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In This Package:

ProcessJobOptions::JobOptsParser Class Reference

Collaboration diagram for ProcessJobOptions::JobOptsParser:
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def __init__
def parse

Public Attributes


Static Public Attributes

tuple comment = re.compile(r'(//.*)$')
tuple comment_in_string = re.compile(r'(["\']).*//.*\1')
tuple directive = re.compile(r'^\s*#\s*([\w!]+)\s*(.*)\s*$')
tuple comment_ml = ( re.compile(r'/\*'), re.compile(r'\*/') )
string statement_sep = ";"
tuple reference = re.compile(r'^@([\w.]*)$')

Private Member Functions

def _include
def _parse_units
def _eval_statement

Detailed Description

Definition at line 131 of file ProcessJobOptions.py.

Member Function Documentation

def ProcessJobOptions::JobOptsParser::__init__ (   self  ) 

Definition at line 141 of file ProcessJobOptions.py.

00141                       :
00142         # parser level states
00143         self.units = {}
00144         self.defines = {}
00145         if sys.platform != 'win32':
00146             self.defines[ "WIN32" ] = True
    def _include(self,file,function):

def ProcessJobOptions::JobOptsParser::_include (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 148 of file ProcessJobOptions.py.

00148                                     :
00149         file = _find_file(file)
00150         if _to_be_included(file):
00151             _log.info("--> Including file '%s'", file)
00152             function(file)
00153             _log.info("<-- End of file '%s'", file)
    def parse(self,file):

def ProcessJobOptions::JobOptsParser::parse (   self,

Definition at line 155 of file ProcessJobOptions.py.

00155                         :
00156         # states for the "translation unit"
00157         statement = ""
00159         ifdef_level = 0
00160         ifdef_skipping = False
00161         ifdef_skipping_level = 0
00163         f = open(_find_file(file))
00164         l = f.readline()
00165         if l.startswith("#!"):
00166             # Skip the first line if it starts with "#!".
00167             # It allows to use options files as scripts.
00168             l = f.readline()
00170         while l:
00171             l = l.rstrip()+'\n' # normalize EOL chars (to avoid problems with DOS new-line on Unix)
00173             # single line comment
00174             m = self.comment.search(l)
00175             if m:
00176                 # check if the '//' is part of a string
00177                 m2 = self.comment_in_string.search(l)
00178                 # the '//' is part of a string if we find the quotes around it
00179                 # and they are not part of the comment itself  
00180                 if not ( m2 and m2.start() < m.start() ):
00181                     # if it is not the case, we can remove the comment from the
00182                     # statement 
00183                     l = l[:m.start()]+l[m.end():]
00184             # process directives
00185             m = self.directive.search(l)
00186             if m:
00187                 directive_name = m.group(1)
00188                 directive_arg = m.group(2).strip()
00189                 if directive_name == "include":
00190                     included_file = directive_arg.strip("'\"")
00191                     importOptions(included_file)
00192                 elif directive_name == "units":
00193                     units_file = directive_arg.strip("'\"")
00194                     self._include(units_file,self._parse_units)
00195                 elif directive_name in [ "ifdef", "ifndef"]:
00196                     ifdef_skipping_level = ifdef_level
00197                     ifdef_level += 1
00198                     if directive_arg in self.defines:
00199                         ifdef_skipping = directive_name == "ifndef"
00200                     else:
00201                         ifdef_skipping = directive_name == "ifdef"
00202                 elif directive_name == "else":
00203                     ifdef_skipping = not ifdef_skipping
00204                 elif directive_name == "endif":
00205                     ifdef_level -= 1
00206                     if ifdef_skipping and ifdef_skipping_level == ifdef_level:
00207                         ifdef_skipping = False
00208                 elif directive_name == "pragma":
00209                     if not directive_arg:
00210                         l = f.readline()
00211                         continue
00212                     pragma = directive_arg.split()
00213                     if pragma[0] == "print":
00214                         if len(pragma) > 1:
00215                             if pragma[1].upper() in [ "ON", "TRUE", "1" ]:
00216                                 PrintOn()
00217                             else:
00218                                 PrintOff()
00219                 else:
00220                     _log.warning("unknown directive '%s'", directive_name)
00221                 l = f.readline()
00222                 continue
00224             if ifdef_skipping:
00225                 l = f.readline()
00226                 continue
00228             # multi-line comment
00229             m = self.comment_ml[0].search(l)
00230             if m:
00231                 l,l1 = l[:m.start()],l[m.end():]
00232                 m = self.comment_ml[1].search(l1)
00233                 while not m:
00234                     l1 = f.readline()
00235                     if not l1:
00236                         break # EOF
00237                     m = self.comment_ml[1].search(l1)
00238                 if not l1 and not m:
00239                     raise ParserError("End Of File reached before end of multi-line comment")
00240                 l += l1[m.end():]
00242             if self.statement_sep in l:
00243                 i = l.index(self.statement_sep)
00244                 statement += l[:i]
00245                 self._eval_statement(statement.replace("\n","").strip())
00246                 statement = l[i+1:]
00247                 # it may happen (bug #37479) that the rest of the statement
00248                 # contains a comment.
00249                 if statement.lstrip().startswith("//"):
00250                     statement = ""
00251             else:
00252                 statement += l
00254             l = f.readline()
    def _parse_units(self,file):

def ProcessJobOptions::JobOptsParser::_parse_units (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 256 of file ProcessJobOptions.py.

00256                                :
00257         for line in open(file):
00258             if '//' in line:
00259                 line = line[:line.index('//')]
00260             line = line.strip()
00261             if not line:
00262                 continue
00263             nunit, value = line.split('=')
00264             factor, unit = nunit.split()
00265             value = eval(value)/eval(factor)
00266             self.units[unit] = value
    def _eval_statement(self,statement):

def ProcessJobOptions::JobOptsParser::_eval_statement (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 268 of file ProcessJobOptions.py.

00268                                        :
00269         from GaudiKernel.Proxy.Configurable import (ConfigurableGeneric,
00270                                                     Configurable,
00271                                                     PropertyReference)
00272         #statement = statement.replace("\n","").strip()
00273         _log.info("%s%s", statement, self.statement_sep)
00275         property,value = statement.split("=",1)
00277         inc = None
00278         if property[-1] in [ "+", "-" ]:
00279             inc = property[-1]
00280             property = property[:-1]
00282         property = property.strip()
00283         value = value.strip()
00285         ## find the configurable to apply the property to
00286         #parent_cfg = None
00287         #while '.' in property:
00288         #    component, property = property.split('.',1)
00289         #    if parent_cfg:
00290         #        if hasattr(parent_cfg,component):
00291         #            cfg = getattr(parent_cfg,component)
00292         #        else:
00293         #            cfg = ConfigurableGeneric(component)
00294         #            setattr(parent_cfg,component,cfg)
00295         #    else:
00296         #        cfg = ConfigurableGeneric(component)
00297         #    parent_cfg = cfg
00299         # remove spaces around dots
00300         property = '.'.join([w.strip() for w in property.split('.')])
00301         component, property = property.rsplit('.',1)
00302         if component in Configurable.allConfigurables:
00303             cfg = Configurable.allConfigurables[component]
00304         else:
00305             cfg = ConfigurableGeneric(component)
00307         #value = os.path.expandvars(value)
00308         value = value.replace('true','True').replace('false','False')
00309         if value[0] == '{' :
00310             # Try to guess if the values looks like a dictionary
00311             if ':' in value and not ( value[:value.index(':')].count('"')%2 or value[:value.index(':')].count("'")%2 ) :
00312                 # for dictionaries, keep the surrounding {}
00313                 value = '{'+value[1:-1].replace('{','[').replace('}',']')+'}'
00314             else : # otherwise replace all {} with []
00315                 value = value.replace('{','[').replace('}',']')
00317         # We must escape '\' because eval tends to interpret them 
00318         value = value.replace('\\','\\\\')
00320         # interprete the @ operator
00321         m = self.reference.match(value)
00322         if m:
00323             # this allows late binding of references
00324             value = PropertyReference(m.group(1))
00325         else:
00326             value = eval(value,self.units)
00328         #if type(value) is str    : value = os.path.expandvars(value)
00329         #elif type(value) is list : value = [ type(item) is str and os.path.expandvars(item) or item for item in value ]
00331         if property not in cfg.__slots__ and not hasattr(cfg,property):
00332             # check if the case of the property is wrong (old options are case insensitive)
00333             lprop = property.lower()
00334             for p in cfg.__slots__:
00335                 if lprop == p.lower():
00336                     _log.warning("property '%s' was requested for %s, but the correct spelling is '%s'", property, cfg.name(), p)
00337                     property = p
00338                     break
00340         # consider the += and -=
00341         if inc == "+":
00342             if hasattr(cfg,property):
00343                 prop = getattr(cfg,property)
00344                 if type(prop) == dict:
00345                     for k in value:
00346                         prop[k] = value[k]
00347                 else:
00348                     prop += value
00349             else:
00350                 setattr(cfg,property,value)
00351         elif inc == "-":
00352             if hasattr(cfg,property):
00353                 prop = getattr(cfg,property)
00354                 if type(prop) is dict:
00355                     for k in value:
00356                         if k in prop:
00357                             del prop[k]
00358                         else:
00359                             _log.warning("key '%s' not in %s.%s", k, cfg.name(), property)
00360                 else:
00361                     for k in value:
00362                         if k in prop:
00363                             prop.remove(k)
00364                         else:
00365                             _log.warning("value '%s' not in %s.%s", k, cfg.name(), property)
00366         else:
00367             setattr(cfg,property,value)
class _TempSysPath:

Member Data Documentation

tuple ProcessJobOptions::JobOptsParser::comment = re.compile(r'(//.*)$') [static]

Definition at line 132 of file ProcessJobOptions.py.

tuple ProcessJobOptions::JobOptsParser::comment_in_string = re.compile(r'(["\']).*//.*\1') [static]

Definition at line 135 of file ProcessJobOptions.py.

tuple ProcessJobOptions::JobOptsParser::directive = re.compile(r'^\s*#\s*([\w!]+)\s*(.*)\s*$') [static]

Definition at line 136 of file ProcessJobOptions.py.

tuple ProcessJobOptions::JobOptsParser::comment_ml = ( re.compile(r'/\*'), re.compile(r'\*/') ) [static]

Definition at line 137 of file ProcessJobOptions.py.

string ProcessJobOptions::JobOptsParser::statement_sep = ";" [static]

Definition at line 138 of file ProcessJobOptions.py.

tuple ProcessJobOptions::JobOptsParser::reference = re.compile(r'^@([\w.]*)$') [static]

Definition at line 139 of file ProcessJobOptions.py.


Definition at line 143 of file ProcessJobOptions.py.


Definition at line 144 of file ProcessJobOptions.py.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
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Generated on Mon Apr 11 19:57:20 2011 for GaudiKernel by doxygen 1.4.7