period);
01251 }

double EsIdealFeeTool::satFactor ( double  amp  )  [private]

Definition at line 1217 of file EsIdealFeeTool.cc.

01217                                           {
01218 //SJ: Returns saturation factor as a function of the raw amplitude
01219   if (amp<0) return 1.;
01220   double y = 1.e6 * amp;
01221   if(y < 1) 
01222     return 1. - 0.5311049 * y + 0.1818968 * pow(y,2);
01223   if(y < 9.5) 
01224     return 0.778264 - 0.1400074 * y + 0.01303484 * pow(y,2) - 0.0004701175 * pow(y,3) + 0.000002450386 * pow(y,4);
01225   return 0.4212711 - 2.560691e-02 * y + 8.003103e-04 * pow(y,2) - 1.226207e-05 * pow(y,3) + 7.282761e-08 * pow(y,4);
01226 }

double EsIdealFeeTool::pulseShaping ( double  deltaT  )  [private]

Definition at line 1183 of file EsIdealFeeTool.cc.

01183                                                  {
01184   // Gaussian CR-(RC)^4 pulse shaping
01185   // See Knoll, Radiation Detection and Measurement
01186   // Returns the pulse amplitude at time deltaT after a positive step
01187   // function of amplitude 1
01188   if (deltaT<0)
01189     return 0.;
01190   double t0 = 25.0e-9; // RC time constant in seconds
01191   double r = deltaT/t0;
01192   return pow( r, 4 ) * exp( -r );
01193 }

double EsIdealFeeTool::esumShaping ( double  deltaT  )  [private]

Definition at line 1195 of file EsIdealFeeTool.cc.

01195                                                 {
01196   //ESum shaping function
01197   if (deltaT<0)
01198     return 0.;
01199   double t0 = 56.0; // RC time constant in seconds
01200   double r = deltaT/t0;
01201   return exp( -r )*(1/t0);
01202 }

double EsIdealFeeTool::getPulseWidth ( int  nPulse  )  [private]

Definition at line 1253 of file EsIdealFeeTool.cc.

01253                                               {
01254   // SJ: Single pulse width as a function of the number of coincidental pulses
01255   if( nPulse > 2000) return 20.7842e-9;
01256   double x  = double(nPulse);
01257   double t0 = 1200.;
01258   double t1 = 200.;
01259   double f  = 1. / (exp( (t0-x)/t1 ) + 1.);
01260   return (7.+12.*f+x/1000.)*1.e-9;
01261 }

double EsIdealFeeTool::getPulseForm ( int  nPulse  )  [private]

Definition at line 1263 of file EsIdealFeeTool.cc.

01263                                              {
01264   // SJ: Single pulse width as a function of the number of coincidental pulses
01265   if( nPulse > 3000) return 0.2;
01266   double x = double(nPulse);
01267   double t0 = 900.;
01268   double t1 = 200.;
01269   double f  = 0.45 - 0.25 * 1. / (exp( (t0-x)/t1) + 1.);
01270   return f;
01271 }

double EsIdealFeeTool::getPulseShift ( int  nPulse  )  [private]

double EsIdealFeeTool::getOvershootAmp ( int  nPulse  )  [private]

Definition at line 1273 of file EsIdealFeeTool.cc.

01273                                                 {
01274   // SJ: Single pulse overshoot amplitude as a function of the number of coincidental pulses
01275   if( nPulse > 2000) return 2.4033e-4;
01276   double x  = double(nPulse);
01277   double t0 = -0.0148227;
01278   double t1 = -1186.36;
01279   double t2 =  287.821;
01280   double t3 =  0.0150628;
01281   double f  = t0 / (exp( (t1-x)/t2) + 1.) + t3;
01282   return f;
01283 }

double EsIdealFeeTool::noise (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1204 of file EsIdealFeeTool.cc.

01204                              {
01205   // FIXME: do discrete FT for range of frequencies
01206   // Simple noise model
01207   // Approximate Gaussian-distributed noise
01208   return m_gauss() * m_noiseAmp; // no offset
01209 }

void EsIdealFeeTool::sample ( const DayaBay::AnalogSignal signal,
DayaBay::AnalogSignal output,
int  inputFrequency,
int  outputFrequency 
) [private]

Definition at line 1029 of file EsIdealFeeTool.cc.

01033 {
01034   // Fill the output array using the signal values sampled at a
01035   // regular frequency
01036   if(inputFrequency == outputFrequency){
01037     if( output.size() != signal.size() ) output.resize( signal.size() );
01038     memcpy(&output[0],&signal[0],output.size()*sizeof(double));
01039     return;
01040   }
01041   unsigned int nSamples = convertClock(signal.size(), 
01042                        inputFrequency, 
01043                        outputFrequency);
01044   if(output.size() != nSamples){
01045     if(output.capacity() > nSamples){
01046       output.resize(nSamples);
01047     }else{
01048       // Faster memory allocation
01049       DayaBay::AnalogSignal* newSignal = new DayaBay::AnalogSignal(nSamples);
01050       output.swap(*newSignal);
01051       delete newSignal;
01052     }
01053   }
01055   if(inputFrequency < outputFrequency){
01056     warning() << "sample(): Input frequency " << inputFrequency 
01057           << " is less than the sampling frequency " << outputFrequency
01058           << endreq;
01059   }
01060   if( (inputFrequency % outputFrequency) == 0 ){
01061     // Check for integer relationship between frequencies
01062     int relativeFrequency = inputFrequency / outputFrequency;
01063     double* outputStart = &output[0]; 
01064     const double* inputStart = &signal[0]; 
01065     int inputIdx = 0;
01066     unsigned int outputIdx = 0;
01067     while(outputIdx != nSamples){
01068       *(outputStart + outputIdx) = *(inputStart + inputIdx);
01069       outputIdx++;
01070       inputIdx+=relativeFrequency;
01071     }
01072     return;
01073   }else{
01074     // Frequencies not coherent.  Use signal sample with nearest lower index.
01075     double* outputStart = &output[0];
01076     const double* inputStart = &signal[0];
01077     int inputIdx = 0;
01078     unsigned int outputIdx = 0;
01079     double freqScale = inputFrequency / outputFrequency;
01080     while( outputIdx != nSamples ){
01081       inputIdx = int(outputIdx * freqScale);
01082       *(outputStart + outputIdx) = *(inputStart + inputIdx);
01083       outputIdx++;
01084     }
01085   }
01086 }

const InterfaceID & IEsFrontEndTool::interfaceID (  )  [static, inherited]

Retrieve interface ID.

Reimplemented from IAlgTool.

Definition at line 8 of file IEsFrontEndTool.cc.

00009 { 
00010     return IID_IEsFrontEndTool; 
00011 }

Member Data Documentation

std::string EsIdealFeeTool::m_cableSvcName [private]

Definition at line 102 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

std::string EsIdealFeeTool::m_simDataSvcName [private]

Definition at line 104 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

ICableSvc* EsIdealFeeTool::m_cableSvc [private]

Definition at line 106 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

ISimDataSvc* EsIdealFeeTool::m_simDataSvc [private]

Definition at line 108 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

int EsIdealFeeTool::m_triggerWindowCycles [private]

Definition at line 110 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

double EsIdealFeeTool::m_gainFactor [private]

Definition at line 112 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

int EsIdealFeeTool::m_simFrequency [private]

Definition at line 114 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

int EsIdealFeeTool::m_eSumFrequency [private]

Definition at line 116 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

bool EsIdealFeeTool::m_enableNonlinearity [private]

Definition at line 118 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

bool EsIdealFeeTool::m_enableAcCoupling [private]

Definition at line 120 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

unsigned int EsIdealFeeTool::m_linearityThreshold [private]

Definition at line 122 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

bool EsIdealFeeTool::m_enablePretrigger [private]

Definition at line 125 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

double EsIdealFeeTool::m_eSumTriggerThreshold [private]

Definition at line 127 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

int EsIdealFeeTool::m_nHitTriggerThreshold [private]

Definition at line 128 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

int EsIdealFeeTool::m_pretriggerThreshold [private]

Definition at line 130 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

bool EsIdealFeeTool::m_enableNoise [private]

Definition at line 132 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

bool EsIdealFeeTool::m_enableDynamicWaveform [private]

Definition at line 134 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

bool EsIdealFeeTool::m_enableSaturation [private]

Definition at line 136 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

bool EsIdealFeeTool::m_enableRinging [private]

Definition at line 138 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

bool EsIdealFeeTool::m_enableOvershoot [private]

Definition at line 140 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

bool EsIdealFeeTool::m_enableESumTotal [private]

Definition at line 142 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

bool EsIdealFeeTool::m_enableESumH [private]

Definition at line 143 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

bool EsIdealFeeTool::m_enableESumL [private]

Definition at line 144 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

bool EsIdealFeeTool::m_enableFastSimMode [private]

Definition at line 146 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

double EsIdealFeeTool::m_pulseCountSlotWidth [private]

Definition at line 148 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

int EsIdealFeeTool::m_pulseCountWindow [private]

Definition at line 150 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

double EsIdealFeeTool::m_noiseAmp [private]

Definition at line 152 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

double EsIdealFeeTool::m_speAmp [private]

Definition at line 154 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

double EsIdealFeeTool::m_discThreshScale [private]

Definition at line 156 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

double EsIdealFeeTool::m_adcRange [private]

Definition at line 158 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

double EsIdealFeeTool::m_adcBits [private]

Definition at line 159 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

double EsIdealFeeTool::m_adcOffset [private]

Definition at line 160 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

DayaBay::AnalogSignal EsIdealFeeTool::m_pmtPulse [private]

Definition at line 162 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

DayaBay::AnalogSignal EsIdealFeeTool::m_pmtPulse_noOvershoot [private]

Definition at line 164 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

DayaBay::AnalogSignal EsIdealFeeTool::m_shapedPmtPulse [private]

Definition at line 166 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

DayaBay::AnalogSignal EsIdealFeeTool::m_shapedPmtPulse_noOvershoot [private]

Definition at line 168 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

DayaBay::AnalogSignal EsIdealFeeTool::m_ringing [private]

Definition at line 170 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

DayaBay::AnalogSignal EsIdealFeeTool::m_shapedRinging [private]

Definition at line 172 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

DayaBay::AnalogSignal EsIdealFeeTool::m_esumResponse [private]

Definition at line 174 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

DayaBay::AnalogSignal EsIdealFeeTool::m_shapingResponse [private]

Definition at line 176 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

double EsIdealFeeTool::m_shapingSum [private]

Definition at line 178 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

double EsIdealFeeTool::m_esumShapingSum [private]

Definition at line 180 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

double EsIdealFeeTool::m_pulseMax [private]

Definition at line 182 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

Rndm::Numbers EsIdealFeeTool::m_gauss [private]

Definition at line 185 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

DayaBay::AnalogSignal EsIdealFeeTool::m_rawSignal [private]

Definition at line 187 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

DayaBay::AnalogSignal EsIdealFeeTool::m_esumL [private]

Definition at line 188 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

DayaBay::AnalogSignal EsIdealFeeTool::m_esumH [private]

Definition at line 189 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

DayaBay::AnalogSignal EsIdealFeeTool::m_esumTotal [private]

Definition at line 190 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

DayaBay::DigitalSignal EsIdealFeeTool::m_shapedEsumADC [private]

Definition at line 191 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

DayaBay::AnalogSignal EsIdealFeeTool::m_shapedEsumH [private]

Definition at line 192 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

DayaBay::AnalogSignal EsIdealFeeTool::m_shapedEsumL [private]

Definition at line 193 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

DayaBay::AnalogSignal EsIdealFeeTool::m_shapedEsumTotal [private]

Definition at line 194 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

DayaBay::AnalogSignal EsIdealFeeTool::m_discriminatorSignal [private]

Definition at line 195 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

DayaBay::AnalogSignal EsIdealFeeTool::m_shapedSignal [private]

Definition at line 196 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

DayaBay::AnalogSignal EsIdealFeeTool::m_tdcSignal [private]

Definition at line 197 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

DayaBay::AnalogSignal EsIdealFeeTool::m_adcAnalogSignal [private]

Definition at line 198 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

DayaBay::DigitalSignal EsIdealFeeTool::m_hitSignal [private]

Definition at line 199 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

DayaBay::DigitalSignal EsIdealFeeTool::m_adcHighGain [private]

Definition at line 200 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

DayaBay::DigitalSignal EsIdealFeeTool::m_adcLowGain [private]

Definition at line 201 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

DayaBay::AnalogSignal EsIdealFeeTool::m_energySignal [private]

Definition at line 202 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

DayaBay::DigitalSignal EsIdealFeeTool::m_hitSync [private]

Definition at line 203 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

DayaBay::DigitalSignal EsIdealFeeTool::m_hitHold [private]

Definition at line 204 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

std::map<int,int> EsIdealFeeTool::m_adcConvolutionWindows [private]

Definition at line 205 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

std::map<int,int> EsIdealFeeTool::m_esumConvolutionWindows [private]

Definition at line 206 of file EsIdealFeeTool.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
| Classes | Job Modules | Data Objects | Services | Algorithms | Tools | Packages | Directories | Tracs |

Generated on Mon Apr 11 20:49:28 2011 for ElecSim by doxygen 1.4.7