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In This Package:

ToStream.h File Reference

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include "GaudiKernel/Map.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/HashMap.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/VectorMap.h"

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namespace  Gaudi
namespace  Gaudi::Utils




template<class TYPE>
std::ostream & Gaudi::Utils::toStream (const TYPE &obj, std::ostream &s)
 the generic implementation of the printout to the std::ostream
std::ostream & Gaudi::Utils::toStream (const std::string &obj, std::ostream &s)
 the printtout of the strings.
std::ostream & Gaudi::Utils::toStream (const bool obj, std::ostream &s)
 the printout of boolean values "a'la Python"
std::ostream & Gaudi::Utils::toStream (const float obj, std::ostream &s)
 the printout of float values with the reasonable precision
std::ostream & Gaudi::Utils::toStream (const double obj, std::ostream &s)
 the printout of double values with the reasonable precision
std::ostream & Gaudi::Utils::toStream (const long double obj, std::ostream &s)
 the printout of long double values with the reasonable precision
template<class KTYPE, class VTYPE>
std::ostream & Gaudi::Utils::toStream (const std::pair< KTYPE, VTYPE > &obj, std::ostream &s)
 the partial template specialization of std::pair<KTYPE,VTYPE> printout the pair is printed a'la Python tuple: " ( a , b )"
template<class TYPE, class ALLOCATOR>
std::ostream & Gaudi::Utils::toStream (const std::vector< TYPE, ALLOCATOR > &obj, std::ostream &s)
 the partial template specialization of std::vector<TYPE,ALLOCATOR> printout.
template<class TYPE, class ALLOCATOR>
std::ostream & Gaudi::Utils::toStream (const std::list< TYPE, ALLOCATOR > &obj, std::ostream &s)
 the partial template specialization of std::list<TYPE,ALLOCATOR> printout.
template<class TYPE, class CMP, class ALLOCATOR>
std::ostream & Gaudi::Utils::toStream (const std::set< TYPE, CMP, ALLOCATOR > &obj, std::ostream &s)
 the partial template specialization of std::set<TYPE,CMP,ALLOCATOR> printout.
template<class KTYPE, class VTYPE, class CMP, class ALLOCATOR>
std::ostream & Gaudi::Utils::toStream (const std::map< KTYPE, VTYPE, CMP, ALLOCATOR > &obj, std::ostream &s)
 the partial template specialization of std::map<KTYPE,VTYPE,CMP,ALLOCATOR> printout the map is printed a'la Python dict: " ( a : b , c: d , e : f )"
template<class KTYPE, class VTYPE, class CMP, class ALLOCATOR>
std::ostream & Gaudi::Utils::toStream (const GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KTYPE, VTYPE, CMP, ALLOCATOR > &obj, std::ostream &s)
 the partial template specialization of GaudiUtils::VectorMap<KTYPE,VTYPE,CMP,ALLOCATOR> printout the map is printed a'la Python dict: " ( a : b , c: d , e : f )"
template<class KTYPE, class VTYPE, class MAP>
std::ostream & Gaudi::Utils::toStream (const GaudiUtils::Map< KTYPE, VTYPE, MAP > &obj, std::ostream &s)
 the partial template specialization of GaudiUtils::Map<KTYPE,VTYPE,MAP> printout the map is printed a'la Python dict: " ( a : b , c: d , e : f )"
template<class KTYPE, class VTYPE, class HASH, class MAP>
std::ostream & Gaudi::Utils::toStream (const GaudiUtils::HashMap< KTYPE, VTYPE, HASH, MAP > &obj, std::ostream &s)
 the partial template specialization of GaudiUtils::HashMap<KTYPE,VTYPE,HASH,MAP> printout the map is printed a'la Python dict: " ( a : b , c: d , e : f )"
template<class TYPE>
std::string Gaudi::Utils::toString (const TYPE &obj)
 the generic implementation of the type conversion to the string

Define Documentation


Definition at line 6 of file ToStream.h.

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