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In This Package:

Sandglass::ConfigureSandglass Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def __init__
def parse_args
def load
def configureLoadingProc
def configureElectronic
def configureTrigRead
def configureSingleLoader
def configureSim15
def configure

Public Attributes


Detailed Description

Configure a testing ground for LoadingProc to mix SimHeader and ReadoutHeader input.

Definition at line 25 of file Sandglass.py.

Member Function Documentation

def Sandglass::ConfigureSandglass::__init__ (   self,

Definition at line 29 of file Sandglass.py.

00031                            :
00032         self.parse_args(argv)

def Sandglass::ConfigureSandglass::parse_args (   self,

Definition at line 33 of file Sandglass.py.

00035                              :
00036         from optparse import OptionParser
00037         import time
00038         parser = OptionParser(usage=self.__doc__)
00039         default_time_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'
00040         parser.add_option("-w","--start-time",
00041                           help="Date string to set simulation start, assumed UTC",
00042                           default=time.strftime(default_time_format,time.localtime()))
00043         parser.add_option("-F","--time-format",
00044                           help="Format for parsing time (see man date), " \
00045                           + "default is '%s'"%default_time_format \
00046                           + " ('[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[HH]:[MM]:[SS]')",
00047                           default=default_time_format)
00048         parser.add_option("-g","--generator",
00049                           help="A python module with a function of GetGnrtr returning a Gnrtr object.",
00050                           default="1223")
00051         parser.add_option("-T","--top-stage",
00052                           help="Kinematic, Detector, Electronic, TrigRead or SingleLoader",
00053                           default="SingleLoader")
00054         parser.add_option("-s","--seed",
00055                           help="Random seed for generators",
00056                           default=1234567)
00057         parser.add_option("-f","--frac",
00058                           help="Starting position of input streams",
00059                           default=0.0)
00061         (options,args) = parser.parse_args(args=argv)
00062         self.opts = options
00063         self.args = args
00065         # print "Your random seed =", self.opts.seed
00066         timeformat = self.opts.time_format
00067         print "Using time format =",timeformat
00069         try:
00070             datestring = self.opts.start_time
00071         except AttributeError:
00072             self.start_time_seconds = 0
00073         else:
00074             # This may raise ValueError if string and format don't
00075             # match.  Just let it get thrown.
00076             t = time.strptime(datestring,timeformat)
00077             self.start_time_seconds = time.mktime(t) - time.timezone
00078             print 'Start time in human readable format',self.opts.start_time
00079             print 'Start time in seconds UTC =',self.start_time_seconds
00080             print 'Top stage =',self.opts.top_stage
00082         return

def Sandglass::ConfigureSandglass::load (   self,
  datapath = "data/",
  filename = "IBD_DYB_AD1_acrylic.root",
  rate = 1.0,
  MyMode = "random",
  MyStart = 0,
  MyStep = 1 

Definition at line 83 of file Sandglass.py.

00091                         :
00093         extension = filename[-5:]
00094         modulename = filename[:-5]
00095         if extension != ".list" and extension != ".root":
00096             print "Invalid input data file ", filename
00098         from LoadingProc.LoadingProcConf import LoadingProc  
00099         load = LoadingProc("LoadingProc."+modulename)
00100         load.StartSec = self.start_time_seconds
00101         load.StartNano = 0
00102         load.Distribution = "Exponential"
00103         load.Rate = rate
00104         load.HsAssembler = modulename+"Assem"
00105         #load.OutputLevel = 2
00106         assem = Assembler(toolname = modulename+"Assem",
00107                           filename = datapath+filename,
00108                           mode = MyMode,
00109                           start = MyStart,
00110                           step = MyStep)
00112         # This and lower stage
00113         load.ThisStageName = "Detector"
00114         load.LowerStageName = ""
00115         # Add this processor to Gaudi sequencer

def Sandglass::ConfigureSandglass::configureLoadingProc (   self  ) 

Definition at line 116 of file Sandglass.py.

00118                                   :
00119         #frac = (int(self.opts.frac)-1)/24.0
00120         frac = int(self.opts.frac)
00121         '''Configure the LoadingProc stage'''
00123         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "IBD_DayaBayAD1.list",      rate = 4334.0/(24.*60.*60.) , MyMode = "random")
00124         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "IBD_DayaBayAD2.list",      rate = 4334.0/(24.*60.*60.) , MyMode = "random")
00126         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "U238-gds_DayaBayAD1.list", rate = 3.2    , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=40*frac)    
00127         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "U238-lso_DayaBayAD1.list", rate = 3.4    , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=50*frac)    
00128         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "U238-PMT_DayaBayAD1.list", rate = 3978.0 , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=17000*frac)
00129         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "U238-sst_DayaBayAD1.list", rate = 376.0  , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=1600*frac)
00130         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "U238-gds_DayaBayAD2.list", rate = 3.2    , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=40*frac)    
00131         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "U238-lso_DayaBayAD2.list", rate = 3.4    , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=50*frac)    
00132         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "U238-PMT_DayaBayAD2.list", rate = 3978.0 , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=17000*frac)
00133         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "U238-sst_DayaBayAD2.list", rate = 376.0  , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=1600*frac)
00135         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "Th232-gds_DayaBayAD1.list",rate = 0.76   , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=10*frac)   
00136         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "Th232-lso_DayaBayAD1.list",rate = 0.81   , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=11*frac)   
00137         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "Th232-PMT_DayaBayAD1.list",rate = 2018.0 , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=8800*frac)
00138         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "Th232-sst_DayaBayAD1.list",rate = 1332.0 , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=6000*frac)
00139         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "Th232-gds_DayaBayAD2.list",rate = 0.76   , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=10*frac)   
00140         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "Th232-lso_DayaBayAD2.list",rate = 0.81   , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=11*frac)   
00141         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "Th232-PMT_DayaBayAD2.list",rate = 2018.0 , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=8800*frac)
00142         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "Th232-sst_DayaBayAD2.list",rate = 1332.0 , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=6000*frac)
00144         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "K40-gds_DayaBayAD1.list",  rate = 5.2    , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=70*frac)    
00145         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "K40-lso_DayaBayAD1.list",  rate = 5.6    , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=80*frac)    
00146         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "K40-PMT_DayaBayAD1.list",  rate = 817.0  , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=3600*frac)
00147         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "K40-sst_DayaBayAD1.list",  rate = 311.0  , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=1400*frac)
00148         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "K40-gds_DayaBayAD2.list",  rate = 5.2    , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=70*frac)    
00149         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "K40-lso_DayaBayAD2.list",  rate = 5.6    , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=80*frac)    
00150         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "K40-PMT_DayaBayAD2.list",  rate = 817.0  , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=3600*frac)
00151         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "K40-sst_DayaBayAD2.list",  rate = 311.0  , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=1400*frac)
00153         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "Co60-PMT_DayaBayAD1.list", rate = 1.46   , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=10*frac)
00154         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "Co60-sst_DayaBayAD1.list", rate = 48.0   , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=600*frac)
00155         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "Co60-PMT_DayaBayAD2.list", rate = 1.46   , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=10*frac)
00156         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "Co60-sst_DayaBayAD2.list", rate = 48.0   , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=600*frac)
00158         self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "Muon.list",  rate = 523.0, MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=150000*frac)
00159         #self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "MuonHitSim_DayaBay.list",  rate = 523.0 , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=2400*frac )
        #self.load( datapath = "data/", filename = "Geant4Muon_DayaBay.list",  rate = 523.0 , MyMode = "sequential", MyStart=2400*frac )

def Sandglass::ConfigureSandglass::configureElectronic (   self  ) 

Configure the Electronics stage

Definition at line 160 of file Sandglass.py.

00162                                  :
00163         '''Configure the Electronics stage'''
00165         import ElecSim
00166         es = ElecSim.Configure(use_push_algs = False)
00167         #from ElecSim.ElecSimConf import EsFrontEndAlg
00168         #frontEndAlg = EsFrontEndAlg()
00169         #frontEndAlg.Detectors = ["DayaBayAD1","DayaBayAD2","DayaBayIWS","DayaBayOWS"]
00171         from ElecSimProc.ElecSimProcConf import ElecSimProc
00172         esp = ElecSimProc()
00173         esp.PmtTool = "EsPmtEffectPulseTool"
00174         esp.RpcTool = "EsIdealPulseTool"
00175         esp.FeeTool = "EsIdealFeeTool"
00176         esp.FecTool = "EsIdealFecTool"
00177         esp.Detectors = ["DayaBayAD1","DayaBayAD2","DayaBayIWS","DayaBayOWS"]
00179         from ElecSim.ElecSimConf import EsIdealFeeTool
00180         feeTool = EsIdealFeeTool()
00181         feeTool.LinearityThreshold = 20000
00182         feeTool.EnableESumH = False
00183         feeTool.EnableESumL = False
00184         feeTool.EnableESumTotal = False
00186         esp.ThisStageName = "Electronic"
00187         esp.LowerStageName = "Detector"
00188         #esp.OutputLevel = 2
00189         self.stage_cfg.ElectronicSequence.Members.append(esp)

def Sandglass::ConfigureSandglass::configureTrigRead (   self  ) 

Configure the Trigger and Readout stage

Definition at line 190 of file Sandglass.py.

00192                                :
00193         '''Configure the Trigger and Readout stage'''
00194         from TrigReadProc.TrigReadProcConf import TrigReadProc
00195         tsp = TrigReadProc()
00196         #tsp.TrigTools = [...]
00197         #tsp.RoTools = [...]
00198         #tsp.OutputLevel = 2
00199         from TrigSim.TrigSimConf import TsMultTriggerTool
00200         nhit = TsMultTriggerTool()
00201         nhit.NHitTriggerThreshold={"DayaBayAD1":30,
00202                                    "DayaBayAD2":30,
00203                                    "DayaBayIWS":10,
00204                                    "DayaBayOWS":10,
00205                                    "LingAoAD1":30,
00206                                    "LingAoAD2":30,
00207                                    "LingAoIWS":10,
00208                                    "LingAoOWS":10,
00209                                    "FarAD1":30,
00210                                    "FarAD2":30,
00211                                    "FarAD3":30,
00212                                    "FarAD4":30,
00213                                    "FarIWS":10,
00214                                    "FarOWS":10}
00216         tsp.ThisStageName = "TrigRead"
00217         tsp.LowerStageName = "Electronic"
00218         #tsp.OutputLevel = 2
00219         self.stage_cfg.TrigReadSequence.Members.append(tsp)

def Sandglass::ConfigureSandglass::configureSingleLoader (   self  ) 

Configure the SingleLoader stage

Definition at line 220 of file Sandglass.py.

00222                                    :
00223         '''Configure the SingleLoader stage'''
00224         from SingleLoader.SingleLoaderConf import SingleLoader
00225         sll = SingleLoader()
00226         sll.ThisStageName = "SingleLoader"
00227         sll.LowerStageName = "TrigRead"
00228         #sll.OutputLevel = 2

def Sandglass::ConfigureSandglass::configureSim15 (   self  ) 

Definition at line 229 of file Sandglass.py.

00231                             :
00232         from Stage.StageConf import Sim15
00233         sim15=Sim15()
00234         sim15.TopStage = self.opts.top_stage
00235         #sim15.TimeRange = 60*60*units.s  # 1 hour
00237         from DybEventMgr.DybEventMgrConf import ArchiveTrimSvc
00238         trimSvc = ArchiveTrimSvc()
00239         trimSvc.DefaultWindowSeconds = 0 #in second
00240         #trimSvc.OutputLevel=0
00242         from Gaudi.Configuration import ApplicationMgr
00243         theApp = ApplicationMgr()

def Sandglass::ConfigureSandglass::configure (   self  ) 

Definition at line 244 of file Sandglass.py.

00246                        :
00247         from Stage import Configure as StageConfigure
00248         self.stage_cfg = StageConfigure()
00250         stagedic={'Detector':2,'Electronic':3,'TrigRead':4,'SingleLoader':5}
00252         if not self.opts.top_stage in stagedic:
00253             print 'Error, wrong top stage parameter', self.opts.top_stage
00254             print 'Valid stage is Detector, Electronic, TrigRead or SingleLoader'
00256         for stg,idx in stagedic.iteritems():
00257             if idx <= stagedic[self.opts.top_stage]:
00258                 self.stage_cfg.addStages([stg])           ## stage tools are configured here.
00260         for stg in self.stage_cfg.stages:
00261             #self.stage_cfg.__dict__[stg].OutputLevel = 2
00262             pass
00264         if stagedic[self.opts.top_stage]>=2:
00265             self.configureLoadingProc()
00266         if stagedic[self.opts.top_stage]>=3:
00267             self.configureElectronic()
00268         if stagedic[self.opts.top_stage]>=4:
00269             self.configureTrigRead()
00270         if stagedic[self.opts.top_stage]>=5:
00271             self.configureSingleLoader()
00273         self.configureSim15()

Member Data Documentation


Definition at line 60 of file Sandglass.py.


Definition at line 61 of file Sandglass.py.


Definition at line 70 of file Sandglass.py.


Definition at line 246 of file Sandglass.py.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
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Generated on Mon Apr 11 20:11:47 2011 for FMCP11a by doxygen 1.4.7