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In This Package:

Gaudi::Configuration Namespace Reference


class  ConfFacade


def _fillConfDict
def importConfiguration
def configurationDict
def getConfigurable


tuple log = logging.getLogger("Gaudi.Configuration")
 allConfigurables = Configurable.allConfigurables

Function Documentation

def Gaudi::Configuration::_fillConfDict (  )  [private]

Definition at line 19 of file Configuration.py.

00019                    :
00020     nFiles = loadConfigurableDb()
00021     log = logging.getLogger( 'PropertyProxy' ) 
00022     log.debug( "Read module info for %d configurables from %d genConfDb files",
00023               len(cfgDb), nFiles )
00024     if len(cfgDb.duplicates()) > 0:
00025         log.warning( "Found %d duplicates among the %d genConfDb files :",
00026                      len(cfgDb.duplicates()), nFiles )
00027         log.warning( "--------------------------------------------------" )
00028         log.warning( "  -%s: %s - %s",
00029                      "<component name>", "<module>", "[ <duplicates> ]" )
00030         log.warning( "--------------------------------------------------" )
00031         dups = cfgDb.duplicates()
00032         for cfgName in dups.keys():
00033             log.warning( "  -%s: %s - %s",
00034                          cfgName,
00035                          cfgDb[cfgName]['module'],
00036                          str([ d['module'] for d in dups[cfgName]]) )
00037             pass
00038         del dups
00039         log.warning( "Fix your cmt/requirements file !!" )
00040         pass
00041     else:
00042         log.debug( "No duplicates have been found: that's good !" )
00043         pass
00044     return
00046 # fill the configurable dictionary at module load
00047 _fillConfDict()
import os, sys

def Gaudi::Configuration::importConfiguration (   conf,
  local = locals() 

Definition at line 51 of file Configuration.py.

00051                                               : 
00052     local[conf] = confDbGetConfigurable(conf)

def Gaudi::Configuration::configurationDict (   all = False  ) 

Return a dictionary representing the configuration.
The dictionary contains one entry per configurable which is a dictionary
with one entry per property.
The optional argument "all" is used to decide if to inluce only values
different from the default or all of them.

Definition at line 61 of file Configuration.py.

00061                                 :
00062     """Return a dictionary representing the configuration.
00063     The dictionary contains one entry per configurable which is a dictionary
00064     with one entry per property.
00065     The optional argument "all" is used to decide if to inluce only values
00066     different from the default or all of them.
00067     """
00068     from GaudiKernel.Proxy.Configurable import getNeededConfigurables
00070     catalog = allConfigurables
00071     keys = getNeededConfigurables() # use only interesting configurables
00072     conf_dict = {}
00073     if all:
00074         for n in keys :
00075             if n not in conf_dict:
00076                 conf_dict[n] = {}
00077             for p, v in  catalog[n].getDefaultProperties().items() :
00078                 conf_dict[n][p] = v
00080     for n in keys :
00081         if n not in conf_dict:
00082             conf_dict[n] = {}
00083         for p, v in catalog[n].getValuedProperties().items() :
00084             conf_dict[n][p] = v
00085     # purge empty configurables
00086     keys = conf_dict.keys()
00087     for n in keys:
00088         if not conf_dict[n]:
00089             del conf_dict[n]
00090     return conf_dict
def getConfigurable(name, defaultType = None):

def Gaudi::Configuration::getConfigurable (   name,
  defaultType = None 

Helper function to get a configurable with the given name regardless
for the type.
If defaultType can be a class derived from configurable or a string. If not
specified, the tool name is used as type.

Definition at line 92 of file Configuration.py.

00092                                              :
00093     """Helper function to get a configurable with the given name regardless
00094     for the type.
00095     If defaultType can be a class derived from configurable or a string. If not
00096     specified, the tool name is used as type."""
00097     if name in allConfigurables:
00098         return allConfigurables[name]
00099     else:
00100         # if the configurable is not found, we need to instantiate it
00101         if defaultType is None:
00102             # try to use the name of the configurable as default type
00103             defaultType = name
00104         if type(defaultType) is str:
00105             # we need to convert from string to actual class
00106             if defaultType in globals():
00107                 # We the type is defined in the global namespace
00108                 defaultType = globals()[defaultType]
00109             else:
00110                 # otherwise we try to get it from the Configurables database
00111                 exec "from Configurables import %s" % defaultType
00112                 defaultType = locals()[defaultType]
00113         return defaultType(name)
00115 sys.modules['Configurables'] = ConfFacade()
sys.modules['Configurables'] = ConfFacade()

Variable Documentation

tuple Gaudi::Configuration::log = logging.getLogger("Gaudi.Configuration") [static]

Definition at line 13 of file Configuration.py.

Gaudi::Configuration::allConfigurables = Configurable.allConfigurables [static]

Definition at line 17 of file Configuration.py.

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